#114 Blind Date – Primer

Wanting to help her get over her feelings for Max, Maria enters Liz in a blind date radio contest. Liz wins the contest, and wanting a normal life agrees to go on the date.

Unable to forget his feelings for Liz, Max is peer pressured into drinking by Kyle. Max, who has never taken a drink before, becomes drunk with one sip. Max and Kyle bond, as they discuss how each of them can’t seem to get over their feelings for Liz.

Max and Kyle follow Liz on her date. Still drunk, Max publicly professes the way he feels for Liz. Max then kisses Liz, which instantly sobers him up. Liz asks Max if he meant everything he told her, and Max reveals he can’t remember what he said.

Meanwhile, Alex’s band wins a part in the radio contest. When their lead singer becomes ill, Maria persuades Alex to let her sing lead. Maria soon realizes she must overcome a sudden case of stage fright in order to perform.

Tried of waiting for Max, Michael tells Isabel he’s going to search for Nasedo on his own. Worried that Michael might get in trouble, Isabel agrees to join him. Together, they discover they can send a signal to contact Nasedo. Just after they realize their signal was unsuccessful, a shadowy figure appears before the signal holding a photo of Max, Michael and Isabel. Nasedo is in Roswell.

Jason Katims Commentary

“My favorite parts…the scenes between Jason Behr and Nick Wechsler.”

Transcribed by Lena

My favorite part of “Blind Date” were the scenes between Jason Behr and Nick Wechsler. I thought that there was just a great win to ____ comedic tone and it was really satisfying to give Nick Wechsler a good part and gave him stuff to play. Unfortunately he played the obstacle early on, so he was stuck always playing the same beat. He really is such a strong actor it was satisfying for me to be able to give him something different to play and he came through. It’s been really fun to have them be more part of the show.