Reviews By Chad Evans

Season 1

#101 Pilot – Review
#102 The Morning After – Review
#103 Monsters – Review
#104 Leaving Normal – Review
#105 Missing – Review
#106 285 South – Review
#107 River Dog – Review
#108 Blood Brother – Review
#109 Heat Wave – Review
#110 The Balance – Review
#111 The Toyhouse – Review
#112 Into The Woods – Review
#113 The Convention – Review
#114 Blind Date – Review
#115 Independance Day – Review
#116 Sexual Healing – Review
#117 Crazy – Review
#118 Tess, Lies and Videotape – Review
#119 Four Square – Review
#120 Max To The Max – Review
#121 The White Room – Review
#122 Destiny – Review

Season 2

#201 Skin and Bones – Review
#202 Ask Not! – Review

Season 3

#301 Busted! – Review
#302 Michael, The Guys And The Great Snapple Caper – Review

#101 Pilot – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

Let’s start where it all began: September 18, 1999, at the Crashdown Cafe. (The date comes from the Liz’s opening line. She gives a journal entry of September 24 and that “five days ago, I died.” But as we will see, that date may change.)


I watched this episode three times before pulling any kind of information off of it for my project. I wanted to just sit down and enjoy the shows beginning. I thought it was a good idea that I go lightly on the first episode. I’m told that it was actually filmed twice before it was aired on TV and that Jason Katims spent an entire year on the script.

The first thing I noticed was that the show’s atmosphere with lighting was well planned out. Light streaming through windows add to it’s sci-fi edge. Lights were also used to give a kind of freaky feeling to some scenes. The ones that stand out to me in particular are those in the band room where Max first reveals to Liz that he is an alien.

Of all the characters, I was most surprised with Brendan Fehr’s performance as Michael. From the transcripts I had read and the conversations I have had with fans, I expected more hostility from him. He comes from a broken home with a father who only has him around for the monthly check. Later, I learn he doesn’t regularly attend school. I expected someone who was angry and impulsive and didn’t think things through before acting on them. Two out of three isn’t bad. He came off to me as bit too calm. I’m sure this changes as time goes on (I was only up to “285 South” at the time I wrote this but Fehr ‘s future performance doesn’t disappoint.) This isn’t to say his performance is bad. This is after all, the very first episode.

Even though I was already aware of it, I could tell Max was indeed the leader. He was already exhibiting the calm quality of a strong leader. This became obvious to me when Max said the line that he didn’t want the secret to continue and then his willingness to surrender himself to keep the other two safe.

I feel it’s interesting to note here that at the show’s beginning, it’s Max who is hesitant to begin a relationship with Liz and she is the one who wants to. Liz tells Max that she doesn’t care about the consequences and wants to try. As time goes on, she continues to try to convince Max to change his mind. With the end of season one, these roles reverse and it is Max who wants the relationship and Liz who hesitates.

I love William Sadler’s portrayal of Sheriff Valenti as a cold lawman. Being familiar with his past roles as the bad guy like his part in Die Hard 2, it was easy for me to accept him as adversarial. And because Kyle is his son, it adds even more suspense to him because anything his son learns, Valenti himself may learn.

I think I’m going to like Maria. She provides good comic relief as the nosey friend who freaks at the truth. I couldn’t help but laugh as she ran from Liz screaming after learning that Max is an alien. (And her hair improves too!) Maria maintains her humor until season three when she starts to take life much more seriously. That’s not to say her role reverses completely, she is just growing up.

My first impression of Isabel was nothing grand. For “Pilot”, there wasn’t an incredible amount of character build up for her but I did see the “I’m better then you are” attitude that she gave off. Later episodes break this down some and I wonder how much of this cold shoulder the creators chip away from her in later episodes. I’ll be watching for that.

I sort of felt sorry for Kyle. He didn’t strike me as an enemy type but that is the label stuck on him when at the end of the episode, it became clear he was going to be in Max’s way. I also thought it was bad on Liz’s part that she only showed him affection when trying to convince him to meet her at the Crashdown festival. But as one girl once told me “When all else fails, use those feminine wiles!” Kyle goes through a lot of changes by the time season two rolls around and takes over some of the humor that Maria’s character used to do after she becomes more serious in season three.

As I said at the beginning of this rambling, the date of the action in this episode begins on September 19. Liz’s journal entry is dated September 24, 1999 where she says “Five days ago, I died.” The year comes from the air date of 10/6/1999. However, at the end of the episode, Liz’s gives another entry date of September 23. This would mean that the episode began on September 18. I wonder which date we go by here. The next episode’s date will clear this up. Thanks go out to Ashley for pointing out my math error. I had originally said things began on the 18th. (See? Even the nitpickers can be nitpicked!)

I’ve seen a lot of discussion about the orientation of the silver handprint. So let’s take this one step at a time.

When Max heals Liz after she is shot, he asks her to look at him and places his LEFT hand over the wound. Max’s fingertips are pointing to the left side of the screen to Liz’s right side. His thumb is pointing to the right side of the screen, Liz’s left side.

When Liz looked at the print in the mirror is when it gets different. To test my theory, I paused the vcr on the mirror shot, turned my back to the TV and looked at the screen with a mirror to see her stomach as Max saw her. The print now shows that it was made with Max’s RIGHT hand. The fingertips point to Liz’s left side and the thumb is pointing down.

When Liz shows Max the hand print the first time, the print still shows that it was made with Max’s right hand but the fingertips are now pointing to Liz’s RIGHT side. While the orientation is correct, the hand is not. Max used his LEFT hand not his right.

The handprint Kyle sees is also for a right hand. I think we can simply chalk this up to a makeup error.

Whenever we see someone who’s been shot being healed on TV or in a movie, there is always one critical element left out: the bullet! Since Liz did not have any blood on her back, it’s safe to say that the bullet did not exit her body. So my first thought after he healed her was “Great, he healed the wound but she still has a piece of lead in her body.” When Max explained that his power is manipulation of molecular structure, I felt that he also must have dissolved the bullet. Sure enough, in “Balance”, Maria says that Max dissolved the bullet when he healed her. That answers that.

The cheek cells Liz looks at under her microscope are used more then once. They will appear again in “Four Square” during Isabel’s dream about her and Michael and it’s also used in the picture of Max’s blood cells in “The White Room.” They are also the basis for the Gandarium’s appearance in the “Hybrid Chronicles” in season two. I’ll talk more about them in the episodes they appear.

Great Lines this episode. “Up north?” -Liz asking what Max means when he points up to answer her question of where he’s from.

When Isabel is listening to a cd held at her ear, is she the only one who can hear it or can everyone else? Apparently, everyone can because Max asks her to stop. She plays cd’s at the party at the beginning of “Ask not” and Lonnie exhibits the same power in “Max in the City.” That’s pretty cool but the tech junkie in me asks how’s she’s doing that since the cd isn’t spinning. If she’s passing some form of energy through the cd to play it, unless the energy itself is spinning, all she would hear is the music on the sector of the cd the energy is passing directly through. But I’m willing to let the excuse “It’s magic!” explain it.

Max tells Isabel and Michael that “Liz won’t tell anyone. She’s different.” Max’s trust is a little misplaced because, after all, she DID tell Maria and Maria didn’t take it what I would describe as, to quote Michael, “Great.” She also tells Alex in “Blood Brother.” Some secret keeper Liz is.

For those with a trained eye for detail, if you look, you can see the waistbands of the spandex shorts the two child actors are wearing during the flashback Max shows Liz where the Evans found them in the desert. And what happened to the saran wrap coverings we see the gang covered in as they emerge from the pods in “Four Square”? Did they peel them off? The kids look pretty clean and dry to me.

Did anyone notice that during the flashback Max showed Liz of him walking down the hall that he bumps into Kyle? Nice foreshadowing there.

The episode never answers this but who turned Liz’s bookbag into Sheriff Valenti?

In this episode, Liz says Max is 16. I’m noting this for reference purposes.

There is a term in Phil Farrand’s Nitpickdom called “cabbagehead.” In a TV episode, to explain something to us the audience, a writer will give one character the dialogue to ask for an explanation of something. In this episode, Liz gets the part of the cabbagehead when asking Max what powers he has. Max tells her he can manipulate molecular structures and Liz asks what that means. So, Liz the scientist doesn’t know what it means to manipulate a molecular structure? But that’s ok. Someone has to explain these things to us. (A professed scientist tells me that Liz’s asking for clarification is quite normal and he would have done the same.)

The bust that Max “manipulates” reminds me of paintings I’ve seen of early astrologers like Da Vinci and Galileo. I wonder if that was the intent.

As a Trekkie, it was cool to see Commander Riker make an appearance. However, I thought it was weird that the creators dubbed in sounds that everyone was still cheering at him when they appeared to be standing quietly (with the exception of the reaction shot from Larry and Nancy screaming “Number One!!”). Usually when a guest speaks, people quiet down so they can hear him. It’s also obvious Frakes had a lot more to say in his speech but it ended up on the editor’s chopping block.

One of the things I was tickled pink about in this episode was a music selection. The music played during the scenes where Liz’s plan unfolds are taken from the Brandon Lee movie “The Crow.” I love that music track!

The rubber aliens that burn in the “crash” later turn up in the UFO Center when it debuts in “Monsters.” It’s also painful to watch. Not because the dummies get set on fire, but because it’s pretty obvious that someone is throwing the aliens into the fire! Makes you wonder what those in Roswell REALLY think about aliens, doesn’t it? No wonder Michael, Max, and Isabel look worried as they watch from behind the fence. (I’m just kidding.)

Overall, this was a great start to the series. I’m eager to jump back into the show and see what happens. Remember, all feedback is welcome!

#102 The Morning After – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

While everyone was preparing to sit down for the second installment of the “Hybrid Chronicles” in season two, I was here watching the second episode “Morning After.”

Actually, I think a better name for this episode could have been “Secrets.” The episode has everyone involved dealing with a secret. The kids and the aliens deal with the secret of the truth. Topolsky deals with the secret of who she really is and her job to learn the Roswell alien’s secret. Alex is faced with a secret Maria and Liz won’t talk to him about and Valenti deals with the secret the FBI keeps from him and the key he keeps secret from them. It’s not even the morning after. It’s three days later! Oh well. I don’t write them. I just critique them.

The second episode did something I was looking for in the first episode: more in-depth to Michael. In this episode, we learn where he lives and get a chance to learn who his foster dad is. However, instead of being defensive and trying to hide it, Michael admits how his life is quite openly. And even though it’s early in the series, his lack of emotion when asking Max if he had ever thought about what life in Roswell is like for him was unconvincing. Most people in Michael’s situation do not casually ask a question like that of others.

Out of all the aliens, Isabel is the one who seems most comfortable and resistant to change. Max comes off as being in the middle, happy about where he is but also willing to learn more if it comes to him. Michael is the other extreme in that he does not want to stay and wants to learn anything about his alien heritage. Kind of a nice triangle that unfolds in this episode. I also took notice of Michael commenting on Isabel’s outfit in their home and how Isabel quickly went to button her shirt. Despite that later episodes indicate they are nothing more then good friends, I think this is an indication that Michael does notice Isabel more then he lets on. However, the creators never expound upon this and I’m quite glad that they didn’t.

I am not expecting too much from Alex this early on but I like what the creators have done with him in this episode. Colin Hanks plays the comic victim quite well. I especially enjoyed the bit he did with his arms only to have all the girls walk away from him and him asking “What? So now I’m a freak?” I look forward to a lot of fun from him.

Maria was something else all together. After being a source of humor in “Pilot”, she suddenly becomes someone to worry about. After telling Liz that Michael freaks her out and her saying that they must tell Alex, I wondered if Liz had done the right thing in telling her the truth. Of course, when we come to “Monsters”, Maria trounces this by keeping their secret from Valenti. It’s obvious that the unknown is Maria’s greatest enemy. But as we shall see, she is the person that adapts very quickly to the aliens and accepts them into her circle of friends.

Of all the people in the cast, Liz is someone that I am having trouble connecting to. No offense to anyone, but she strikes me as immature. Instead of talking to Kyle about things when he confronts her, she blows him off to follow Topolsky and then never gets back to him as she says she will. Because of the way she treated him, I don’t blame Kyle for following her in his car or the annoyed stare he gives her to close out the episode. As I said in my review of “Pilot”, I feel bad for him being stuck with the label of “bad guy” while taking the abuse Liz gives him. Maybe she should bear half of that label herself. It appears she really has hurt Kyle’s feelings. Kyle does get over it but it takes him almost two seasons to do it.

I also think she’s got to be one of the worst liars on the planet. I first thought this about her in “Pilot” when telling Maria that Max gave her some “breathing techniques” in the Crashdown after the shooting (and even Maria didn’t fall for THAT one). In this episode, she tells Topolsky it’s interesting that she has a photographic memory and has never met anyone with it. Instead of giving an inquisitive look, Topolsky pays it no mind. Me, I’d have at least given her a weird look. And when Kyle comes up to them in Max’s jeep at Michael’s house, she’s so badly flustered that Max has to help out with their “bowling” excuse. Now put yourself in Kyle’s shoes and ask if his mean glare at the end of the episode is justified. I’d say it is. Liz’s character improves by leaps and bounds as the show goes on. It’s a good thing too because for me, it was very hard to connect to her on any level with the way she was early on in the show.

Liz’s opening journal date is September 27, 1999, which is the Monday after the Crashdown festival. The time and date in Liz’s telescope is the same. So kudos on continuity there. With this information, I think it’s safe to regard Liz’s closing date of September 23 at the end of “Pilot” as simply wrong.

