FanFic - Alex/Isabel
"The Road Home"
Part 2
by Cheri
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the WB or Roswell.
Summary: After finally making it as a big star, something is still missing from Isabel's life. She comes back to Roswell to try and get that something back.
Category: Alex/Isabel
Rating: PG-13
Isabel awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. She couldn't remember the last time she had slept so soundly. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was only 9 am. I have plenty of time, she thought to herself. She grabbed her robe and started to walk downstairs.

She hadn't even reached the top of the stairs when she heard the commotion downstairs. What is going on down there? She asked herself. Well, there's only one way to find out. She continued her trek down the stairs, when she reached the bottom she heard her name.

"Quiet down, you two. You don't want to wake Isabel. Let the poor girl sleep!" Liz was saying.

"Too late." Isabel said as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the counter.

"Sorry, Is. I honestly tried to keep them quiet."

"It's okay. I remember how much Michael and Maria love to argue in the morning." That's when Isabel heard a baby's cry. "Is she here?" Isabel asked rather excitedly.

"Yeah, in the living room. You wanna meet her?" Maria asked.

"Yeah." Isabel said as she hurriedly got up and ran towards the living room. She stopped suddenly when she saw Alex sitting there holding the baby. Isabel instinctively pulled her robe around her tighter and quickly felt her hair to make sure nothing was sticking up.

Alex had heard Isabel come down the stairs and go into the kitchen. He felt awkward about what had happened last night. When she had entered the living room and paused he didn't know what to expect. When he saw her trying to straighten herself, he had to hold back a chuckle. Some things never change, do they? Alex said to himself.

He didn't know what to say to her. She always had that effect on him, ever since they were children. So he decided to let her start up a conversation.

"Oh, let me hold her!" Isabel said to Alex. "My aren't you a pretty little girl. Yes, you are." Isabel cooed at the little girl. Bella looked at her and started laughing. Isabel sat on the floor and started playing with her, tickling her and so.

Alex could do nothing but watch her. That is the real Isabel. He thought. She was born to be a mother.

“Alex, hey, Earth to Alex. You want some breakfast?” Michael asked, breaking Alex out of his thoughts.

“Yeah, I guess.” Alex said and then looked over at Isabel still playing with Bella. “Do you want anything, Isabel?”

Isabel looked up at him and just smiled. Always the thoughtful one, was Alex. “No, I’m fine. Thanks, anyways, Alex.”

No sooner did Alex walk into the kitchen, Max came into the living room. “Isabel, are you going to eat breakfast?”

“I’m not really hungry, Max.”

“Isabel, you’re skin and bones. I’ve never seen you so thin. You need to eat something.”

“Max, I’m just not hungry right now. I’ll eat something later, I promise.”

Max kneeled down next to her and the baby on the floor and softly said, “Isabel, what’s going on with you? You’re obviously not fine.”

Isabel looked at her brother and smiled. “No, but I will be. Just give me a little time to adjust, Max.”

***** Meanwhile, in the kitchen…

“Why do you think she came home?” Alex asked them.

“Why do you think she came home, Alex? She says she just realized she needed to be home. But, we all know why she’s really here.” Liz told him.

“Max told her about Victoria? Perfect timing.” Alex muttered.

“Speaking of Victoria, where is she, Alex?” Liz asked her friend recalling that she wasn’t at Alex’s apartment last night, either.

“We had an argument and she left.” Alex said matter-of-factly.

“An argument. Over what?” Maria asked.

“Isabel. Victoria asked me point blank, out of nowhere if I still loved Isabel. Apparently she didn’t like my answer, so she told me that she couldn’t marry someone who was and I quote, ‘obsessed with a movie star’ and the she just walked out. I haven’t heard from her since.” Alex said emotionless.

They all looked at Alex and although he didn’t actually admit that he still loved Isabel, they all knew that he still did. They saw it in his eyes last night at the café. They just didn’t know what he was going to do about it.

“So you two are finished?” Michael asked. As soon as he said those words, Maria slapped his arm.

“Yeah, we are. I’ve had some time to think about it and I don’t think we would have lasted long, anyways. Victoria and I are so different and she isn’t my...”

“Soul-mate.” They all said in unison.

“Yeah. I really did care about her, though. Can we keep this information low-key? At least for a little while.” Alex said to his friends.

