FanFic - Other
"The New Girl"
Part 6
by LisaBham
Disclaimer: Roswell, the characters, and situations are owned by the WB. No infringement intended.
Category: Other
Rating: PG-13
At the police station, Kyle led Carrie back to his father’s office. When he found the room empty he headed down to the holding cells.

"Dad, I need to talk to you." Kyle said as he recognized his father talking to Michael.

The Sheriff turned and frowned as he saw Kyle and Carrie standing in the doorway, "go back to my office and wait, I’ll be there in a few minutes."

"No dad, this can’t wait and it involves Michael." Kyle stated firmly, "Go ahead Carrie, and tell my dad what you told me."

Carrie swallowed, "There’s been a mistake, I never thought it would go this far." She looked straight at Michael. "I was the one that took the things from the teachers desk, I was angry at Michael, and I wanted to get back at him. I never thought he would still be here."

The Sheriff turned and looked at Michael and asked, "Is this true?"

"As I have said all along, I don’t know how those things got in my locker, but I didn’t take them." Michael said matching Carries gaze.

The Sheriff unlocked the cell and released the captive. "I’m sorry Michael, you’re free to go." He turned to Carrie, "You, young lady have some explaining to do. Let’s go back to my office and talk."

Michael followed them back up to the property room. And checked out his belongings. As he was leaving the station Michael noticed a deep blue sedan pulled up. Two men in dark suits got out and headed into the station. Michael decided that he would rather be anywhere but the police station at the moment jogged all the way over to the Crashdown.

He arrived just as Liz and Maria were closing up for the night. The restaurant was empty except for one booth containing 4 men, Michael went up to the table and asked, "Hello Maxwell, did you miss me," he said with a touch of sarcasm in his voice.

"Hi Michael, we were waiting for you… Carrie said she was going to go and get you out, so we decided to just wait for you here." Max said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I want to introduce you to Mark and Carries brother Steve/Josh, I still don’t know what to call you." Max questioned.

"Steve, is what I use these days, I’ll stick with that if you don’t mind." Steve replied to Max.

Max looked at Michael with some concern in his voice and asked, "you’re OK, aren’t you? She got you out in time didn’t she?" Michael nodded, "good Max continued, because we have some news… I’ll tell you about it later."

The girls were all in Liz’s bedroom primping before the dance. "Do you really think Michael will notice this dress?" Maria asked the others?

"If that boy isn’t speechless at the site of you he wouldn’t be human!" Carrie said playfully.

The others stopped what they were doing momentarily before laughing at the inadvertent joke. "Oh I think we will see a reaction out of all the boys," Isabel said with a giggle

Liz after combing out the last of her long hair looked at the clock on the wall and announced "well we better get a move on it. The boy’s will be here any moment."

"I hope my brother was able to find a tuxedo for Michael on such short notice." Isabel said as she applied one last coat of lipstick to her already red lips.

Maria snorted. "Michael in a tuxedo, now that’s a site I’m looking forward to seeing."

"I know you are," Isabel said as she straightened the hem on her dress.

Maria glared at Isabel suddenly remembering the dream Isabel walked into. "Well I hear you will have some explaining to do to Alex as well."

Isabel glared at Liz, "You told her?"

"I don’t know what the three of you are fighting about now but I just saw the boys drive up in the Limo." Carrie announced.

The group all went down stairs when they heard Liz’s father answered the door. Liz’s mom stood at the front door waiting to take pictures of all of the couples and the group.

The boys all walked into the house; they were all dressed in black suits and white shirts, with black bow ties. As soon as they saw the girls they stopped and starred. The girls quickly moved into position next to their dates, allowing pictures to be taken before pulling the boys out of the house and back to the limo. The ride to the dance was a blur, and the couples did not talk much until they arrived at the dance.

Carrie took Kyle’s hand a led him over to the corner of the room so she could talk to him. "Kyle, I haven’t been completely honest with you. I’m not the girl you think I am. In fact I graduated High school 3 years ago, I’m sorry but I just used you to get a story. I hope you will be able to forgive me eventually."

"Forgive you for what? You have been a great friend to talk to for these past few weeks. I was having a hard time getting over Liz, and you showed me that I could move on… That perhaps Liz wasn’t the one for me. I enjoyed the conversations we had and the things we did. Perhaps I just need to find girl a little more like you." Kyle replied.

Carrie smiled, "When I get home I’m going to have a lot of explaining to do, I expect I will lose my job, because I don’t think I’ll be able to write the kind of story he wants to hear."

"Where do you think you’ll go? What do you think you’ll do?" Kyle asked.

Carrie shrugged her shoulders, "I don’t know yet. I’ve lived my life in search of my brother so perhaps I’ll spend some time getting to know him again, and then, I’ll start living for me again."

Isabel led Alex over to the DJ and requested a song, she then led him out onto the dance floor and watched as his eyebrows raised as the first few notes of the song ‘Let Me In’ started to play. "This feels like a dream," Alex finally was able to verbalize what he had been feeling since he first saw Isabel walk down the stares in that red silk dress tiny embroidered flowers trailing up from the bottom. He knew he had seen that dress before he just couldn’t place it. Not until the music started playing did the images come flooding back and he looked once again into Isabel’s eyes, "Did you go into my dreams Isabel?"

"Yes," was all that she was able to pull from her memory she had practiced what she had wanted to say to Alex for days, she knew what she wanted to say. She just couldn’t convey the words to the one standing in front of her. "I’m sorry," she added hoping her eyes would speak where her lips would not.

"In that dream I asked you to let me in because I knew there was so much more to you than you let people see. How could I ask you to trust me with the knowledge of who you are without first letting you see me?"

Alex said sweetly as he pulled her closer and whispered in her ear, "Next time ask and we can share our dreams together."

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