#116 Sexual Healing – Quotes

Added by Lena

Alex: Liz, what’s goin’ on? Liz: Alex, the most incredible thing is happening to me, but I-I don’t even know what it is. Alex: What?

Michael: Ok. We’re leaving now. But I have some Chaka Khan queued up on the CD player.

Michael: Listen, Maxwell. You’re a sensitive guy and you have available to you one of the top three seduction lines in history with ‘It’s going to help me find my home planet’. And you’re refusing to use it. No guy is that sensitive. Use it.

Mr. Seligman: You are an excellent student, Miss Parker. I’d hate to see anything get between you and the… uh… beauty of the universe.

Alex: In the interests of science, kissing being purported to invoke.. insights, I wanted to, you know, offer myself as a human subject available for experimentation.
Isabel: Not gonna happen, Alex.
Alex: Right, right. Thought I’d give it a shot.

Michael: Did she see anyone else on the ship, like our parents?
Isabel: Yeah, like Captain Kirk and the Klingons?

Liz: If you know so much, then tell me, Max, what’s my destiny?
Max: I only know the part I’m hoping for.