FanFic - Crashdown After Hours
"Always and Forever"
Part 21
by Linda
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, just borrowing 'em. I'll return' em the way I found 'em.
Summary: Lots of my faithful readers wanted to know what happens to the eight teens in the end. What do Liz and Max's parents say when they tell them they are pregnant? Do they tell any of the parents that Max, Michael and Isabel are aliens? Does Liz safely deliver the babies? What about the other couples? And what about Nasedo... for he's still out there...somewhere...
Category: After Hours
Rating: NC-17
Authors Note: If you haven't read my previous stories, "Us Six Against the World" and "Sense of Completion", it is recommended before reading this one. This is the last in the Trilogy.
The four girls trekked through the desert off the highway about 2 miles before Isabel, in the lead, stopped suddenly. Liz, right behind her, almost ran into Isabel.

Isabel instantly bent down and motioned for the others to do the same.

They were almost at the edge of a deep cliff, and in the valley below they could make out what looked like an old air base below. They had decided to go near dusk so that they could still see if there was a facility, but also it would be dark enough soon for them to move closer if they needed to.

The four girls knelt down and looked over the edge. Maria and Cassie held binoculars but none of them did anything but stare at the base.

"My God, it IS there. Our parents could be alive!" Liz whispered with excitement, for all of them.

Isabel clenched hands with Liz and they all held their breaths in amazement and joy. All four of them had tears in their eyes as they prayed that their parents were down there and alive.

"We should go back and get the guys. I'm sure if we tell them not to tell Max they won't. Since they know that Liz's dreams are coming true." Cassie said.

"I agree. I can talk Michael into leaving Max out of this." Maria nodded.

The girls all started to get up when suddenly Liz pulled on Isabel's arm and they all went down again. A car could be seen approaching in the distance.

"Okay now we KNOW something is going on there. Let's go get the guys." Isabel said and turned to the others with a smile.

They all started to get up again, but Liz stayed where she was, frozen in her spot as she watched the car in the far distance heading toward the old base.

"No. I'm not going anywhere. Max is in that car." She said grimly and with fear.

"Liz how? Never mind. My God! How did he GET here!?" Maria asked in fright. They all knew Liz and Cassie had seen Max's death.

"He must have had the same dream. I had hoped he hadn't because he'd looked so peacefully asleep still when I left this morning but..."

"He must have been pretending to keep it from you. Boy you two are a pair!" Isabel sighed and started wringing her hands. She too was terrified for her brother.

"Now we HAVE to go get the guys!" Cassie whispered desperately. She too remembered the dreams she'd had of Max all bloody and lifeless.

"I'm not leaving with Max down there." Liz said softly but in a voice that booked no argument.

The three girls were at a loss. "Liz babe, we CAN'T leave you hear alone and pregnant. And we have to go get the guys. WE can't do anything by our selves. We need Michael and Jordan's powers as well as Is and Cassie's if we want to save Max and our parents." Maria tried to reason.

Liz turned to her oldest friend with a look of fright but determination in her eyes. "Maria, I'm not leaving him down there. What would you do if it was Michael?"

Maria couldn't argue with that. She sighed.

"Okay, Maria you stay with Liz and make sure she STAYS put! Cassie and I will hike back and get the guys." Isabel suggested.

"Do you really think the guys aren't somewhere close by already?" Liz asked realizing that Max would not go without a back up plan.

"If they knew exactly where this place was they would have all gone together." Maria remarked knowing Michael would NOT let Max go in there alone.

"I think we should try to contact them with our minds. They might be close but not know exactly where Max was taken. Someone might have picked Max up and is driving him into that place." Cassie added.

Isabel nodded and closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on Alex and her Uncle Jordan, while Maria did the same with Michael, and Cassie tried Kyle.

Liz bit her lip and concentrated on the vehicle slowly approaching the airbase in the distance.

"Max... Why did you go alone? You know what I saw." Liz whispered in despair. She had tried to communicate with Max but he must have shut down, for she couldn't get anything.


"So it's true...Jeff...the things Claudia told us about. My God. The little fetus' she saw." Nancy Parker slowly sat down on one of the benches in their jail cell in shock.

Jeff Parker, also in shock sat down next to her and held her hand as he looked toward Diane Evans.

