Foreign-Language Episode Titles

In some countries the episode titles aren’t one-to-one translations.

For example, fans from France know the episode The White Room under the title Le Prisonnier, (The Prisoner) or Max in the City was changed in Germany to Der Gipfel, because of The Summit Max attended in this episode.

Some new names are more straight like Ville morte (Ghost Town in French) for the season two episode Wipeout! or they give away a spoiler like the German title for Cry Your Name with Tod um Mitternacht, which can be translated to Death At Midnight.

While the very first episode has no addition name, the pilot received the title La Révélation in France, which means The Revelation. The same episode is named Das Geheimnis in Germany, which translates from German to The Secret.

Read the episode names for the French, German and Spanish (one-to-one translations) versions below.

France: Saison 1 | Saison 2 | Saison 3
Germany: 1. Staffel | 2. Staffel | 3. Staffel
Spain: Primera temporada | Segunda temporada | Tercera temporada

Please let us know, if you can add another listing or optimize the translations.


Saison 1

#101 La Révélation = The Revelation (The Pilot)
#102 Soupçons = Suspicion (The Morning After)
#103 Le Temps d’un Rêve = It’s Time For A Dream (Monsters)
#104 Suis ton Cœur = Follow Your Heart (Leaving Normal)
#105 Le Journal Intime = The Diary (Missing)
#106 Le Mystère du Dôme = The Mystery Of The Dome (285 South)
#107 Vers la Lumière = Toward The Light (River Dog)
#108 Sang pour sang = Blood Simple (Blood Brother)
#109 Vague de Chaleur = Heat Wave (Heat Wave)
#110 Question d’Équilibre = Question Of Balance (The Balance)
#111 Retour vers l’enfance = Back to Childhood (The Toy House)
#112 Le Message = The Message (Into the Woods)
#113 Le Festival = The Festival (The Convention)
#114 Rendez-vous Galant = A Date (Blind Date)
#115 Indépendance = Independence (Independence Day)
#116 À fleur de peau = On the Edge (Sexual Healing)
#117 Carte blanche (Crazy / Fou)
#118 Attirance fatale = Fatal Attraction (Tess, Lies and Videotape)
#119 Mise au point = Clarification (Four Square)
#120 À la poursuite de Max = In Pursuit of Max (Max to the Max)
#121 Le Prisonnier = The Prisoner (The White Room)
#122 Un nouveau départ = A New Beginning (Destiny)

Saison 2

#201 Cadmium-X (Skin and Bones)
#202 Situation de Crise = Critical Situation (Ask Not)
#203 Surprise (Surprise)#204 Été 47 (Summer of ’47)
#205 La Fin du monde (The End of the World)
#206 Décomposition = Decomposition (Harvest)
#207 Ville morte = Ghost Town (Wipeout!)
#208 À chacun son double = To each his Doppelgänger (Meet The Dupes)
#209 Négociations = Negotiations (Max in the City)
#210 L’Esprit de Noël = The Christmas Spirit (A Roswell Christmas Carol)
#211 Servir et protéger (To Serve And Protect)#212 Laurie (We Are Family)
#213 Le Côté humain = The human Side (Disturbing Behaviour)
#214 Oxygène = Oxygen (How the Other Half Lives)
#215 Viva Las Vegas (Viva Las Vegas)
#216 Haute tension = High Voltage (Heart of Mine)
#217 Mauvais Choix = A Bad Choice (Cry Your Name)
#218 Mort suspecte = A Suspicious Death (It’s Too Late and It’s Too Bad)
#219 Trop tard = Too Late (Baby, It’s You)
#220 Vérité cachée = Hidden Truth (Off the Menu)
#221 Le Départ (The Departure)