They group didn’t have time to respond to his request, because that was when Max, Isabel and the baby entered the kitchen. Isabel looked from friend to friend and realized that they had been talking about her. In their younger days, she would have blown up and demanded to know what was said. But, today, she didn’t care. She knew that they were just worried about her, so she let it slide.

“So, what’s for breakfast and where’s the Tabasco sauce?” She asked smiling.

***** Two hours later, they drove out to the quarry. Max and Liz in the jeep, Maria and Michael in her car and Isabel and Alex in his SUV. Isabel knew the drive to the quarry was only 20 minutes long, but she was nervous being alone with Alex.

“It’s amazing that the jeep is still operational. I would’ve thought that Max would have retired her years ago.” Isabel said trying to make small talk.

“There are just some things you don’t want to give up.” Alex said looking straight into her eyes.

“Yeah, I know.” She said back to him.

“Max told me you were doing some “blockbuster” of a movie. How come you aren’t filming?” Alex asked her.

“The director was this major slime. He wanted me to do something I’d never do,” Nude scenes, Alex thought, “so I quit.” Isabel explained. So, he still asks about me.

“Won’t that hurt your career?” Alex asked.

Isabel noticed he seemed concerned and then said whole-heartedly “I really don’t care!” And then she smiled one of those rare smiles that she used to only give Alex, and his heart thudded.

They talked the rest of the way about Alex’s software/security company and how he got the idea for it from their adventures in high school.

***** In the jeep, Liz told Max what Alex had told them in the kitchen earlier.

“So he doesn’t want us to mention this to Isabel? I wonder what he’s planning.” Max said.

“Max!” Liz shrieked and then added, “Do you think he’s planning something?”

“It would be the only reason he doesn’t want her to know. Think about it, Liz, how many times has Victoria’s name came up in conversation, only once, and that was when Isabel wasn’t around. There is something in the works. I think Isabel is planning something, too.”

“I kind of thought that about Isabel, but not Alex. Maybe he just wants Isabel to make the first move.”

“That maybe it, too. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”

***** “Michael, never let me forget how lucky we are.”

“What are you talking about, Maria?”

“That we are still together after all these years. That our marriage has been mostly happy.”

“Where is all of this coming from?” Michael asked worriedly.

“I was just thinking about high school. About the way all of us were then. Max and Liz were the ultimate soul-mates. We didn’t know if we should stay together or apart. And Isabel and Alex, they were the stable ones. They were the couple I thought would last.”

“Why did you think that?”

“I don’t know. It was just that they really took things slowly. They were truly friends before anything serious happened between them.”

“They still have a chance, Maria. Isabel still loves him and we both know that Alex loves her. It’s just a matter of time before they figure it out too.” Michael said to her.

Maria smiled at her husband. There were times she thought that her marriage was a mistake but they were always forgotten when Michael gave her his special “Michael look” that was only for her.

***** When they arrived at the quarry, the two married couples noticed a change in Isabel and Alex. They seemed more relaxed and calm around each other. It was almost the way they were with each other before Isabel left. When they got out of Alex’s vehicle they were both laughing. Max couldn’t remember the last time he saw his sister laugh like that.

“So what’s so funny?” Michael asked.

“Alex was telling me about the day that Bella was born.” Isabel said with a chuckle.

“You didn’t.” Maria said to Alex laughing.

“Michael, did you really drive all the way to the hospital without Maria?” Isabel asked giggling.

“I don’t know what Whitman here has told you, but I did not drive all the way without Maria- just part way.” Michael stammered. “Well at least I wasn’t the one freaking out in the emergency room- Maxwell!” Michael added.

“Hey, Liz was freaking out over Maria. I thought Liz was going to hyperventilate or something. I wasn’t the one who passed out in the delivery room, Michael.” Max laughed.

“Michael only passed out because he used his powers to take some of the pain away from me.” Maria told them all looking at Michael lovingly.

“You used your powers? You never told us that.” Max said. “You felt her labor pains? Okay, I’ll give you one.”

“Yeah, well you should have seen her. I’ll tell you what, I gained a new admiration for women that day.” Michael honestly admitted.

“And what was Alex doing while you were giving birth, you two were freaking out, and you were passed out?” Isabel asked, pointing to each one individually.

“About midway through, I think, he doubled over in one of the chairs in the waiting room.” Liz said.

“Why?” Isabel asked worriedly.

“Acute appendicitis.” Alex said.

