FanFic - Max/Liz
"Fading into Twilight"
Part 15
by Ash
Disclaimer: It’s not me, really. It’s all them: Melinda Metz (the creator of such amazing characters), Jason Katims (the perpetrator of such a lovely t.v. show with those same main characters), and the actors who flesh them out for us so wonderfully. Please take no offense at my offering; this is just a tribute, not a theft. :0))
Summary: Tess is gone. Doug is gone. Both aliens brought more harm and fear than good. But there is more out there “than is dreamt of” in their philosophy. More to discover, more to fear. More danger approaches as they move toward learning about their origins, their purpose.
Category: Max/Liz
Rating: PG-13
Authors Note: This is an alternate reality to WB's Roswell. My characters are in line with the show up through "Sexual Healing" and then we deviate into "Captivated by Darkness", and two years later, we see the group in “Fight the Break of Dawn,“ the prequel for this story. My storyline doesn't follow the show at all after Sexual Healing: so remember, Topolski never returned, Max was never tortured, Nasedo never told them they were part human and the Mom-0-Gram never happened. Try and bend your mind around that!! Dedication: to Irene, Joey, Miranda and Bella, who are such encouragements to me; you make it worth while-- really!!!
Max slowly pulled away from Liz and stood to look at them. “Michael, I can’t do it. She is just sleeping, but...” he hesitated to go on, but Michael finished it for him.

“What I did to her, you can’t undo, right?”

Max stared at Mrs. Parker, who was suddenly looking downright terrified, and nodded briefly. Michael brushed past him and sat down by Liz. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

“What he did to her? What exactly did Michael do,” Mrs. Parker asked immediately, stressing the word Michael so much that Max winced.

“He was just trying to help her sleep,” Max answered firmly, coming very close to losing patience with her. “Please trust us, Mrs. Parker.”

She stared back at him, looking completely helpless and almost hysterical. “I don’t really have a choice, do I? Since I happen to be, I think, the only human left in the room.”

Max blinked and stared at her as she turned away, fighting for control. What had Michael said to her?

“She’s okay,” Michael said softly.

Max looked over at the bed to see Michael standing and Liz beginning to move.

Thank God.

He rushed over past Michael to kneel by her side again, eagerly taking in the sleepy waking-up sounds as Liz stirred slightly. She licked her delicate lips and sighed contentedly. But she kept her eyes closed.

Oh god, did she always look this irresistible when she was waking up?

Max blinked at the sudden onset of desire that her small movements were causing. He gulped. He was beginning to wonder if maybe he should leave when she kicked off the covers, revealing her t-shirt-and-boxers clad body. Max was slowly taking in the long bare length of her legs despite himself when she moved again.

Her arms extended and her back arched in a sensuous all-over stretch, culminating in a curling of her slim legs up under her bottom, her toes pointed. As her short shirt rode up high over her navel, Max’s eyes were glued to that luscious expanse of smooth, tan skin...

He jumped to his feet.

“She looks fine to me,” he declared and headed for the door. “Tell her I was... here... and I’ll call later.”

He grabbed a cackling Michael’s arm and pushed him out the door. For some reason, he was suddenly looking forward to pounding the walls out of that old building with any sledgehammer he could get his hands on.

One week, he reminded himself with a shake of his head.

One week.


Liz listened to Max’s retreat with a small smile on her face. Of course, it left her as soon as she realized her mother was in the room. Or more specifically, when she realized her mother had been in the room throughout Max and Michael’s efforts to awaken her. She sat up hesitantly. What had they told her?

“Liz, are you okay,” her mother stepped toward the bed hesitantly.

“Um, yeah. I’m fine,” she tried to look as reassuring as possible. “I was just...”

“Sleeping,” her mother supplied in a tight voice. “And why that is such a difficult thing for... someone like you to wake up from is just one of the many things I guess I need to know now.” Liz just stared at her mother with wide eyes, afraid to speak. “I mean, if you were just my same old Liz,” her mother sat on the edge of the bed and looked her straight in the eyes. “I would have been able to wake you up on my own. But I couldn’t. I had to call Max, who had to call Michael and race over here like your life depended on it.”

