FanFic - Max/Liz
Part 3
Category: Max/Liz
Rating: R
Max walks up to Michael and just stands beside him quietly for a minute.

Max: "How is she?" Michael: (staring out the window) "Maria's o.k. . . . for now, but her Mom . . ."

Max: "Did the tests show anything?"

Michael: "No. That's what's so damned frustrating. She's getting sicker by the hour, but they have no idea what's wrong with her."

Max: "Michael, . . . I'm really sorry."

Michael: (looking at Max) "Yeah . . . I know. It's just hard. She's the first adult that really seemed to . . . well, anyway." (sighs) I don't know what Maria's going to do without her."

Max: "She'll have you . . . she'll get through it."

Michael: "Yeah . . . you know, the funny thing is, I can't imagine life without Maria in it anymore. I can't even remember why I was so determined to stay away from her."

Max: "Maybe there never really was a good reason."

Michael: "What d'ya mean?"

Max: "I just think that maybe it's foolish for us to keep thinking that we're so different and that we might have a home somewhere else. All of us have homes right here and people that love us. Maybe we should just be content with what we have. It's not like it's a bad deal."

Michael: (just looks at Max for a minute) (looks back out the window) "Maybe you're right. I don't know."

Liz walks into the hospital room and immediately has to take control of her emotions. Maria has obviously been crying, but is putting on a brave face for the moment. Amy DeLuca looks awful. Liz can't believe that someone who was so full of life such a short time ago could look like that now. Even her Grandma hadn't looked this bad. Liz's heart is just breaking for Maria. She walks over to her best friend and sits down beside her and wraps her arms around her. Maria let's go for a minuite and sobs her heart out. Liz notices Maria's Mom starting to wake up and pulls back gently gesturing to Maria. Her Mom wakes up just long enough to tell her how sorry she is that she didn't leave her in better shape financially, and that she loves her dearly. Maria assures her Mom that it's not over yet, but Mrs. DeLuca is unconvinced. She quickly tires and goes back to sleep.

Liz: "Maria, I'm so sorry I had to leave this morning."

Maria: "It's o.k. You're here now and that's what matters to me." (wiping her eyes and trying to get her composure back, but she's not sure why she's even making the attempt anymore)

Liz: "I'm going to step outside and talk to the others for a minute. Do you want me to bring you anything?"

Maria: "No. Just ask Michael to come in, o.k.?"

Liz: "Sure." "I'll be back in a little while." (gets up and walks out)

On the way down the hall, Liz starts to feel a little dizzy and her ears are ringing and her vision is blurring. She stops for a minute and leans against the wall for support. Max has just looked up and sees her there against the wall. He jumps up and rushes to her, just before she collapses against him. Max is so scared he can hardly breathe. He carries her over to the lounge and tries repeatedly to wake her up, but there's no response from Liz. He can tell that she's breathing o.k., but something must be wrong for her to collapse like this. Alex, Michael, and Isabel, all gather around Max and Liz. In a few minutes Liz opens her eyes. She looks up at Max and blinks a few times to clear her vision. She tells him that she's o.k. and quickly looks for Michael.

Liz: "Maria needs you now, Michael." He doesn't hesitate, just runs down the hall.

Max: "Liz, are you sure you're alright?"

Liz: "Yeah . . . this happens sometimes. Maria's Mom . . . . I had a vision . . . " (overwhelmed with grief) "Max, please hold me."

Max quickly scoops her up onto his lap and wraps his arms around her. Liz can't hold back her own emotions any longer and she lays her head down on Max's shoulder . . . and cries. Isabel turns to Alex and puts her arms around him to comfort him.


Michael and Maria walk out to the others, and without speaking they all leave together to go to Maria's house. No one even considers going anywhere else. Every single one of them feel the intense need to be with the others. The enormity of Maria's loss is pressing in on all of them. They arrive at Maria's home and huddle together in the living room. Maria is still so shocked she can't even cry. Liz is beside herself with worry for Maria, but forcing herself to hide it and be strong for her best friend. Eventually, Michael leads Maria back to her bedroom. His heart just aches for her, and the need to comfort her is consuming him. He knows what it's like to be alone in the world, but he never wanted that for her. He was used to it, but Maria . . .

Michael undresses Maria as quickly as he can and slips one of her favorite t-shirts over her head before settling her in bed. He kneels down beside her bed and tucks the covers in around her. He wished she would just cry. It couldn't be good for her to just hold it all inside like this. He feels at such a loss as to how to help her, until . . .

Maria: (reaching up to touch his face) "I really need you tonight, Michael."

Michael: (not understanding her) "I know. I'm here."

