FanFic - Other
"Destiny's Circle"
Part 15
by kath7
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Roswell nor from the Robin Hood legend. I am just borrowing them. Some original ideas by ddawn and Angel_Parker. The character of Parkyla was created by Sunnie D.
Summary: This story is based on an idea that came out of a RPG that is currently ongoing on the Fanforum Roswell Board called Detention Adventures (Detentioned Boswellians.) In it, two of our talented authors (Hi Angel_Parker and ddawn!) have created the idea that everything that happens in Roswell-land is on a continuous loop - meaning that Max, Isabel, Tess and Michael have been on Earth many times before, have returned to their planet and have been killed each time. Their "essences" have been re-cloned and they have been re-sent to Earth to try and get it right. Time on Earth continues to move forward with each loop, thus everytime our pod squad returns, they return to a different time period. My story has added to this idea - basically I believe that two mistakes in the current, contemporary loop of the TV show have affected the destiny of the four: These two events are 1)Nasedo being captured after the Crash and consequentially losing Max, Isabel and Michael 2) Max's healing of Liz. I love the idea of reincarnation and soulmates, thus I have decided to create the story of Max and Liz through the centuries as they just miss changing Max' s destiny each time. I already know that the story is going to end in our time, with the healing of Liz at the Crashdown....where it is going to go to get there, I do not, hopefully this will work! This first part of the story is set in Medieval England and is based on the Robin Hood legend.
Category: Other
Rating: PG-13
Authors Note: This story is dedicated to my pals on the Detentioned Boswellians RPG. They are, in no particular order: pbwin, ddawn, Sunnie D, hookt, Maria, sjton, Ivy_English, Angel_Parker, cheetah, Phaedra and Shortiegirl. If I forgot someone, please just kill me. LOL
Isabel blinked awake late the next morning.

They had gotten very little sleep during the night. When Max had returned from seeing Lady Elizabeth he had informed them that they had to move the bodies of the men Michael had killed...Isabel had shuddered at the idea of digging up the bodies, but the look of guilt and fear that had appeared on Michael's face had calmed her down. She had to be strong for him.

Isabel had been most impressed by Alexander and Mary. They had insisted on accompanying them, although Isabel had been worried that they would notice that there was no marks on the men explaining how they had died. Their two new friends had made no comments, however, had just helped to move the bodies until Isabel could see they both needed to fall over in exhaustion. While Max could covertly heal his sisters and Michael, helping them to work through their tiredness, he could not go near Alexander or Mary, for fear that they would discover the truth about them.

She had been curious enough at their unquestioning aid to broach Mary about it when they had returned to the camp. While Alexander, Max and Michael erected a shelter for the girls, with Tess alternating between ordering them around and demanding that Max tell her what he and Lady Elizabeth had talked about, Isabel had pulled Mary aside. "Why are you helping us? I don't understand...after you saw those bodies...for all you know we could all be murderers..."

Mary had replied breezily. "Lizzie trusts you...that's good enough for Alexander and I."

Isabel had crinkled her brow. "That's it?" Mary had arched an eyebrow at her.

"Well, let's just say that we have all been very lucky in our positions in life...we like to help people in need..." Isabel had followed Mary's gaze across the clearing, where Michael was arguing with Max about the roof of the shelter. "Besides, I don't think that messy-head over there would be capable of killing anyone for no reason. I believe that you were in danger and that he had no choice."

Isabel had nodded. "That is the truth milady." Mary had smiled back.

"Anyway, please do not continue with the me Mary...everyone close to me does..."She had reached out and squeezed Isabel's hand. "And it appears that you, Tess and I are going to be very close in a few days, by the looks of that shelter..."

Now, as Isabel climbed to her feet in the shelter, she noticed that she was the last of the girls to rise. She passed a hand over her dress, sweeping away the wrinkles, and quickly rebraided her hair. When she felt satisfied that she was as neat as circumstances would permit, she ducked her head and stepped out into the sunny morning.

