Colin HanksLeading

Colin Hanks in the “Tenacious D” movie

Colin will appear as a Drunk Frat Dude in the comedy movie “Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny”. Tenacious D is the band of Jack Black and Kyle Gass – two comedians. In an interview, some years ago, Colin mentioned to be a hughe fan of TD. In “Orange County”, Jack Black played the constantly stoned brother of Colin’s movie character Shaun and they both play parts in the remake “King Kong” of Peter Jackson.

Liam Lynch is the director of the “Tenacious D” movie. In addition, Lynch was the director of the music video “Tribute” of the band. The movie, with Meath Loaf or Ben Stiller in supporting roles, will be released in 2006.

The official movie website can be found here: There you can watch a funny news clip from hell: the “Hell O’clock News”. More informations about Tenious D or the movie can be found on the Official Tenacious D Website or Set Visit.