Fanfic - Unconventional Couples
"Who Will Save Your Soul"
"Liz's Diary No. 1"
Part 5
by Hero of the Day
Disclaimer: Everyone belongs to the WB, except Gaven who will come in later.
Summary: Michael is leaving Maria for Isabel but for a reason he can't explain and only time will make Michael stronger as he searches for what Isabel gave up to save the group.
Category: Unconventional Couples
Rating: R
Today is Sept. 5 and I'm Liz Parker. Last night I went to Maria's, she hasn't been sleeping well or eating much and Alex broke down 3 times during the movies but thought I didn't see him cry. Max and I have made a promise to eachother to be "friends" when we are around them...I think they are catching on because Maria says that we are acting differently. Kyle has become the over protective big brother, and I'm sitting her missing mine. I'm missing my security blanket, my shadow, my arms that catch me when I fall, but most of all I'm missing my big brother. Mom cries when she thinks no one is around and Dad is scared to let me leave for fear that I won't come home. I remember the day Michael and I sat out in front of the crashdown eating ice cream...he told he was adopted and I didn't believe him. Then he told me the sweetest thing, he loved me. Michael had always been so, I don't know, non talkative until that day in the crashdown, but he told that to me when we were like, nine. Then he told me that dad adopted him because mom couldn't have anymore kids and she really wanted a boy. Dad always told me that we bought him at a store...::laughing:: and I believed him. I would tell him that we would take him back because I had the paperwok....when dad told me he really was adopted I felt bad because I said we would take him back...but I would give anything right now for him to be here for just two seconds. Michael Allen Guerin...Michael Allen Parker,...I'm so glad he kept his last name...Michael Parker just sounds too weird. I wonder who is going to give me weggies in the pool? Tell me I can't wear a certain top, make fun of me and Max, well there is Maria and Alex for that,'s just not the same though. Who is going to be my big brother now? I feel so alone, so scared, like I've lost this big piece of me. I'm staring at the moon thinking of him and wondering if he is staring at the same moon thinking of me. No matter where he is, or what moon he is looking at, he is my brother, and I love him with all my heart.

Sincerely, Elizabeth Claudia Parker

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