#119 Four-Square – Primer

Now thinking Tess is the fourth alien, the shape-shifter Nasedo, the kids decide to stay close to each other.

Michael and Isabel begin having sexual dreams about each other confusing their relationship, which has always been like brother and sister. Not wanting to act on their feelings, each pursues a stronger relationship with a human – Michael with Maria, and Isabel with Alex.

While visiting Isabel, Tess plays with her mind. She creates a four square of sugar cubes telling Isabel everything may not always appear what it seems.

Max and Liz decide to follow Tess and witness her taking a secret book from the library.

Wanting to know everything, Max drives with Tess into the desert. Once there, Tess shows Max the book she took explaining it contains information about their destinies. Still thinking she’s the shape-shifter Nasedo, Max demands to know what Tess is. Tess insists she’s just like Max, but he tells her he’s not a killer like her. Tess then explains to Max she’s not Nasedo. She says she was left behind when Max, Michael and Isabel came out of the pods. Tess tells Max that Nasedo, who has been posing as Ed Harding, her father, is the one who found her. Tess tells Max she can show him the pod chamber where they were born.

A new deputy, Fisher, begins working for Valenti.

Jason Katims Commentary

“…Michael and Isabel being together…there was something intriguing…”

Transcribed by Lena

With “Four Square” there is a notion that we had this idea of Isabel suddenly being pregnant. I loved that idea because this is overlap between human issues or teen issues with alien issues and when you combine them I think that our storytelling is most interesting so that was the initial inspiration for the episode, but for me the thing that I respond to or Isabel’s dreams and her suddenly realizing is that she might be pregnant with Michael’s child and there was just something that was so bizarre, but also very compelling that that idea to me as much as I know the idea of Michael and Isabel being together is revolting to other fans. I just remember that image of Michael and Isabel as parents swinging their baby and holding him and I thought that there was something really intriguing about that image and that’s the thing that I’m drawn to in that episode.