LeadingMajandra Delfino

Last chance for the M camp

Thanks to Sheila for this and for Anthony to send the email

Hello everyone it’s Anthony, I just wanted to let you guys know that if
all goes as expected Majandra’s official music web site will be up this
weekend. After the site is up we will be closing the doors to The M
Camp. This means nobody else will be able to get their CD signed by
Majandra and or receive any other various special treats. If you know
some one who might want in tell them to write before Saturday.

We will not allow any one in after Saturday no matter how hard the beg
or how sad they get. It just would not be fair to all you great people
who were on the ball and got in early.

OK so keep your fingers crossed for Saturday’s web site launch. Either
way we will not be putting any new names on the list. After Saturday we
will respond to all e-mails by telling them to check out the web site
for any info. However if you are in the Camp you can feel free
to write to me or Sheila for any reason regarding Majandra’s music.
And believe me after you guys see the site you are going to have plenty of
questions. Let me warn you, the site is not meant to be easy to use.
Just like Majandra it is complex. You will need to do some poking
around, so be prepared.

Majandra and I would like to Thank all 783 of you. Talk to you soon,

I got this from an earlier news posting-if you still want to be on the list, here’s the information for it

Well all you have to do to make sure you’re one of the first to be able to buy “Majandra’s” cd, is email Mr.Anthony Rodriguez at: ultrahorse@earthlink.net . Write to him stating that you’re interested in getting the cd when it comes out. You’ll be out on an email list, where you’ll be the first to know when and where to buy “Majandra’s” cd when it comes out.