After waking Max up, Michael says that the picture of the dead body taken in 1959 proves there was an alien around when they crashed. Well, that’s a rather large leap of faith. The official date of the incident in Roswell, New Mexico is July 3, 1947 (the crash allegedly occurred on the evening of July 2, 1947 according to the official accounts in museums) and the show remains true to this. There is a twelve year difference between those dates. There could have been another alien present at that time (and of course, we find out there was) I just thought it wishful thinking on Michael’s part to believe they are one and the same. I thought Max might say “Michael, that was twelve years after. We don’t know that.”

After her introduction, Topolsky takes attendance. She learns that Michael isn’t present and asks Max if he knows Michael’s whereabouts. After Max tells her that Michael is not a fan of geometry, Topolsky starts class and forgets to finish taking roll. No wonder Liz is suspicious.

Valenti tells Agent Hart he has no jurisdiction and to take his folding chair and leave (How about that? The FBI gave the guy his own chair! Must be nice to take your desk chair with you no matter where you go! ) However, Valenti is dead wrong. The FBI has jurisdiction ANYWHERE in the U.S. Though they must obey some rules of identification of themselves, if they want to come into your police station, they can! I’m not sure that Valenti really can order an FBI agent to do anything. The real FBI doesn’t work like that. They do things the way Agent Smith did. They come in with a warrant, get what they want, and leave.

Also, it’s odd that the FBI is the group investigating aliens. This usually falls to a special branch of the Air Force though the FBI will assist if asked.

Maria asks Liz what kind of substitute teacher takes attendance. All of my substitute teachers in school and college took attendance. Maybe it would have been better for Maria to ask what kind of substitute teacher only takes HALF of the attendance.

In a very stereotypical statement, Michael’s father Hank is watching professional wrestling on TV. It’s the now-defunct World Championship Wrestling in fact. There’s no mistaking the voice of announcer Tony Schiavone. The stereotype is that wrestling fans are “trailer park trash.” As a wrestling fan myself, I raised an eyebrow at this but I’m quite used to it.

The sheriff was paranoid enough to remove the key from his alien murder file but why didn’t he go a step further and make copies of the entire file or even a copy of the key itself just in case?

Great Line this episode: “No, they all seem to be on a diet.” – Michael to Max when asked if the police bought his story of selling candy for charity while checking out the station.

There are two obvious voice edits in this episode. The first takes place shortly after the great line above. Michaels says the line “The point is this, that file has got to be in Valenti’s office.” The words heard on screen that I have italicized are NOT spoken by Michael. Because Michael is not facing the camera, it’s hard to see what he really said but the voice is clearly not his. The second overdub takes place at the end of the episode with Liz’s closing words. The line “And sometimes, secrets make you feel like you do belong.” These words are not spoken by Liz unless she decided to use a very deep voice when she recorded them. The reason my tape has these voice edits is because there are two versions of “Pilot” and “Morning After.” There are my copies, which did not air, and copies that were actually broadcast. On my copies, there are noticeable voice edits.

After Michael “says” his overdubbed line above, there is a reaction shot of Max rubbing his forehead. Look behind Max to the window on his left. A face pops up and peers in the window from outside! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Michael turns down pizza saying his father is cooking. Not to be picky but Hank doesn’t strike me as someone who cooks. Well, maybe he can boil beer.

Although it was necessary to show how Michael jumps the gun, I thought it weird that Liz didn’t first go to Max about Topolsky. Again, just a necessary plot point.

This episode begins a trend in the series that I find extremely unsatisfying and yet funny at the same time. In the eraser room, Max tells Liz that Topolsky has sixth and seventh periods off so they may have a long wait to observe her in her office. So, are we to believe that the two waited in the eraser room for two hours and missed their sixth and seventh period classes? Won’t the teachers mark them absent (Not if they take attendance the way Topolsky does they won’t!!). Throughout the rest of the series and even in season two, school takes a backseat to everything including the drive to Texas in “285 South”, Max and Tess going to New York in “Max in the City” and many, many other times. I’ll go over them all as I come to them. In season three, school disappears completely and doesn’t figure into the story that much at all. It must have been something that just got in the way.

Michael is a good example of this odd trend. He appears to show up to school only when it suits him. Unless the school’s administration is run by a bunch of idiots, this and the rest of the cast’s absences are all very unrealistic. Plus, if social services learned he wasn’t going to school, they would be giving Hank a little visit. It’s hard to ignore this even for the sake of story.

I must add this bit to protect myself. In 1999, a law was passed in New Mexico that says after the age of 16, a person is not required to attend school any longer. This never comes up in the show and the creators go to lengths to portray Michael as a delinquent so I don’t believe it’s relavant. I also must mention that social services in the U.S. is extremely overburdened so whenever you read me making a comment about Michael’s truancy, take it with a grain of salt and say to yourself “In a perfect world, Michael would be in big trouble.”

The eraser room must be a happenin’ place. Not only does it have a reputation of an “innocence taker” it has an air vent that’s only purpose is to spy in on a teacher’s room (with the panel in place, it’s just a hole with some wire over it) and it’s also got a TV! If it had a Coke machine, no one would ever go to class. And isn’t it convenient that it locks from the inside?

When Michael first grabs the key from Valenti’s thermos, he gets an odd flashback. He sees the vision Max gave Liz at the Crashdown where the Evans picked up Isabel and Max in the desert followed by Max’s bump into Kyle at the end of the one where Max sees Liz in the hallway at school. Now what does that have to do with the key? After learning what the key goes to in “285 South”, the answer is…NOTHING! I guess the creators didn’t have time to create an appropriate flashback. (This is due to there being two versions of this episode, this one and an actual episode that aired. The episode that is broadcast shows the vision of the dome.)

Topolsky tells Liz that Michael is in danger of being expelled. Well, DUUUUUH. The administration is just now getting around to deciding that? In all fairness, maybe Michael was a straight A student who never missed a day before the series began but I doubt it.

One of the most discussed things about the show is how the characters discuss their secret in some of the most open and public places. This episodes starts that trend with Maria talking to Liz after she gets Max’s message to meet her in the eraser room. She says, outloud, “So he touched you and you saw into his soul.” Now THERE’S an attention getting statement around a large group of teenage girls if I have ever heard one. But despite the odd timing for a conversation of that type (not to mention that they are openly talking about Liz meeting another guy in the infamous eraser room), no one seems to notice. That’s just amazing!

I would think that Liz, being the one Maria describes as “top of the class” should have been the one to point out that Czechoslovakia hasn’t existed for ten years but she was probably just humoring Maria. But then again, maybe she IS that smart because she is the ONLY one in the geometry class to point out Topolsky had incorrectly stated the sum of the angles on a triangle is 360 instead of 180. The rest of the class just sits there and doesn’t notice. Yikes!

#103 Monsters – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

From here, we move on to “Monsters.”

This episode focuses on Maria and Isabel. Everyone else takes a backseat to them.

This is a nice look into Isabel. This episode shows me two things about her; the first thing is how desperate she is to maintain a normal life. Of all the aliens on the show, if they were given the choice of living on Earth or going home, I think Isabel would be the first to say she would stay. At least, at this point in the series. The other thing that stands out about Isabel is she is willing to use her powers to further her own gains and doesn’t feel any regrets about doing so. It sort of brings a vindictiveness to her personality and it’s something she enjoys to the fullest. She’s also the one who will be the most resistant to change unless the proof she must adapt is dropped directly in front of her. Topolsky says she is best suited to the role of “caregiver” on her computer read out. Isabel stares at the print out and soaks up a truth that she is reluctant to admit and then casually dismisses it. As the show goes forward, we see that Topolsky’s profile of her is right on the money.

When I first learned about Isabel’s ability to dreamwalk, I thought “Cool.” When I first watched the episode, I thought “Cool.” But after a second and third viewing, I became worried. Isabel described the use of her powers to Max in “Pilot” as using them “recreationally.” The ability to enter someone’s mind in this manner can be considered the ultimate invasion of privacy and Isabel shows very little remorse for it. The phrase “with great power comes great responsibility” comes to mind. Granted, no one expects a teenager to have a full grasp of the consequences of their actions but when Max warned her against it reminding her that their mother was traumatized by Isabel’s actions, Isabel just shrugged it off. When we later learn that Isabel in her former life as Vilondra was the one to betray the Royals, her having this power and her reaction to using it just makes it all the more easier to believe. After all, her actions do more to frighten Maria then anything else. Isabel’s lucky Maria decided to keep their secret anyway.

The creators didn’t waste any time exploring the uncertainty that Maria exhibited last episode. It was interesting that the only contact Maria had with the aliens was through Isabel. There wasn’t any exploring of how she felt towards Max (other then to envision him as a green alien.) It was a nice clue as to how she felt about Michael when seeing him in a tuxedo. Apparently, he doesn’t “freak her out” as much as he says she does. I thought it was funny that Topolsky wrote “feelings of insecurity” down about Maria in her notes. Indeed!

The sheriff confuses me a bit. He knows that he makes the kids nervous so instead of inviting Maria to come to the station to give her insurance information and questioning her then, he makes it a point to come back two more times before finally making the invitation. True, the kids know he is suspicious about them but he continues to make the statement he is watching them by repeatedly being around them. I think he is hoping to do so and make them slip up. And targeting Maria was a good choice. However, when questioning her in his office, he actually talks Maria out of confessing in effect, getting the opposite of what he wanted. If I was the sheriff, after this blunder, I’d back off some and try a more subtle approach.

Max is given a chance to try to open up to Liz a little more. I’m wondering if Liz is the kind of person who won’t let things go once her curiosity is aroused. It’s hard to tell at times with his cool exterior if Max is totally comfortable with Liz though he is trying. With this and later episodes, I can’t help but laugh at the awkwardness that Max and Liz have when they say hello to each other. It reminds me of the awkward “Hi…Hi” that Kevin and Winnie would greet each other with on “The Wonder Years.”

There is also a nice hidden touch that was very cool when I realized what I was looking at. During Max’s first interview with Topolsky where he describes himself as the kid behind the tree, look behind Topolsky. On the wall is a sign that says “LEARNING ZONE.” A glare of light blots out the word “LEARNING” and Topolsky’s head blocks out the E in “ZONE.” What’s left? Zon. The phonetic spelling of Max’s alien name, Zan. Nice little touch.

I am guessing it’s just Alex being Alex but I have to wonder if the cute new guidance counselor was making him nervous.

Glad the creators remembered to stick Michael in there. There is little advancement of him here though he does further Isabel’s desire not to change by making her angry that he is still pursuing his theory on the key.

As the show opens with Topolsky’s “discover who you are” film, I found myself asking just how large the school was in Roswell. Liz and Max seem to have almost all their classes together. Then again, this could be a group thing Topolsky arranged.

If you want to keep your work schedule from being confusing, don’t ask Liz to make the schedule. I’m not quite sure what she was trying to accomplish with her wheel of color. It seemed needlessly complex.

The above scene shows that the Cafe has at least seven employees. With later episodes showing that the Cafe is quite busy, that seems like a really low number. Almost like it’s the only restaurant in town (Hmm.) In fact, in ‘Heatwave”, we’ll learn there is a Mexican restaurant (well, kind of. See my review of “Heatwave” for more on that) and another Mexican place called Senor Chow’s in “Crazy.” I’ll get into them more with the reviews of those episodes.

Great lines this episode: “Queen Amidala!” -Maria to Liz when Liz asks “Who is here?”

With all the stress Maria was under in this episode, don’t you think her Cyprus seed oil would have come in VERY handy? There’s no trace of it in the episode.

This episode gives us a good look at the front of the Cafe. Between now and “Pilot”, the doors and walls to the front of the store go from being metal and glass, to wood. In “Pilot”, the doors were all glass with metal bracing. This episode shows that the doors are now mostly wood. With less glass, the Crashdown has now become quite dark. The register also moves from being behind the bar to the front just to the left of the door as you walk in. A postcard rack is now placed in front of the register. “Pilot” also showed us a very large jukebox. With this episode, the jukebox is gone. In fact, the jukebox disappears entirely from the show period. There is almost always music playing during scenes filmed when the Café is open for business. Without the jukebox, it makes you wonder where the music always comes from. And finally, a few more trinkets and paintings are added to the walls.

Watching the scene where the sheriff comes in to the Café makes me wonder if Majandra Delfino has ever waitressed in real life. When the Sheriff comes in and orders a coke, Maria grabs a cup and starts to fill it up. Two things here. She doesn’t ask the sheriff what size drink he wants. It’s not unusual for a restaurant to only have one size of drink to offer but I usually get asked “What size sir?” when I don’t specify. She also doesn’t put any ice into the cup. She just starts filling it with soda. Anyone who has worked fast food will tell you that you first put ice into a glass before filling it up because soda machines don’t always dispense cold liquid. This also has an added effect. If the glass is filled with ice, you can’t put as much soda in it which saves the store on the soda’s concentrate (and in turn, allows them to sell more beverages.) Granted, this IS Maria we are talking about here but I couldn’t help but mention it.

The tour guide of the UFO Center isn’t named in this episode’s dialogue. We won’t learn his name until “The Convention.”

During his tour, the UFO Center Guide says that the date of the Roswell crash is “July 4, 1947.” Documents at said things began on July 3, 1947. A reference book I read on alien sightings also said July 3, 1947. The Roswell UFO Center also has displays in the building and on their website saying things began on July 3, 1947. The actual crash was late in the evening on July 2. What is to be believed here? I can’t believe that Milton of all people would make a mistake like that.

