"The Liz Capades"
"Liz Parker - Gold Digger" |
Part 1 by Miranda |
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Disclaimer: I do not own. Summary: A look at the dating prowess of Liz Parker, post-Balance. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG-13 |
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“I cannot believe you are doing this!” Maria perched
her hands on her hips, glaring at her best friend. “Believe it, Maria,” Liz replied, carefully applying eye shadow. “But … you love Max… and don’t you dare try to deny it.” Maria folded her arms across her chest. “Wait a minute, you’re just trying to make him jealous, aren’t you? Now this is a cause I can totally get behind. Tell you what, I’ll keep an eye on him for you. You know, gauge his reaction –“ “I’m not interested in his reaction,” Liz cut her off. “He wants to take a step back? Fine!” She turned to her friend. “I need to do this, Maria. I can’t just sit around and obsess about Max while he’s off trying to regain his ‘balance’.” She looked back at her reflection. “I have to find myself again. I need to find my balance, too,” she whispered. Maria sighed and looped an arm around her neck, resting her head against Liz’s. “I’m sorry. You do whatever you gotta do.” The girls smiled at each other in the mirror. -- Liz slipped in through the back entrance of the café and managed to catch Maria’s eye. Maria nodded, refilled a quick cup of coffee for a customer and joined Liz near the front counter. She grabbed Liz’s arm with a squeal. “Liz, you look killer!” Liz had swept most of her hair back, pinning it high on the crown, with soft waves tumbling down the back and a few loose tendrils framing her delicate face. Her simple slip dress was colored a deep amethyst. “Where’s he taking you?” “The traditional dinner and a movie. Are you sure I look okay? I’m not overdressed? Too much makeup?” Liz worriedly gnawed one berry-tinted lip. “Trust me. Dustin’s chin will hit the floor.” Maria toyed with the idea of pointing out how someone else’s body parts were reacting to the sight, but decided it would probably upset her. Max sat in his usual booth with Isabel and Michael. He hadn’t been able to tear his eyes away from Liz since she entered the room. Jose tapped the bell, signaling Maria that an order was up. “Duty calls,” Maria sighed and grabbed the plates. As she delivered the orders she noticed Isabel motioning her over. “Why is Liz so dressed up?” “She’s got a date,” Maria smiled. Michael slammed his glass down, sloshing cherry coke onto the table. He cast a furious look at Max. Max studied the french fries on his plate. “Settle down, Michael,” he murmured. He shifted his eyes a bit so he could watch Liz as she crossed the floor to meet Dustin. “She can go out with whomever she wants,” he added wistfully as Liz bestowed a beautiful smile on her date. Max swore he could actually feel one of his lungs collapse as Dustin wrapped his hand possessively around Liz’s fingers and led her out the door. -- … tap, tap, tap… Maria’s head shot up from her history book and she stared at the window. … tap, tap, tap… “Michael?” Her eyes narrowed. “Can’t talk to me at school, but it’s okay to pull a Peeping Tom number on me? I don’t think so.” She stalked to the window and yanked up the blinds. “Liz!” Maria looked at her in confusion as she slid the window up. “What are you doing here? And why is it that ever since the Czechoslovakians came into our lives no one uses doors?” Liz stopped partway through the window and wrinkled her brow. “I don’t know. I guess I just got used to sneaking around.” She stepped into the room and collapsed on Maria’s bed. She lay on her back and thrust one hand into the air. “Gimme some cyprus oil or something.” “Okaaay, I’m guessing the date either went tremendously well or tremendously bad.” “The latter – definitely the latter.” “Dustin’s not the man for you?” “The only person on this planet that could possibly find Dustin Gold attractive is Dustin Gold.” “Oh, come on. He’s a pretty popular guy.” “Maria….” Liz sat up, shaking her head, unsure where to begin. “Okay, he drives a 1969 Mustang –“ “Cool,” Maria interrupted. “It’s gold-colored.” Liz nodded once for emphasis. “So?” Liz tilted her head and