FanFic - Other
"Home Economics"
"Relarionships Part 2"
Part 3
by Jamie
Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or any of the characters. I make no money off of them. If I offend anyone sorry.
Summary: Everyone gets paired up for a home ec assignment.
Category: Other
Rating: PG
Maria walked over to Max and Michael to take their order.

“If it isn’t my wife,” Michael said to Maria.

“Sweetheart how was your day” Maria said sarcastically, bending down to kiss on the check.

Michael sat there not sure what to do, “Fine, you” he said trying hard not to blush.

“Mine was good, better than Liz, she has her first “date” with Kyle tonight” Maria answered, trying to figure out why she kissed Michael.

“But the project doesn’t begin until Monday” Max said upset.

“I know that, you know that, but Kyle seems to think that it will help their project he even got the teacher to say it was extra credit” Maria explained.

“How clever of him” Michael said looking at Isabel and Alex, “And them” he said.

“Oh, having a fight about the dress she wants a Vira Wang and he wants her to wear his mothers” she explained.

“Of course I would have guessed that” Michael answered, “I’ll have pie, and Max” he started.

“What yeah the same” Max said his eyes not leaving the booth that Liz and Kyle were in.

“Right two vodka martini’s shaken or stirred” Maria teased him but he didn’t seem to notice.

“I’ll have mine shaken” Michael called after her.

“Max if it bothers you do something” Michael said.

“What it is just an assignment I mean there is nothing between them” Max rationalized.

“Right, and Is and Alex aren’t having a fight about wedding dresses and Maria didn’t kiss me, this assignment is having a weird affect on people” Michael said, looking at Maria cut their pies, wondering why Maria kiss him.

“I know I wonder if I am going to have fatherly wonderings, I mean why did I get to be the single father, do I look like the type, and names I need names the teacher said I got to pick them to make the assignment more real” Max asked.

“How about Liz, for both of them, that way you could when people ask you about who Liz you can…”

“Okay two pies, with Tabasco sauce, a bottle for each of you” Maria said putting the food on the table.

“She’s the greatest little wife, remembers how I like food and everything” Michael found himself saying.

“Miss we are ready” a customer behind her say.

“Back to work” Maria shrugged.

“See it’s the assignment, it is making us act differently” Michael said.

“Or openly” Max offered.

“Or crazy” Michael came back.

“Names, I need names by Monday how am I going to come up with names” Max said before biting into his pie.

“Kyle I am not sure about this, are you okay with this” Liz asked.

“I told you Liz it’s fine, you and I are not together any more I can’t say that I like it but, I am okay” Kyle said wondering if she could tell he was lying.

“Good I am glad at least we can try to be friends, and get along” Liz said happy she could work with Kyle without worrying.

“So I will meet you tonight at the movies, at 7:00” Kyle said as he got up to leave.

“7 sounds good, bye” she said standing up to walk him out.

Max watched Liz with Kyle she seemed to be relaxed around him it hurt. He wondered if maybe they would get back together because of this assignment, he hoped not but he couldn’t get the thought out of his mind.

The weekend went by quick and by Monday Liz and Kyle had been on two dates, Alex had convinced Isabel to wear his mothers dress when he told her that she really wasn’t going to wear it, and Maria and Michael has spent the weekend away from each other.

“So did you come up with names yet or are we going to have two nameless children,” Michael asked Max as they walked to class.

“I did, Isabel Maria and Diane Michelle after…” Max said.

“Your sister and mom got but Maria and Michelle, where did that come from” Michael sitting down.

“Maria your wife, and Michelle after you” Max said shyly.

“Maria you named your child after Maria, and how is Michelle and Michael the same” Michael asked confused.

“Michelle is the female version of Michael” Maria explained to him sitting in her seat, “I think that it is sweet, Maria and Michelle because we are their god parents.”

“How do you know this” Michael asked hiding his happiness at the thought of being anything with Maria.

“I was at the crash down last night when I thought of it” Max explained, “Did you two do anything for your project.”