As Max wonders about their origins with Isabel, she makes an odd statement that they cannot risk exposing themselves. She then goes double standard and decides to dreamwalk Maria. Talk about a swinging pendulum.

I’m having a little trouble interpreting Isabel’s powers. I know that she can heat things and has the ability to dreamwalk and she can play a CD without a CD player. However, the things she does in Maria’s car are a bit mystifying. The first thing she does is enhance Maria’s air conditioner. Maria says it’s on “full.” The main reason an air conditioner doesn’t blow cold air is because the freon in them has been used up. The second most common reason is that the belt that turns the fan that blows air into the car is loose and not turning the fan to make enough air flow. Isabel puts her hand on the vent and it begins blowing hard enough to make her hair move. How did she do that? Did she tighten the belt or replicate more freon in the engine? Regardless, when she pulls her hand away, the airflow stops. Of course, it might be cooler in the car if Maria and Isabel would roll up the windows but I digress.

Isabel also touches the car’s radio and improves the audio output of it. A radio’s sound quality is dependent upon the quality of the components used in it. If it diminishes over time, it’s because one or more of those components are malfunctioning (it’s usually dirt on the eye of the laser reader in a CD player or the quality of the wires that carry the sound to the car’s speakers or even the speakers themselves.) Isabel puts her hand on the radio and it’s sound output is enhanced! The funny thing is that when Maria freaks and Isabel pulls her hand away, the sound quality stays pretty much the same. If Isabel was no longer using her power to make the radio sound better, it should have lost it’s enhancement. (I immediately see a problem with nitpicking the alien’s powers. While it’s difficult or impossible to explain how they work, it still doesn’t stop you from asking “How’d they do that?” It is just something you have to accept for the story to work.)

This episode establishes that Max is a softmore in high school with the statement that he has “two years” to decide about college made by Topolsky.

The science teacher makes an odd statement. “If no man is an island, then no molecule can exist in a vacuum.” Oh yeah?? Even in the vacuum of space there exists molecules of all kinds. Comets are composed of ice which is the solid form of water. Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, is found literally floating in space in the form of gas. Not to mention the millions of particles of dust and other debris.

I don’t normally comment on costuming but what the heck is Maria wearing in Valenti’s office? It almost looks like a school uniform. Maria must feel icky about it too because at the very end of the episode, she’s the only one to do an outfit change. Max, Liz, Michael, and even Isabel are all wearing the same outfits from scenes earlier. Maria changes from the school uniform type outfit to a dark blue jumpsuit.

Because of the costume change above, I wonder about the time of this show’s ending. Valenti first asks Maria to come to his office at 9am the next day when coming into the Cafe to order “breakfast.” Most restaurants stop serving breakfast at 11:30am before changing over to lunch and dinner menus. There are some that serve breakfast 24 hours a day so it’s possible Valenti invites Maria to his office at any time of the day. Unless it’s on a weekend, Maria should be in school for breakfast. So if it wasn’t a weekend, that means Valenti called her in on a school day. Why didn’t he wait until after school? Plus, the cast are all still wearing the same clothes from their earlier discussion about Max hiding behind trees when they meet Maria and Isabel at the episode’s end. It looks like they all wore the same clothes from the day before and sat in the school lobby, missing classes, while waiting for Maria and Isabel to come back to school. Which may have been a while because after picking up Isabel on the side of the road, Maria must have first gone home to change clothes before coming to school. Unless she changed in the car (Intriguing imagery but unlikely.)

There is no date mentioned in this episode but it seems likely given the date of “Morning After” of September 27 that this episode takes place the same week. So it is possible that Valenti did invite Maria to his office on a weekend morning. If that’s the case, why did Maria and Isabel go back to school after Maria’s meeting with the Sheriff? Do they go to school on the weekends in Roswell?

Valenti tells Maria that it’s a “City regulation” to get her insurance information for the accident. While that is possible, requiring proof of insurance in an accident is a state or federal law depending on where you live. As a lawman, Valenti should know this. Also, this is the kind of information gathered at the scene of the accident. Why didn’t the sheriff get it then or did he purposely delay doing so just so he could come in and make Maria uncomfortable?

#104 Leaving Normal – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

Step outside for a moment as we review “Leaving Normal.”

This is the first heart wretcher of season one. Everyone gets a chance to expand on their characters even Michael which is a welcomed sight. (I was on quite a Michael kick in season one.)

Even though I was a little hard on Liz in previous reviews, she does show improvement in this episode. She maintains a certain composure in every scene like she’s trying to keep from being too sad for the benefit of those around her. A nice touch if that is what it is.

I’m hoping that at some point, Max will decide what he really wants because on more then one occasion in this episode, he changes his mind. One minute he says he doesn’t want to be with Liz, the next he goes to her. I know that this type of indecision lasts for many episodes but I doubt anyone will disagree with me when I say it’s just about maddening to watch. In fact, he doesn’t get his act together and make up his mind until “Sexual Healing.” I hope that down the road Max uses the same passion as he did when he told Michael that he would heal Liz again if he had to.

I enjoyed watching the tension between Michael and Max. In fact, I liked that Michael was actually getting into action. However, he only got three of the four guys who attacked Max. I was wanting to see him defy Max to finish his revenge but I guess he decided to submit to Max’s judgement. Later, we won’t see Michael back down so quickly.

The scene with the sheriff and Kyle discussing Liz, if you ask me, is a turning moment in the character of Sheriff Valenti. The fact that he sat down to talk to his son immediately said to me that he wasn’t such a bad guy after all. Even if he still is a threat to the Royals. I do wonder though if there is some tension between him and Kyle with the way Kyle kept drilling him about if he remembered his mother “when things were good.”

We don’t get to learn much about Liz’s father other then his horrible taste in music but I wonder if there is a bit of tension between Liz and her mom. It seemed to me that Mrs. Parker was acting like she and her daughter were not that close. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but that’s the feeling I was left with after watching that first scene at the Cafe. I’m told that the writers originally wanted to give Liz a sister who died of a drug overdose and that this is the source of frustration between them. Her mother was just being overprotective of her remaining child. I really wouldn’t have minded if they had added that because with this and episodes like “Sexual Healing” we see Liz and her mom at odds of a level that just doesn’t seem natural.

Isabel’s role as the caregiver has begun to surface. However, she didn’t completely throw herself into it. She still had the mind to snap and roll her eyes at a few things. Good stuff.

Liz’s opening journal entry date is October 19, 1999. A look at the calendar shows that was a Tuesday. Since her grandma was supposed to come on Friday but arrived a day early, events for this episode appears to have begun on Wednesday, October 13. That’s at the beginning of the episode when Liz tells Maria her grandma will arrive on Friday. Her grandma then shows up a day early. She has her stroke that night and there is a one day period in the hospital as one school day shows. Liz says her good-byes on Saturday night (since the Crashdown is swamped and Saturday is traditionally a very busy night for restaurants, this seems to make sense.)

“Monsters” shows that the Crashdown has at least seven employees. Liz says that one is ill and another is having a baby (I didn’t see a pregnant one at that meeting but she could have been at home making the total eight but let’s say there’s seven.) With Liz gone, that leaves only four employees! Two cooks and two waitresses. That is NOT even close to being enough. Liz’s dad needs to hire some people fast!

Maybe she’s just burnt out but Agnus sure wasn’t being much of a team player with Maria. And why wasn’t she wearing one of those kooky alien outfits Maria and Liz wear? Did they run out of bouncy headbands? I guess Isabel is lucky that the one she got to wear fit her perfectly (Actually, I think that Maria has been planning that one for some time and had the uniform made months ago. ) By the way, this is the last time Agnus appears in the show. She probably quit.

When Max comes to visit, he comes to visit. Max comes in for his Alien-blast during the dinner rush when the episode begins. He stays until the Cafe closes.

Has no one suggested to Max that you don’t walk down a dark alley at night? Nope, apparently not.

As Maria walks up to Liz as she waits for Max to leave gym class, there is one bell that rings. Then more students come out of the classroom Maria walked out of. That first bell must mean class is over. However, thirteen seconds later, a second bell rings. Usually that means the next class has started. Man, you’ve got to hussel in this school. And since Liz was standing in the hall before that first bell rang, does that mean Liz left class early? Hey, if you can miss sixth and seventh period hanging out in the eraser room, why not?

Michael bumps into one of Kyle’s friends and puts his hand on his chest to give him a case of the itchies. This sort of thing only happens on TV. In real life, Michael’s hand would have been slapped away.

Just what time is it when Liz’s grandma arrives? As Liz and grandma head into the back room of the Café, you can see the timeclock to the left of the door. It either is missing it’s hour hand or it is 4:20 because the hour hand is behind the minute hand (you can only see the minute hand and the second hand.) But is it A.M. or P.M.? If it’s A.M., then everyone in the Parker family is a major early bird. But if it’s P.M., why is the Café closed? It’s almost dinner time!

Isabel told Max that seventeen people told her about his face. So why does she react like she did when Max showed her his cuts? It’s not like she wasn’t prepared for it.

As Liz’s parents tell her a story about her grandma, there is an announcement of “Code Blue, ICU. Room 104.” Code Blue is medical slang that means a patient’s heart has stopped. But when grandma’s heart monitor flatlines (her heart stops beating) at the end of the episode, there is no announcement. These things are usually instantaneous.

Great Line this episode: “No way!” -Max when he sees Isabel in her Crashdown uniform.

This last one is going to be touchy so I ask no one take anything personally. When Liz asks Max if he can do anything for her grandma, Max responds with this line: “Something was happening to you that wasn’t supposed to. It was before your time. I’m not…God.”

Ok. In the Christmas episode, Max says he does not believe in God (not a nice thing to say during a Christmas special but moving on.) So if that is true, I will accept the argument that while he might not believe in God, he understands the function of such a being. I have no problem with that part.

The part I do have a problem with is Max is saying that Liz’s shooting wasn’t supposed to happen and she would have died before she was supposed to. Now how did Max know that? How does he know that paramedics wouldn’t have arrived in time and saved Liz’s life? The point is that he doesn’t. And for someone who doesn’t believe in a God to suddenly start comparing themselves to one is contrary to the actions of the atheists I have met in my lifetime. They don’t compare themselves to something they don’t believe in. I think that all of Max’s dialogue here was someone trying to be overdramatic and really shouldn’t have been done. I think it would have been better for Max to just admit that healing Liz’s grandma may be beyond his power but that he could try. How about “Liz, I…healed you because you had a bullet inside you. Your grandma…is beyond my power.” Then have the exact same scene in the hospital where he again says he doesn’t know if he can but that maybe he can let her say goodbye.

I’m not trying to start a war with this because it’s just a given that anytime you add religion into a story, there will be questions. As Jason Behr has said in interviews, no one would expect someone not of this planet to accept our religious views. I’m just a little surprised that things like this make it into TV shows. I bring this up because there are video games made in Japan that never or just barely make it into U.S. markets because they have religious overtones in them. A Playstation game called Xenogears had quite a fight getting into the U.S. because in it’s storyline, religion and “God” are portrayed as fake and engineered to keep the population in check (“God” is in fact a super intelligent biomechanical weapon.) Konami’s CastleVania games, with only one exception, have their graphics edited to remove religious symbolism from them before coming to the U.S. Max’s comments remind me of these things and raised a flag.

Overall, this was an excellent episode. Because I didn’t find a lot to point out inconsistency wise, it’s clear a lot of care was put into this episode. Kudos to the creators.

#105 Missing – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

There appears to be something “Missing.”

This episode gives me another good insight about Isabel. When they are in the Cafe, Isabel is upset at Michael’s drawing and asks Max to talk to him about it. “He’ll listen to you.” From this, I gather that Isabel has silently accepted that Max is the leader of the group. However, later when we learn that Max is indeed their destined leader, Isabel reacts strongly that Max will not order her around (The first instance is the second season episode “Surprise.”) So apparently, as long as it doesn’t concern Isabel personally, she doesn’t mind Max being in charge.

I’m told that Jason Behr is a very calm and quiet person. There is a lot of this in Max Evans too and I think it’s a weakness on his part. When Liz tells Max her journal containing the truth about them is missing, he accepts it rather well. No wide-eyed surprise or panic. I found this a little unsatisfying.

I was glad that the creators were so quick to address the issue of Liz’s journal. I was wondering about this myself since Topolsky appeared. I said outloud “Topolsky better never get her hands on that journal.” I wonder the same thing about Nicolas in season two.

There’s not much emphasis on Maria here but she gets her chance to shine in the next episode.

I was happy to see an improvement with Liz in “Leaving Normal” but I’m starting to want to smack her when she babbles and say “Just say it!” She must get it from Maria.

I sort of feel both sorry and envious of Alex. On one side, he feels badly that Maria and Liz have sort of left him out and on the other, he has Topolsky using him to try to get information on the others. And make no mistake, she is using him for that. But in this episode, Topolsky is almost flirting with Alex. She speaks very softly to him. She smiles a lot. She sits on the edge of her desk showing him a little leg in the process. Now this could be just Topolsky trying to make Alex nervous to throw him off. However, she walked the fine line here. Scary, isn’t it?

During the “previously on Roswell” segment, we see a review of Michael getting the key from Valenti’s office and having a vision of Atherton’s dome. Sorry but according to “Morning After”, that is not what Michael saw. He saw the vision Max gave Liz in “Pilot” of the Evans finding Isabel and Max in the desert. (This is because my copy is a version of the episode that didn’t air. I’ll never live it down.)

