#112 Into The Woods – Primer

The annual Roswell High father’s camping trip takes place in the same wooded area of a recent UFO sighting. Max and Isabel convince their father they want to participate in the camping trip, in real hopes they will be able to get close to the UFO sighting area.

Liz and Maria accompany Liz’s father on the camping trip. Once there, the two realize Max needs help and decide to get involved in the search for the UFO sight.

Valenti also accompanies Kyle on the trip, but is torn between work and his son when he realizes he can use the weekend to spy on Max. Valenti follows the kids into the woods as they begin their search for the UFO sighting.

Meanwhile, River Dog comes to Michael telling him the UFO sighting was real. He and Michael venture out to investigate, only to run into Max and Isabel at the place of the sighting. Together, they discover a symbol burnt into the ground. When Valenti finds the kids and River Dog in the woods, Max makes the symbol disappear and pretends to be lost.

Confused, Valenti visits his father in the nursing home, telling him he thinks he may have been right all along — that there is alien life in Roswell.

Jason Katims Commentary


Transcribed by Lena

“Into The Woods” I think of at the beginning of what was the second half of the season. I think of that way because until now it seemed like everything was like searching for a needle in a haystack and I’m speaking out in terms of looking for who else is out there or clues about where they come from and till then there were these small things like a map or a pendant or a vision from the key and in this episode they see one of those cave symbols emblazoned in the ground and it seems like a message to them and it clearly means that somebody else is out there. When that begins the track that takes us through the rest of the season it’s no longer about searching for a needle in a haystack, now we know somebody is out there communicating with them.