"A Twist of Fate" |
Part 5 by Anne Baker |
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Disclaimer: They’re not mine. The characters of
Roswell belong to Melinda Metz, the WB, Jason Katims,
and all the wonderful people who we all love for
starting this wonderful story. I’m just borrowing
them! The quotes are from “Watershed” by Indigo
Girls. Go girls! (Amy shook my hand! That’s my one
claim to fame of the summer while y’all were meeting
Jason!) Summary: It's Freshman year, and a certain dream couple starts to eye each other! What would happen if the couples got together Frosh year instead of Sophomore year? Category: After Hours Rating: NC-17 Authors Note: Dedication: Thanks to my whole Roswell family for being so supportive and loving to me. Particularly Mel, Celeste, Patti, Jez, Linda, Anne M, and the whole diehard family! |
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“Hey Liz” Isabel greeted the leech in front of her
with a huge fake smile plastered across her face.
Leech…yeah, that was a good word for her. The leech
had attached herself to Max, slowly sucking away all
of his defenses, until eventually she’ll destroy him.
Max needed to get rid of her, and fast. “Hey Isabel.” Liz responded, smiling whole heartedly back. “Thanks a lot for inviting me along today. I think it’s a really good idea for us to get to know each other too. Who knows? Maybe we’ll even become friends out of this.” Isabel laughed aloud. She was good. That whole innocent, sweet act thing. “Yeah, maybe. Come on, Max lent me the jeep. Let’s go.” As they drove to the mall, Liz pretty much babbled incessantly, while Isabel rolled her eyes occasionally at the road. “So, um…you an Max seem to be pretty close for siblings. I mean, it seems kind of unlikely ‘cause you don’t seem to have very much in common. You’re so outgoing and popular while Max is just so shy and quiet. You’re just so different… It must be really cool to have a close relationship like that. I mean, that’s what I’ve always thought it must be like to have a sibling, but most people complain constantly about their little brother or sister like they’re nothing but a pain in the ass and stuff. It must be cool to have someone there for you though.” Liz looked at Isabel, as if she was trying to probe her, to figure her out. It made Isabel really uncomfortable. “Yeah…it is kind of cool with me and Max. We have more in common than you think though. It’s not always good though, I mean, we fight. We don’t always see things eye to eye.” Liz nodded, accepting her response. “Yeah, no one’s perfect.” “I don’t know though. Max is always there for me when I need him. He’s always supportive, and willing to lend an ear when I’m feeling down. It’s really great to have someone like that right there beside me. I guess I’ve always thought that being an only child must be really lonely. I can’t imagine not having Max there with me.” “I don’t know. I’m not lonely without any siblings. I guess I’m used to it. Plus I’ve got Maria and Alex. They’ve always been there for me when I need them. I guess they’re like family to me.” “That must be really cool, to have friends that are that close to you. I have Max and Michael, they’re like brothers to me, but outside of them there’s really no one I can talk to. In my group no one really lets each other in. We’re all just there creating an image. That it. It’s just all about the image.” Isabel parked the jeep, and looked over to Liz who was looking at her sympathetically. Then she realized what she had just said. She had opened herself up to someone other than Max and Michael…to Liz Parker for that matter. And Isabel hated to admit it, but it felt good. “Wow…that was weird.” She commented nervously. “What?” Liz asked curiously. “I’m just not used to talking that openly with anyone…except for Max and Michael. It was really cool. Thanks Liz.” “No problem, Isabel. I told you we could become friends. Don’t hesitate to call me anytime you need some girl talk.” Liz smiled brightly at her, and Isabel found herself smiling back. “Come on, let’s shop!” The two new friends smiled and laughed their way through the mall, trying on dozens of dresses. “So who are you going to the dance with?” Liz asked Isabel from inside the dressing room, as she slipped into a short, black spaghetti strapped dress. “I don’t know actually.” “You’re kidding.” “Well, I haven’t made a decision yet. I’ve been asked by half the football team, but I don’t want to go with one of those smelly, crude guys that just wants to get drunk and have sex. I want to go with someone I’d have fun with. Unfortunately those are the guys who are too scared to ask me out. I’ll probably just end up going stag.” “You know who really wants to go with you?” “Who?” “You didn’t hear this from me, but my friend Alex has the biggest crush on you.” “Alex Whitman?” “Yeah, do you know who he is?” “Yeah, I’ve seen him around. He seems nice, kind of dorky, but nice.” “He’s really great. One of my best friends in the world. He’s fun, and really easy to talk to. I’d bet that you’d have a blast with him. You should ask him!” “Maybe…” Isabel responded thoughtfully. “Okay, I’m coming out. Tell me what you think.” Liz nervously took a step out from behind the curtain, and stood there uncomfortably as Isabel circled her, studying the dress. “I think…it’s perfect. Max is going to flip when he sees you in it.” “Really?” Liz asked shyly. “Yes really!” Isabel laughed. “Okay! I’ll get it!” After finding Isabel a beautiful long red dress, the two girls made their way to the food court for some sodas. “Hey, no way! There’s Maria and Alex! Come on, let’s say hi.” “Okay!” Isabel smiled. The four of them greeted each other with smiles. Maria immediately dragged Liz off to the side, whispering in her ear, and Isabel found herself alone with Alex, who was grinning at her like a big idiot. Well, like a kind of cute, big idiot… “Hey Alex, how’s it going?” Isabel asked him, flashing him one of her heartbreakingly beautiful smiles. “Hey Isabel, it’s going good. How about for you?” “Good! Liz just helped me pick out my dress for the dance.” “That’s cool…I’m doing the same for Maria at the moment. She says she needs a guy’s opinion, or something.” “Well, guys have the best opinions! Too bad Liz and I didn’t know you were here, maybe you could have checked ours out too.” Alex gulped at the though. Yeah, he’d check her out… “How about you, are you going to the dance?” “Yeah, I’ll probably go.” “You have a date?” “Nah…I’ll probably go stag with Liz and Maria or something.” “Do you want a date?” Isabel asked him curiously. “Well, yeah.” “Great, it’s a date then.” “What?” Alex asked incredulously. “I’ll be your date…assuming you want to go with me.” “Yeah, of course I want to go with you, but…I mean…are you sure Isabel?” “Yeah, I’m sure. Liz says that we’d have fun together, and I trust her.” “Okay, then. I’ll pick you up around 7?” “Sounds good to me. See you later Alex.” “Since when do you go shopping with Isabel Evans, Liz?” Maria asked her incredulously. “She’s the kind of person we’ve spent our entire high school career trying to avoid. What happened?” “She’s Max’s sister, Maria.” “So?” “So we thought that we should get to know each other since Max and I are dating.” “You and Max are dating? Since when? I thought you were just going to the dance together.” “It’s more than that Maria.” “More than what?” “More than just a dance date. He’s incredible Maria. He’s so sweet and so handsome, and he already is so gentle with me and so kind.” “Whoa there Liz, this is sounding pretty serious.” “I think it is serious Maria. I think we’re looking at the beginning of a long term thing here.” Maria squealed softly. “That is so cool, Lizzie! I’m so happy for you! Didn’t I always tell you that you and Max should hook up! Come on, Liz. I want to hear it.” Liz sighed. “You were right Maria.” “You’re damn right I was right!” Liz grinned. “You were sooooooo right Maria!” The two girls hugged each other and squealed loudly together, ‘causing Alex to look at them in shock, and Isabel to start cracking up. |
Part 4 | Index | Part 6 |