When Michael comes into art class, the teacher reacts with surprise. He says that today is Thursday and he hasn’t seen Michael since Monday of last week. Count ’em up folks. That’s seven days Michael hasn’t been to class. I’m sorry, but high schools do NOT work like this. Michael would have been expelled long ago. I’m wondering if Katims had thought to put the cast into a college setting originally where this type of behavior is more common.

Two great lines this episode:

“You know what the best part about being broken up is Liz? I don’t have to try anymore.” -Kyle to Liz when she avoids answering him. Oooh, take THAT Liz.

“Well, go ahead. We both know she’s more interesting then I am.” -The UFO Center manager to Max when Liz walks in. The dialogue has still not given this character’s name.

Why does the storage room sound like wind blowing in a cave?

I’m not sure I understand Isabel’s paranoia that Michael is drawing at the Cafe. From what Michael has on paper, it’s nothing that would draw a lot of attention to them. If it was, artists everywhere would be suspect. Of course, Max doesn’t share this until Michael’s painting goes on display. Then he voices his objections. Given all the weird alien memorabilia hanging up in classrooms, I think Michael’s work would blend right in quite well. What’s the problem here?

Of course, I would not be doing a good job if I didn’t point out that they are discussing this in the quite public Café. Not that it’s anything revealing but wouldn’t Isabel feel better discussing this privately?

During the shots of Michael painting, an interesting oddity occurs. One of the close-ups shows that Michael has blue and green paint on his right cheek. As the scenes continue, he gets identical colors on his left cheek. The strange thing is that there is no paint shown on Michael’s hands (there are some very good shots of his hands in there) so the only conclusion I have here is that Michael is painting his face.

There’s a continuity error in the conversation Liz and Kyle have on the basketball court. After a few words, Kyle walks over to pick up a bottle of water. The close ups of the two as the shots change from one side of the fence to the other have Liz doing a little hop scotch dance. Shots from behind Liz show that she is on the left side of the screen, which put her to Kyle’s right. Shots from behind Kyle have Liz on the right side of the screen, which would now put her on Kyle’s left. No wonder Kyle ends the conversation. Liz won’t hold still. Thanks to Robert Schwartz for sending this along.

One must ask why Liz’s parents let Kyle into her room when Liz wasn’t home and let him rummage around her belongings.

Oookay Max and Liz, pay attention. Here’s a little lesson on breaking and entering. When the two enter the Valenti household, they go into Kyle’s room and turn on a lamp. Then the dark figure surprises them and Kyle drives up. When they leave out the back door, they forget to turn off the light. That’s not the best way to do things.

Also, the creators make it a point to add a line of dialogue for Max to make us see that the front door is unlocked. Presumably, the dark figure is one of Topolsky’s agents and when he broke in, he left the door unlocked. My, but that’s sloppy for a professional FBI agent. But the really important part is that when Kyle is shown walking through the front door, he doesn’t appear to think that the door being unlocked is a big thing. Kyle! There are guns on the wall for crying out loud!

In the restaurant business, there is something called “last call.” This means that you have only a few minutes before the kitchen closes to order any food. Normally, the doors are then locked from the inside so that no new customers can come in. When Michael comes into the Cafe at the end of the episode, Liz says they are closed. She appears to be the only person there. I’m sure the Crashdown has a last call so my question is why aren’t the doors locked? He didn’t use his powers on them.

Liz’s closing journal date is October 28. Liz’s opening date in “Leaving Normal” is October 19. If you look at a calendar, the 28th is on a Thursday. “Leaving Normal” lasts only two or three days. This episode also appears to last only three days. Michael says he took the journal a week ago. Liz noticed that the journal was missing on the fourth day of that week.

Someone is altering Atherton’s house. The photo of Atherton’s house in the jacket of the book seen at the end of the episode has a dark triangle on the dome over the door. I assume this is a window. However, the color photos that Valenti has in “285 South” have NO dark triangles over the door. When they go there in the next episode, there are TWO triangles over the door.

#106 285 South – Review

Written by Chad Evans(Nitpickius Roswellian)

Let’s take a look at “285 South.”

My first impression when I sat down to watch this episode was that this was definitely Michael’s episode. He is explored more then any other character in this episode, including Maria. But everyone involved is given a chance to shine. So far, this is my favorite episode of season one that I had seen (It’s was also my last until my next set of tapes arrived. Imagine the pain of finding out I ended my first set with part one of a two parter.)

It was easy to say that there was more to Michael then meets the eye (but what TV character isn’t that way?) One thing that’s for sure is that Max and Michael showed a bit more confrontation and they are going to come to a head eventually (see “Crazy.”) I look at it like this is the first time Max has told Michael he’s running out of patience cleaning up after him and Michael knows it. At the police station, Michael is speechless. At the motel, Michael stands up to Max.

I loved all of the interaction between Maria and Michael. Michael seemed very surprised by everything that Maria did from opening up to him in the motel to saving his butt from the cop. The look on his face during her “restroom excuse” was absolutely hilarious. He couldn’t believe that she did that and he was totally thrown off. In fact, I think that the officer was a bit amused at it too. Who wouldn’t be? And even cold hard Michael can be sensitive. He notices Maria’s unease at the hotel and goes out to find some food.

Isabel and Liz get a small opportunity to bond. It’s small but it’s important because Liz expresses the fear of loss that they both have about Max. That one line allowed Isabel to drop her walls around Liz. And for the rest of the trip, she left Liz alone where as before, she had been making snide comments to her. And speaking of that, it was nice to hear Liz snapping back at her. Clearly, Liz isn’t going to let Isabel intimidate her like she did Maria in “Monsters.” I wonder what keeps Isabel from dreamwalking Liz (We have to wait until season two for that.)

I initially raised an eyebrow at Liz when she demanded to be told the whole story at the motel. It certainly took some gall to do that. I was glad that no one argued about it. I was beginning to become impatient with the way the Royals kept avoiding her questions.

Max is pretty much in the middle of everything here. He’s the source of Liz and Isabel’s bickering, the source of Kyle’s hostility, and the reason why Michael went off on his own: Max wanted to investigate more before checking Atherton’s house. I also agree with Kate Ancel (who initially reviewed this episode for in that the little grin Max and Liz exchanged when Isabel asked if they would have to sleep in the jeep was a nice touch. It certainly would have been interesting if they had to actually try it. Max also continues with his trait of being content but wanting to learn more about their past at the same time. When Michael’s key won’t open the door to Atherton’s house, Max opens the lock for him saying they have come all this way and should see it through.

One important thing to note about Isabel was the apparent unease she was feeling during this entire episode. There were several occasions where she appeared to be on the verge of tears facing the truth of what she is. Her comfortable life is changing and she is helpless to do anything about it. Katherine Heigl played these moments perfectly and she is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters on the show.

I still think Kyle gets a bad rap but I simply do not understand why he followed them to the hotel. That’s a little obsessive. I got the impression he was doing it out of spite to Max for taking Liz from him and to Liz as well for dumping him. Of course, this immediately begs the question of just how Kyle knew where they were going? At no time does any dialogue with Kyle in the scene at the Café give any indication where Liz and the others went. Nor is there any dialogue to indicate he knew that Michael and Maria had even left (unless he is secretly a Kryptonian and eavesdropped on Maria’s call to Liz.)

This episode brings up my first dislike for the show: the portrayal of the FBI. The FBI on Roswell comes off as a group of the most incompetent boobs next to Barney Fife (and at least he was funny!) In “Missing”, an FBI man breaks into Kyle’s house. To gain entrance, he surely had to pick the lock (I doubt the sheriff would leave his house unlocked with a gun collection right by the front door.) Yet, the FBI man leaves the door unlocked which is why I believe the creators had Max mention it. In this episode, an agent is watching the kids as they leave. The ‘ole FBI stereotype of the “men in black” is in full force. The agent is sitting out in the open in a dark suit in a brand new, shiny black car (“Duh, gee. Hope no one notices me.”) He couldn’t have been any more obvious then if he had a big neon sign over the car that blinked “FBI DUDE HERE!” But it gets worse. When following the teens to a convenience store, he completely blows his cover walking over to a public phone. If he wanted to remain hidden, he should have pulled over to the opposite side of the road and watched. We know he’s not using the phone to talk to anyone because of the person yelling at him to get off of the phone if he isn’t going to call anyone. The guy probably has a cell phone to call in. The tiny camera we see in “Tess, Lies, and Videotape” is said to be expensive so I’m sure they supply all their agents with cell phones (your tax dollars at work!) For a law enforcement agency that is supposed to be the best and the brightest, everyone in this show falls really short.

I’m also starting to dislike the nosiness that is Topolsky. I’m surprised that the school’s staff isn’t curious about her because I know I would be. It’s rare to see a guidance counselor taking such a role in teacher’s curriculums like she did. And just like Kyle, how did she know where the kids were going? I know Mr. Obvious probably phoned in to tell them he had lost the teens but beyond that, unless she tailed the sheriff, Topolsky wouldn’t have had a clue where to go. And I would ask where she got the idea to follow the sheriff, if that is what she did.

According to one of the FBI files at, Topolsky karate kicked the sheriff in the back of the head to knock him out. But the episode shows her hitting him with something in her hand. I’ll get more into this in “River Dog.”

I wonder. Just where did the deputy come from that arrested Michael in the UFO Center? Did Michael trip an alarm or did he see him clammering around up on the roof?

Whoever built the UFO Center isn’t that smart. Who puts in vents large enough to allow someone to crawl through them to enter the building? On a large multi-story building I could understand but on the UFO Center? They’re a little unnecessary. In season two, we will learn that the building is an old fallout shelter. These are designed to keep out radiation from a nuclear blast. You sure don’t want really big air vents in a place like that.

What class are the gang in during the beginning of the episode? Are they in history class or some kind of writing class? I couldn’t figure it out from the dialogue.

Hey, Michael’s not in class again. I’d say he is far removed from being in danger of being expelled to actually being expelled. However, not to just pick on Michael, but the whole group is missing school the next day while they are at Atherton’s. The episode lasts two days. It’s not a weekend because when the teacher gives out the reports for them to do, he says they are “due tomorrow.” There’s no date given in this episode but that will change with a review of “River Dog.” Along the same lines, Liz is the only person to call in and let her parents know where she was. What did Maria say to her mom? Max and Isabel get away with it because Mrs. Evans says she didn’t hear them come in last night in the next episode. Michael’s the only one who could have gotten away with this one.

Is this next one a nice touch or pure coincidence? Reading off the pairings for the assignment, Mr. Summers gives the last pair as “Trussel with Wolf.” The next shot shows Liz and Maria walking out of class and the onscreen credits give the name of producer Carol Dunn Trussel.

Reader Jordan brought this one to my attention. One of the other pairings the teacher calls out is “Kalinoski with Nell.” The name Kalinoski is popular because it appears a few times in season one. Aside from this episode, it’s also the last name of one of Alex’s cellmates in “Heatwave.” It appears yet again in “Into the Woods” as one of the organizers reads off a list of names for people to load the bus.

Find out what kind of cell phone Maria uses and buy it! It’s has to be one of the best cell phones ever created! It picks up voices perfectly even if it is down inside your purse. That’s a good phone.

There were three great lines for me in this episode.

“Why don’t you just bring them some ketchup or something?” -Isabel to Liz after watching her constantly glance to Kyle and Max.

“Oh my God! You’re kidnapping me! No wait! You’re abducting me!” -Maria

“It’s like the porno version of Aladdin.” -Maria describing the motel.

Max must project some sort of wind force field when they are in the jeep to deflect the wind. As Liz talks on the phone to her mother saying she will stay at Maria’s house, look at her hair. It doesn’t move at all. Then when the shot changes to show her through the windshield, her hair is whipping about. Did Max lose his concentration?

In all the daytime scenes of the jeep, Isabel appears to be driving less then 10 miles per hour. We aren’t in any kind of hurry, are we Isabel?

When the police officer pulls Michael over for speeding, Michael pulls over to the side but he stays inside the lane instead of pulling over to the shoulder. That’s weird. The police officer also wins the award for fastest citation ever written. It takes him exactly seven seconds from the time Michael hands him his license to the time the officer hands him the ticket. It’s also not procedure. Procedure on tickets is that first the officer asks for your license and registration and then contacts dispatch to check wants and warrants and confirm your identity even if the officer is only going to issue a warning. The local police station provided this information for me. Of course, this is TV and to do things properly would have taken up a lot of time.

As Maria’s car starts to give out, Maria asks if Michael pulled out “the chokey thing.” Michael says he tried that. No wonder the car gave out. You NEVER, EVER pull the choke out when a car is running.

Maria’s car is put together weird. After Michael puts the whammy on it, he says “Now that the battery is fried…” The battery? Flames erupted from directly under the windshield. I’ve never seen a car battery placed behind the engine on any make of car. A few people have written to me saying there is at least one car out there that does have a battery behind the engine. The 1962 Triumph TR3 did. But Maria’s Jetta is not the same as that car. Some also suggested that Michael fried the electrical system. Michael specifically says “battery” and with the exception of the Triumph, batteries are not behind the engine. I will concede and agree that this is all possible as the battery is part of a car’s electrical system.

The aliens really are obsessed with tobasco. Michael appears to carry one around in his pocket. He uses it on the candy bar he buys at the motel. I know he had a bottle during “Pilot” and “Morning After” when he was eating a candy bar but I didn’t think he actually carried one around with him wherever he went. I was surprised that Maria didn’t say something like “You’re putting hot sauce on a candy bar? Ugh. You light a match before you go to sleep buddy!” Maria doesn’t make any kind of comment about the tobasco until “River Dog” which seems quite patient for someone like curious Miss De Luca.

