FanFic - Max/Liz
"Universal Harmony"
Part 2
by Jamie
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em! But I own this story!! ;)
Category: Max/Liz
Rating: PG-13
Liz walked to her Biology class, her legs weak with nervousness. This was it. She would see Max for the first time since their mind-blowing kiss. Just thinking about Max's lips on hers--in front of all those people--cause her to lean against the wall for a few seconds.

"Get your act together, Liz," she said to herself, taking a few deep breaths. "You can do this. Just act normal."

The bell rang, snapping Liz out of her mental pep talk. She turned to go into the classroom and almost fled when she saw max in the back of the room. They caught each other's eyes and the world seemed to stop.

Her heart beating, Liz mechanically walked over to her stool and sat down. Max was so close that she could smell his familiar mix of toothpaste and laundry detergent.

"Hey," Max said quietly as the teacher told them to get going on their experiment.

"How's it going?" Liz asked, opening her book. Max glanced over at her and his pulse instantly quickened. Even though he couldn't remember all the events of the previous night, he did remember the warm feeling of "waking up" to his arms and lips touching Liz. Too bad he had to see everyone else there, cheering for them. He could have kicked himself when he panicked and fled from the club with Liz's disappointed gaze following him. How could he even talk to her after that?

"So, do you have a hangover this morning, or are Czechoslovakians like you immune to that sort of thing?" Liz joked cautiously, looking down at her book when Max's eyes settled on her.

"I'm fine," Max muttered. "What about you?" Liz glanced up, surprised. "Me? I dont' have a hangover."

Max smiled. Liz realized the meaning behind his question and grinned. "Um, that was pretty dumb of me."

"No. It was funny," Max said quickly. They sat in awkward silence for a moment.

"Max--" Liz began, but their teacher came up behind them.

"you two better get started. You only have this period to complete the experiment. Whatever you're talking about can wait." The two exchanged glances, then began setting up the equipment without saying anything else.

* * * *

The Crashdown Cafe was busy after school. Liz and Maria were racing around the restaurant, trying to get orders to all the hungry high school kids busily doing their homework. Maria was refilling the coffee machine when Liz leaned up against the counter and sighed loudly.

She lifted an eyebrow, saying "i take it you and Max aren't on Cloud Nine yet?"

"Huh?" Liz said distractedly, looking at the door.

Maria turned around and saw Max, Michael, and Isabel entering. She groaned. "You would be better off just staying away from him."

Liz frowned. "Are you talking to yourself or to me?"

Maria straightened her headband with disinterest. "Of course I'm talking to you! I'm totally over Michael. He can drop off the face of the earth, for all I care."

"Watch out what you wish for, Maria. If they ever find Nasedo, that just might happen," Liz commented.

Maria smirked. "Ha ha. Funny."

"I try." Liz grinned and hit her friend playfully in the shoulder.

"So, you want to take them or should I?"

Liz unintentionally locked eyes with Max and the noisy room vanished. It was just Max and Liz. . . He gave her a half smile that melted her heart and broke it at the same time. "I can do it," she said softly.

Maria shrugged. "Suit yourself. You're definitely a glutton for punishment."

* * * *

"Will you stop staring at her?" Michael waved his hand in front of Max's face. Isabel watched Max with amusement as he guiltily looked down at his menu.

"I wasn't staring at her. I just wanted to get her attention so we could order," Max said defensively.

"Well, if you want to get her attention, why don't you just go over there and kiss her with everyone watching?" Isabel said, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

Max just raised his eyes to her, then returned them to the menu.

"Hey, guys," Liz said as she walked up to their booth. "What can I get you?"

Isabel spoke up quickly, trying to avoid any awkwardness. "I'll have an Alien Encounter and a dish of fries."

Michael looked up at her and shook the nearly empty bottle of Tabasco sauce. "How about a new one of these and a cheeseburger?"

Liz looked at her pad, writing down the orders. She didn't bother raising her eyes to Max. "Max?"

"Uh, a cherry cola, I guess," he said quietly, setting the menu down.

"Okay. Great. Be back in a minute." She took the bottle out of Michael's hand and hurried to the back room.

Michael whistled. "She's really mad."

"Mad? She's not mad," Max said, trying to convince himself that Liz's dismissal of him wasn't intentional.

"She's mad," Michael repeated matter-of-factly. Isabel sighed and began twirling a piece of golden hair around her finger. "I think both of you should just talk to Liz and Maria and get it all out in the open."

"Why would I need to talk to that space cadet?" Michael said, motioning to Maria as she served a group of kids across the room.

"She's the space cadet, huh?" Isabel said pointedly, putting her chin in her hand. Max, glad that the attention was off him, eagerly interjected. "Was she upset that you didn't see her sing last night?"

"Who cares if she was?" Michael grumbled, playing with his napkin. "I had more important things to do."

"Well, at least you could apologize. I did to Alex and now we're okay," Isabel said.

"I did apologize--sort of," Michael started. Max interrupted. "Speaking of Alex. . ." Isabel followed his gaze and saw Alex coming out of the back room with Liz. Despite herself she began blushing. She lowered her head as Liz approached with their food, Alex in tow.

"Here you guys go," Liz said as she placed their orders in front of them.

"Hi, Isabel." Alex smiled shyly and waved his hand.

"Oh, God." Michael rolled his eyes and grabbed the Tabasco sauce.

Max was about to say something to Liz when Maria suddenly came over.

"Jose said we ran out of ice cream! I'm still waiting for an order, so could you go get some?" Maria asked urgently, trying to ignore Michael.

"Ran out of ice cream? Oh no." Liz pushed a stray piece of hair out of her eyes. "Okay. Can you cover for me for a couple minutes?"

"Yeah. Sure. You guys need anything else?" Maria asked Max, Michael, and Isabel.

"Yeah, I need--" Michael began.

"No? Okay." Maria grabbed Liz's shoulder, then started toward the counter. "Get back quickly!"

Liz winked knowingly and went to the back room to get some money and her jacket.

Max watched her go, feeling angry at himself for not speaking up. He would never get to discuss things with Liz if all these distractions kept interfering.

"So, is there any room for me?" Alex asked tentatively, looking at Isabel. Michael ignored Alex, biting into his cheeseburger.

"Uh, yeah. . ." Isabel said, trying to catch Michael's attention so he could move over by Max. Alex cleared his throat as Michael continued to eat.

Finally, Isabel jabbed him in the ribs. "Michael--"

"Ow! What?" he exclaimed, glaring at her.

"Can you sit by Max so Alex can sit by me?" she whispered, shooting an apologetic expression at Alex.

"Alex, you can have my seat," Max said suddenly, grabbing his jacket and standing up. "I have something to take care of."

Isabel and Michael glanced up, surprised. "What about your drink?" Isabel said.

"I'll take it," Michael spoke up, reaching over for the cherry cola.

"Liz probably went to the Mini-Mart down the street," Alex whispered helpfully as Max passed by him.

Max nodded at him to acknowledge the tip, then walked quickly out the front door.



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