FanFic - Max/Liz
"Baby I'm Amazed"
"Lonesome Dove"
Part 4a
by MyrnaLynne
Disclaimer: Roswell, the characters, and situations are owned by the WB. No infringement intended.
Category: Max/Liz
Rating: R

It has been a pretty crappy day so far. Max woke up, still feeling tired. He picked at his breakfast. Then he'd asked Isabel if she'd drive him to the UFO Museum, but being Isabel--making the most of her new-found advantage over him?she wouldn't just drive him over there, but tried to get him to agree to bigger and more extravagant promises, like taking her clothes shopping to the mall, or cleaning her room... until finally they'd gotten into a big argument, and Max had to suffer the ultimate humiliation?having his Mom drive him to work and drop him off. Well, at least she hadn't packed him a lunch. And it beat walking.

"Evans! I'm not sure I should even keep you on here," Milton said, fixing Max with a stern look, "Missing work and not calling in is bad enough, but after what went on in this town Friday night...." He shook his head sadly and ran his fingers through his ginger-colored hair.

"You heard about that?" Max said, surprised. Milton was pretty much in his own little world most of the time.

"Well, when I see the word 'Abducted' used in a headline, it naturally draws my attention. But I expect my employees to conduct themselves in a manner that will not reflect badly on my research or this establishment, do you understand?"

"I'm sorry... Believe me, it will never happen again." Max said apologetically.

"Let's see that it doesn't." His boss glanced at Max's ring. "Jewelry, Evans? That's a new look for you. Intriguing design..." he said, narrowing his eyes and bending closer for a better look.

"It's Native American... but, I thought the design looked... kind of alien... It reminded me of our research here."

Milton straightened up and looked at Max. "Evans... I'm touched."

"It's... I don't know what you heard, but I didn't call you because my girlfriend Liz and I eloped Friday night. It's my wedding ring," he said.

"Well... you really have 'gone where no man has gone before,' Evans?at least, this man anyway. I've had to forgo those pleasures, in the name of science. But you mustn't let romance distract you from our mission."

"Oh, no, sir... of course not." Max said, trying to look serious.

"Married, hmm. Well, I can't promise you much, but I'll have to see about increasing your salary... now that you have responsibilities.. a wife and all. Big responsibility."

"Thanks. Although, if my folks have their way, I won't be having a wife to support for very long. My dad wants to get our marriage annulled. Her folks won't even let me call her."

Milton shook his head. "The course of true love never runs smooth, Max, remember that. But I know you're like me?you're a seeker. And when you know what you want, you go after it.. and never give up."

"Yes, sir."

"...And nothing can stand in your way."

"No, sir."

"Now, go put the intestines back into the alien autopsy display. Those kids were at it again yesterday..."

Max went to work, glad of the distraction it offered him from thinking about Liz.

* * *

Max was bent over the computer at the front desk, searching the Internet.

"Is it true what they say," a voice asked softly, "that aliens are the best lovers?"

He looked up?and Liz was standing at the desk, cheeks red, dark eyes sparkling.

"Liz!" Seeing her jolted his entire system like a shock. Next thing he knew, she was in his arms. He was kissing her, drinking in the sweetness of her like a thirsty man in the dessert...

"Ahem," Milton had appeared, and cleared his throat. "Why don't you take a break... and take that...outside," he said, "Or at least upstairs." He nodded to the restricted file room on the second floor. "This is a family place, and public displays of affection are discouraged."

"Sorry," Max said, looking dazed.

"But we are a family now," Liz said happily.

"Yes, Max told me. Let me be the first to congratulate you, Mrs. Evans," Milton said grinning. He stuck out his hand and Liz shook it firmly.

"First and only person to congratulate us," Max said.

"It's a difficult challenge you've taken on, young lady. Life with a UFologist isn't all sunshine and roses. I'll warn you about that right now. But Evans, here, is special.. He has that certain something.. I could sense it right away, the moment he came in."