Isabel thought back to around the time that Bella was born. She was in the middle of filming a scene when she herself had doubled over in pain. It took everything she had to keep the director from sending her to the hospital. She blamed it on cramps, but in reality she didn’t know. She had fallen asleep and had dreamed of Alex lying on a table in a sterile green room. She had gone over to him and placed her hand on his side. Then she woke up, feeling no pain. It had made no sense to her then, but now she knew that somehow he’d called out to her- that she felt his pain and that they had still been connected.

Alex looked over at Isabel and saw a dozen different expressions dance across her face. He saw pain, worry, love, and happiness. He wanted to know what she was thinking about, but he didn’t want to break the mood.

“I don’t know how Liz did it, but she convinced the hospital that it would be easier if they put Maria and me in the same room.” Alex told her.

“We had fun and you know it. Alex helped me with Bella when no one else was there.” Maria said looking back.

“Yeah, that's right you did, Alex.” Liz said remembering. “Alex, how were you able to get around so easily? You just had major surgery. It should have taken you weeks to move around that easily. Did you guys heal him or something?” Liz asked pointing at Max and Michael.

They both shook their heads. That was when Alex remembered the dream he had had. In pain, he had called out her name, he remembered. (Victoria had also informed him later that he had said her name when he came out of surgery.) Then out of nowhere, he saw Isabel in the room with him but she didn’t say a word, she just lovingly placed her hand over his incision, and then left. After that, he didn’t really feel any pain. It was as if she had healed him. She did heal me. She was there. It wasn’t my imagination. Alex thought to himself. She connected with me and she healed me.

“Isabel can I talk to you in private?” Alex asked her grabbing her hand and walking her away from the group.

“Alex? What is it?” Isabel asked.

“You were there, in the operating room with me weren’t you? I mean, not physically, but you were there. I thought it was a dream…a drug induced dream…but it wasn’t was it. You were there.”

“Yeah, I was there. I don’t know how or what happened. I was doing a scene and then I just doubled over in pain. So I went to my trailer and layed down on the bed and I heard you calling my name. The next thing I remember, I was in the operating room with you. I knew you were in pain, so I placed my hand on your side. Just as soon as I did that, I woke up not feeling any pain.”

“But, how could you have known? We were so out of sync with each other. We weren’t even talking to each other. How could you have known?” Alex asked her, hoping she would admit how she felt.

“Just because we weren’t talking and lost contact with each other doesn’t mean we lost our connection, Alex. We’ve been connected to each other since the night we healed Michael in the cave.” Isabel told him.

“There has to be more, Isabel. It doesn’t make since. That connection was the entire group. What happened in that operation room was just between you and me.”

“Alex, I don’t know how to explain it…”

“Yes, you do. Isabel, tell me.” Alex said to her as he grabbed her shoulders and made her look him in the eye.


“Isabel, tell me. You owe me that much.” Alex said to her softly.

“Our connection was never broken, Alex. I don't think it can ever be broken. I never forgot about you. I never let one day go by without thinking about you or us. I think the connection became permanent that first night we made love.” Isabel said in an almost whisper.

“What do you mean you never forgot about us? You dated all those other guys. You’re confusing me.”

“Yes, I did date other men, but it never went... anywhere.”

“Wait, are you saying you never slept with any of them?” Alex asked quite shocked.

“No, I never did. That’s why the relationships never went anywhere. In my heart, the only person I could ever make love to was you. You’re the only person who knew the real me, the vulnerable me. I didn’t want anyone else to see that side of me, to let anyone else in.”

In shock, Alex looked at her for a while. He knew she was telling the truth. He decided to ask the one question he wanted to know, hoping she would answer it the way he wanted.

“Isabel, can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah, what do I have left to hide?”

“Why did you come back to Roswell?” The question shocked Isabel. She thought he was going to ask her something else.

“Alex, it was for a variety of reasons. But, honestly, it was because Max told me you were getting married. I know I made the choice to stay in L.A. all those years ago, but I realized that I made the wrong choice. I should have never left.” Isabel told him, while tears were welling up in her eyes.

“So what are you saying Isabel?” Alex asked her.

“Alex, I came back here to convince you not to marry her, but to marry me, because I need you so much in my life. I have never stopped loving you and now I know that I never will. But then I realized how much I hurt you and….”

Isabel never got to finish her thought. Alex pulled her into his arms and kissed her with all the pent up passion he had had for ten years. When he finally let her go, both were breathless.

“Alex…” Isabel sighed.

“Victoria left me.”


