"Theory of Relativity"
"Theory of Evolution" |
Part 2 by N/A |
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Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell belong to the WB, among others, I’m just borrowing them to tell a tale. Summary: A year or two down the road (still in highschool)…Max and Liz are about to end the friendship game they’ve been playing and what happens blows everybody away. Category: Max/Liz Rating: PG Authors Note: Okay…you asked for it…so here it is (thank Rachelle Ramsey, cause she’s the one who made me keep writing this story)…enjoy…and I’d love to know what you think… |
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(Scene: School Library. Max and Liz are sitting next to each other, feeling their hearts beating together) Max (looking up from their hands to Liz’s face): Liz…I… Liz (meeting Max’s gaze): Can we go somewhere? (Max nods and they gather up their things and leave the library) (Scene: Max’s Jeep, somewhere in the desert. They are both sitting in silence deep in their own thoughts. Max turns on to a side road, drives a ways and then stops. They are on top of a mesa overlooking the reservation. They sit there for a second and then Liz gets out of the car and walks closer to the edge and sits down. Max follows her) Liz (looking at the view): It’s beautiful…I know a spot like this. Max (also looking at the view): I come here to think. (They’re silent for a few moments and finally Max looks over at Liz) Are you...are you sure it happened? Liz (still looking at the view): Yes. (Max already in a major state of confusion looks like he’s trying to figure out how she’d know. Liz glances over at him, and then away) Trust me Max…there are ways to know…when it’s your first time. Max (quickly looking over at her): Are you…okay? Liz: I don’t know…I mean, physically I’m…I’m fine. But we didn’t use any protection Max – I don’t even know if we need to… Max (utterly overwhelmed): I don’t understand…How could this have happened? (He looks at Liz with a sad face) I’m so sorry Liz…I never… Liz (looks over at him): Max, I wanted it to happen, for a long time I have – and it was my dream. Max: But you thought it was just a dream. Liz: Maybe I wanted it to be more. (Max looks over at her out of the corner of his eye, as she continues to look at the view. After a pause and in a sad tone) But I can’t feel it Max…(she looks over at him pleadingly) Can you feel it? (He just looks at her and she looks away) Every time I close my eyes it’s all I see…you…and us…what we did – everything. But I…I can’t feel it. My heart should stop and my body should…I don’t know, tingle all over when I see it. I should be able to remember what your hands felt like…your lips…your body…everything. But I don’t feel anything. It’s like my mind remembers but my body doesn’t. (Max just looks at her desperately wanting to comfort her – to touch her – but he’s not sure if she wants him to. They sit for a bit and she finally looks over at him) Did you want it to happen? Max (shyly, almost embarrassed): Longer than you have. (Liz looks down with a shy smile and sees Max’s hand resting on the ground. She reaches over and rests her hand next to his so that their fingers are touching. Max looks down at their hands touching and then over at Liz – who’s looking back at the view. And both of them can feel “their” heart beat. They just sit there looking at the view and holding hands) (Scene: School Parking Lot. It’s after school and Michael and Isabel are looking for the Jeep and Maria is looking for Liz) Isabel (to a frustrated Michael): Where could he have gone? Michael: He’s your brother. Isabel: Well he was acting weird this morning but…(Maria walks up to them) Maria: Have you seen Liz? Michael (looking at Isabel): That explains that. Maria: What? Isabel: Max is missing in action since lunch. Maria: Liz was so weird this morning…something about a dream. (Isabel gives her a quick look) Hope everything’s okay. Michael: You never know with those two. Maria (shaking herself out of her worried thoughts): You guys need a ride? (Scene: Back to Liz and Max, the sun is setting and they’re still in the same positions – sitting holding hands looking at the view) Max (looking over at Liz): I need to try and understand this…how this happened. Liz: I know. (Looking over at him) How? Max: I don’t know…I need to do some experiments with Michael and Isabel…(pauses) and you. (Liz nods her head and looks away) I need to see if we can leave things in each others dreams…if they can leave things in your dreams. (Liz nods her head again) Are you okay Liz? (She looks at him with a weak smile) Tell me what I can do for you. Liz (looking down at their hands entwined and squeezing his hand): You’re doing