Liz started to feel guilt creeping in. “Mom, I-”

“No, let me finish. I didn’t know who else to call, Liz. I can’t just call the doctor now. I can’t assume anything I used to know about you is true,” her voice was choked up with emotion.

“I’m sorry,” Liz whispered, tears in her own eyes. “I promise, I’m still me. I’m just a little bit...”

“Different,” her mother supplied shortly.

Liz was struck by the choice of words and a soft smile crossed her face. “So I guess you believe me now,” she asked tentatively.

Her mother looked her directly in the eyes. “I want to hear everything. From the beginning, when this... happened to you.”

Liz nodded. “Um... it all started back during my sophomore year, when I was working at the Crashdown-”

“Your sophomore year,” her mother interrupted in a horrified voice. “You- you-”

“Yeah, I’ve been lying to you for years,” Liz choked out, immediately understanding her mother’s unspoken question. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to. But they were afraid, I mean, Max was afraid of anyone knowing. With good reason. If I had told you or Dad and either of you said anything to the wrong people, it could be deadly for them. People want them, because they’re different.”

Her mother’s eyes were open wide. “And now they want you, too.”

Liz’s lips parted as the statement moved through her, stirring up the latent fears. She swallowed. “Yes, I guess so.”

Her mother looked terrified at the thought, and Liz felt sure she understood. They could trust her, she realized with a lift in her heart. She wouldn’t betray them after all.


Max drove the Jeep with only half a mind on the road, the other half on Liz... Distraction was his only option.

“So, did you say something to Mrs. Parker while I was out,” he glanced over at Michael, who was smirking.

Not a good sign.

“You could say that,” came the smug reply.

“Michael,” Max shook his head.

“What,” Michael shot back quickly. “She deserved much worse than what I said, Max. I just gave her a good dose of reality.”

Max sighed. “What did she say in return?”

“Just shrugged it off, insisted that she didn’t tell him anything and all she did was listen,” Michael looked off and shook his head. “I don’t know. I can’t stand just sitting around here wondering any more. Maybe we ought to shake Larry up a little, see if he cracks.”

Max was already shaking his head. “No, if he cracks, he’s more likely to go to the very people we don’t want him to. It’s better to sit back and let him figure out that he’s been outplayed. There’s nothing he can do now.”

Michael asked the next question like Max hadn‘t considered it before. “What if he bugs the apartment again?”

“Michael, that’s always been a danger. It’s no big deal,” Max hesitated before continuing. “They caught me in an awkward situation last time, but I don’t intend to get make the same mistake twice. Alright?“

He hated being the weak link, the one who had put them in danger. But it wouldn’t happen again.

“Well, if Mrs. Parker is telling the truth, then we shouldn’t have anything to worry about. He’s a bona-fide crackpot and she didn‘t tell him anything. No one will believe anything he says. Enough said, Liz is tuning in.”

“Oh, right,” Max said, trying to conjure up another topic quickly. “So you can do that now, tune each other out?”

“Yeah, pretty much had to learn how to.”

“Oh... so, what’s she doing now?” He still found it a little disturbing/intriguing that Michael could check in on her at any time.

Michael smiled. “Taking a shower.”

Max lost his easy smile. They were just brother and sister, he reminded himself. Again.

“Yep, she got you pretty good back there,” Michael said appraisingly. “I’m surprised you can still talk and drive at the same time.”

Max frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Liz’s whole waking up bit,” Michael gestured loosely.

Max stared at him blankly.

Michael gave an exaggerated sigh. “Maxwell, maybe you’re not ready for a honeymoon yet.”

What was it that Michael wouldn’t say? Liz’s waking up “bit?”

Then it hit him.

“Wait a minute- Liz knew I was there?”

Michael just looked up at him with raised eyebrows.

Max was dumbfounded. “I can’t believe she just...” And then he was just the tiniest bit pleased and... excited. He pressed his lips together, a sly grin threatening to break out.

He shifted gears with a little extra oomph. Alright, if she wants to play that game... maybe I have thought of the perfect gift. Something to commemorate the beginning of this... new part of our relationship.

