
Pediatric Cancer Foundation Thanks KC Party

Thanks to Nancy for sending this in :)

Today I got a card in the mail from the Pediatric Cancer Foundation:

I would like to share it with all Roswell fans, even though I know the sender
was addressing those that attended and contributed to the Kansas City Roswell
Gathering on April 28th and charity auction. I am sure the sentiment goes
out to all Roswell fans everywhere.

The letter states:

Dear Nancy and the Roswell Team,
On behalf of Pediatric Cancer Foundation, iwe wish to thank you for
hosting a benefit to support children with cancer.
Even though you are a donation away, (I think, handwriting is tough to
read) we feel very close in our goal to eradicate choldhold cancer.
Thank you for helping us and hold the hand of a child.

With gratitude,
Nancy Joselson
Executive Director
Pediatric Cancer Foundation