Update on Roswell raffles
Check out the Raffles, and the methods to get points to enter at:
If you have been paying attention to the new Roswell raffles, you will notice new items showing up. The idea is to create very cool packages of Roswell memorabilia, and new items will be added on a regular basis during the entire period of the raffles. (if items are added to the other packages after one raffle finishes, the winner of the closed one will also receive the new items).
We have some very cool items lined up that will be listed as they are confirmed. Each package contains unique items from the set of Roswell, along with certificates of authenticity. These items were given to Crashdown by Fox Auctions.
The unique set items include the following (in different and separate raffles):
Good Luck Graduates Banner
WRH Comets Banner
Alien skull from Crashdown café wall
4 bumper stickers from Crashdown café gift cabinet
Cactus lamp from Crashdown
Hanging lamp from Crashdown
2 framed documents from UFO report from Crashdown café wall
In addition, each package will also contain a Gandarium crystal used on the show, along with a COA. Note that the crystal shown in the picture is just an example, and there are seven different crystals to be given out. Some of them still have pieces of the Styrofoam wall which they were embedded in for filming and some still have dirt from the set on them. They are different lengths and width, and the nicest crystal will go to the first raffle that closes, but all of them are pretty neat.
So far, the other items in the package (which were not used on the set) include a very cool model commissioned by the real Roswell UFO museum for the 50th Anniversary of the Roswell incident , and a West Roswell High Athletic department t-shirt (sizes from small to XXL available, and at the winners choice), and “Crash Into Me: The World of Roswell- the most comprehensive book yet written about the show, the fans, and our actions. This book is due to be published in October, and the cover art may change. Robyn Burnett, the author, has agreed to autograph these.
Keep checking the raffles for other very cool things, including some autographed items, books, posters, and other items. The winners of these raffles will have a very full pack of Roswell collectibles, in addition to the items from the set.The set items are in Crashdown.com’s possession, and will be mailed out to the winner as soon as the raffle closes. Other items (t-shirts for which sizes are needed, books that are scheduled to be published but not out yet, etc.) will come shortly after they are available.
Every attempt will be made to send out the exact items shown in the packages, but if substitutions are required, they will be similar and of equal value. (None of the set material will be substituted, but for example if no Vendor can be found for a shirt of a certain size, a substitute may be necessary).
Be sure to check out the programs that you can join to get Fan Forum points (The Affiliate offers on the raffles link at the top of this page) on a regular basis, as new ones will be popping up there from time to time. These packages are going to be truly worth the time and effort it takes to get the points to enter, and the 7 lucky winners will be very satisfied.
Good luck!