Maria: (completely focused) "No. I mean I need you tonight . . . I need you inside me . . . I need you to . .

Michael: (can't believe he's actually saying this) "Maria . . . I don't think . . . I don't want you to regret . . .

Maria: (completely vulnerable) "I can't convince you right now. I can't argue, I can't feel . . . please . . .

Michael stands up without taking his eyes off of Maria's face, and unbuttons his shirt discarding it on the floor. He unfastens his pants and steps out of them. Maria holds up the corner of the blanket and he slides in beside her, pulling her to him and kissing her carefully . . .


Michael is holding Maria close to him and watching her sleep. Making love to her had been everything he knew it would be and much more. Maybe this was why he had kept her away for so long. Maybe deep down, he knew that if they ever had sex, it wouldn't be just sex. He wanted her to have his children, and that was completely ridiculous. They weren't even the same species! But there it was. He wanted her . . . to be with, to laugh with, to talk with, to . . . love? Oh God, what had she done to him?

Meanwhile, Alex and Isabel have gone off to bed and Max and Liz are once again on the living room floor. Both are quiet, but each is profoundly grateful for the other's presence. They are laying on their sides facing each other, and Max is watching Liz's face and wishing there was some way he could stop the flow of tears that were seeping out through her lashes.

Unfortunately, there was no magic fix for this. He couldn't spare her this pain. All he could do was be there for her. Her feelings of grief were pouring over him like waves crashing on the shore. Max is running his hand down her hair and marvelling at the feel of it in his hand. Without opening her eyes, Liz reaches out and pulls Max close to her, so that she can find his mouth with hers. He tastes the salt from her tears, and in the next instant he is desperately trying to cope with the force of her need for him. The connection between them was so fast and so strong that Max felt disoriented and a little surreal. He had never felt this kind of need from Liz. Desire, yes. Passion, yes. But this was something different. Desperate. His body responded to her seemingly without any input from his brain whatsoever. In a flash of blinding urgency, they blended together physically and mentally, until both collapsed from exhaustion. Max kept Liz close to him and pulled the blankets over them, hoping that she could rest now. He leaned over to whisper in her ear that he loved her, but she was already asleep. In minutes, he was, too.


It had been a hectic couple of days, but the six of them had been inseparable. Thankfully, their parents had all been very understanding about their need to be together. Even Liz's parents, who were still trying to cope with their daughter's recent return, were cutting her a lot of slack. Liz had never been so proud of Maria in her life. She couldn't believe how she was getting through this. Liz had always known that Maria was a lot less ditzy than she let on, but the strength she had shown in the past two days was truly remarkable. The funeral had been the hardest part, and now it was over. Now, they all just had to figure out how to go on from here. Once again the six of them are at Maria's house and everyone is so emotionally exhausted that they just sit together talking quietly with one another. Finally, Liz and Maria go into the kitchen to get a snack for everyone.

Liz: "Maria, will you be able to manage here by yourself for a while tomorrow?"

Maria: (looking up in question) "Sure . . . everything's done . . . I'm just going to rest tomorrow and try to figure out my life." "What's up?"

Liz: (feeling terrible about having to leave right now) "There are a couple of things I really have to take care of at the reservation." "I won't be gone very long, but I do have to go."

Maria: "Have you decided yet, what you are going to do? We haven't had much of a chance to talk about it . . . "

Liz: (aching inside for Maria) "I'm not completely sure yet. What about you?"

Maria: "Well, this house is paid for, so if I can make enough money to pay the utilities and taxes, I can continue to live here." "I think I can just about swing it, even going to school."

Liz: "That's wonderful news."

Maria: "Yeah. There's also a little insurance money, but I'm going to try to save that for college. I never wanted to go before, but now . . . I just don't know what I want to do, but I want to be able to go if I decide to . . . you know what I mean?"

Liz: "Yeah . . . I do. I think that's really smart. If I haven't told you yet today, I'm so proud of you, Maria, and I love you so much."

Maria: "Thanks. I'm glad you're here, Liz. I don't know how I could've managed if you hadn't come home when you did."

Liz: "I'd have never let you go through this alone, no matter what."

Maria: "Well, maybe I can come out and see your place soon . . ."

Liz: (brightening) "I'd love that." "I'd really like you to meet this most wonderful little guy in my life."

Maria: "I wouldn't call Max little and I've already met him." (teasing)

Liz: (laughing) "This is someone else."

Maria: "There is no way that you will ever convince me that there is someone else for you."

Liz: "You're right . . . there isn't . . . but this little guy is only 1 year old and he's a real charmer."

Maria: "Ah . . . so, that's what you've been up to out there."

Liz: "Yeah. He misses me terribly when I'm away too long."