She was surprised to see only Alexander in the clearing. He was sitting near the fire, sharpening his sword. Isabel watched him quietly for a moment, admiring the way the sunlight filtered through the trees brightening his kind face. She admitted to herself that she found Alexander deLucie extremally attractive. Not only had he saved her yesterday, he was the first boy she had ever met who was open and unassuming - who said exactly what he meant. Max and Michael had never had that luxury, due the fact that they had to keep their secret...she found the trait in Alexander extremally refreshing...

Alexander heard her as she stepped forward. He looked up, a grin breaking across his face. "Good morning to you...Did you sleep well?"

Isabel grimaced. "As well as can be expected. I am unused to the ground." She told him wryly. "Where are the others?" She suddenly felt self-concious being alone in his presence. He was gazing at her admiringly. It wasn't that she was unused to that - Isabel knew she was beautiful - but it was the first time she cared what the person admiring her thought of her.

She realized that she did not want Alexander to like her only for her beauty... Isabel wanted him to like her for who she was.

"Michael and Mary have gone hunting. They were arguing about who was better with the bow and Mary challenged Michael to a competition to see who could bring back the most game." Alexander replied, shaking his head. "I don' t think your brother has any idea what he's gotten himself into. Tess is off searching for berries with Maxwell." He continued. He patted the log beside him. "Join me. We have some rabbit left over from last night...would you like to break your fast?"

Isabel approached him warily, sat beside him, very aware that his arm was only a foot away from hers. "Thank you." She said, taking a piece of meat from the dagger he proffered. She smiled at him shyly. "Thank you - and not just for this..."

Alexander smiled at her. "You are most welcome Lady Isabel." Isabel felt herself blushing. I never blush! She reflected, indignant. "Are you new to the shire?" Alexander asked, clearly trying to lengthen their conversation.

Isabel paused, not sure what to say. "Not particularily." She replied carefully. "Our guardian is very protective." She explained. Alexander nodded.

"I see." Any further comment was cut off by the appearance of Michael and Mary on the far side of the clearing. Isabel smiled when she heard Michael bickering with her new friend. She had never heard Michael speak as much as he had over the past day - everything Mary of Whitfield said seemed to annoy him....Isabel was glad. Arguing with Mary seemed to keep his mind off of the catastrophe that had happened yesterday. She knew that he would only brood about the men he had been forced to kill if left to his own devices.

Not to mention, Isabel had noticed the way Michael had looked at Mary, when he thought no one was looking...his eyes had been bright with admiration. It made Isabel more comfortable facing the feelings she was developping for Mary's brother...

"I told you a snare would work better than a bow." Mary was saying as they joined Alexander and Isabel at the fire. She held up three rabbits and a quail for their perusal. Michael tossed his own lone rabbit on the ground in disgust. He stomped off in the direction of the stream. "Come back here Michael. I need to show you how to clean them properly." Isabel giggled as Michael slammed his hands over his ears and kept walking.

Mary looked at Bella, perplexed. "Was it something I said?" She asked. Alexander and Isabel exchanged glances and burst out laughing.

Elsewhere in the forest Max was trying to ignore Tess, who had been lecturing him all morning. He was fiddling with his bow as Tess picked berries.

"I just don't understand what you were thinking Max." She was saying for what seemed like the hundreth time. "We cannot trust anyone. Why did you allow those two twits to stay with us? If they were to discover the truth about us..."

Max cut her off abruptly. "They will not find out Tess. We are used to being careful." He frowned at her. "I would prefer that you stop refering to our new friends as twits, by the way. They have been nothing but helpful and you should be grateful."

Tess snorted, tossed her head and turned her back on him. Max stared at her, unsure what to say. He did not feel bad that he had defended Alexander and Mary...