When the gang come to Maria and Michael’s motel room, Isabel uses her powers to remove the latch on the door. They then walk right in. Wait! Did Maria not lock the doorknob too? I can’t believe that she wouldn’t have locked it. Not in the “nookie” motel. And why didn’t Isabel knock instead of just barging right in? To use a quote from Isabel in “Crazy”, “Geez, Isabel. Can you be any more rude?”

For a small motel off the highway, there was some serious money put into it. The hot tub has lights inside it. That has to be expensive.

Who paid for the room? Did they pool their cash together or does Maria have a credit card? Maybe Michael broke the display of a local fruit stand sending fruit all over the sidewalk and then robbed the register while the employees were scrambling for the fruit. It’s if it’s good enough for Lonnie and Zan in “Meet the Dupes”, why not Michael?

When the group comes into the room, we see that Michael is laying on a sleeping bag. Where did Michael get the sleeping bag? Was there one in Maria’s car? It looks exactly like the one Max keeps in his room when Michael sleeps over.

When they first enter Atherton’s house, there’s a line spoken that says someone has been searching for something. That makes sense. At this point in the series, we don’t know anything about Atherton and how he died or who killed him. But once we find out that it was Nasedo who killed Atherton, we could assume he was the one who searched the place. How could he have missed the secret room though? Yes, the door is pretty solid and easy to miss but the room’s ceiling is the floor. It has wide gaps in it that you can see simply from the light that shines through it. Wouldn’t a thorough search reveal the light shining on the objects below? Some good hard blows to the wood would splinter it open even if you couldn’t open the door. How could Nasedo have missed that? (When Nasedo does finally show up, we’ll find out that I have a lot more to complain about concerning Nasedo as a whole.) It would be easy for the FBI to miss it. They’re incompetent boobs but Nasedo? If the FBI searched the dome, when they left, they locked the door! Someone smartened up after breaking into Valenti’s house in “Missing” because in that episode, the agent left the door unlocked for Max and Liz. (A future episode says Topolsky was the one who searched the dome. But that only makes it worse for the reputation of the FBI in the show. Of course, that can’t be right because she had no idea where the kids were going in the first place! Maybe she first stopped by Madam Vivian’s to find out and then put the peddle to the metal to get to Atherton’s first.)

#107 River Dog – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

I waited a long time to finally see part two of this saga. When I finally did see it, I felt a little let down.

Of all the episodes so far in season one, this one has more things I took note of. The entire premise of the show broke down to three things: the Sheriff blowing Topolsky’s cover, meeting River Dog, and Michael and Maria having their first kiss. There was a lot of dead time in-between and I wish there was more to this episode. We never learn what was in the files taken from Atherton’s nor do we get any real solid answers from River Dog about Nasedo. Not even his name. I was let down by this as I was hoping for something more then that. But it wouldn’t have been good for the season if we had gotten everything at once.

First off,Topolsky. While she’s being chewed out by Agent Stevens, he tells her that she’s supposed to be doing her job covertly. She’s certainly not doing that. While the kids didn’t see her at Atherton’s, what would have happened if they hadn’t found the escape tunnel in time and she’d gotten down into the basement? “Oh, hi Miss Topolsky. What are you doing here?” Then again, with the way I went off on the incompetence of the FBI in my rambling for “285 South”, she seems to be fitting right in. (And we aren’t done beating that dead horse yet by a longshot!)

Michael spent the last part of this episode frustrated. He learns of the reservation and a chance to get a clue to the meaning of the pendant and Max tells him no. I think the only reason he doesn’t snap and go anyway is because of Maria’s presence.

Speaking of Maria, she’s obviously fallen for Michael. I can imagine how awkward Michael felt when she kept staring at him on the drive home from Atherton’s. He certainly doesn’t scare her as much as she said he did in “Monsters.” Their banter with each other at the Crashdown while they waited for Max and Liz to return was funny. It was also funny that their flirting made Isabel uncomfortable.

There was little character development for Max in this episode.

Despite the way he was portrayed in this episode, I don’t think Kyle is showing any hatred for Max specifically. More like he is jealous of Max for taking Liz from him and it’s nothing more then that. In a few episodes, we will actually see Kyle and Max bond in “Blind Date” (though alcohol has something to do with it.) So it’s clearly not Max that Kyle is out to expose. It’s Liz he’s after.

The show’s opener begins with Liz’s journal entry of November 11. With this date, we can now set the timeline for this episode and “285 South.” “285 South” lasts three days. It ends the morning of November 11 on day three. Since we saw nothing else happen, we must assume that the gang went straight back to the hotel after leaving Atherton’s to get Maria’s car and return home. “River Dog” starts at this point. It lasts two days. They drive back that morning and arrive early as Max and Isabel’s mom says she didn’t hear them come in. Their house is robbed that afternoon and Liz goes to the reservation that night. The next day, Eddy tells her to come back that night where she and Max meet River Dog. The show ends on November 12. Checking a 1999 calendar and going back four days has “285 South” beginning on November 8. That means there is a week and a half gap between “Missing” and “285 South.”

HOWEVER, according to, this is not correct. In the Allies section, they showed the assignments the kids are given in “285 South.” These forms are dated 11/4/99. At the bottom of page one and two of the assignments, there is a message in bold that says they are due “Friday, November 5, 1999.” Since “285 South” only lasts three days and this episode begins on November 11, the only way the assignment’s date could be correct is if there is a four day gap after the assignments are handed out. But that can’t be possible because they are due the day after they were given. So which do we go by here? Liz’s date in the episode or the silverhandprint documents? Me, I choose Liz’s journal dates.

Lighting is very important in Roswell. No matter what time of day it is, the sun always appears to make it look about five or six in the evening. Light also behaves very eerily in this episode. Liz follows the rat into the escape tunnel. She lifts the covering and a far away shot shows a faint blue glow inside the tunnel. When Michael climbs out of it, he has to heave up a solid steel lid that was covering the exit. So whence does this blue light cometh? Since the exit was covered, the tunnel should have been pitch black.

Topolsky must be related to Gumbi. All the dialogue in this episode suggests that she kicked the Sheriff in the back of the head to knock him out. If you look closely at the end of “285 South” and the “previously on Roswell” for this episode, you can see that Topolsky is hitting the Sheriff with something in her hand. The shadow shows her arm coming down bent at the elbow. I’m quite positive about this but there are three things that say otherwise.

Agent Stevens says “Dropkicking the Sheriff. You call that covertly?” Later, the Sheriff says “That’s a hell of a kick you’ve got there.” No, Sheriff. She didn’t kick you! How would he know anyway? He was hit from behind! And finally, a document at says that Topolsky kicked the Sheriff. Again, she did NOT kick the Sheriff. The only thing I can think of that would make all of this correct is to say that Topolsky is a contortionist. That or she needs knee surgery really badly.

Did one of the kids pull the door to Atherton’s basement shut or did it close automatically? Topolsky has to pick the lock to open it again.

I got into this a little bit in my rant for “285 South” but I’ll go into it here too. When they begin looking around Atherton’s home, a line of dialogue says that someone has searched the place. I was wondering who had searched the place. Was it Nasedo after he killed Atherton? Was it the FBI and Topolsky? I guess it was Topolsky since Nasedo doesn’t appear to be around at this point in time. So in another example of FBI foolishness, Topolsky failed to notice the basement. There were lots of clues that any FBI agent worth his salt could use to find it. There would be a line in the floor for the door. The rock that covered the lock was off colored from the rest of them. And if that’s not enough, there are huge gaps in the floorboards. Looking between them with a flashlight would reveal the room. But Topolsky appears to have missed it.

This also makes Nasedo look incompetent. At the end of the episode, Max speculates that Nasedo killed Atherton because he was going to expose him. Since that appears to be the case, why didn’t Nasedo follow through and torch Atherton’s house to destroy any evidence? Because if he had, then the kids wouldn’t have found the pendant. It works on TV but it still makes Nasedo look foolish. (As we go on in the series, you’ll find I have a lot more to say about Mr. Nasedo and they aren’t very supportive. As season two reveals, my comments about him are quite justified.)

Max’s wind force field loses a bit of power. During a lot of driving segments, there are times when the wind whips the actor’s hair around and then there are other times when it stands quite still (I say its because Max is using some sort of wind force field. He’s really not but it’s funny to think so!) In this episode, as Liz does her voice-over journal entry, she and Max’s hair waves in the wind but not by much. If you watch the background, Max doesn’t appear to be going faster then ten or twenty miles per hour. Max must not be in a hurry to go back to school.

Going to Max to tell him about the symbol on the pendant, Isabel just walks into Max’s room startling him as he looks at the box of files. Does Isabel know how to knock? I asked this in “285 South” when she barged right in to Maria and Michael’s motel room after using her powers to remove the chain on the door. Of course, Max has the same habit. He walks into Isabel’s room without knocking in “Independence Day” and season two’s “We are Family” to name a few.

This episode adds a second room in the school that makes a perfect hiding place for making out and skipping classes, the janitor’s closet. I wonder if it also locks from the inside. Oddly enough though, it has the same small gray TV on the shelf that was seen in the eraser room in “Morning After.”

There’s a nice little hidden bit in this episode. As Topolsky speaks to Agent Stevens during her stretches, there’s a sign off to the right on the wall that says “YOU CAN CHOOSE to overcome them.” That is what she is trying to do to the kids. The first part of the sign is blocked out by a haze of light.

The guy who owns the UFO Center (the show STILL has not given him a name yet as of this episode) shows his audience slides and identifies a piece of alien metal in one. He says that it does not match “any of the 92 trace elements on the planet.” There are currently 105 elements listed on the periodic table of elements. What about the other thirteen elements? Did he forget about them?

In “Morning After”, the Sheriff takes the key to the secret room in Atherton’s house from his files and hides it. Shortly afterwards, the FBI and Agent Stevens come into his office and seize the contents of his file cabinets. At that time, I wondered why the Sheriff didn’t go a step further and make copies of the entire file and hide them. Apparently, he did just that when we weren’t looking because he has a photo of Atherton’s dead body hidden under a drawer in his desk.

Speaking of the photo, there must have been more then one taken because the one seen in this episode and the one Valenti shows Liz in “Pilot” are not the same one. The one in “Pilot” barely showed the person’s face. It centered on the handprint. This new photo makes it possible for the Sheriff to identify the body because you can see the entire face. My, that’s convenient. It’s Atherton! I wonder why no one has noticed this before. After all, his picture is in the back of his book and it was published in 1955 according to the owner of the UFO Center. Atherton died in 1959. No one could identify his body in 1955?

Max has a computer monitor sitting in the corner of his room. I’d seen this before in the previous six episodes and figured his computer case was under the shelf. There’s a good shot underneath the shelf in this episode where the monitor sits but there is nothing there. At first, I thought it had been stolen along with the rest of things in the house. I went back and watched the other episodes making sure to look in the corner and believe it or not, I do not see a computer anywhere in Max’s room. Alas, my lack of knowledge about Apple computers comes back to bite me here. Stephen Ludwig pointed out that Max’s computer is an iMac, which is an all in one unit.

As Isabel goes to check her room after the robbery, Deputy Owen is waiting in her room to take a statement. Uh…just what was he doing waiting in Isabel’s room? I shall not allow myself to speculate any on this one. On a side note, this is the last time that Deputy Owen appears in the show.

Great confusion surrounds the name of the Indian reservation. Deputy Owens says that he is from the “Mesa Leko” reservation. Later when Michael first sees the pendant, Isabel says that the deputy comes from the “Mesa-VEKO” reservation. Closed captioning says the reservation is called “Mescalero.” It seems everyone has a different way of saying the name.

Why does everyone go to Max’s window to enter the house? Is there something wrong with the front door?

The FBI foolishness continues. In this episode, an agent in a black suit is seen following Michael. Don’t you think that if you were following someone that you would want to do it discreetly and not wear clothing that would make you stand out in a crowd? Agent Stevens should yell at everyone involved and not just Topolsky. But she deserves yet another good talking to. She herself follows the gang around as they split up so Max and Liz can go to meet River Dog. Why, if she is supposed to be doing things “covertly”, is Topolsky the one following them around? Wouldn’t it be better for her to have one of her cronies do it and give her a detailed report and keep the suspicion off of her? And if she had no choice but to follow them herself, wouldn’t running stop lights and going seventy in a thirty mile per hour zone be drawing too much attention to herself or are citizens of Roswell used to law enforcement officials driving like maniacs?

The dialogue when Liz goes to Max to tell him she’s going to the reservation is worded a bit strangely. Liz tells Max she’s going and Max says no. Liz tries to appeal to him saying he saved her life and to let her do this one thing. It appears she wants Max to give her his blessing. Max again says no and Liz says she didn’t come for his permission. Then why was she asking for his approval?

Another odd thing about the scene above is Liz asks for the pendant and Max gives it to her. Did Isabel decide she didn’t want to wear it anymore or was she wearing it just to get Michael to stare at her chest? (Ok, that was mean.)

Every time we see Isabel wearing the pendant, it has a thin, black cord. When Liz hands the pendant to River Dog, it suddenly is attached to a light brown leather cord. You can get a good shot of this when Eddy returns it to her at the Crashdown with the missing piece.

