"Reunion" |
Part 2 by Sarah M |
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Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters or names, though I wish I did.
Summary: Max leaves Roswell and Liz. But is it forever? Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG Authors Note: Let me know what ya think please. |
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"Honestly Liz you’re looking too far into this. Isabelle is a very common name. Michael is even more common." "But Maria, what if. Could they really be back?" The hope in her voice was more than obvious. "Don’t you think that was the first thing to enter my mind? But if we get our hopes up, we’ll be worse off than before." "I know but what if…" "Aunt Mia’! Will you come play on the swings with me?" A voice suddenly shouted from across the playground. "Do you mind, Liz?" "Of course not. Go ahead. But bring the dog over here." As Liz watched Maria and Claudia play she got lost in her thoughts once again. Damn it! Max thought to himself as he slammed the phone book closed. Boston had turned out to be yet another dead end. Why did I ever leave her in the first place? He had been back to Roswell only to find Liz gone. No one knew where she went and no one seemed very anxious to talk to him, so he, Isabelle and Michael agreed to move on and keep looking. They had been to Santa Fe, Texas, California, New York City, New Orleans, and dozen of smaller places along the way. Why had he come to Boston? He’d been having the strongest urges to try there since they let Roswell. But once again…nothing. He had 2 hours till he had to meet Isabelle and Michael, and the park across the street looked so peaceful. So slowly he walked across the street. First thing he saw was a bench with a woman who looked about 25 years old. She seemed of in her own world, while the cream colored puppy next to her had wound him self around the leg of the bench. "Do you mind?" he asked as he gestured down to the bench next to the woman. "Huh?" the voice had startled Liz out of her thoughts. As she looked up dark hared, tired, gruffy looking man stood beside her. "Do you mind if I sit down? I didn’t mean to disturb you." He said again "Oh that’s ok." "You look like you have a lot on your mind." "Yea you could say that…" "Mommy, look at Aunt Mia!" Claudia’s voice shouted from across the playground. Liz looked up to see Maria with her butt in a baby swing with her arms and legs flailing everywhere. The site couldn’t help but make Liz laugh. "Your daughter?" the man asked. "Yea. I don’t know what I’d do without her." "She’s really something." Max replied only half-paying attention. The strange, but beautiful woman looked so familiar, yet so… unfamiliar. "Do I know you?" he asked. "I don’t think so. I’m not from around here." "Me neither. Where are you from?" "Oh back west." "Oh. Are you ok, you seem upset." "No, I am upset." "Do you want to talk about it? I’m a great listener." The man was so familiar. Liz didn’t know why but she trusted him… "I’m just thinking about the past. My life and how things used to be." "Are they good memories?" "Yes. Mostly memories of my daughter… and her father." "Can to tell me about it?" "He was the most wonderful, amazing man I’d ever met. He was smart honest, loving." "But…" "But we were just too different." "What happened?" "He just left one day. He left a note and I haven’t heard from him since." "Well if he gave up some one as beautiful as you and your daughter then he’s crazy and your better off without him." "Thank you. That’s very sweet. But I loved him, more than life…and as for Claudy, he didn’t know about her. I was going to his house to tell him when I got there I found the note." As Liz looked across the park she saw Claudia and Maria and decided it was time for lunch. "I’m sorry but I better get some lunch for her." Liz explained as she pointed to Claudia. "It was nice to talk to you and meet you." Liz told him honestly, as she got up and started to walk with Isabelle towards Maria and Claudia. "Wait…Liz??" Max cried as it stuck him who she was. "What did you just call me?" Liz asked as she turned around… Could it really be him? Could it really be her? The words flew from his mouth before he could stop them. Liz turned around and knew it really was him. "Max!!" she dropped the leash and dog and ran to him, crying. The next thing she knew she was in his arms. He’s back! My Max is back! |
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Part 3 |