Roswell – Encyclopedia

“Roswell” from A to Z. Please beware of spoilers, if you are watching The WB/UPN show for the first time.

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There are currently 8 entries in this directory beginning with the letter B.
Banks, Courtney
Courtney works at the Crashdown Café. She is an alien. She's a part of a group of Skins who are committed to the opinion that Michael should be the leader and they are against Nicholas and Kivar. They think that their planet would live in peace, if Michael would be the king. Nicholas kidnapps Courtney, because he wants to find out where the granilith is located. Courtney kills herself.
Submitted by: Curly

Blackwood, Owen
Town Deputy and Native American from the Mesaliko Reservation outside of town.
Submitted by: Joan

Blind Dream Date
Liz wins a radio contest for a romantic blind date. As the winners of KROZ' "Blind Dream Date!" Liz and Doug have dinner at Roswell's fancy restaurant Chez Pierre.
Submitted by: Lena

See Alexander, Brandy

Buddha Boy
See 'Buddhism' for more information.

Buddhism is an Indian religion and philosophy that developed from the teachings of the Buddha. Kyle took the path of practice and spiritual development in the hope of leading to Insight into the true nature of reality after he got shot and his wound was healed by Max Evans. Tess teases Kyle and calls him “Buddha Boy”, after he got interested into the teachings of the Buddha.
Submitted by: Lena

Buddhism for Beginners
Kyle Valenti: Joker, buddhist and deep-down good guy. Tess finds this book about the Indian Religion under his bed. She teases him about it and said: “Buddhism for Beginners is also under your bed. How do you think the Buddha would feel about being sandwiched between Hustler and Busty Biker Babes?”
Submitted by: Lena

Busty Biker Babes
Busty Biker Babes is a magazine. Tess once teased Kyle about the different magazines she found under his bed. She said: “Buddhism for Beginners is also under your bed. How do you think the Buddha would feel about being sandwiched between Hustler and Busty Biker Babes?“
Submitted by: Lena