Roswell – Encyclopedia

“Roswell” from A to Z. Please beware of spoilers, if you are watching The WB/UPN show for the first time.

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There are currently 7 entries in this directory beginning with the letter W.
Wallbanger, Harvey
Harvey Wallbanger is the alias of Kyle during the trip to Las Vegas.
Submitted by: Lena

West Roswell High

Whitman, Alexander
Best friend to both Liz and Maria and the last human to learn “the secret”. Alex Whitman is sweet, caring and funny (he also provides comic relief for the show) but might be considered a borderline nerd. His sense of humor and musical ability (plays guitar in his own alternative rock band "The Whits") keep him from crossing that line but he’s not quite mature nor sophisticated enough to be part of the “in” crowd. He worships Isabel and is reveling in the fact that he is now part of her circle and hopes someday she will consider him as more than just a friend. Due to his interrogatory nature, his career placement profile indicates he should be a psychologist.
Submitted by: Joan; Updates by Lena

Whitmore, Hank
Hank is Michael’s alcoholic foster father who only kept Michael around for the monthly check. He lived in a trailer park in a dirty camper. The situation escalates on the day Hank punches Michael. Michael uses his powers in front of his foster dad. Michael asks Philip Evans for assistance and thereby Michael succeeds in becoming independent. Hank told the sheriff he was leaving town without Michael but was actually killed by Nasedo, who shapeshifted into Hank.
Submitted by: Curly

Whits, The
Alex has an alternative rock band called "The Whits". He plays the guitar.
Submitted by: Lena

Whittaker, Vanessa
Vanessa Wittaker is a congresswoman and a skin.
Submitted by: Curly

Winnamon Academy