
Holiday Postcard Campaign to UPN

Thanks to the team leaders of Crashdown’s UPN Appreciation Committee for sending this in! Please participate and spread the word!

Attention Roswellians!

Crashdown’s UPN Appreciation Committee and Affiliate Advocates are now launching a Holiday Postcard Campaign to UPN in conjunction with the Toys for Tots campaign. It is easy enough so that Roswellians everywhere can participate in showing UPN how much we still support Roswell and share our generosity with others during this holiday season.

Here are 4 fabulous postcard images – thanks to JoeyNob:

Once you have selected the images you wish, all you need to do is print them over and over again, cut out the images, then superglue them to standard size postcards. After this step, address the back of the card to the following:

Dean Valentine, President & CEO
United Paramount Network
11800 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025

You can write happy holiday messages, thank you messages, and please give us 9 more episodes messages…

***You should also mention how you are donating to Toys for Tots. For more info, see the headline at the top of the home page at .***

Also, please be sure to include your return address.

Please buy a whole roll of postcard stamps and use the whole roll… get all your friends to do the same. If you can, send these postcard images to any Roswell websites that you know would like to have them. Please get started on this as soon as you can, as this is so important.

And even WHEN the last 9 episodes get picked up…keep sending these postcards throughout the holiday season!!!

And be sure to send a postcard or two to your local UPN affiliate as well!

Also, remember to keep emailing UPN and affiliates every week to show your support for Roswell:

UPN Email Addresses:

To post how many postcards you’ve sent and for the latest information from the UPN Appreciation Committee and Affiliate Advocates please go to the Roswell 2 thread here:

Thanks everyone! And please post this info at as many Roswell sites/boards/clubs/groups as you can! Please spread the word off of the internet as well!

Happy Holidays!