FanFic - Other
"Gods, Mortals and Roswell, Oh My!"
Part 3
by Erin
Disclaimer: If I owned 'Roswell,' would I be writing fan fiction? (Hey - I don't own the song 'Angel of Mine' either It's by Monica.)
Summary: This a *very* (I repeat, very) AU fic. Basically, the aliens are gods of the Land of Roswell and the humans all find a way to become intertwined in their lives, in some way or another.
Category: Other
Rating: PG-13
Authors Note: When Melissa posted this challenge, I couldn't turn it down... Melissa's Godly Challenge
1) Must be a silly fic!
2) One of the Roswellians must be a God (like, a REAL God - as in powers, lives on a cloud, etc. That type of stuff. Whatever you think represents a God.)
3) One of the OTHER Roswellians must be their unwilling love interest (ie, Apollo and Daphne, though it DOESN'T have to be that intense.)
4) Someone must wear a toga and a circlet of laurel leaves, ala the ancient Olympics.
5) Naked Marathon is optional.
So, with this in mind, read on and enjoy! Dedication: Well... this goes to Linque, who beta-ed for me and to the comedic people in my life, who crack me up, from the lunch table to school plays... you know who you are. Muchas gracias!

"Maxwell?" he asked curiously, knocking on the gold-embroidered door of the God of Healing.

No answer.

The voices had stopped talking from behind the door.

"Maxwell, I *know* that you're in there," the God of Chaos said forcefully, automatically knocking on the strong wooden door again.

Once again, no answer.

"You've asked for it," he said under his breath before he backed away from the door, giving it a long hard look, and then, ran at it with all his might, in hopes to break it down on his first strike.

And to his surprise, he didn't ram into the door.

It had opened right before he hit it.

And he was flying across the room, headed straight for the window that Maxwell looked out to the Land of Roswell, he had always assumed.

"Nooooooo!" the other god screamed when he saw what was going to happen. He had gotten out from behind the door and was now wrapping a sheet around his bare waist. "Stop! Don't run through the window!"

"Michael, stop!" his fiancee, Liz, screeched from under the covers right before he was about to go crashing through the window.

And he halted at the sound of her voice.

* * * * * *

Darkness had fallen on the Land of Roswell and Maria finally had reached her home.

"What took you so long?" her mother asked, not bothering to look up from the stove, on which she was cooking the dinner for that night.

"I was at the temple and well, there was this guy..." her voice droned off. How was she going to be able to tell her mother that a god had visited her and not let her mother think that she had gone out of her mind? She didn't, so she stopped right there, letting her words drift in the air, and letting her mother decide what had happened on her own without her actually explaining.

"Oh, dear, that is a horrid thing!" her mother exclaimed, her head snapping up and her eyes blazing into Maria's.

"What is horrid, mother?" she asked, dumbfounded.

"You went to the temple and you met a man there. He took you home and well... you know... Maria, I didn't think you were the kind of girl who did those things!"

"I'm not, mom. The guy was at the temple and he was... surprisingly nice," she completed, smiling at her distressed mother.

It was the smile that set her mother off.

"Never again may you leave this house without me or Alex as your escort," her mother snapped, holding her spatula in the air as emphasis.

Maria nodded and her head fell in shame.

What had she just gotten herself into?

* * * * *

"What the hell?" the God of Chaos asked when he saw the sight unraveling before him.

There, in his best friend's bed, was his fiancee. And his best friend had been in the same bed with his fiancee. And they were both hiding under the covers, attempting to show as little skin possible.

"What the fuck just happened here?" he demanded, slamming his fist down on the table that stood next to him. "What the hell are you two doing in here?"

The other god cleared his throat and then spoke, "Uh… this *is* my room, Michael."

Michael spun around to glare at him. "You don't think that I don't know that?" he sneered, turning his eyes to his fiancee, who was still hiding under the covers of her secret lover's bed.

"The question is… what is she doing in here? And what are the two of you doing in the same bed… naked?"

Liz poked her head out from under the covers. "I'm sorry…" she began, but he cut her off.

"No. Don't be sorry. I knew that you didn't want to marry me… hell, I didn't want to marry you, but still. Sleeping with my best friend? Isn't that a bit harsh?" he laughed sardonically.

"We're going to have to take this matter to the Big Man to solve," Max finally concluded, his head hung in shame.

"No, we're going to solve this problem ourselves… right now!" Michael exclaimed, the anger in his voice evident.

"So… what are we going to do?" Max asked.

"Hmm… I don't know. What's the normal way to break off marriages these days?"

"Naked marathon," Liz, once again poking her head out from under the covers, piped up.

"What?" both men whirled around, looking at her in surprise.

"A naked marathon is required."

"Really?" Max asked, cocking an eyebrow.

She grinned at him.

Michael frowned.

"A naked marathon is the way these days that men decide who gets the woman. The winner gets to keep her as his own and the loser's ego basically goes down the drain," Liz explained to the males, who both wore perplexed looks on their faces.

All of a sudden, the door of Max's room flung open and in skipped the Goddess of Destiny, Tess, who was decked out in a gold halter-top, (may I mention with no bra..) silver pants, and bronze stiletto heels. Very ladylike. And very royal looking.

"Hello, my little…" she sang, before her voice droned off when she saw the what was happening in front of her.

Her destined mate, or so she said, was standing there with only a towel wrapped around his waist, with his best friend and the Goddess of Knowledge, who was hiding under the blankets of Max's bed.

All three turned to look at her, anger and annoyance glinting in their eyes.

"Oops… I didn't mean to interrupt anything," she said, backing away from the three. "I'm just gonna go out this door now and I'll talk to all of you later."

The door slammed shut and the two males turned back to the Goddess of Knowledge, who was still covering herself by the blankets of the bed.

"Go on," Michael told Liz.

"Well, that's about it, really. We could all go down to the Land of Roswell and the marathon could take place there." She shrugged and looked to her lover and soon to be ex-fiancee.

"Hmm…" Michael pondered, running his hand through his chaotic hair. "How about… NO!"

"What?" Max and Liz both exclaimed, surprised at Michael's objection to what seemed to be their only plan.

"You win, Maxwell. We had the marathon, you beat me, and you won the girl. I didn't even want to get married. Have fun, you two. And remember, we *did* have that naked marathon at the Palace's track. Okay?"

The two excited lovers nodded their heads eagerly.

"I'll go tell the Big Man that you two are getting married now. Sorry that I interrupted your... ah... never mind...," Michael felt a blush creeping up his face. He backed up until he was at the shut door of Maxwell's room. "Have fun," he told them before he slipped out of the room.

"Now, shall we start where we left off?" Max asked the beautiful woman who was now his fiancee.

She nodded vigorously as he dove back onto his bed on top of her.

Part 2 | Index | Part 4
Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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