Saison 3

#301 Hold-up (Busted!)
#302 Pris sur le vif (Michael, The Guys and The Great Snapple Caper)
#303 Décisions délicates = Difficult Decisions (Significant Others)
#304 La Traque = The Persuit (Secrets and Lies)
#305 Un monde impitoyable = A Ruthless World (Control)
#306 Invité surprise = Surprise Guest (To Have and To Hold)
#307 Lune de miel = Honey Moon (Interruptus)
#308 Fausse Note = Wrong Note (Behind the Music)
#309 Le Monde de Samuel = Samuel’s World (Samuel Rising)
#310 Enigma (A Tale of Two Parties)
#311 J’ai épousé une extra-terrestre ! (I Married An Alien)
#312 Symptômes = Symptoms (Ch-Ch-Changes)
#313 Panacée (Panacea)
#314 La Blessure = The Injury (Chant Down Babylon)
#315 Le Nouveau Roi = The New King (Who Died and Made You King?)
#316 Crash (Crash)
#317 Quatre Extraterrestres et un couffin = Four Aliens and a Cradle (Four Aliens and A Baby)
#318 Vers le futur = Into the Future (Graduation)


1. Staffel

#101 Das Geheimnis = The Secret (The Pilot)
#102 Der Schlüssel = The Key (The Morning After)
#103 Jedem sein Monster = (Monsters)
#104 Der ganz normale Wahnsinn = (Leaving Normal)
#105 Das Tagebuch = The Diary (Missing)
#106 Marathon, Texas (285 South)
#107 Das Symbol = The Symbol (River Dog)
#108 Blutsbruder = Blood Brother (Blood Brothers)
#109 Dezemberhitze = December Heat (Head Wave)
#110 Nasedo (The Balance)#111 Das Spielzeughaus (The Toy House)
#112 Das Zeltlager = The tent camp (Into The Woods)
#113 Besessen = Obsessed (The Convention)
#114 Blind Date (Blind Date)
#115 Unabhängig = Independent (Independence Day)
#116 Herzbeben = Trembling Heart (Sexual Healings)
#117 Die Liste = The List (Crazy)
#118 Tess, Lügen und Video (Tess, Lies and Videotape)
#119 Das vierte Quadrat (Four Square)
#120 Max Maximal = Max Maximum (Max to the Max)
#121 Das weiße Zimmer (The White Room)
#122 Ende und Anfang = The End and Beginning (Destiny)

2. Staffel

#201 Haut und Knochen (Skin and Bones)
#202 Fragen über Fragen = Ask question after question (Ask Not)
#203 Die Überraschungsparty = The Surprise Party (Surprise)
#204 Sommer ’47 (Summer of ’47)
#205 Der Zeitreisende = The Time Traveller (The End of the World)
#206 Die Ernte (Harvest)
#207 Gefangene der Zeit = Prisoners of time (Wipeout!)
#208 Der zweite Satz = The Second Set (Meet The Dupes)
#209 Der Gipfel = The Summit (Max in the City)
#210 Der Geist der Weihnacht = The Ghost of Christmas (A Roswell Christmas Carol)
#211 Gefangen im Albtraum = Trapped in a Nightmare (To Serve And Protect)
#212 Das Geheimnis der Laurie Dupree = The Secret of Laurie Dupree (We Are Family)
#213 Spurensuche = Search for Evidence (Disturbing Behaviour)
#214 Die Kristall-Königin = The Crystal Queen (How the Other Half Lives)
#215 Viva Las Vegas (Viva Las Vegas)
#216 Der Abschlussball = The Prom (Heart of Mine)
#217 Tod um Mitternacht = Death At Midnight (Cry Your Name)
#218 Schweden-Rätsel = Sweden Riddle (It’s Too Late and It’s Too Bad)
#219 Das Buch der Bücher = The Book of the Books (Baby, It’s You)
#220 Stromausfall = Power Blackout (Off the Menu)
#221 Aufbruch (The Departure)

