FanFic - Other
"This World"
by Erin
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the 'Roswell' characters. They belong to those awesome people at the WB and I am borrowing them. Please don't sue me. I'm a poor high school student without a job, who writes fanfiction to let the muse out. If you do, I promise you that you won't get anything important, other than my violin or guitar and some picture albums...
Summary: All right! I was listening to my Caedmon's Call CD and I got inspired to write this piece. If you have the CD, you know what song I'm talking about, but I'm not revealing it at this point, it'll ruin the fic! So...
Category: Other
Rating: PG-13
We've been running ever since the day we were told of our 'destinies.'

We ran from everything familiar and normal.

We ran from the problems our backgrounds caused.

We ran from the only people in the world who knew what we really were.

We ran from the same people who loved us for who we really were.

And we ran into the unknown... into the abyss and found ourselves 'visiting' cities and towns all over this planet.

From city to city we roamed, following the miniscule clues left from the last stop from the aliens who took our people captive and enslaved them.

And for five years, we wandered to the ends of this world aimlessly, searching for the evil ones, but having no luck in our quest.

In those five years of searching and wandering, we found something else... ourselves.

It's funny the way things turn out because once we found ourselves; we were able to locate the evil aliens immediately.

When we found our adversaries, we challenged them.

The fight only lasted about an hour before our combined powers finally overtook theirs. They were forced to surrender, freeing our people and planet from the chains that have bound them for the past fifty years.

So, we left our enemies with a decision to make: What were we going to do now?

We had already freed our family on our home planet. Did we want to go 'home' and meet our relatives?

As a group, with much reluctance on my part, we decided to go back to Roswell, our old 'home.'

After all, we had left a lot of ties undone.

Index | Part 1
Max/Liz | Michael/Maria | Alex/Isabel | UC Couples | Valenti | Other | Poetry | Crossovers | AfterHours
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