
San Jose Mercury News – Roswell

Thanks so much to Edith for sending this in :)

(Note: the article has been edited to include only the Roswell related statements)

San Jose Mercury News
Saturday, September 30, 2000
Arts & Entertainment

Fall Season

For Mercury News television writers, hope springs eternal. . . . . .

[…] With the new season officially under way this Monday, here are some TV dream wishes from former Mercury News TV writer Mike Antonucci and current TV writer Charlie McCollum:

Charlie McCollum:

[…] the WB doesn’t foul up “Roswell”

The wonderful thing about the WB’s “Roswell” in its first season was the way it was able to mix a sci-fi with character-driven teen drama. That’s made it unique. Now the geniuses at the WB – the same ones who let Keri Russel of “Felicity” cut her hair last season – have decreed that there should be more science fiction and less drama. That’s counterintuitive, since the best sci-fi shows have always been the ones most grounded in plausible character development. Let’s just hope “Roswell” can survive the tinkering.

Mike Antonucci:

[…] “Roswell” lives long and prospers

Let the WB’s “Roswell” find success, as a niche hit, or as the network’s most-improved-and-almost-respectable ratings climber. Something, anything. It’s a largely undiscovered, misunderstood gem that’s much more than a sci-fi show. It’s the most worthy returning program that’s in danger of not surviving the season.