“We stayed apart, we figure that is the best way to stay married only see each when necessary” Michael answered.

“He’s right, we spend to much time together and we fight, I threaten to run off with all the money, he threatens an affair, it gets ugly” Maria said backing up Michael.

“Good morning what are you guys talking about” Alex asked.

“Maria and Michael’s guide to a perfect marriage stay away from each other” Max explained.

“Good advice” Isabel said joining the conversation.

“So we are only going to see each other when it is necessary” Alex asked Isabel.

“I think it is a good idea to try it, it seems to work for Michael and Maria” Isabel said.

“Well, this is going to be a great…” Alex started to say but stopped when Liz and Kyle walked in.

“I am telling you the movie was brutal,” Kyle was saying.

“I agree but it had such a good message” Liz was arguing.

“What not to get caught dressing up like a boy” Kyle suggested.

“How about the hate is powerful, and drive people to do bad things,” Liz suggested.

“Okay that is a better point but the ending was brutal, you got to admit, or were you to busy hiding your eyes in my shoulder” Kyle said as they sat down, so that Max could hear.

“I couldn’t help it was so real, and, and … I really don’t have any other defense” Liz said as the bell rang.

“Good morning, class did you begin your project over the weekend, today we are going to break up into the pairs from Friday and I will give you a situation that you must deal with, and tomorrow you will hand in a report saying how you handled it” Mrs. Kline informed them.

The class broke into pairs and was handed their situations.

Alex and Isabel were having problems choosing groomsmen and bridesmaids, Maria and Michael thought that she was pregnant, Kyle and Liz were having a fight about her job, and Max’s daughter Diane was having trouble with her teacher.

Alex quickly discovered that Isabel always got the last word in and gave up trying until she mention something about, him wearing a purple cumber bun.

“I am not wearing purple, sorry I just can’t do that,” Alex protested.

“Alex as you pointed out we don’t actually have to wear the outfits just pick them out” Isabel reminded him.

“Right, I forgot” Alex said “Okay what other colors are there going to be.”

“So you think you are pregnant and we have to decide if we are happy about this” Michael was saying.

“Yes I think that I am and we have to talk about what a child would do to our relationship, work, and other things” Maria was nervous about this topic, besides from the fact that she was discussing having a child with Michael she couldn’t help but wonder what if. If they really did have a child what would it look like would it come in human form, be green, silver, would it have Michael’s hair, her eyes, and would they put Tabasco sauce in it’s formula.

“Maria what are you thinking” Michael said looking at her.

“What our child would look like, do you ever wonder if you can have kids because you’re Checkosavakian,” she asked.

“Because I am Checkosavakian, not sure I understand you on that one” Michael more than confused, but she did answer him honestly.

“It’s what I call you since I can’t call you what you really are not in public anyways, do you” Maria explained.

He started laughing “You would do something like that, no I never thought about what our kids would look like,” he answered without realizing he said our kids instead of his.

“Well I was, would it look like you, me, maybe your relatives, god all I can say is I hope it has my hair, no child should be cursed with your hair” Maria said laughing.

“Oh and your features what if he has your mouth, and never shuts up” Michael said he loved arguing with her.

“What do you mean him it could be a girl and I do not talk that much, I just have opinions” she said loving this it was nice to fight with him, did I really just think that.

“And god knows you have to tell everyone about them…” Michael started in on her talking and she brought up his diet and they went on for the rest of the class auguring about everything.

Max however had know idea how to get his mythical daughter help with her teacher.

“Mrs. Kline how am I supposed to figure this one out” he asked.

“Oh right I am going to have you work with Liz on that one, she is Diane’s teacher and it will go along with her assignment of working to hard, Liz Kyle could you come over here” she waved them over.

“Liz you are Max’s daughter’s teacher and you are going to help him with her problem, but this causes problems in your relationship with Kyle you have to decide which is more important, your job or your relationship.

Great just great I have to compete with him for a grade now, just great, Kyle thought.