Michael makes a small continuity error. Waiting for the others to return, Michael proceeds to eat the cake on the counter. He takes the lid off the cake and we see the inside portion facing us. Michael picks up a plate and we get a reaction shot of Maria asking if he is going to pay for it. The shot goes back to Michael who gives a plate with a piece of cake on it to Isabel. Now the cake has turned with the sliced portion away from the camera. There is time for him to turn the cake here but he’d have to be quick about it.

Watching Michael and Isabel put tobasco sauce on the cake, Maria asks “What’s with the tobasco sauce?” Isabel says it’s their dietary quirk. They all like to balance sweet tasting things with spicy things (putting tobasco on chocolate cake will certainly do that for you!) Maria reacts like it’s the first time she has seen this. In fact, it’s not. She watched Michael put tobasco sauce on a candy bar at the nookie motel in “285 South” but she didn’t comment on it and Michael pulled the bottle out of his pocket. That would surely give someone like Maria pause.

When we first see the above scene, Michael is pacing around upset that everyone else is off doing his “vision quest” and he’s waiting around for Max and Liz to come back. Isabel tells him to calm down. Oddly enough, after Isabel leaves (which in itself is odd since she was the one who said they were told to wait there until Max came back) Maria starts to freak out and Michael is the one telling her to “Cool her jets.” And if Maria is freaking out, why doesn’t she sniff some cypruss seed oil? (In fact, we don’t see the cypruss seed oil ever again.)

Does director Jonathon Frakes not believe in steady cams? The entire scene as Eddie takes them to the cave is all wobbly as if the camera guy couldn’t get any solid footing. At one point, the camera dips down so far that it cuts off the actor’s heads.

Just before Michael kisses Maria, she walks a few steps away from him and behind her, we see the orange glow of the heat lamps over the serving window. If the Café is closed, why are these lamps still on? Talk about an accident waiting to happen!

I wonder if Max has ever used the power to create light before. He does so because he hears someone grab Liz in the dark. Watch Jason Behr’s eyes. He looks more at the light in his hands then he does his surroundings. I thought he did it so he could see and save Liz, not to watch his hand glow. Fortunately, River Dog isn’t there to hurt them.

Creating the light passes River Dog’s test and according to Eddie, he will now answer all of Max’s questions. I felt that Max didn’t ask enough. Why not ask what “the Man” looked like? Or if he knew anything about the crash and the ship they landed in? The entire ending of the episode just made me feel like Max didn’t try hard enough (I’ll bet Michael would have complained about that.) When Max asks if they can return, River Dog says there is nothing more he can teach them. Either River Dog is in a hurry or he is just flat out lying because in “Balance” the gang learn about the healing stones from him. Of course, Michael has to get ill for them to be told about them (Actually, as we will see, this sort of thing is right up Nasedo’s alley by not letting them find out any secrets until something happens but I’ll wait until he appears to discuss that.)

I’ll be back soon with a review of Blood Brothers.

#108 Blood Brother – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

This is another critical episode. In order to keep Max from being discovered, the gang brings in poor Alex to help and must keep him totally in the dark. It’s all done quite well too. The drama builds right up to the end where Alex demands to know what is going on.

The secret of the aliens is starting to take its toll on Liz. It’s costing her friends. It would have put a rift between her and Maria if she hadn’t told her and then it soured her relationship with Kyle. Now it has formed a huge rift between her and Alex. You know, this whole thing could have been avoided if Liz and Maria would stop acting so strangely. In fact, if they would quit talking about it in PUBLIC it would also be easy to avoid all this sneaking around. The whole thing couldn’t have been easy for Liz but I kept telling myself it would have been easier if Liz had asked Alex just to trust her from the beginning. Instead, she chose to lie to him and say it was drugs. If I were given the choice of lying to a friend or asking them to just trust me, I’d choose the latter. But Liz doesn’t come off as a particularly good liar so what she did was in character for her.

Even though he says otherwise in “Monsters”, I believe this is the first time Max actually “steps out from behind his tree” and takes Liz on an outing. It’s the first indication that he really does want to pursue a relationship with her. It’s too bad that in an episode or two, Max will back off from this and go right back behind the tree.

One can’t help but smile at the way Michael and Maria react to one another through this whole episode. I was especially fond of their dialog in the car as they spied on the FBI agent at his motel. Each one added a nice touch to their characters as Moss leaves his hotel room. Maria says the agent will never leave his room. Then the guy leaves. Michael looks at her matter-of-fact-ably with “Never?” and Maria just smirks at him. Isabel’s reaction to this exchange was priceless. It’s easy to see that these two characters add to a lot of fun that is in Roswell. I can’t help but picture the two together having a heated argument and at the moment when they are about to really let each other have it, end up in a passion filled kiss. These types make for the most interesting relationships but they are also the hardest to make work all of the time which is what we see happening and it continues to develop as the season goes on (of course, we all know what happens between these two.)

There is nothing really significant with Isabel in this episode other then enjoying watching her unease at having to endure the aforementioned “terrible two.”

Poor Alex. Can you imagine having to do the things he was asked to do in this episode and not be told why? While many may have felt that Alex was harsh with Liz at the end, I don’t blame him one bit. Now he has something in common with Kyle. Neither feels that they can trust Liz but because we are sympathetic to Alex, we don’t label him as the enemy for doing so. Kyle’s not bad. He just doesn’t like the way Liz appears to be using him.

There is no date in Liz’s journal entries in this episode so there is no way to tell how this episode fits into the timeline. I’ll hold off until I get another date before adding this episode to the list. However, the episode does last three days. Day one begins with the accident and Max leaving the hospital that night. It ends where he learns about Agent Moss being at the hospital from Michael. Day two details the surveillance of Moss at his motel. Alex wears a shirt with the number 39 on it during this scene. Wardrobe changes signify the passing to day three where the episode ends.

Everyone in the gang skips school in this episode. Liz and Max are the first. Max says that with Mrs. Hardy having the stomach flu and the fact that they both have fifth period lunch means they have two free hours so they leave to go on a joyride. Excuse me? Just because a teacher is sick does not mean you don’t have to go to class. That is why they invented substitute teachers! At the very least, Topolsky could have filled in for the rest of the day. Now in college, if the teacher doesn’t show up, you can leave class with no penalty. This is more evidence that Katims may have had college kids in mind and not high school originally.

Also, at my high school, we had what was called a closed campus. Once you arrived in the morning, unless you had permission to do so, you did not leave until the end of seventh period. If you did, you were truant and the school could get in big trouble because they are responsible for your well being during school hours. I checked around and all the local high schools in my area are that way as well. Can you really just leave Roswell High whenever you want? That’s just wrong folks.

Shortly after I posted this review, I began receiving emails from readers who say that this isn’t so wrong after all. Tetjani Hessami was the first. Tetjani tells me that in her school in Michigan has an “open campus” and “open campus hours.” As long as you had permission from your parents and the proper ID tag, you were allowed to come and go as you like. This included lunch hour too. Reader Missy said that sometimes, the security guards at the front door would even wave goodbye to you as you left. I must have gone to a very strict high school (that would explain the orange jumpsuit with the number on the back I had to wear.)

Michael, Maria, and Isabel also skip school. During surveillance of Agent Moss, we go to a cut scene with Max and Liz at school. Liz makes the statement that she has to cover for Maria in English class. So school is going on during this outing! The school’s administration is ranking up there in incompetence rivaled only by the idiocy of the FBI.

Alex may also have skipped to go to the hospital with Maria but this is one time when getting an excuse to leave would not have been a problem.

Also, in “Monsters”, Maria finds Liz by the bulletin board after class and asks what she is doing and wonders if it has anything to do with Max having fourth period P.E. In this episode, Max says his English teacher is out sick and that the have fifth period lunch. Did Max change his class schedule?

Max forgets to turn on his wind force field during the drive with Liz. Her hair whips around in the wind quite fiercely. Shiri Appleby usually has the same kind of hairstyle where the hair to the sides of her forehead is brushed back while the hair on the side of her head comes down over it. That might not be a very accurate description but those that know hair know what I’m talking about. After the accident, look at her hair. It is hanging free with the hair on her sides knocked loose. This makes sense. She was just tossed about violently. But after the opening credits and they are in the ambulance, look at her hair. It’s been re-styled! My, those paramedics are thorough!

Of course, the whole premise of this episode could have been avoided if Max would have worn his seatbelt. There’s another important plot point like this one that is a little blatant. Maria sends Michael back to get her purse in the hospital so that he can recognize Agent Moss. The creators try to cover this by making Maria play the “damsel in distress” to try to persuade Michael to get her purse for her. The whole bit made me think “What’s wrong with your legs Maria?”

When medical matters are used in television, the creators for the most part try to be as accurate as they can. However, Roswell is not ER so there are tons of errors in the hospital scenes. For help, I enlisted the aid of my mother who holds an associate degree as a nurse practitioner. (Thanks mom!!)

Liz tells Isabel that they cannot use her blood to switch with Max’s blood sample because they can tell male blood from female blood. Mom tells me that this is true. If you do a chromosome test, you can identify the XX configuration for males and the XY configuration for females. However, this test is not standard procedure on blood samples unless you are doing it to test for genetic disorders. The person taking the blood will mark on the label male or female when they take the sample. A head injury does not get the chromosome test so it is possible that they COULD have used a blood sample from Liz and gotten away it. The FBI might have been a bit more thorough in their test as all the hospital would have done was determine the blood type and white blood cell count. (Maybe. The FBI doesn’t exactly rank up there as the best and the brightest in the first place.)

Watching Isabel use her power to increase the speed at which the blood vial fills had me say outloud “That had to hurt.” Mom said that the method used to get Alex’s blood sample is called a vacuum needle. The needle itself is standard but the small glass vial is vacuum sealed. When the needle breaks the rubber seal, the escaping pressure in the vial pulls the blood into it. The patient’s pulse and the structure of the vein used also play a factor in the speed that the vial fills. Sometimes it’s slow, sometimes it’s fast but no where near as fast as we see here. Mom said it was possible that at that speed, Isabel could have collapsed Alex’s vein! The most it would have done is give Alex a large bruise on his arm but a quick heal might have fixed that. Quite lucky it works out for Nurse Isabel.

The paramedic gave Max’s blood pressure as 124 over 84. Mom said that is normal. Kudos for accuracy on that one.

Mom immediately commented on the fact that Agent Moss, who nurse Susan identified as a medic, was able to get inside the blood lab. In a hospital, the blood lab is a high security area and you must have security clearance just to enter it. Medics do not get this clearance. One of my local hospitals, St. John’s, has a keycard entry just to open the door because it is electronically locked and the cards themselves do not leave the building. In this episode, the door is wide open for anyone just to walk in. Mom said that Susan should have called security or at the very least, informed the chief resident doctor on duty of this breach of security immediately! The same thing applied to Michael being in there as well. And during this whole scene, the door is again wide open! Susan should have promptly thrown him out.

I also asked Mom if they usually keep large amounts of blood vials just sitting about on open counters like the ones seen here. She said that while there are certain tests done that require the blood to be refrigerated, for the most part, what we see in this episode (aside from the wide open door) is just about what you would see in your run-of-the-mill blood lab. Kudos for accuracy again!

Mom said that the word “Vacutube” seen on the labels of the vials is a real brand name. Cool!

One of the other odd things I asked mom about was Alex’s bloody nose. Topolsky drops a pill or a powder into Alex’s drink (the quality of my tape is a little poor so I can’t tell which one it is) and after a little less then two minutes of constant dialog, Alex gets a bloody nose. I asked mom if there was something that actually worked that fast. Mom said she didn’t think anything could work that fast. There are chemicals out there that will give you a nosebleed but they are all poisonous. For example, arsenic, a fatal poison, will give you a nosebleed after it is ingested. But ingestion of most poisons is usually followed by severe vomiting. So what the heck did Topolsky put in Alex’s drink??

Did you notice the sunlight shining in through the open shutters as nurse Susan looked into the microscope? Mom said that the light would have rendered the microscope almost useless.

Thanks again to my mom for all of this information!

That nurse Susan. She’s a strange one. As Michael begins to ask her out, she says “You seem a bit young.” We don’t know Michael’s age at this point but 16 or 17 isn’t that bad of a guess. After Michael switches the vials, she tells him to come back when he turns 18. Isn’t that STILL a bit young for her or was she was she really getting into the whole “age doesn’t matter” thing Michael was talking about?

Liz has got to have the worst fake laugh in the known galaxy. Watch the scene where Max tells her to laugh while watching to see if Moss is following them (in his “avoidable” black suit no less) and tell me that laugh is believable.

There seems to be a thing with numbers in this episode but I don’t understand their meaning. Alex’s shirt on day two has the number 39 on it. A reflection of the number 110 can be seen in the glass as Liz and Max head into the UFO Center. A “Blue Moon burger, Saturn rings, and a Mercury milkshake” cost $3.99 (though it says $3.95 on the marker board at the Café) and Agent Moss’s motel room is 104. If these numbers have a hidden meaning, it’s lost on me.

Maria describes Agent Moss as “avoidable.” Just what does she mean? If anything, a guy walking down the street in a black suit and sunglasses would make me say “Hey buddy! Do you know Agent J and K?” (From the movie “Men in Black” in case you don’t get the joke.)

As the trio duck down to avoid letting Agent Moss see them as he drives by, from the view outside through the windshield, Michael is ducked down and completely hidden as his head drops below the dashboard. When the shot changes to a view from the backseat, Michael’s head is considerably higher. High enough that Moss could have seen him if he was looking. Get down buddy!

When entering the hotel room, Michael uses his powers to unlock the door. I believe this is a first for Michael. The most we’ve seen him do is melt the lock on Valenti’s window in “Morning After” but that’s different. Maybe he’s been practicing.