continued. “His license plate reads ‘GLDNBOY’.” Liz waited for a reaction as Maria’s eyes narrowed in concentration. “It spells ‘Golden Boy’, Maria.” Maria’s eyes cleared as she nodded. “Oh, okay, I get it. It’s a play on his last name. That’s kind of cute.” Liz shot her an exasperated glare and blew out a sigh. “We went to the Chinese place.” “The one where you and Max went?” Liz nodded. “Well, he didn’t get off to a very good start, but he didn’t know.” “I know. I was a little weirded out by it at first, but then….” Liz lowered her head, her shoulders hitching. Maria rubbed her back in sympathy. “Oh honey, I’m sorry.” “Dustin ordered Kung Bo Gai Ding, and… and… he asked for extra golden sauce.” Liz couldn’t control herself any longer. She broke into laughter and collapsed against Maria’s shoulder. “Liz,” Maria pushed her away. “Don’t do that to me. I thought you were going to cry over fortune cookie memories or something.” Maria watched as Liz fought to bring her giggling under control. Liz cleared her throat and pasted a serious expression on her face. Maria’s face split in a wide grin. “Golden sauce, huh?” Both girls burst into laughter. “Okay,” Maria gasped. “That’s it, right? I mean, the date did get better?” Liz wiped the tears from her eyes and told Maria about the rest of her date: < Liz stared through the windshield for a moment, trying to process his words. “Do you mean we’re going to your house?” “Yeah, why sit in a little cramped chair in an crowded theater when you can sprawl out on a comfy couch at home?” Liz offered him a hesitant smile. Dustin grinned back at her as he slid a CD into the stereo. “I’ve been drivin’ all night, my hands wet on the wheel There’s a voice in my head that drives my heel It’s my baby callin’, says I need you here And it’s half past four and I’m shiftin’ gear” “Hey, I know this. My dad sings it all the time. What’s it called?” “It’s a classic – ‘Radar Love’ by Golden Earring.” Liz quickly turned her head and stared at the passing houses, trying to hide her smile. >> “Oh my god,” Maria laughed. “No, don’t tell me anymore,” she begged as Liz opened her mouth to continue. “I’m going to wet my pants, I swear. Go get us some ice cream while I run to the bathroom.” -- Liz opened a drawer and pulled out two spoons. She stopped for a moment, watching ice crystals melt off the ice cream carton and run down onto the counter, remembering that the last time she and Maria had done this it was to talk about Max and Michael. She mentally shook herself. Better to not go there. -- “Okay, so what happened next?” Maria dug her spoon into the ice cream with enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with humor. “Well, we got to his house – yellow, of course – and he picked out a movie.” “Wait, wait, wait, let me see if I can guess. Umm… ‘Wizard of Oz’? You know, for that whole yellow brick road thing?” Liz shook her head. “Golden Child.” “Ugh!” Maria brightened and clasped Liz’s arm. “Did you get to go in the kitchen?” “No. Why?” “I bet I can guess what color their appliances are,” Maria smirked. “Harvest gold,” the girls shouted in unison and collapsed into giggles again. “Oh, oh wait. I did get to meet his little sister. You will never guess what her name is.” Liz looked at Maria expectantly. “Umm… Worth Her Weight In?” “Pure,” Liz exclaimed. Maria stared at her. “They named their child ‘Pure Gold’?” Liz pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. “Twisted. Did he say if he wants to see you again?” Liz nodded. “In fact,” she said, rummaging through her purse, “he gave me this.” She held up a piece of paper. The words ‘Grade for First Date’ were emblazoned across the top with Liz’s name written underneath. Next to her name was a gold star. “Unfortunately, I had to decline,” she grinned wickedly. “I told him that I was too young to get involved with anyone and that I needed to focus on school, so I made a one-date rule. I only go out with someone once. Besides,” she said quietly. “I’d rather be the breakupper than the breakupee.” Liz picked at the bedspread while Maria eyed her carefully. “I’m sorry it didn’t go well, Lizzie.” Liz shrugged. “Maybe next time.” “Next time?” “I’m not going to let one bad date stop me.” |
Index | Part 2 |