Fanfic - Other Roswell Stories
Part 5
by Kari
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell or anything to do with it. All rights belong to UPN and Melinda Metz.
Summary: This is my modern day version of a Roswell Cinderella story! This is totally AU!
Category: Other Roswell Stories
Rating: PG-13
Alex collapsed onto the poor excuse for a bed that was in the tour bus and closed his eyes. He was exhausted. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally. He was tired of being bossed around all day. He was tired of not having any control over his life anymore. His agents didn't even let him pick out his own clothes in the morning! He was a star now, wasn't he supposed to by happy?

Alex's eyes flew open as this realization hit him full on for the first time. He wasn't happy with his life. He wanted freedom. He wanted companionship. He was lonely most of the time. Sure, he had friends, and he was around tons of other people all day, every day. It just wasn't what he was looking for.

He was looking for love. He tried to comfort himself by thinking of what Nicky had told him…that he might meet someone in Roswell.

Alex had never really had a girlfriend. Sure, in high school he'd dated girls…after all, he was raised in New York City. Anyone could get a date in New York City. Although he'd gone out with some of the girls for a month or two, he'd never been in love. Not even close. And at the age of 19, he thought it was damn high time he experienced love.

Alex picked up the remote for the CD player and pressed the play button. He didn't know what CD was in now, but he didn't care. He just needed some music to drown out his thoughts.

Desperate for changing, starving for truth
Closer to where I started chasing after you

Alex sighed when he realized what song he was listening to.

I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you

Alex grabbed his pillow and put it over his head.

Forgetting all I'm lacking, completely incomplete
I'll take your invitation, you take all of me

The pillow wasn't blocking out the music, but he was too lazy to turn it off. He'd dropped the remote under his bed, and didn't have the energy to get down on the floor and look for it.

Now I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you

Alex pushed all of his blankets on top of his pillow. Except that he could still hear the song quite clearly.

I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
And I don't know what I'm diving into
Just hanging by a moment here with you

Alex groaned and rolled onto his stomach.

There is nothing else to lose
There is nothing else to find

He reached under his bed, moving his hand back and forth, trying to find the damn remote.

There is nothing in the world that could change my mind
There is nothing else
There is nothing else
There Is nothing else

Alex finally felt the remote and wrapped his fingers around it. He pulled himself up into a sitting position and pointed the remote at the CD player

Desperate for changing, starving for truth

He hit the button again.

Closer to where I started chasing after you

Alex jumped up angrily from his bed and threw the remote at the wall. He bent down and yanked the plug from the CD player out of the odd electrical outlet that was built into the bus.

"Damn you!" he yelled at the silent CD player. "What do you know about love?" He kicked the wall and then screamed and grabbed his foot, hopping on the other. "Bloody fuck, that hurts!"

He fell onto his bed, trying to overcome the pain vibrating through his body from his foot. As he was lying there he did something he'd done very rarely in his life. He cried. Not for the pain in his foot, but the pain deep within his heart.

Part 4 | Index | Part 6