#312 Ch-Ch-Changes – Quotes

Added by Lena

Mr. Parker: You know, I backed off that whole boarding school thing, because you promised you were gonna get your life together, and going to Harvard has been your dream since you were what? Six.
Liz: Five, and that’s because you put a poster of Cambridge over my bed.
Mr. Parker: Yeah. Sweetie, you’ve got more brains and talent in your little finger then all the kids at Roswell have in their entire bodies.
Liz: Dad, please.
Mr. Parker: I am serious. How many of them are even thinking about going to college? [he hands her aspirin.] They’re just hanging around watching TV dreaming about becoming rock stars.
[Maria walks in.] Maria: Wahoo!!! [raises her hands in the air.] A label wants to sign me, I’m going to be a rock star.

Liz: Just stop hurting me.
Max: I wasn’t trying to.
Liz: No, but Max you do. You always do. Why did you sleep with her?
Liz: Why?
Max: Liz.
Liz: Every single time you mention your son… I am reminded of what you did to me… how you were unfaithful to us–how can you not know that?
Max: Liz please.
Liz: Stay away! You’re doing this.
Max: No, I’m not. Liz, please. Please–

Liz (to Max): You healed me and now I’m different.

Michael: Do I have to knock some sense into you right now? I got a shovel right here. I’ll do it!

Liz (about Max): He risked so much when he healed me, it’s what made me fall in love with him.
Kyle: Yeah, me too.