While searching Moss’s bathroom, Michael sniffs the agent’s deodorant. What the heck was he doing? Working on those bloodhound instincts in case he was followed again? I’d hate to think that this could have led to a number of incidents in future episodes where Michael would say “We’re in danger Max. I can smell it.”

It’s in character for Maria to know how to snoop around someone’s house. I can’t see her actually going through someone’s garbage though. Not without a clothespin on her nose and rubber gloves on her hands.

In another example of ineptitude on the part of Topolsky and the FBI, Moss writes down her phone number and then throws it away. Shouldn’t her number be a secret and not casually discarded? And does it also make sense Topolsky would answer her cell phone with her name? Why not some sort of code name in case of a wrong number if her phone is not public which it appears to be. Look at it like this: you’re an FBI agent working undercover. You’re supposed to be covert. Would you use a public cell phone to speak to your agents in the field? I say to you “Nay.” Of course, if she did take all of these precautions, it would have been a short show.

Great lines this episode:

“Well, he’ll never notice us going backwards.” -Isabel as Maria accidentally puts her car into reverse.

“Heard you saved Mr. Ed.” -Michael to Max.

“This is the second time you’ve dragged me to cheap motel.” -Maria.

I’m not sure this next one is intentional but if it is, it only makes it all the more hilarious. As Topolsky walks into the men’s room to get the bloody kleenex Alex tossed in the trash, over her head you can see the letters from an anti-smoking sign. Her head blocks out all but the words on the top of the poster. They say “This looks cool.”

Liz drops a note in Alex’s locker telling him to meet her at the Crashdown presumably after school (it’s not like these kids can’t just leave whenever they want to.) It’s still day three since they are both wearing the same clothes from the previous scene and the sun is still up. It’s probably around 4 or 5 PM but the Crashdown is empty! No waitresses to be seen either. The door isn’t locked because Alex just walks right in so it can’t be closed. It’s almost dinner time! Why is the Café empty?

Topolsky has one of the most unusual computers but it seems to fit with the silliness that the FBI is portrayed with in the show. I don’t consider any of these items as a suggestion that Alex is some kind of super hacker. I think the creators were just not tech savy when they wrote the scene.

First of all, she walks out of her office to speak to Liz and leaves her laptop on. Now folks, this is probably the most boneheaded move she has ever made (but one of those necessary plot points (wink, wink.)) Depending on what kind of operating software she is using, she should have hit a key and locked out her laptop. Windows 2000 has this feature. It requires an administration password to get back into the computer once it is locked. In a school full of teenagers, this would be a handy feature!

The next odd thing is the interface. Instead of clicking an icon, Alex types in “requesting on-line internet service.” I’ve never in my life seen such a computer interface like that (except in some science fiction movies) but despite how unusual that is, the modem clicks on and dials. And it does so without having a phone line connected to it. Cellular modem maybe?

Once Alex is connected, he changes Topolsky’s password to get online. What kind of self respecting security program allows you to change the password without first entering the old one? And how would Alex have known her password anyway?

Alex then types in “requesting email received.” (Do you think that if he typed “Requesting picture of Pamela Anderson”, a picture of the Baywatch star would appear?) He finds nothing and types in “requesting email sent” and the computer begins downloading and encrypting the files. The email programs I am familiar with keep a record of the emails they send locally on the computer they are sent from. The person receiving them do not normally get this information though it’s possible to store a log of email activity on a network server. This is one odd system she’s using. Don’t you think that there would be more password prompts to do anything of that nature for security reasons? And why is the computer encrypting the files it’s downloading? Isn’t Alex wanting to read the files? Why make it so you can’t read them once you get them?

Confronted with all of this and the nifty little FBI logo on the laptop screen, Topolsky gives up saying “Just because you know who I am doesn’t mean anything.” Just what do they know? The FBI logo could have been Topolsky’s homepage. On most browsers, you can set that to be anything you want. Instead of trying to cover for herself by saying “Alex, what are you doing using my computer to go to the FBI webpage?” Topolsky feels her cover is blown. Come on lady!! Try a little harder here! Instead, she packs up and leaves. Welp, see ya!

I may have found more things in this episode then I did “River Dog” but I enjoyed this episode a whole lot more. Next comes “Heat Wave.” Stay tuned.

#109 Heat Wave – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

I like this episode despite it becoming exactly what the WB usually does with a show (make a program where all the teens get to make out and send the audience swooning.) Instead, I like it because it gives each and every character more insight.

First Max. This episode is the first to reveal to me the fact that he is controlling and has a need to be in charge of every situation around him. A fact that Liz will point out to him in “Toy House.” Liz asks him if Maria and Michael being together would be a problem and he immediately says “Yes!” Then he calms down a little and says he doesn’t know. Later, he tries to ask Michael about it and asks why Michael didn’t come to him to discuss it. Michael basically tells him it’s none of his business. Of course, this behavior is made even worse by the fact that he doesn’t seem to object to Isabel and Alex starting something. However, in Max’s defense, his scenes with her don’t really give him any indication that Isabel likes Alex in that manner. So perhaps he just doesn’t know about it yet. In later episodes, we’ll see that Max doesn’t object to Michael and Maria dating and actually seems to encourage it. Strange behavior.

One part I found extremely insightful about Max is when he tells Liz he is afraid to be with her not because he doesn’t think it will work out badly, but because it will work out quite well. And that because it’s not meant to be, they would only end up hurt. (A bit of pyschicness on Max’s part there? It sure sounds like he is referring to the as-yet to appear Tess.) He can live with that pain but doesn’t want to subject Liz to it. Liz immediately throws a wrench into his plan saying it’s not his decision to make.

Max also has a real problem with commitment. He tells Liz that he can’t allow them to be together but then gives in and tells Liz at the end of the episode that it’s all worthwhile because they are together and kisses her. But in one episode, he’s going to break it off. To quote Isabel “Pick a side Max.”

I believe that even though he is uncomfortable with it, Michael has let Maria get under his skin and is now having difficulty letting her go. Even though he insists he needs to be a loner, I think this is just his defense mechanism to protect himself. But then for your average human male, getting physical is always first and the emotional connection comes after that. Welcome to Loveland Michael.

Maria says here what I think she should have said in “Blood Brothers.” Maria admits that Michael’s avoidance is hurting her. I think that if Liz had not called her to inform her about the accident, that she might have said it then. I also thought that the opener where she and Michael made out was good. There was no dialogue here and it really set the scene. In fact, everything about that scene was good including the music selection of Santana and Everlast’s “Put Your Lights On.”

Ah, Isabel. I was waiting for this part of her to be revealed. I knew there was a whole lot more to the Ice Princess then we had seen. I’ve always thought Isabel was the type to heavily date but never with anyone who saw beyond the surface. Mostly because Isabel refused to let them see more then that which is something she admits to Liz during their bonding moment. When she dreamwalked Alex, what she saw was an absolute shock and really threw her for loop. Katherine Heigl’s reactions were perfect and I thought that the director did an excellent job of taking advantage of the scenery to block out the real Isabel when doing all of the full room shots. This avoided the need for any kind of special effects or bluescreen. And did everyone notice how calm and collected Alex was during this sequence? Definently the opposite of how he really is.

And we can’t forget poor Alex. The guy feels betrayed by his friend, then by the girl he is interested in and then has the truth dropped on him like a bomb. True to form, he makes the decision at the last moment to defend his friend and keep their secret. I wish the truth could have been told to him in a different way. Perhaps with Isabel taking a moment to try to trust him by telling him as he ran away from her at the party and having Liz confirm later. I would have liked that more then what we saw here but it works either way. Now Alex is a part of the team.

Even Kyle is furthered a bit. He’s moving on by hooking up with another girl. Even though it appears to last only one episode. The young lady he is with is never seen again. And as much as he appeared to be flaunting her in front of Liz as if to say “I don’t need you”, he just can’t seem to let her go. He was upset when Vicky invited Liz to the party but I think he set himself up for that one.

Liz’s opening journal date is December 2. Checking a 1999 calendar reveals that is a Thursday. The episode lasts three days. The party is on Friday, December 3. Liz and Alex get arrested that night and released early the next morning on the 4th. So actually, this episode lasts two days and a couple of hours.

There were no dates mentioned in “Blood Brother” and the last date we were given was November 11 in “River Dog.” As I said in my review for that episode, it lasted two days and ended on November 12. Since there are no dates given in “Blood Brother”, there is no way to determine exactly what dates it takes place on. All we know is that it takes place between November 12 and December 2.

The radio at the beginning of this episode says that it is already 90 that morning. The question I kept asking myself throughout this entire episode was “Does anyone own an air conditioner in this town?” During the opener, Maria, Michael, and Liz are all sweaty. Sure it was needed for the scene to work but later when the Sheriff comes in to talk to Maria’s mother, she and the sheriff are visibly hot. Is the Café not air-conditioned? One of the main things about a restaurant is you want to make your customers comfortable and for the Café to not have an air conditioner is unfathomable. However, with the front doors they way the are, I can see why they wouldn’t. They aren’t sealed so all the cool air would be sucked out every time someone opened them and would drive the bill way up. But that’s not all. Liz is shown upstairs and she is also looking hot (from the temperature :grin: .) So do the Parker’s not have an air conditioner in their apartment? I have to go to Roswell someday with a truckload of Trane’s and make a fortune. Stephen Ludwig wrote and informed me that air conditioners in New Mexico work differently by adding moisture to the air. If that’s what is going on here, the units are working overtime because buildings would be absolutely balmy.

Liquids are always fun to watch on TV shows and they don’t disappoint here. In the opener as Maria is sweeping, take a look at the ketchup bottles that are precariously balanced on each other (On a side note, there are plastic containers you can buy that will drain ketchup bottles without you having to risk shattering them by doing this.) The ketchup bottle on the top to the left is 1/4th full. The one on top on the right is a little more full then the one on the left. Maria lets Michael in and they begin kissing. NOW look at the ketcup bottles. The one on the top left is empty and the top right is filled up to the label where before it was below the label. Odder still is that the bottom bottles never fill up or get any less empty.

A full body pan of Maria as she is sweeping shows that she is working in bare feet. This is a health hazard (You know, no pants, no shoes, no service?) and incredibly dangerous if there is broken glass or anything sharp on the floor.

When Liz finds that she is out of milk upstairs (“Got Milk” anyone?), she goes downstairs to the Café to get some. Wait a minute! I know Liz’s parents own the Crashdown but can Liz go downstairs and just help herself whenever she wants? This is how her parents make a living. To quote Maria “That’s theft buddy.” I’m told that when you buy milk, it’s cheaper to buy it in bulk so maybe the Parker’s personal milk supply is a small part of what they buy for the store as well. But without knowing that for sure, it still looks like theft to me.

Michael, and every guy who is shown making out in this episode in fact, show incredible hand restraint. Any time he is making out with Maria, he appears to be consciously avoiding touching Maria’s chest, which as most guys will tell you, is usually where hands tend to wander to. But then we have to maintain that PG rating. I just thought it was noteworthy.

At my high school, even though it was loosely enforced, we had a rule in our handbooks that said petting was not allowed. In other words, no hand holding, kissing, etc in the hallways and classrooms. Everyone in this episode appears to be quite hot and heavy, even the teachers. Perhaps that’s why no one is reprimanded. “But Mr. Styles, you and Miss Hardy were hugging earlier. If it’s ok for you to hug, why can’t I?”

The school doesn’t appear to be air-conditioned either. Not even in the offices! As the Sheriff talks to Alex about Topolsky’s disappearance, he is sweating. The library is though. As Liz and Max talk in the library, neither of them appears to be hot. That’s not unusual. The libraries in my schools were always air-conditioned so the books would not be harmed by the heat.

I have to agree with Liz when she says that it’s odd that everyone else is making out but she and Max are the only ones who are not. If I didn’t know what was going on, I’d think there was something wrong with them.

Great line this episode.

“Ooooh, very amusing!” – Amy De Luca when the Sheriff asks her if she’s staying out of the slammer.

Amy De Luca must have been one mixed up kid. The Sheriff reminds her of when she was 18 and he arrested her for participating in a rally to stop people from destroying a piece of native-American culture. The Sheriff tells her that the Indians didn’t object at all to it being torn down. Granted, rallying to protect a piece of our heritage is one thing but if the people it belongs to don’t care if it’s there or not, what’s the point in protesting? Of course, this IS Maria’s mom we are talking about here and “like mother, like daughter.”

The last time we saw Isabel Dreamwalk someone was in “Monsters.” In that episode, Maria saw the real Isabel enter her dream. When she dreamwalks Alex, he doesn’t see the real Isabel. Of course, he’s obviously distracted but think what having TWO Isabels would have done to the poor boy.

There’s a funny bit of symbolism in this episode. Liz is having difficulty getting two slugs to mate. The exact problem she appears to be having with Max.

As Liz tries to get the slugs to mate, we see that she is wearing gloves. As she takes Max’s hand, her gloves are gone. There is time for her to remove them unseen as all of the shots are close ups but she would have to be quick about it.

It’s interesting that the party at the old soap factory is unsupervised. But then, that was the whole point wasn’t it?

The “Dude” that hit on Liz looks up and says “Babe-orama.” He is talking about Liz but from where he was sitting, there is no way he could have seen Liz since there was a couple directly in his line of sight. He has to walk around them to get to her. Do Jello shooters give you x-ray vision?

