Crashdown ExclusiveRoswell

Save Roswell – Variety Ad Campaign

Mandy, and Kdberg are going to be collecting donations for an ad in Variety. The details about where to send donations ($20 is suggested, but every $1 helps) follow.

Alien Blast
P.O. Box 1869
Burbank, CA 91507

Make money order payable to “Alien Blast” Ad will run in Daily Varity April 6th.

Also, watch Black Widows site for details.

And a new email address has been set up for info, since the OneList mailing list seems to be having troubles. That address is:

Thread on the message board.

This is a mock-up of the ad (which may still change) that Adrian posted on the message board.

[the picture is not available]


not an active member anymore.