Maria: "Who is he?"

Liz: "His Mom died when he was born and no one seems to know who his father is." "I suppose he might get adopted eventually, but he was so sick at first that it really wasn't an issue." "Sometimes, I'm not sure who saved whom. If it hadn't been for taking care of him, I don't know what I would've done. I needed him as much as he needed me."

The girls finish putting together their snack and make their way out into the living room. No one is really very hungry, but they all make an effort to eat a little. Afterward, they clean up, and head off to bed. It's become so routine now, that they're starting to wonder how they'll ever go back to normal. Liz and Max are making their bed on the floor and working together quietly. Liz realizes that it's really amazing how she and Max don't have to talk in order to know what the other one was thinking. It seemed like they were quiet with each other more than they were talking. She sits down on their makeshift bed and grabs his hand pulling him down beside her. She stares into his eyes for a minute and forgets that there was something she wanted to ask him. Max is swept away by the look on her face. He never would've believed it was possible to be loved like this. He reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and kisses her gently. He pulls back and is humbled by the way she responds to him.

Max: "Liz . . . "

Liz: (opening her eyes to looks at him) "Max . . . I need to ask you something . . . "

Max: (instantly alert) "What . . . "

Liz: "Can you take me back to the reservation tomorrow for a little while?" "I know I've basically taken over your life these past few days, and if you can't it's . . . "

Max: (putting his hand behind her neck and pulling her face close to his) "Liz, there is no place I would rather be than with you, but I have to work tomorrow. You can take the jeep."

Liz: (smiling) "Thank you."

Max: "I wish I could go with you . . . "

Liz: "Yeah . . . me, too." "Actually, I'm looking forward to a day of doing something close to normal. Working sounds good right now after all the craziness . . . "

Max: "I know what you mean. I have to be at work at 10 and I'll be done at 6. Will you be able to be back by then, because if you can't . . . "

Liz: "No, Max. That's plenty of time. I'll be back, don't worry." They settle down beside each other and Max pulls Liz close to him with one arm under her head and the other around her tiny waist. She was so small. He couldn't help but feel protective of her. He didn't know what he would do now if anything ever happened to her.


Maria wakes up and searches Michael's face to see why he's awake in the middle of the night. He just stares at her for a few minutes, taking in the way the moonlight made her face glow. He feels so restless inside and knows that he's never going to have any peace until he just . . .

Michael: "I . . . want you to marry me."

Maria: (stunned but touched) "What?!?!

Michael: "I want to take care of you."

Maria: (melting) "Michael . . .

Michael: (rushing to get the words out) "And, it's not just because of your Mom (Maria's eyes darken with pain) . . . God, I'm sorry . . . I don't know how to say this . . ."

Maria: (swallowing hard against the lump in her throat) "Michael, I would be insanely happy to be your wife, but we are like 17 . . . you can barely take care of you."

Michael: "We could make it." "I really think we should."

Maria: "Um . . . before you sacrifice yourself like this, I think you should know that I'm not completely destitute. My Mom owned this house and the car is paid for. It isn't a lot, but I'll be able to survive and still go to school, so you don't have to feel like . . ."

Michael: "You think I would marry you, just because I felt sorry for you?"

Maria: "Stranger things have happened."

Michael: "Not to me, and I've experienced some strange things." "I'm serious about this, Maria. It's got nothing to do with your financial status."

Maria: "Is it because you're afraid I might have gotten pregnant?"

Michael: (uncomfortable that she's bringing up the topic that he's only just begun exploring himself) "No, it's not because I'm afraid . . . it's more like . . . I wouldn't mind if you did."

Maria: "Michael, that's . . . just crazy . . . we're too young . . . and besides, I'm on the pill and have been since I started having the menses from hell."

Michael: "That's not a guarantee."

Maria: (lost) "Why . . . (the light dawns) Oh . . . because you're . . .

Michael: "Yeah."

Maria adjusts to a more comfortable position and stares up at the ceiling for a minute. Finally, without taking her eyes off the ceiling, she decides to take the plunge.

Maria: "Do you love me?"

Michael: (struggling with himself) "I think . . . yeah, maybe I do."

Maria: (fighting not to say something sarcastic and bearing in mind that this is Michael, she turns her head back toward him) "I love you, too."

Michael: (relieved to have made it through this conversation but needing an answer) "Will you marry me then?"

Maria: (not missing the anxiety so carefully hidden behind all that bravado) "Yes . . . (can't resist teasing him just a little) I think . . . maybe I will."

She smiles at him, and he feels some strange release of tension deep inside himself. He takes a deep breath and relaxes for quite possibly the first time in his life.

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