That night at the crash down Maria and Michael were still arguing about what their child would look like.

“I say she should have my eyes,” Maria said as she brought him his coffee.

“Nope, mine” he said smiling.

“What are you smiling at” Maria asked sitting in front of him.

“I think we have decided if we want this child,” he said putting Tabasco in his coffee.

“Yeah I guess we have” Maria said standing up.

“Maria…” Michael started, looking at her eyes.

“Yes,” She said meeting his eyes not letting go of them.

“I, um, thanks for the coffee” he said, he couldn’t tell her that talking about kids with her pretending to be married to her was more then he could take, he just wanted to kiss her.

“No problem” she said knowing that isn’t what he wanted to say, but it was okay for now.

In the corner Max and Liz were discussing his child.

“Okay so Diane needs more structure,” Max said trying not to laugh.

“Yes, this is crazy Max we are talking about your mythical daughter,” Liz said.

“What else do you want to talk about” Max asked.

“What happened between us, why you wanted to take a step back?” Liz said not sure how he would react.

“I told you I was off balance, when I am with you I can’t think straight, I had to Liz” he said he looked at her she was hurt. He hurt her.

“Why can’t you get back on balance with me around” she asked.

“Because I can’t let you get hurt, I have to work this out on my own. I can’t let you be a part of it. ” He said.

“But we have a relationship we have a connection I want to help you. We can work through this together” she said her eyes pleading with him.

“I want to but there are other factors” he said not realizing that Kyle had walked up.

“What other factors” Kyle said as he sat down.

“Isabel” Liz said.

“Isabel” Kyle asked confused.

“Yes my other daughter, she is the other factor” Max said wondering why Kyle was here.

“Right the single father, tough break. Liz ready to go” Kyle asked looking at Max.

“Go, right the thing, I forgot” Liz said she looked at Max and thought of a way to get him to see things her way. “Max I am sorry but I have to go.”

Max and Kyle looked at her and just stared, she had chosen Kyle.

“Kyle why don’t we skipped the thing and go get some coffee at the place on the edge of town,” she said as she put her coat on.

“Yeah, sounds good to me” Kyle said still amazed that she agreed to come at all, when he saw her with Max he thought she would chose Max but she didn’t.

“Max I will talk to about Diane at school, you see Kyle has a problem with me bringing my work home, and I think that it is important to listen to your partners opinions” she said as she headed for the door.

Max just sat there not sure what happen, she chose Kyle. He watched them leave as that thought passed through his head over and over again.

“Max where did Liz go” Michael asked sitting down next to his friend he saw what happened.

“She chose Kyle” was all Max could say.

“Is that what you got out of that, that she chose Kyle” Maria said coming over to them. She lightly hit him on the head.

“Ow” Max said looking at Maria, “Why did you do that.”

“To knock some sense into you most likely” Isabel said coming over.

“I don’t get it” Max said looking at Michael who was just as clueless.

“You hit him to knock sense into him, you don’t think he was hurt enough” Michael asked Maria.

“You don’t get it either” Maria said hitting Michael on the arm.

“They don’t get it, doubt they ever will” Alex said coming over.

“How do you know what she means” Max asked.

“I’ve known them longer” he explained.

“Explain it then please” Max asked.

“No sorry she’ll hit me next, and I know what that is like” Alex said apologetically.

“Isabel you seem to understand, tell us” Michael asked.

“No, goes against the female code” Isabel said smiling.

“Female code, great could you at least stop her from hitting us again” Max asked pointing at Maria.

“I’ll stop only because I have to work, I have a feeling that tomorrow you will understand” Maria said as she left.

“I know they will, Alex walk me home” Isabel asked.

“Sounds good” Alex said and they left Michael and Max alone wondering why Liz did that.

“So are you going to tell me the real reason you wanted to come out here or do you want to keep pretending it was because of our assignment” Kyle asked as they sat in the coffee shop.

“I was making a point to Max, I used you I am sorry Kyle” she said and meant it.