"Max was one of those babies?" he asked hoarsely, still not sure he had heard right.

Diane nodded but didn't add anything about Michael and Isabel incase their cell was bugged. So far as she could figure, this maniac who held them didn't know about Isabel or Michael.

"I remember having nightmares about those babies in the fetus' Claudia saw. I was just dating Jeff when she told me that story and I kept imagining these little babies coming into the world and being tortured by the government. We had heard so many stories about captured Aliens that were experimented on. So many people didn't believe it, but I knew Claudia wouldn't have made that all up. She was there before it was cleaned up and covered up. All I could think about was those poor babies. Thank GOD Max survived somehow." Nancy Parker rambled on more to herself than any of the others.

Diane was surprised at how well the Parker's were taking the news. But then she figured if they had believed all along in the alien concept, that it might not be that difficult to believe they were still around.

"But Max... and my Liz! How? Is she going to be okay? Is the baby..." Nancy started realizing what this meant to her baby and she looked at Diane with fear in her eyes.

Diane smiled softly and reassured Nancy immediately. "It's going to be fine. There is more to tell, but let's wait till we get out of here." She warned with her eyes as she reached for Nancy's hand and squeezed it. "But trust me. Liz WILL be fine." She smiled warmly and transferred the mother-to-mother support with her eyes.

Nancy understood they might be bugged and so she only nodded. Liz would be okay. That was all she needed to know right now.

"So...these maniacs want Max? WHY?" Jeff finally said, still in shock. He hadn't quite believed his mom like Nancy had. He had always been more skeptical. But now... the proof was right in front of him. And his daughter was married to it!

"I would say to do experiments get rid of the 'danger'." Mr. Evans answered angrily.

"WHAT! Why would the government want to harm one young boy who's hardly a man yet!?" Nancy asked in outrage.

"They are afraid of his powers." Diane whispered sadly. She was so afraid for Max.

"P...powers?" Jeff tried to grasp this new thought.

The Sheriff and Amy just waited as the Evans' told the Parkers. They understood how difficult it was for the Parkers to take it all in. Amy especially understood since her own daughter was married to an alien as well.

"Max can heal things, people." Diane explained softly. The love for her son was so evident in her voice. "He healed Liz. That day of the shooting over a year ago now." She smiled.

The Parker's both gasped and clasped hands. "Lizzy WAS shot that day?" Jeff barely managed to get out. Just the thought that they might have lost her made him weak.

"Max brought attention to himself from that day on. I was so obsessed with proving my father was right, that I pursued the boy relentlessly for awhile." Jim said with disgust for himself. Amy squeezed his hand to console him.

"You've made up for it by protecting th…him since." Amy said softly.

"You saved Max's and all the kids lives when they were facing the stalker Jim. Don't be so hard on yourself. Max does not hold a grudge, and neither do I." Diane Parker assured him as well.

"Max healed Liz?" Nancy was still trying to grasp this.

Diane nodded. "That's how the FBI or whatever these people are became aware of Max. From the rumors at the shooting." She said remembering how Max and Isabel had told them about their guidance counselor who had really been an FBI agent.

"So they want Max, and Liz and the baby to do their horrid...ex...experiments on?" Nancy said hoarsely and turned sheet white as she put a hand to her chest, overwhelmed and terrified for her little girl and the boy she'd come to think of as a son.

None of them answered. They all just sat numbly, not knowing what to say or do since Nancy had spoken the truth.

"Max won't let them have Liz or the babies." Diane assured Nancy.

"I know." Nancy said softly. She knew that much about Max. He worshiped the ground her daughter walked on and would do anything for her. She just hadn't realized that he had also saved her life selflessly as well. "But Liz won't let Max give himself up either." Nancy said, knowing how much her daughter loved Max.

They all came to their feet as they heard the key in the lock and the door swung open.

"Come." One of the guards said blandly and led them all out. One guard led the group and the other followed. The men felt helpless as they held the women and followed their prison guards.

The six were led to an open area, and immediately Diane cried out when she saw her son next to the maniac who was in charge.

"Max! Oh my GOD NO!" Diane sobbed and ran to him.

Part 20 | Index | Part 22
Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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