3. Staffel

#301 Bonnie & Clyde (Busted!)
#302 Die Rache des Michael G. = The Revenge of Michael G. (Michael, The Guys And The Great Snapple Caper)
#303 Was Im Leben Zählt = What Counts in Life (Significant Others)
#304 Lügen und Geheimnisse (Secrets & Lies)
#305 Allein gegen alle = Against All Odds (Control)
#306 Der ungebetene Hochzeitsgast = The Uninvited Wedding Guest (To Have And To Hold)
#307 Flitterwochen mit dem Ex = Honey Moon With The Ex (Interruptus)
#308 Lebe deine Träume = Life your Dreams (Behind The Music)
#309 Samuels Traumwelt = The Dreamworld of Samuel (Samuel Rising)
#310 Die Enigma-Party = The Enigma Party (A Tale Of Two Parties)
#311 Verliebt in einen Alien = In Love With An Alien (I Married An Alien)
#312 Getrennte Wege = Separate Ways (Ch..Ch..Changes / Veränderungen)
#313 Ein Mord als Test = A Murder as Test (Panacea)#314 Im falschen Körper = In the wrong body (Chant Down Babylon)
#315 Der Kampf um den Thron = Battle for the Throne (Who Died And Made You King?)
#316 Abgestürzt = Crashed (Crash)#317 Vier Aliens und ein Baby (Four Aliens & A Baby)
#318 Der Abschied = The Farewell (Graduation)


Primera temporada

#101 Piloto (The Pilot)
#102 La mañana después (The Morning After)
#103 Monstruos (Monsters)
#104 Dejando de ser normal (Leaving Normal)
#105 Perdido (Missing)
#106 285 Sur (285 South)
#107 Perro De Río (River Dog)
#108 Hermano de Sangre (Blood Brother)
#109 Onda de Calor (Heat Wave)
#110 Balance (The Balance)
#111 La Casa De Juguete (The Toy House)
#112 Dentro del bosque (Into the Woods)
#113 La convención (The Convention)
#114 Cita a ciegas (Blind Date)
#115 Día de la Independencia (Independence Day)
#116 Curación sexual (Sexual Healing)
#117 Locura (Crazy)
#118 Tess, mentiras y video (Tess, Lies and Videotape)
#119 Cuatro paredes (Four Square)
#120 Max por máx (Max to the Max)
#121 El cuarto blanco (The White Room)
#121 Destino (Destiny)

Segunda temporada

#201 Piel y huesos (Skin and Bones)
#202 No preguntes (Ask Not)
#203 Sorpresa (Surprise)
#204 Verano del ´47 (Summer of ’47)
#205 El fin del mundo (The End of the World)
#206 Cosecha (Harvest)
#207 ¡Aniquilar! (Wipeout!)
#208 Conoce a los Dupes (Meet The Dupes)
#209 Max en la Ciudad (Max in the City)
#210 Un villancico de Navidad en Roswell (A Roswell Christmas Carol)
#211 Para servir y proteger (To Serve And Protect)
#212 Somos familia (We Are Family)
#213 Comportamiento inquietante (Disturbing Behaviour)
#214 Como vive la otra mitad (How the Other Half Lives)
#215 Viva Las Vegas (Viva Las Vegas)
#216 Este corazón mio (Heart of Mine)
#217 Llora tu nombre (Cry Your Name)
#218 Es muy tarde y es muy malo (It’s Too Late and It’s Too Bad)
#219 Nena, eres tú (Baby, It’s You)
#220 Fuera del menú (Off the Menu)
#221 La Partida (The Departure)

Tercera temporada

#301 Arrestado = Detained or Arrested (Busted!)
#302 Michael, los chicos y la historia del zumo (Michael, The Guys and The Great Snapple Caper)
#303 Otros seres significativos (Significant Others)
#304 Secretos y mentiras (Secrets and Lies)
#305 Control (Control)
#306 Para tener y mantener (To Have and To Hold)
#307 Interrupción (Interruptus)
#308 Detrás de la música (Behind the Music)
#309 Samuel levantándose (Samuel Rising)
#310 Historia de dos fiestas (A Tale of Two Parties)
#311 Me casé con un extraterrestre (I Married An Alien)
#312 Cam-Cam-Cambios (Ch-Ch-Changes)
#313 Panacea (Panacea)
#314 Tira abajo Babilonia (Chant Down Babylon)
#315 ¿Quién murió y te hizo Rey? (Who Died and Made You King?)
#316 Choque (Crash)
#317 Cuatro extraterrestres y un bebé (Four Aliens and A Baby)
#318 Graduación (Graduation)