FanFic - Crashdown After Hours
"The Experiment"
Part 21
by LivE
Disclaimer: Nothing Roswell is mine, sadly!!!
Summary: This takes place two weeks after Destiny. Someone from the alien’s race contacts them and takes them to a camp where they were to receive training before returning to their planet. Or maybe for something else! Read and find out…
Category: After Hours
Rating: NC-17
Journal Entry 30

A traitor in our midst. I still feel ill at the thought. The phase WAS to find out how intense her connection with him was, but without creating such pain for them both. Oh, Aaron and Kayla, if you could only see…

They couldn’t get anything out of Jans. Liz was close to tears with frustration because she really wanted to find Max. At least the negative feelings from Max had subsided as soon as they had Jans under control. Now, all she could sense was impatience.

Nick turned to them. "He must have had help with this. He was with me in the camp while Max disappeared. We should still be careful." He nodded at two of the other men present to take Jans away.

"Why don’t we just drive around a bit and I’ll try to find him?" Liz pleaded with Nick. She hated standing around here. "I feel like he isn’t that far away…"

"Lizzie, we’re in the middle of the desert! Where would they hide him out here?" Maria was pressed to Michael’s side. They were all still staring at Liz as if she had sprouted horns.

"I don’t know, Maria! But I need to find him. I NEED him."

"Well, as long as I don’t have to be around when you tell Max that you had Jans teach you self-defense…" Maria’s mumble lightened the atmosphere for a few precious minutes.


The search seemed to take forever. Liz was getting really tired. They had driven in ever-increasing circles in the hope that Liz would sense something, but so far they had had little success.

Liz was in the Jeep with Michael, Maria and Izzy. Laying back against the seat and sighing, she thought back to the afternoon after the bonding ceremony. She had been in this same seat, but under very different circumstances. She still remembered the heat and hunger of Max’s gaze. How his hands had felt on her skin. How desperately she had wanted to be with him… Her body suddenly started humming, making her sit up in her seat.

Michael saw the movement from the corner of his eye and brought the Jeep to a halt.

Liz got out, hugging herself. She started walking towards a group of rocks, her eyes closed in concentration. The other three also jumped out of the Jeep and followed her with Michael hovering close behind her to make sure that she didn’t fall or bump into something.

"He’s here… somewhere close." Liz’s voice was soft.

Nick grabbed hold of her arm, holding her back. "Let us do the rest. We cannot endanger you too." He eyed Liz warily as she got a stubborn look on her face. "There are other people involved with this, Liz, we’ll come get you as soon as he’s out."

Maria came over to hug Liz, effectively keeping her from going with the rest of the group. Michael’s orders. Maria sighed. When had Spaceboy gotten so responsible?


Journal Entry 31

I knew that I should not allow them to do this. But these are extraordinary times for my people… for them. How much more must they prove before we tell them everything? They need this… almost as much as we do.

The wait was agonizing for Liz. It felt like hours since the rescue team had disappeared around the rocks. "What is taking them so long, Maria?"

Maria had been wondering the same thing, but didn’t want to alarm Liz. "Relax, chica. I’m sure they’re fine." ‘Or I’ll kill them all myself!’ she thought.

Liz and Maria were sitting in the shade of the rocks in an attempt to escape the scorching midday desert sun. Liz watched the horizon shimmering with heat through half-closed lids. ‘If Max ever arrives, I’m kissing him for three hours solid to make up for yesterday!’ She felt a burst of happiness from Max and hoped Maria didn’t see her blush. This shared connection thing could become a problem!

Her body told her he was near before she could see him. She was up and running past a surprised Maria in an instant.

They nearly ran each other into the ground, but Max caught her and swung her up in the air instead. No words were necessary. They loved each other, they were happy they were safe and together, their connection did the rest. Their kiss was filled with all the emotions sweeping through them.

Max was holding her so tight, Liz could barely breathe. She ran her hands over his body, trying to ascertain if he was indeed not harmed. But all she felt under her fingertips were smooth skin and gloriously firm muscles. Only her perfect Max, no worse for wear.

"Ahem…" Michael’s effort to break up the reunion went unnoticed.

Max couldn’t stop kissing Liz. He had been so afraid for her, afraid that he would never see her again. It put so much into perspective. How short life could be and how one should make the most of every moment. He stared at her when he finally lifted his mouth. Yes, that’s what they should do… make the most of every moment they have together!

Nick’s voice finally intruded. "We should go back and deal with these three."

Max and Liz were still looking at each other intently. The others were starting to become uncomfortable with the long silence when Liz suddenly nodded at Max before dipping her head and blushing.

Taking a deep breath, Max turned to Nick. "Could you leave us the Jeep? We… ah… need some time alone."

Maria’s mouth dropped open. Surely Max Evans wasn’t saying what she thought he was saying! She turned her eyes to her friend. Liz was clinging to Max’s hand and staring at the ground. Maria walked over to Liz determinedly, but she basically had to tear Liz from Max’s grip. "I’m sorry Max, but I REALLY need to talk to Liz."

When she judged that she had dragged Liz away far enough, she whirled on her. "Lizzie, what the hell are you doing! We don’t know what will happen! What if-."

"I don’t care, Maria!" Liz interrupted her with a firm voice. "This is not normal circumstances. Nothing about me and Max is normal! I only know one thing: we love each other. That’s all that matters to me…"

Maria stared at her speechless. Seeing the certainty in her friend’s eyes, Maria gave in. "You better tell me everything afterwards, girl! I have a stake in this too, you know!"

Liz was staring back at Max. "Yeah, I don’t think I would tell you everything, Maria. Maybe just the important bits…" She smiled as she walked back to Max, basking in his heated appraisal of her progress. It was time for another first in her life. Yet another first that would be the result of Max Evans…

Part 20 | Index | Part 22
Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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