#112 Into The Woods – Quotes

Added by Lena

Isabel (about the camping trip): Mosquitoes, pit toilets, and animal droppings, yes!

Liz: This is an aqua bra. Would you like to try it on, Alex?
Alex (in a sarcastic tone): Yeah, maybe later.

Maria (to Liz): It’s an aqua bra, y’know all the fun of implants except for the invasive surgery part!

Milton: Where’s Max Evans?
Maria: I thought he worked for you, dude.
Milton (points to Liz): You! You’re Max’s girlfriend, right?
Jeff: She is?
Liz: N-no. Not really.
Milton: I have to find him.
Liz: Why? What’s going on?
Milton: Just everything we’ve been waiting our entire lives for. (pause) There’s been a sighting.

Isabel: Ok, now look a little to your left… and a little further out, that small group of stars right there, that’s the Cygnus constellation. It’s the furthest we can see from here.
Alex: It’s amazing.
Isabel: What is?
Alex: Staring at the stars with you. I mean, I used to look up there, and stars were just stars. One was just as good as the next one. Somehow with you… I mean… It’s so wondrous, you know? I mean… each star is… is a mystery, you know, and so full of possibility. This is so much better than seeing a movie.
Isabel: Thanks.

Liz: Um, your paranoid schizophrenia, it’s…it’s kicking in.
Alex: Right. I’m gonna go to the bathroom and go have a little talk with myself.
Liz: Okay.

Maria: See what I’m saying? These Czechoslovakians have way too weird of an effect on us. If you don’t stay away from them, Liz, I’m gonna be picking up the pieces of your heart for the rest of your life.
Liz: No, you’re not, because I am staying away from him, Maria. Max and I haven’t even talked to each other for days.
Maria: Really?
Liz: Yes.
Maria: Then why has he been staring at you since he came in?
Liz: He has? (turns around and sees Max staring at her and smiles)
Maria: Am I gonna have to do an intervention with you?