FanFic - Other
"More of Us"
Part 6
by Christina
Disclaimer: All the people and places from the TV show Roswell are not mine. I only own a few characters in this story.
Category: Other
Rating: PG
Authors Note: I own Anna, Caley, Jordan, and any other characters not mentioned that aren’t the WB’s. Just remember, the character’s thoughts are in brackets [like this]. The apartment is where Caley, Anna, Jacob, and Jordan live. It is located above the Crashdown, next door to Liz and her family. I also used part of a quote from Dawson’s Creek. See if you can find it.Have fun!!! Luv ya. Christina Conrader

Jordan Turns Green

September 10, 2000

After school at the the apartment.

Jacob: Hey, Caley.

Caley: Hey.

Jacob: I’ve decided to stay for the rest of the year.

Caley: I’m glad. But what happens after that?

Jacob: I don’t know.

Caley: Are we going to pick up where we left off?

Jacob: I have no idea.

Caley: What do you know? Jacob: I’m not sure. Caley: You’re hopeless. You do know that, don’t you?

Jacob: Yep. Caley: Are you going to think about what I asked you?

Jacob: Yes. Defiantly.

Caley: Good.

Jacob: Do you want to go out on Saturday?

Caley: I could be in to that. Jacob: Cool. I’ll see you later. I’ve got to meet Jordan.

(Jacob gives Caley a quick hug and heads out the door.)


Section 2 After school at the Crashdown

September 15, 2000

Anna: Are you serious? You have a date with Jacob on Saturday?

Caley: Yes!!

Anna: I am so happy for you.

Caley: What should I wear?

Anna: You’ll be in a dark theater, Caley. Does it really matter?

Caley: Yes. He’ll see me before we go into the theater.

Anna: Fine. Wear something nice, but not too fancy.

(Michael walks up to them.)

Michael: Hey.

Caley: Hey Micheal.

Michael: Engaging in stimulating conversation?

Anna: Caley has a date. Michael: Then I think I’ll see what Jordan’s up to.

Anna: Hey. Michael.

Michael: Sup?

Anna: Maria’s looking for you. She’s in a mood.

Michael: Isn’t she always.

Anna: Good luck.

(Michael walks into the kitchen. Maria is scraping grizzle off the grill.)

Michael: Anna said you wanted to talk to me.

Maria: That night that you kissed me. You knew that it would change everything. Didn’t you?

Michael: Do we have to bring this up?

Maria: What about the night at the Crashdown and in the eraser room>

Michael: Maria, please.

Maria: You and I can’t avoid talking about this forever. We’ve avoided it for almost nine months. I can’t do it anymore.

Michael: I don’t want to talk about this. Maria: That’s your problem. You never want to talk!

Michael: Okay. What crawled up your ass?

Maria: I could say it was you, but just thinking about it grosses me out on so many levels.

Michael: Glad I could be of service.

Maria: Are you going to answer me or not?

Michael: Not.

Maria: Well, thank you for being honest. Now get out! Michael: Maria I-

Maria: Are you deaf? I said, get out! Michael: Fine, I’m going.


Section 3

Maria’s thoughts

I should have never let him in that night. It was all a big mistake. I should have realized it sooner> That hidden depth I saw in Michael Guerin must have been a moment of insanity on my part.

I swear, if he shows his face in the café again they will have to carry him out in a body bag. Liz and Anna can take his orders because I won’t.


Section 4

Michael’s thoughts

Oh yeah. I blew it big time. I hurt Maria more than I ever intended to. I’ll have to sit in either Liz’s or Anna’s section from now on. She’ll never forgive me. Maybe it’s all for the best. I should have never gotten involved with her in the first place, but she got to me somehow. Once again Michael Guerin proves that the groin is mightier than the brain.


Section 5

The café

September 15,2000

(Maria walks out of the kitchen and furiously starts to scrub the counter. Her eyes are red and her face is flushed.) Max: What’s wrong with Maria?

Liz: I think she just had that talk she had been meaning to have with Michael. Max: Looks like she didn’t take it too well. Liz: I’m going to get Anna to sub in for her tonight.

Max: She deserves the break.

(Liz gives him a quick kiss and goes over to Maria.) Liz: You’re going to rub a hole through the counter.

Maria: Ha, ha.

Liz: You talked to him? Maria: God, I don’t know what came over me.

Liz: You can take the rest of the night off. Anna will sub in for you.

Maria: Thanks, but I need to keep busy or I’ll go crazy.

Liz: Okay, but take a break if you need one.

Maria: Don’t worry.

( They hug and Liz walks back over to Max.)

Max: Are you going to take my order now? Liz: What? Oh,duh. Sorry. What can I get you?

Max: A cherry Coke.