it. (Max looks at her longingly, wanting to hold her but settling for holding her hand. She looks away and up at the sky at the stars that have started to appear) (Scene: Isabel’s Bedroom, late at night. Isabel is lying on her bed listening to music. Max opens the door and comes in, sitting on the bed) Isabel: Nice of you to ditch us today? Max (not paying any attention to her): Have you ever left anything in a dream? Isabel: What? Max: Have you ever gone into someone’s dream and left something…like a…scarf? Isabel: A scarf? Max: You know what I mean. Isabel: No…what are you talking about? Max (a little flustered): Look, I need you to go into Michael’s dream, ask him to take off his shirt, and then put it on. Isabel: Okay, who are you and what have you done with my brother? Max: I’m serious Isabel. Just do it…I’ll explain when you’re done. Isabel: What, do it now? Max: Yes…now… Isabel: What if he’s not asleep? (Max just gives her an evil exasperated look) Okay. (Max starts to leave the room) Where are you going? Max: I’m going to Michael’s dream after you…I’ll give him…my shirt. Isabel: This is crazy Max, are you on something? Max (leaving the room): Just do it…and make sure you put the shirt on. (He leaves and Isabel is left staring at the door shaking her head. She grabs her yearbook, finds a picture of Michael, touches it and then leans back in bed and closes her eyes) (Michael’s Dream Scene: Mescalero Reservation cave. Michael is sitting in the middle of it staring at the wall of images. Isabel appears behind him.) Isabel: Should have guessed. Michael (startled and turning around): What are you doing here? Isabel: Max has officially gone over the deep end. I need your shirt. Michael: What? Isabel: Look, just give me your shirt so I can get out of here and get back to Max before he does something even more mental. (Michael just looks at her) The shirt Michael – give it to me or I’ll take it from you (she makes a step toward him and he starts to pull off his shirt. He gives it to her and she puts it on. ) When you wake up… Michael (interrupting her): I’m already planning on it. (Isabel shakes her head and leaves the dream. Michael just sits there shirtless and confused for a moment. Then Max comes into his dream and starts taking off his shirt) Max (handing his shirt to Michael): Here, put it on. Michael (totally confused): What the… Max: Just put the damn thing on and wake up. (Michael grabs the shirt and puts it on. Max leaves the dream) (Scene: Max’s Bedroom. Max wakes up from his dream and sees Isabel standing over him wearing Michael’s shirt over her pajamas he quickly looks down to see that he isn’t wearing his shirt) Isabel: Okay, what the hell is going on Max? Max: That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Isabel: How am I wearing Michael’s shirt – and where is yours? Max (getting up from the bed): Go get your yearbook and bring your pillow. Isabel: I need answers. Max: That’s what we’re going to try and find. (Isabel looks at him and reluctantly leaves. Max rolls out the sleeping bag he keeps for Michael. He looks at the clock and goes over to crack open his window. Isabel comes back in the room with her stuff and Max motions to the sleeping bag) Isabel (defiantly): What, the floor? Max: Michael has to be on the bed – he doesn’t know how to dreamwalk very well I’m going to have to help him. Isabel: Max…(Before she can finish, Michael opens the window and enters the room) Michael: What the hell is this (shaking Max’s shirt at them)? Max (losing patience and grabbing the shirt from Michael he puts it on): We’re trying to figure out. Michael: Yea, well… Max (having lost his patience): Listen! I don’t know what’s going on but I’m trying to find out…okay? Isabel (pointing to the sleeping bag) and you (looking at Michael) lie down on the bed. (They both look at each other and then move to their designated positions.) Isabel, I need you to go into Alex’s dream and do the same thing you did in Michael’s. Isabel: Take his shirt? Max: Yea shouldn’t be too hard to get it off of him. (He looks over at Michael) We’re going into Liz’s. I’ll help you get there and then I’ll leave to go to Maria’s. Liz knows you’re coming so just give her your shirt. When you come out of her dream I’ll take you into Maria’s. (Isabel and Michael just look at Max, over at each other, and then nod their heads. Isabel touches a picture of Alex and then lies down. Max and Michael lie down side by side. Max’s left hand touches a picture of Liz and he grabs Michael’s arm with his right. He glances over at Michael with a “you ready look” and Michael closes his eyes) (Alex’s Dream Scene: Alex is sitting on a stool with his guitar in a dark room. Words are floating by him as he is trying to write