FanFic - Other
"Questioning Destiny"
Part 8
by Diana
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters. No infringement intended.
Summary: "Questioning Destiny" Another Destiny Tag… Max’s Point of view
Category: Other
Rating: PG-13
Authors Note: This is my interpretation of what the characters were going through a few days/ weeks after ‘Destiny’… Feedback is always appreciated... Thanks to everyone who's sent me feedback on my other stories :-D
I cannot do this. I’m sixteen years old. I can’t… I am not the leader of an entire civilization. I can’t be. Maybe she meant Michael. No. She didn’t mean Michael, she meant me. But I can’t do this. My mother is sitting in the other room. Not the one who gave us that message weeks ago. The mother who took Izzy and me into her home, the one who made me macaroni and cheese for dinner because she knows it’s my favorite. What am I supposed to tell her? If Isabel and Michael and I have to leave, what am I supposed to say? ‘Gee thanks for dinner, Mom. Oh, and, by the way, Isabel and I won’t be home in time for dinner tomorrow night because we have to lead a revolution on our home planet.’ I can’t tell her that. I can’t leave her. She’s my mother. But what about my other mother? Can I really let her die? Can I really turn my back on a whole other planet? I can’t do this. This is my home now. Wouldn’t my other mother know that? And how am I supposed to know that she’s really my mother, anyway. We’re clones. Sort of. So what does that really make her to me? I am so confused. I can’t leave this place. I can’t leave my family. I can’t leave my friends. And Liz… Oh, Liz, honey I love you. I hope you know that. Tess means nothing to me. Nothing. My mother… the woman who delivered the message said that Tess was my wife in a past life. I love you now. I don’t care if you did leave. I love you. That will never change. I can’t do this. It’s too hard. There are too many choices. I just want to be normal. I just want to have my family and my friends and Liz and live a normal life. I don’t need anything else. I don’t need this. My brother and my sister, Michael and Isabel, are in so much pain right now. I can see it in their eyes. They can’t do this either. Isabel is happy here. Even Michael is happy here. Isabel has her family and her friends and Alex. Michael has us, his friends, and Maria. But now they’re supposed to be going off with me to fight some war that we didn’t even know existed a few weeks ago. They don’t want to leave here either. Michael won’t admit that but it’s the truth. This is our home now. Wouldn’t our real mother understand that? This is our home. But we have a home somewhere else, too. And we’re supposed to be loyal to both sets of people, to both mothers, to both lovers. This is not fair at all. Who am I supposed to turn to? I can’t talk to Isabel or Michael. They’re confused and hurting right now, too. I can’t talk to Tess. She’ll just say something else about how this was all meant to be. I feel sorry for her. She must not know what it’s really like to be loved. I can’t talk to Maria or Alex. They’re confused and hurting like Michael and Isabel. Besides that, I’m probably not their favorite person right now. I can’t talk to Kyle at all. And Liz? I love her so much. All I want to know is why she left me. I have no one to turn to. I’m supposed to be the leader. I’m supposed to have all the answers. Why, then, am I only left with questions?
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