But Max feel bad - and guilty - for wishing Tess away from him. It was not Tess' fault that they found themselves in the predicament in which they were currently embroiled - nor was it Tess' fault that she was not Elizabeth. He had realized quite quickly that his annoyance with Tess derived from the resentment he felt that he was tied to her - a girl he loved as a sister, but nowhere near did he feel for her what he felt for Liz.

Which in many ways was ridiculous. He knew that he could not be with Lady Elizabeth, for any number of reasons - not the least of which is that I'm not even from this world, he reflected wryly. There was also the not insignificant fact that she was betrothed to the Sheriff of Nottingham's son, the same Sheriff who was currently hunting he and Michael.

Yet, Max could not help the hope that existed in his heart. The time that he and Liz had spent together the previous had demonstrated to him even more clearly how lucky they had been to find each other. Something that felt so right to both of couldn't be wrong.

Could it?

Max was snapped out of his reverie by a shrill screech from Tess.

"What's wrong?" He demanded impatiently. He immediately felt horrible when he saw his betrothed across the clearing, clutching her ankle, her face white. Max hurried to her side. "What did you do?" He asked gently, dropping to his knees at her side.

Tess blinked, clearly trying to hold back tears. "I fell over that rock." She told him, pointing at the offending piece of the landscape. "Is it broken?" She asked fearfully as Max pushed aside her skirts and felt the joint carefully. Tess flinched, clenched her lips together.

"I believe so." Max told her. "Don't worry Tessie. I can fix it." Tess pushed aside his hand quickly.

"But Max, it hurts you to heal..." She stared at him. "I do not want you hurt in any way." Max smiled at her.

"It is alright Tess. I have these powers for a reason. I have to get used to the bad part." He told her. Max gently placed his hand on his betrothed's ankle, raised his head to look into her blue eyes. "Concentrate on making the connection Tessie." Tess stared back at him.

Max was instantly in Tess' mind. Images assailed him...


He had an image of Isabel, Michael and himself - along with Tess' fright that she could lose them.


An image of Elizabeth - along with a feeling of suspicion and budding hatred.


An image of Max and Elizabeth together yesterday at the fair...jealousy and fright accompanying it.

Max tore his gaze away from Tess', stared down at her ankle. His hand was beginning to glow. Max concentrated on knitting together the molecules that made up the bone, healing the crack that he could not see, but could feel....

Max could feel Tess' pain entering his own conciousness...he tightened his jaw, tried to ignore it...he was almost done.

Max lifted his hand from Tess' ankle, helped her to her feet, stumbling a bit. Tess grabbed his arm.

"Max, are you alright?" She asked worriedly. Max blinked, tried to clear his head of the images from Tess that had become HIS memories.

He raised his head, stared at her, for the first time wondering if he knew her at all. The hatred he had felt in her - it was terrifying. The way she had felt about Liz - Max KNEW that Tess would have no qualms about doing whatever was necessary to keep Max away from Elizabeth. "I'm fine Tess." Max quickly stepped away from her, feeling slightly ill.

Tess narrowed her eyes, watched him assessingly. Max knew that she would have no idea what he would have seen when he made the connection. She can never know, he thought now. It might push her over the edge.

Max and Tess both turned around when a snapping twig in the bush caught their attention. "Max?" Tess grabbed his arm, fright apparent in her voice. It took all Max's strength not to shake her off in revulsion. He frowned when he realized that his sword was back at the camp and that his bow was about ten feet away, where he had dropped it when he had come to Tess' aid.

Max decided that the best defense was a good offense. "Come out of there!" He called menacingly. "We know you are there."

His heart stopped when Elizabeth stepped out from behind a tree, her eyes wide. She was staring at him, her face white.

"Liz?" Max could tell by her face that something was very wrong. She opened her mouth to speak, seemed to be searching for the words...

"I saw you Max." She fumbled with her skirt, which was clenched in her fists. "I saw you heal her." Liz continued. "What are you?"

Part 14 | Index | Part 16
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