“That’s okay, the look on Max’s face was worth been used,” he said smiling. “What happened between you two?” he asked surprised he actually wanted to help her and Max. He thought that this assignment might bring them back together but he saw that it was helpless, she loved Max but being her friend would be nice.

“He need space to work on things said I made him lose focus” Liz explained.

“Well that’s easy to you are hard to be around and not lose…um, huh, what were we talking about” Kyle said trying not to laugh.

Liz started to laugh and so did Kyle and came up with a speech to make Max understand.

“Alright time to give your oral report, we will start with Mr. and Mrs. Guerin and have them tell us about their expecting a child” Mrs. Kline said.

“Lets go dear” Michael said.

“After you honey,” Maria said.

“We decided that having a child would make us better people” Michael said beginning to walk back to his seat.

“Why” Mrs. Kline asked.

“Why, what” Maria asked.

“Why would it make you better people” Mrs. Kline asked.

“Because, because it would Maria” Michael said pointing back to her.

Maria sighed closed her eyes and just as quickly opened them looked at Michael and then at the back of the room and started with “The child would be the best and the worst parts of us. It would combine who we are and make someone that was us, it would make us one” Maria said not looking at Michael she couldn’t.

“Very good, that is what a child should mean to a couple. You can sit down now.” Mrs. Kline said.

“Maria” Michael whispered as they walked back to their seats.

“No” was all Maria could say sitting down with her head facing forward.

“Alright next up is Liz Parker Kyle Valenti explaining how they dealt with a problem in their relationship” Mrs. Kline directed.

“Are you ready for this” Kyle asked as they walked up to the front of the room.

“I am, but I am not sure he is” Liz said smiling.

“We had this problem with the assignment, we just couldn’t get into it. The idea of me having trouble with Liz working just didn’t work so we came up with a new problem to work through. We hope that was okay,” Kyle said looking at Mrs. Kline.

“That’s fine a little improvising is good,” she said approving.

“Right so our problem was that I had this problem and I thought that I couldn’t solve it with Liz around she distracted my um what did I call it Liz” Kyle started.

“Your balance” she said smiling.

“Right my balance so I had this crazy thought that I should take some time away from her. But you see she convinced me that I needed her to make me off balance because I wasn’t off balance with her I was off balance without her” Kyle said having the hardest time not laughing.

“And I explained that no matter what happened between us it would be worth it because at the end I got to go through it with him” Liz said looking at Max.

“Very good Kyle, Liz you did very good. Next up Lumas and Scott” Mrs. Kline called.

At the end of class Liz was talking to Kyle when Max walked up.

“Liz can I talk to you” Max asked.

“I catch you later Liz, Max,” Kyle said leaving them.

“You told him about what happened between us” Max almost accused.

“He asked,” she answered.

He looked at her and was about to ask something when Liz answered him.

“I didn’t I wouldn’t you know that” she said.

“I know but what you said I know you are right I just don’t if I can” Max said.

“Max” Liz said she had hoped it would work, but it didn’t.

“But maybe we can try something” Max said looking up at her smiling.

“Sounds good, Maria didn’t hit you to hard did she” Liz asked as they walked out.

“No I think I’ll live,” he said taking her hand.

“Good” letting him take her hand.

“Maria would you please slow down” Michael was trying to catch up with her.

“No Michael I will not slow down I have to get to my next class and I really don’t want to talk,” she said.

“Please just tell me where that came from,” he said she had said what he thought.

“From a book I got it from a book” she lied.

“A book” he said not believing her.

“Yes a book, that is were I got it from” she said just wanting to get away from him.

“Which book” he asked.

“I don’t remember which one I just remember reading it” she said only half lying.

“Well, it was a great save” he said and left her standing there.

“Actually Michael I wrote it last night after our debate about what our child would look like, but just can’t tell you” she said in a whisper, watching him walk away. “I really need to do something about this,” she thought, and came up with an answer after school she would call him.

The end.

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