Liz: Okay. I’ll be right back with your order.

(She walks over to the bar. Anna is standing behind the counter.)

Anna: Do I need to fill in or not?

Liz: Nope. Maria needs to keep herself busy. I’ll call you if I need you. Anna: Cool. Caley and I will be upstairs. We already paid Maria.

Liz: I’ll see you guys later.

(Anna and Caley leave. Liz walks over to Max again.)

Liz: One cherry Coke and it’s time for my break.

Max: Do you always take a break after you serve me? Liz: Not always. It’s just nice to be with you.

(Jordan walks into the café and heads over to Max and Liz.)

Jordan: Have you seen Anna?

Liz: Upstairs with Caley.

Jordan: Thanks.

(He runs out of the café.)

Max: He was in a hurry.

Liz: It’s probably nothing.

Max: Are you going to the party tonight after the football game? Liz: You’re not serious? Max: Why?

Liz: It’s at Kyle’s house. You know, Valenti?

Max: It is? I didn’t even realize. Liz: It’s okay, Max, we can find something else to do.

(Anna slams open the kitchen door and walks out into the café.) Anna: I don’t feel I have to explain my actions to you. Jordan!

Jordan: The hell you don’t.

Anna: Whatever. I’ve waited a week for you to come to a decision. One week. It doesn’t take guys that long to think. Jordan: That’s real mature Anna.

Anna: I tend to sink to the level of the people around me.

Jordan: Can we go somewhere else? People are staring.

Anna: That’s what I thought you wanted, considering you followed me out here. (Jordan turns and exits the café through the front. Anna sinks into the nearest chair and rubs her temples.) Liz: I’d better talk to her.

Max: Is there ever a time when we’re not interrupted?

Liz: Soon. I promise.

(She leaves Max and sits down across from Anna.)

Liz: What happened?

Anna: Men are assholes.

Liz: What did he do?

Anna: He overheard a telephone conversation. I had just accepted an invitation to go to the party tonight with another guy. Liz: You know the party is at Valenti’s house?

Anna: Yeah. I’ll be fine. Kyle probably doesn’t even remember me.

Liz: So why is Jordan so angry? Are you guys a couple or something?

Anna: More like the “or something.” I asked him a week ago and he didn’t decide, so I did it for him. He’s jealous and he’ll get over it. Liz: So, you’re okay?

Anna: Yeah. I’ll be fine.

Liz: My break’s over and I’ve got some customer back-up. I’ll check in on you later.


Section 6

Anna’s Journal

September 15, 2000

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that Jordan eavesdropped on my phone conversation, or the fact that he went into my dream and saw into my soul. Despite what he may think, I’m not canceling my date tonight. I’m going out with Erik Kane from my bio lab. We were partners a couple of times when our partners ditched class together. We work well together and he seems to be a nice guy. Even though I can never tell him my secret, it’s nice to do something normal. He has no taste in music, however, but that’s okay. There’s lots of other stuff to talk about.


Section 7

Anna’s room

September 15,2000

Jacob: Whatcha doin’? Anna: Getting ready for a party.

Jacob: Ah, the Valenti kid’s party, right?

Anna: Yep. You going?

Jacob: Nah. I don’t have a date.

Anna: Well, Erik just canceled on me so do you wanna come with me?

Jacob: I thought you would want to go with Jordan.

Anna: We aren’t on speaking terms right now. Also, he’s not here. So do you want to go or not?

Jacob: Let me get my jacket.

Anna: Is that all you’re going to do? Jacob: Fine, fine. I’ll gel my hair too.

Anna: Ahem. (She looks down at Jacob’s smiley-faced boxers and back up at his face. He looks down and blushes.)

Jacob: Oh. . . Damn. Pants. Thanks.

Anna: I’m only here to help.

(Caley walks in as Jacob walks out.)

Caley: Where’s he going in such a hurry?

Anna: He’s going to the party with me. Will you join us?

Caley: That is a definite possibility. Is Jordan coming?

Anna: No. He still hasn’t come back from where ever he went this afternoon.

Caley: Still mad?

Anna: I’ll talk to him tomorrow.

Caley: What happened to Erik?

Anna: He broke the date. He had to babysit.

Caley: Oh, sorry.

Anna: It’s okay. He didn’t strike me as the party-on-down type anyway. Caley: Too bad. He was cute. (Jacob pokes his head into Anna’s room.) Jacob: Hey, I’m ready to roll.

Anna: Caley, do you want to change first? Caley: Nah. This is fine.

Anna: Okay. Let’s go then.


Section 8

September 15, 2000 The party.

(Anna rings the doorbell. Kyle opens the door.)

Kyle: Ah, more party people. Come in and make yourself at home.