“Victoria and I have only fought about one thing the entire time we dated- you. Whenever something went wrong with us, she blamed it on you. So when she asked me if I still loved you the other night, I didn’t lie to her. I told her that no one could take your place in my heart and that I would love you for the rest of my life.”

“I’m so sorry, Alex.” Isabel honestly said to him.

“Don’t be. There’s more.”


“What started the whole conversation was this.” Alex pulled a velvet black box out of his pocket.

“Alex, I don’t understand.”

“I bought this right after you left for Los Angeles. I was going to give it to you the day you came home. And when you decided to stay in California, I put it in a shoebox with other things I saved about you and me. Apparently, Victoria found the shoebox and your ring.”

“My ring….” Isabel said with a soft sigh.

“Like I said I was going to give it to you the day you came home. Technically it is still the day you came home. ”Alex said to her dropping to one knee. “I love you so much. Isabel Evans, will you do the honor of becoming my wife?”

Isabel into Alex’s eyes and saw the love blazing there. There was no pain, resentment or hurt. She also saw forgiveness.

“Alex, it would be an honor for me to be your wife. I love you, so much.” Alex placed the ring on her finger and picked her up and swung her around. And when they kissed, they both saw stars.

***** They walked back to the rest of the group hand in hand. Max noticed the gleam coming off Isabel’s hand. So that’s what he was planning. Max thought to himself. He looked at Isabel and she was radiating. Whatever was plaguing her when she arrived, was definitely gone now.

“So where have you two been? It’s been almost an hour since you left walking?” Maria said to them smiling. She knew that something positive had happened between them, it was radiating off of them.

“Not far. We just needed some privacy to straighten a few things out.” Alex said to them smiling.

“Oh, really? Like what, things?” Michael said teasingly.

“Nothing really. I just asked Isabel to marry me and she said yes.” Alex told them.

“OH! MY GOD!” They all shouted as Isabel held up her hand to show off her ring.

***** A Month Later…

“I cannot believe you put this together so quickly. Thanks so much, you two.” Isabel told her two bridesmaids.

“I can’t believe you and Alex are really getting married.” Liz said.

“It’s about time.” Maria said. “We’ve been waiting for this wedding forever!”

“Are you really giving up acting?” Liz asked.

“Not entirely. We just want to start a family as soon as we can. Children are a top priority in my life now. Thank you, Maria.”

“For what?”

“Letting me spend time with Bella, that showed me what I’ve been missing.” Isabel went over and hugged her friend.

“And you my dear sister-in-law, thank you for bringing Alex to the Crashdown. There's something I have to know Liz. What did you whisper into Max's ear that night?”

“That I was glad you were back and that our lives could finally get back to normal.” Liz said hugging Isabel.

“Why did you go to Alex’s apartment anyways?”

“Because I knew you both still loved each other. Besides, I never really liked Victoria anyways.” Liz said giggling.

“Why didn’t you like her?” Isabel asked.

“Because she wasn’t you. I never could picture Alex with anyone other than you.” Liz said honestly.

“You know, I invited her to the wedding. She seemed quite shocked that I was in town. But she politely declined.” Isabel said smirking.

“That’s our Isabel!” Liz and Maria both said.

“She probably thought you were going to kick her ass or something.” Maria said.

“I just might have had to.” Isabel said giggling.

Meanwhile in the grooms room….

“So, Alex are you ready to throw your life away for a woman?” Michael asked his friend.

“Hey! That’s my sister you’re talking about.” Max interceded.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. She was supposed to be my “destiny” remember.”

“Yeah, well she was my fate. Max, I am most definitely ready. I’ve never been more ready for anything else in my entire life.” Alex said smiling.

“Just wait until she gets pregnant.”

“Aw, Max, what’s wrong. Is Liz being a little hormonal these days?” Michael laughed at his friend.

“A little is not the wording I would use. If Liz is acting this way, can you imagine my temperamental sister? I feel so sorry for you, Alex.” Max said teasingly towards his soon-to-be brother-in-law.

“I wouldn’t change a minute of it. Did you know that she actually asked Victoria to the wedding?” “Why, so she could kick her ass or something?” Michael asked.

Twenty minutes later Isabel walked down the aisle and took Alex’s hand. They emotionally exchanged their wedding vows, which made everyone in the room cry (even Michael). They whispered their words of forever and exchanged their rings engraved with the words- Connected Forever. Both knowing how those two words rang true in meaning and in each other’s hearts.


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