Of course, that would mean asking Isabel for help, but Max figured some things were worth even that humiliation. It might take him a few days to work up the courage, but he’d do it.


“He really did it, didn‘t he?” Liz stated it more than asked it.

Maria knew immediately what she was talking about. “Yeah. Sorry about the sleep thing. He just wanted-”

“I know, I know,” Liz interrupted as she gave Maria a quick hug. “I’m fine. Let me see the ring!”

Maria held it out proudly. “Wow,” Liz said. “He does good work. So, how does it feel to be engaged and, might I point out, permanently sucked into the alien abyss?”

Maria couldn’t keep from grinning, but she pressed her lips together to keep it from being so obvious. “Um... it feels... fantastic.” But the grin just broke through anyway. Liz reached for her hands and they squealed together.

“So tell me how he did it,” Liz asked. “Was it romantic?”

“Umm... not really,” Maria admitted, wrinkling her nose. “This is Michael we’re talking about.”

Liz nodded. “But he actually did it, huh?”

“Yeah, in spite of the fact that I was bawling and looked like an extra from the movie ’Fight Club’.”

Liz gave her a sympathetic smile, which of course made Maria feel better. Liz always made her feel better.

“So tell me your news. I can tell something big happened.”

“Yeah. I talked to my Mom and she seemed to actually understand everything, Maria,” Liz began breathlessly. “I mean, I told her about the shooting, Tess, Doug, everything. She took it all much better than I thought she would. Although, she still hasn’t said that she approves of the wedding or anything.”

“Well, she has to,” Maria managed to say, despite her growing discomfort. She hated not telling Liz the truth about her Mom’s betrayal, no matter what Max said. “She doesn’t have a choice. I mean, it’s not like you won’t get married because of what she says.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Liz admitted. “I just... really want her to be there.”

“She better be,” Maria frowned. That was the least Mrs. Parker could do, after the danger she’d put them in.

“So, tell me about your mom,” Liz encouraged her with a smile. “I just saw her in the lobby and she was smiling. Does that mean she knows?”

“Oh my god, yes,” Maria smiled again. “I told her and she didn’t freak. Well, okay, she did freak, but then I told her that he said he loved me, and she melted.”

“She did?”

“Like an ice cube on Ricky Martin’s abs. I knew she really liked Michael. She just honestly didn’t think he loved me.”

“So, wow,” Liz said, grabbing Maria’s hand. “Things have really changed lately, huh? I mean you and I actually had real conversations with our mothers this morning.”

“Yeah,” Maria nodded. “Although mine doesn’t know anything about the you-know yet. I think she’s not quite ready to know that those key chains she sells actually look nothing like the real pod people.”

A knock at the door. One hand eased in and waved. “This hand is just a decoy,” Kyle’s said from the hallway. “If anyone attacks it, I leave.”

Maria met Liz’s eyes and smiled. “Kyle, if you so much as show your face in here, I’m likely to kiss it.”

A pause.

Then Kyle slowly leaned his head through the door. “This is a trick, isn’t it? I show my keister and then you let loose with the hand grenades and the expletives? Well, alright, so be it, I deserve it.”

He walked in, holding a bouquet in front of him and wincing as if waiting for an attack.

Maria noticed Liz looking uncomfortable and she stood up to go. “I’ll talk to you later, Maria,” she said quietly. “Hi Kyle. Pretty flowers.”

Kyle just nodded at her and watched her leave. Maria gave him a sympathetic look. “So... you can let it fly now,” he began. “Yell at me. Scream at me. I can handle it.”

Maria shook her head. “I meant what I said, Kyle. I should probably hate you, but I can’t. You’re the reason I’m engaged. If it hadn’t been for the accident, Michael probably would never have asked me.”

She could see that Kyle was reserving plenty of self-abuse for later on, but he smiled and congratulated her up front.

Maria shook her head. “It was just an accident, Kyle. I know that.”