Anna: Thanks

Kyle: Nice car.

Anna: You’re kidding, right?

Kyle: No. Old VW Bugs in good condition are hard to come by these days.

Anna: Well, thanks, but the car’s not much.

Kyle: What did you say your name was?

Anna: I didn’t say.

Kyle: Well, what’s your name?

Anna: Anna.

Kyle: Cool. I’ll see you later, Anna.

(He walks off and Anna walks over to Caley and Jacob.)

Anna: I wonder why he wasn’t being the jerk-off I know he is.

Caley: His dad is here. That’s why. Jacob: You mean the sheriff?

Anna: Yeah. Caley: I can’t believe he didn’t recognize you.

Anna: I’m wearing make up and I just got a haircut.

Caley: True, but guys aren’t that dense.

Anna: You don’t know Kyle that well, do you?

Caley: You are so bad.

Jacob: Do you guys want something to drink?

Anna: Dr. Peppers for both of us please. Jacob: I’ll see what I can do.

(Jacob leaves the girls. Sheriff Valenti approaches them.)

Sheriff: Good evening ladies. I don’t believe I’ve seen you around before. Anna: We live here, Sheriff.

Sheriff: But you’re not natives to Roswell.

Anna: We moved here in July.

Sheriff: Welcome to Roswell ladies. I’ll look forward to meeting your families at the Crash Festival this year on the 19th.

Anna: I don’t think we’ll be attending the festival. We don’t believe in aliens.

Caley: It was a weather balloon Mr. Valenti. Everyone knows that. Sheriff: Yes, well, it’s still entertaining to the locals and non-believers.

(Jacob comes up to them with the drinks.) Jacob: Ladies your sodas.

Sheriff: You have a good time now. ‘Night. (Sheriff leaves Anna, Caley, and Jacob.) Jacob: That’s the sheriff?

Anna: Mm Hmm

Jacob: What did he ask you?

Anna: He asked us where he could find the aliens and we told him.

(Caley snorts, chokes on her soda and starts laughing and coughing at the same time.) Jacob: Very funny.

Anna: He asked us if we would be attending the Crash Festival.

Jacob: That could be fun.

Anna: Oh yes. A cheesy reproduction of a crash that happened over fifty years ago is certainly going to be fun. Not.

Jacob: Okay, so we won’t go.

Anna: Good.

Jacob: Ah, I spy some pretty fine earth chicas over there. Time to practice my bad pick up lines and get rejected.

Anna: You should have more confidence in yourself. Look at Caley. She has no problem asking a guy to dance. Jacob: No. She has on problem dancing up on some guy’s leg. Anna: You’re turning green.

Jacob: Shut up!

(Anna laughs.)

Jacob: Oh great. It’s Anna Banana, the amazing giggle bag.

Anna: Hey! You promised never to call me that again.

Jacob: You deserved it.

(Anna looks around the room and spots Jordan leaning in the kitchen doorway drinking what appears to be bottled water.)

Anna: What is Jordan doing here?

Jacob: Why don’t you ask him?

Anna: Get real, Jacob. Come on.

( They walk over to Jordan.)

Jacob: Hey, Joe Cool! What’s up, bro?

Jordan: Man, this party sucks. I’m going home. I’m through bumping, grinding, jumping, jiving, whatever. Jacob: Are you drunk?

Jordan: Drunk is an understatement. I am throughly wasted.

Jacob: Oh sh-

Anna: I’ll get Caley. We’re getting out of here.

Jordan: I’m driving!!

Anna: Sorry, Jordan, but Caley called it a long time ago.

Jordan: I get shotgun, then. Lock and load! Yeehaw!!

Jacob: Okay, let’s get you outside before Sheriff busts us.

(Anna goes to find Caley. Jacob escorts Jordan outside.) Anna: Caley, we’ve got to go. Caley: Where’s your sense of fun? We just got here.

Anna: Caley, Jordan’s here and he’s drunk off his ass.

Caley: Oh no! Sorry, Chad. Call me, okay?

(They go out side. Jacob and Jordan are waiting on the porch.) Caley: He looks pretty sober for a drunk man.

(Jordan stumbles forward, leans over and vomits in front of her feet and passes out on the lawn.)

Caley: I should have shut my mouth.

Jacob: Let’s just get him home and clean him up.

Anna: What’s the fastest remedy? Caley & Jacob: Cold shower and coffee. Anna: I’ll start the coffee when we get home. God, he’s heavy!

Jacob: I’ll stay in the back with him. If he wakes up, he’ll be less likely to grope me. Caley: Bad mental picture.

Anna: Ditto.


If you think Jordan Turns Green is good just wait until Part VII Saturday Night in Roswell Things get really strange. By: Christina Conrader

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