a song. Isabel appears in the dream just as the word “Isabel” floats over his head) Isabel (under her breath): This is too easy. (Seductively to Alex): Hey there. Alex (looking up and startled): Isabel…what are you doing here? Isabel (she walks up to Alex and plays with his t-shirt): I came to see you. Alex (looking around and down at Isabel’s hands on his chest, shakily): Really? Isabel (she starts to pull up his t-shirt): Really. Alex (looks around nervously): Oh…um…what…what…do you want? Isabel (looking at him and pulling the shirt over his head): This. Alex (with his shirt over his head): My shirt? Isabel (putting the shirt over her pajamas): Thank you Alex. (She gives him a kiss on the cheek and leaves the room, and a poor shirtless Alex completely confused watches her go.) (Liz’s Dream Scene: Liz’s Bedroom. She’s sitting on her bed waiting. Max and Michael enter the dream standing in front of her. Max and Liz share a “connecting”/knowing gaze, Michael notices. Liz stands up and gives the bathrobe she’s holding to Max. Max leaves. Michael looks confused, glances to where Max was and then over at Liz) Michael: I think you know more than I do. Liz: I just need your shirt Michael. Michael (a little disgusted): Right. (He takes off his shirt and hands it to Liz. She puts it on over her pajamas.) Liz (looking up at him): Thank you. Michael (realizing he’s shirtless and in Liz’s bedroom, nervously): Right. (He leaves the dream) (Maria’s Dream/Nightmare Scene: Crashdown Café. The place is packed, people are everywhere and there isn’t anyone else but Maria. She’s running around franticly. Max walks into the dream, looks around and laughs at Maria. She sees him and runs up to him) Maria: Max! You’ve got to help me. Liz never showed up and I’m dead here by myself. Max (looking at Maria’s waitress uniform): Give me your apron. Maria: What? Max: If you want me to help I’m gonna need your apron. Maria: You’re a lifesaver (she takes her apron off and hands it to Max. He puts it on. Maria turns around) Come on I’ll show what to do (she turns back around to look for Max but he’s gone) (Scene: Back to Max’s Bedroom. Isabel is sitting up on the sleeping bag – not wearing Alex’s shirt, just her pajamas. Michael is sitting up on the bed wearing his shirt. And Max wakes up not wearing Maria’s apron. They look around at each other) Max (looking at Michael): Ready? Michael: Maria? Max: Yea…(Michael shoots a look to Isabel and then lies down) She’s dreaming about the Crashdown…just ask her for her apron. Michael: Fine, let’s get it over with. (Max gives a quick glare and then lies down. He touches Maria’s picture and grabs Michael’s arm.) (Back to Maria’s Dream/Nightmare Scene: Crashdown Café. Same as before packed with people everywhere. She’s now running around franticly looking for Max. Michael walks into the dream; Maria sees him and runs up to him) Maria: Michael – have you seen Max? Michael: No…pretty busy? Maria: Damn him, he’s so getting a piece of my mind tomorrow… Michael: Need some help? Maria: You? Michael: Look, just give me your apron so I can help out. Maria (looking suspiciously at him): That’s what Max wanted. Are you playing some sort of evil alien joke on me…cause if that… Michael (interrupting her): Do you want help or not? Maria (still suspicious and looking around the café): Desperate times…desperate measures. (She unties her apron and gives it to Michael. He puts it on.) You look kinda cute, you want these (she grabs at her antennae)…(Michael just glares at her) Okay (she turns around) you clear those tables and (turns back around to see Michael gone). What the… (Scene: Back to Max’s Bedroom. Michael wakes up and finds Isabel and Max sitting on the bed. He looks down and he isn’t wearing the apron.) Michael (looking at Max): Alright, Maxwell…explain. Max (shaking his head): I don’t know…we must have some sort of mental and physical connection between us that lets us actually interact in our dreams…if it was just a power…we would have Alex’s shirt and Maria’s apron…but it’s something more…(he trails off) Isabel: I don’t understand, Max…why didn’t we realize this before? Max: We’ve never tried it before. Michael (looking at Max): How did you know? Max: I didn’t…I wasn’t sure… Isabel: What does it mean? Michael (attempting humor): If you ever need anything, there’s more than one way to get it to you…(Isabel and Michael glare at each other, then look over at Max who is lost in his own thoughts) Isabel: Max? Max (looking up at them): What does it mean that I can do this with Liz? Michael: What? (Max reaches under his bed and pulls out her bathrobe. Michael and Isabel look at the bathrobe and then at Max, stunned.) |
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Part 3 |