“Yeah, well, I just wanted to drop these flowers by,” he said as he edged toward the door. Then he looked up at her quickly. “How’s Liz? I mean, I wanted to tell her that I‘m keeping an eye on Larry for her.”

Maria felt her heart break for him. “She’s fine. She and her Mom talked this morning and-”

“Does she know then, about the tape,” Kyle took a step closer to the bed, his eyes wide.

“No, she doesn’t. Max doesn’t want me to tell her.”

“He’s right, Maria. Don’t do it,” Kyle said earnestly and then looked away. “I heard you were probably comin’ home later. I’ll be sure to get the recliner ready for you and a few beers to numb the pain.”

Maria smiled. “Just don’t expect me to burp the theme to the Addams Family.”

“No way,” Kyle grinned. “That’s my department. But really,” he said as he headed out the door. “Once you’re home, I got ‘cha. Whatever you want, you get. Later.”

Maria had to smile. She felt better knowing that Kyle was keeping an eye on Larry. Max would, too. Maria shook her head. Kyle Valenti- closet sweetie. Who’d have thunk it?


“Izzy,” Max accosted her from across the room as she entered. Isabel turned to him and snorted. He looked like a big sleepy, disheveled three-year-old.

“Up from your nap, big boy,” she needled him. “Ready for some juice and cookies?”

“Shut up,” he mumbled as he stood slowly to his feet. “I sort of need your help with something.”

Isabel sent a sideways glance at Joey to include her and tilted her head to the side. “Really? Now this should be good. What can I possibly do for you, brother dearest?”

She zeroed in on the hesitancy, the slight blush and the way he ducked his head to the side. Okay, time to play Max charades. “That would be something about Liz, then. Right?”

He nodded slightly. “It’s something I need to get for her,” Max managed to get out before glancing away and blushing again.

“Oh my,” Isabel said gamely. “Let’s see, Joey, that, in Max-ese, probably means ‘I want to buy Liz something sexy but I can’t say it out loud,’ right, Max?” The huge flush and face-disappearing-behind-the-hands said it all. “Bingo,” Isabel said proudly. “So, when do you want to go, Max?”

The muffled answer from behind the hands made her laugh. “Whenever.”

“Not tonight. Maybe Tuesday.”

“Can I come,” Joey piped up from the couch, looking every bit like the little sister trying to join in.

Isabel lost her smile and looked over at Max, who had just as suddenly lost most of his blush. He looked at her and then walked over to Joey. After pausing, he sat down beside her on the couch.

“Well, Joey, the problem is that I think I might actually die of mortification in this store, and it’s just going to be really ugly and I‘d rather you not witness it,” he said only half-jokingly.

“Sorry, Joey,” Izzy said gently. “I wouldn’t be going, either, but your older brother is completely inept in this area of socialization, so he needs a tour guide. And I just happen to know every single one of Victoria’s Secrets.”

“Oh, right,” Joey was watching Max carefully as he buried his face in his hands again. “So, why are you doing this, then, if it bothers you so much?”

Isabel smiled and shook her head. “Obviously, he has decided this Herculean task of buying lingerie is a worthy conquest to make in honor of his love. It’s the whole ‘soul mate’ thing, Joey. After you’re around them for a while, you’ll understand. It’s inspiring when it’s not nauseating.”

“Thanks,” Max said dryly, coming out from behind his hands. “Is that okay, Joey? I mean, do you understand?”

“Sure,” she said with a small smile. “I’m not sure I’d be comfortable in that kind of store, either. There’d just be two of us dying of mortification.”

“Oh,” Isabel spoke up. “Then, by all means, stay home. Wouldn’t want to be dragging two corpses around the store when one will do just as nicely. You and I will go one day by ourselves, okay?”

Joey’s eyes lit up and she nodded.

“Great.” Isabel could think of nothing else she’d like to teach her little sister than how to drive a man, well, the right man, wild. And lingerie was a perfect start.

Especially since Joey would be following in the footsteps of the other girls in the group and trouncing around in that god-awful Crashdown waitress outfit. She ought to at least have some decent lingerie to rescue her from the depths of blue collar life.

Isabel sighed. She just hoped it would be enough.

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