"Oh, yes," Liz said, smiling. "I couldn't agree with you more."

Milton gave Max a pat on the back, ducked his head awkwardly at Liz, and scurried back to whatever he had been doing.

"He's nice," Liz said. "Strange?but nice."

"Yeh. Milton is full of surprises," Max agreed.

"Oh, I can't stay long, Max. I'm working, too. I just wanted to come over to see you, and tell you I'd bring you some lunch, you know, from the Crashdown later, once the lunch-time crowd thins out. So we can have lunch together... if you don't mind eating a little late."

Max hadn't given eating a thought. "No, that would be great. Thanks."

"Well, a wife should look after her husband," she said, her face almost shining with newlywed happiness.

"That's true," Max agreed. "Do you think you could bring something for my boss, too? He's been really nice about all this. He even said he might give me a raise... now that I have a wife to support."

"And how did he know I can't support myself... or you... with my excellent waitress position," Liz teased. "Dad says I have definite management potential."

Max smiled, and just looked at her.

"I have to go back to work, Max," she said.


"It'd be easier to go back to work, Max, if you'd let go of my hand."

"Oh, sorry!" He dropped her hand. He'd been so busy gazing at her, drinking in the sight of her, he hadn't even realized he was holding her hand.

"Oh... and Maria was acting really mysterious. She said I needed to talk to you, before I go to the doctor?" she whispered the word 'doctor' and looked worried.

Max nodded. "I'll tell you over lunch. It's just about the... tattoos," he dropped his voice too. He didn't want her to worry that it was something serious.

Liz's eyes widened, "Oh! I forgot..." she put her hand over her mouth, to stifle a laugh. "I'll be back soon," she said.

Max watched her go, sorry that he hadn't grabbed her for one more kiss. Sorry that she had to go.

"She seems like a very nice girl, Evans," Milton said. He had materialized again at Max's elbow.

"Oh, she is... She's really smart, too. Oh, and she said she's coming back with lunch from the Crashdown later. I told her to bring you some lunch, too. I hope that's okay."

"Why that's very nice of you, Evans. I appreciate it. It's rare to find so much consideration in one so young."

"Well, you're the first person who hasn't yelled at us about getting married. Seemed the least we could do."

A pair of tourists with cameras slung around their necks walked in, and Max and his boss went back to work.

* * *

The lunchtime business had finally slowed down enough for Liz to take a break. She was hurrying toward the UFO Museum carrying a tray of lunch for Max.

Kyle Valenti lounged against the wall, one foot braced up against the bricks behind him.

"Hey, Liz," he said, "Hear you and Evans went all the way."

"Yes, Kyle, we went all the way up to Santa Fe... and back."

"With all the money Max's dad makes, you'd think he could've afforded to give you a decent ring to go steady, instead of that cheap piece of crap you're wearing. Evans has no class."

"We're not going steady, Kyle. Max and I are married. And he has more class than you ever dreamed of."

Kyle straightened up and stared at her and slowly shook his head. "How come... Liz?" Kyle asked, and cleared his throat. "How come he's good enough for you... and I'm not?"

Liz studied Kyle's sullen face, saw the hurt in his blue eyes, and was glad she was carrying the tray of food, because she had the sudden urge to push back a lock of his silky fair hair that hung down on his forehead, out of place. "I'm sorry, Kyle. I don't know why," she said quietly, "It's just... one of those things."

Kyle gave a bitter laugh. "I think that's just what my dad said... after my mother left. 'One of those things.'"

"I was thinking more of one of those... biology things... you know, like the stickleback fish preferring one mate over another. Max is just... my kind of fish," she said with a shrug, and smiled. "It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you."

"Jesus, Liz, that's the other thing my dad said?'There are plenty more fish in the sea, Kyle.' You know what, I'm glad we broke up, Liz! I never realized it before, but bein' with you is like dating my father! You know, you and Max deserve each other. It's a match made in heaven ?you are both a couple of total weirdos!" He turned and stormed off.

Liz sighed. She watched him walk away for a moment, and then hurried on her way to see Max.

* * *

Milton had gratefully accepted his box lunch when Liz returned and went to eat it at the front desk, keeping an eye on the place while Max took a lunch break.

Max and Liz sat upstairs in the second-floor archives, eating lunch together, just enjoying each other's company.

"So... about the tattoos," Max began when they were almost done eating.

"Yeh," Liz smiled.

"I guess we should take them off."

"Did you take off yours?" Liz asked.

"No, not yet. Not without consulting you. I thought we should either both keep them, or take both of them off. What do you think?" He looked at her, waiting for her opinion.

"Well, I suppose we should... It's not like you even remember doing it... putting on the tattoo, I mean." She smiled, remembering. The memory was sweet.

"And it's not like we need to write each other's names down on our bodies somewhere, so we don't forget them," Max pointed out wryly.

Liz smiled. "Having them in our hearts is probably enough. I have to admit, I kind of like it, though. It's so... not Liz Parker. Makes me feel all?daring and dangerous."

"It's pretty much not Max Evans either. I've never exactly been the biker type. My folks haven't seen it, yet. But when the hot weather comes back, I don't think I want to have to keep wearing long-sleeved shirts to hide it."

"Yeh, less chance of my folks seeing mine... where it's located." Her cheeks reddened.

"Except if you go to the doctor, like your mom said. That's what was worrying me."

Liz sighed. "You're right. When should we do it?"

"How about now?" Max said. "No time like the present." Who knows when I'll get to see her again, he thought. Or how soon her mother would take her to see that doctor.

"Right here?"

"The door's locked... It'll only take a minute."

"But your boss has a key."

"He's not going to come up here. He was acting so embarrassed around us downstairs. I could melt the lock, if you're that worried..."

"Only if you can fix it again."

"Let me fix one thing at a time. You first."

"You can be so stubborn," she said, but her voice didn't sound annoyed. "Okay, but do yours first. I want to watch."

Max took off his yellow Museum vest and his long-sleeved shirt. The heart with Liz's name was bright on his right biceps. Liz touched it, then bent and kissed his arm. "Good-bye," she said and stepped back. She wanted to touch Max's chest, but restrained herself.

Max focused his mind, which was hard, with Liz so close, in her little green and silver alien waitress uniform. He took a deep breath and waved his left hand over his arm?first up... the tattoo was still there... and then down?and it was gone. Like magic.

"Does it hurt?" she asked.

"No... it just tingles a little. You know I would never hurt you, Liz."

"So... what should I do?"

"Um... why don't you turn around.. and kind of... lean forward.. and put your hands on the table." Max was finding it difficult to talk.

Liz gave him a look, but obeyed. "Like this?"

She felt Max lift the back of her short skirt... his fingers trembling in the waistband of her panties.... sliding them down gently...

Liz gave a little groan.

Max sat in the chair behind her, admiring his handiwork one last time. His hand caressed the right side of her little behind. "I must have been drunk, to deface anything so beautiful," he whispered hoarsely. Mirroring Liz's gesture, he bent to kiss her tattoo good-bye.

Liz gasped when she felt his lips... and then squealed when his teeth gently nibbled at the spot. "Max... not here!" she gasped. "Tattoo removal, remember?"

"Just.. saying good-bye," he said, struggling for breath. "Okay. You're right. Here goes..." Max concentrated... even more difficult now than before, but this was Liz. She was perfect and he had to restore her perfection. He waved his hand up and back... and the tattoo of the heart with his name inside it... was gone. He felt a pang of regret. Well, he thought, if they ever wanted tattoos, he could always make them again.

"Oooo.. it does tingle," she said. She straightened up and turned around.

He was standing behind her and stepped closer. His eyes looked wild and glittering. "Liz..." He pressed against her, gathering her to him... leaning her back over the table.

She stepped out of her panties and reached for him... lying back on the table... welcoming him to her.

His right hand reached for her face and he slid into her mind and into her body at the same time.

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