And I may not be up to par on the latest teen rages but what exactly is a “Jell-O shooter?” (It’s Jell-O mixed with vodka or rum, etc and left in a small cube until it hardens. I’m so out of it.)

In my review of “Leaving Normal” I wondered if the reason the Crashdown was so busy was because it was the only restaurant in town. This episode reveals there is a Mexican restaurant in Roswell. The bartender is wearing a sombrero. But the odd thing is that some of it’s decorations appear to be Chinese in nature. Is this some kind of cultural exchange? Actually, it’s not. This appears to be Senor Chows which will show up again in “Crazy.” However, as I said in that review, the one seen there and the one seen in this episode do not look the same.

This episode also gives the first mention of the Sheriff’s ex-wife’s name: Michelle.

With the use of cell phones everywhere, I can understand this one but just who called the fire department at the party? Let’s see. Unsupervised party, alcohol on the premises, underage teenagers, let’s call the cops! Sure.

Then again, it’s a good thing someone did. The “Dudes” try to put out an electrical fire with beer! The worst thing you can do in an electrical fire is pour a liquid on it!

The name “Kalinoski” is used again. This time, Deputy Hanson uses it as the last name of one of Alex’s cellmates.

The sheriff tells Alex and Liz that he has contacted their parents and they all agreed it would do the two some good to spend the night in jail. If the parents agreed to it, he has every right to hold them overnight. After a few hours, he comes in to talk to Alex trying to get him to spill the beans on Max. Alex spouts off some legal stuff and demands to be released. I don’t buy any of it. If his parents aren’t coming to get him, he’s not going anywhere. But it seems to scare Valenti into releasing the both of them. That is not how it works.

Liz’s hair suddenly loses it’s perm after they are released from jail. But being in the slammer can do that to you.

#110 The Balance – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

I’m going to just say it. I’m angry at Max Evans. Someone really needs to give him a good smack. He seems to jump back and forth so often that I wonder if his heart is actually a pendulum. Just last episode, Max was saying how afraid he was to get close to Liz not because he thought it would fail but because it would work out well. Then he finally gives in and allows himself to be with her (pleasing fans everywhere I’m sure.) He spends the majority of this episode in her company and appears to enjoy not only himself, but enjoy being in her company as well. But while talking to Liz about how he first met Michael, Max begins to get scared and makes the statement that he would understand if Liz was having second thoughts. Uh…I don’t think it is Liz who is having a problem here. I do believe it is.Max. Liz is then unable to participate in the healing of Michael because she is afraid for and cares for Max. This isn’t a bad thing in of itself. It just disrupts the energy needed to heal Michael. But Max appears to view this as a sign that Liz is having doubts about him! That’s very misconstrued. Max then makes a lame excuse saying he needs to “take a step back” to find his balance. In “Into the Woods” Max tells Liz he did this to slow things down between them, not break them up. Well, gee Max. That’s not how you came across to Liz here. Perhaps if you had said it like that to begin with, you wouldn’t have spent all that time chasing her. Max can’t commit. It’s all because he has no idea what his future is or what the destiny that may have already been written out for him is (More foreshadowing to Tess if you ask me.) When Nasedo finally shows his ever-changing head, you’ll find that this “leaving the gang in the dark” that he has done is one of my chief complaints. It sure would have helped things if everything was explained from the get-go (but that would change the premise of the entire series as a whole even though it is as frustrating as hell.) Perhaps Max would be more willing to make a decision and stick with it if this was the case.

In fact, my original observation of these two when I wrote a review of “Pilot” comes up here. I noted that during season one, it is Liz who tries very hard to have a relationship with Max and she never wavers from it. Max on the other hand is very back and forth. First he does, then he doesn’t. By the time season two comes around, these rolls are reversed. It’s Max who wants the relationship and Liz that does not. Actually, she does but she graciously steps aside to let Max live as he was intended (until Max totally turns her away from him with his actions in season two.) Of course, if Max had chosen a side to begin with, it could have kept Liz from walking away so quickly. In my opinion anyway.

You really do have to feel for Liz with Max putting her through all of this. She knows he is an alien and she knows that he wants to understand who he is and where he comes from but she doesn’t care if he’s not normal. She wants to be with him regardless and he can’t seem to make up his mind. But to her credit, Liz never forces Max to stay with her. She leaves him to make his own decision. That’s very admirable of her.

I thought it was funny that Liz gave Max a free soda and that Maria then said Michael’s cost $1.25 (Soda is expensive there given they only appear to have one size. See my review of “Monsters” for more on that.)

I’ve always felt Isabel was not one who was quick to trust. But during the scenes in the Crashdown with Alex where she was telling him about her, I thought she was doing so with ease. Sort of like he knows a little, tell him all of it. Then when Michael becomes ill, she immediately reverts back to the “Us / Them” analogy even towards Maria who she was starting to let into their circle. Isabel seems willing to trust to a point. When it comes right down to it, where she is concerned, there will always be a fine line between who she is and the humans. I find it interesting that the Dup Lonnie acted the same way but to Lonnie, the humans were beneath her. A dangerous frame of mind but because she cares so much for Michael, I understand her drawing the line.

I applaud Michael going over Max’s head and going to River Dog. While Max’ s concerns were justified, he didn’t even tell Isabel about the writing on the cave wall. Max had no right to keep that information from them considering it’s importance. I would have driven Michael to the reservation myself on that one. I don’t see this as bad on Michael’s part at all. In fact, it was rather necessary though it was unfortunate he became ill. That could have been avoided if Max had told River Dog there were more aliens then just himself.

Maria may describe herself as “Teflon babe” but I don’t think so. She is smitten with Michael and while she may not like how is trying to avoid her, she still likes him. She can’t help but smile when referring to him even if she’s trying to be negative. She is trying to put some distance between them but if she had the choice, she’d be all over him and she’d love it.

Alex is his usual bumbling self. Is there anyone who didn’t frown and shake their heads when he blurted out that line about Isabel finding her planet at the UFO Center? He needs to be more careful on that.

As I said in the review for “River Dog”, River Dog must have been lying when he told Max that he had nothing more to tell them. This episode proves he did. He had the healing stones! The same stones that fit into grooves on the wall with the scrawled message. These sound pretty darn important to me.

This episode gives no dates with Liz’s journal entries. (Don’t the creators know that this sort of thing is maddening to us? It’s almost like Star Trek episodes giving us the ever- illuminating stardate “supplemental” .) My best guess has this episode lasting two days (the first where Michael finds Max’s drawing and going to River Dog that night and the second day showing his illness and they take him back to River Dog to end the episode.) Where it starts after the events of “Heatwave” isn’t as clear cut. The only reference I can find is a statement by Maria that they have been looking for Alex “for a couple of days.” Since Max is carrying his school books, it would be logical to assume that this episode starts on Monday, December 6. The “couple of days” could refer to the weekend. If this is so, then this episode ends on the evening of December 7.

How odd. After objecting to Michael and Maria in “Heatwave” being together, Max says he brought Michael to the Crashdown thinking he’d like seeing Maria. Is he trying to torture Michael or something? And once again, he asks Michael why he didn’t tell him that they had broken up. Flustered, Michael admits that he doesn’t know what is going on. Well it IS none of your business Max.

Max must have one heck of a memory to be able to draw the symbols from the cave wall. It’s fortunate that he did since River Dog told him that he couldn’t come back.

When I wrote my review of “Pilot” I said that Max healed Liz but did he remove the bullet? This episode answers that with Maria saying that Max dissolved the bullet. Liz is free to walk through those metal detectors now.

More fun with liquids. As the camera shows us a wide shot with Alex and Isabel as they talk at the Crashdown, Alex’s glass is 3/4th’s full with soda. However, all the close up shots of them in the booth show that Alex’s glass is not as full. The sound effects have it almost empty. He must have been thirsty.

Liz plays an odd game of pool. I’m not privy to all forms of the game of pool but the one I learned was simple. You choose a style of ball either the ones with a stripe or those of a solid color. You try to put all of your style of ball in the holes and then attempt to sink the black 8 ball to win. All the while, you try to avoid sinking the white ball or missing a shot. In this episode, Liz must be playing a different game. First, she sinks a stripe, then a solid followed by two more solids, a stripe, and another solid. Of course, she COULD just be showing off for Max.

Michael collapses at the UFO Center after Alex’s planet comment. My only question is just where did Michael come from? Was he there all along or did he arrive with Isabel and Alex? Maybe a shot of him stumbling in and falling was edited out because without it, Michael’s sudden appearance is a little kooky. Michael does this sort of thing again in “The Convention” when he appears at the end of the episode out of nowhere.

Michael opens his eyes at the UFO Center. They are slightly white and Max tells him to close them. They take him to the Café and his eyes appear to have cleared up. After taking him upstairs, his eyes are completely white. Not really a nit since we don’t know how this is really affecting Michael but the change was noteworthy.

As Liz and Max drive up to the reservation, it looks like there is a grave that appears along the lower portion of the screen. It has flowers and a cross on it. This is strange given that native Americans do not normally use Christian symbols to adorn their gravesites. I could be wrong about it being a grave but I can’t think what else it might be.

As Isabel tries to make Michael more comfortable, Maria comes in followed by Alex in an apron. He says everything is fine downstairs. “Downstairs” means the Café and he is apparently working in the kitchen. I do not recall seeing Alex working in the Café before now nor was he at the employee meeting seen in “Monsters.” Can just anyone who wants to work in the Crashdown do so and without any training?

Max describes the first time he saw Michael as being in the desert. However, when Tess gives Max images of them all emerging from their pods, we see Michael first and that he is the one who opens the chamber door. Wouldn ‘t this be the first time he saw Michael or did Max not remember? See my review of “Four Square” for more on this.

River Dog says he can heal Michael but he would need all of their help. There are five of them with healing stones: Alex, Isabel, Max, Liz, and Maria. He tells them to take a place on the circle. He gives each person one of the five healing stones and then asks them to drink from the bowl. When he gets to Liz, he says that she will upset the balance and must step back. Fortunately, Michael is still healed using just four stones and doesn ‘t require all five because no one takes Liz’s place. The group also only use four stones to attempt to heal Nasedo in “Skin and Bones.” Do they really need that fifth stone?

During the flashes Michael has, he looks at everyone in the circle in turn. Liz is not in the circle but when he turns to Max, Liz appears and from the way she is holding her hand, she is carrying a stone. Granted, these visions are like dreams and can be weird. Michael must have felt Liz was a part of it all even if River Dog had her step back.

Once again, keep in mind this is all like a dream and this could be part of that weirdness too. In the shots involving the child versions of Max, Isabel, and Michael, the young actors wear the same clothing as the older ones. Except for two things. The first is the jacket the Max’s wear. The older Max’s leather coat appears to be brown. The child Max’s jacket is black. This could be a video problem since my tape isn’t the best quality but it sure looks like two different jackets. The other error is that when the three children walk away from the camera hand in hand, the young Max is not wearing his leather coat. As the older actors fade in to take their place, Max is wearing his jacket again.

Also, during the shots where Max and Michael, both young and old, reach for each other’s hands, first Max is wearing his coat. Then he isn’t. Then he is. Then he isn’t. Maybe it’s some kind of alien cloaking fabric.

Notice those rocks in the background during Michael’s visions? They are very popular rocks. They have appeared in several other shows and movies including the second Bill and Ted movie and the original Star Trek episode “Arena.” (They are the Vasquez Rocks in Los Angeles County Park.)

Was Shiri Appleby standing on tip toe as she spoke to Max in the final scenes? She appeared to be a little taller in the close ups. She wasn’t wearing heels as a shot of her feet as she was writing in her journal showed her wearing flat shoes. I suppose in her eagerness to stop Max from leaving she could have been trying to come up to his level but that seems a bit over the top.

Thanks to Renka for bringing this to my attention. At the end of the episode where Max chickens out of his relationship with Liz (and that’s being kind!) Max turns to leave and Liz stops him with a kiss. As Max turns, he appears to say something. Now this is one of three things:

1. Max’s dialogue was edited out.
2. Max was going to say something and Liz cut him off with a kiss.
3. Max was getting ready for that kiss!

#111 The Toyhouse – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

When I first sat down to watch this episode, I was a little bored with it. But after multiple viewings, I find that this episode has a certain charm. Up until now, very few episodes have featured the parent / child relationships amongst the teens (the parents seem to disappear shortly after “Tess, Lies, and Videotape and season two features more of Maria’s mom then any other parent. The Evans’ don’t really do much until season three. Nor the Parkers for that matter.) It’s rather difficult to sit back and watch these “teenagers” do the things they do and not wonder where their parents are. I’m glad Katims and co-writer Jon Harmon Feldman wrote this episode.

I felt Michael’s performance here was a mix of amusement and strangeness. I would chuckle at the typical moments he and Maria would have but then frown at his tendency to be clueless about the facts between them. Whether he simply didn’t realize what was going on or he chose to ignore it is a good question. I think it was a little of both. After listening to Maria’s confession to him, I had to wonder just what the creators meant by having him hug both Max and Isabel in “Balance” but just stare at Maria and make his “no more running” comment. At the time, I thought that he was just overwhelmed and unable to give her the caring thank you she wanted. But with this episode, Michael has yet to tell her anything. This makes Michael look like he wants his cake and to eat it too. I wonder how many fans were watching this and finding themselves completely on Maria’s side. I know I was. But in his defense, he DID try to make it up to her at the end of the episode even if it wasn’t quite the way Maria wanted initially.

Maria was Maria here. It’s interesting that Maria is usually one to just babble about things until they strike really close to home and THEN she is very straight forward. The fact that she forces Michael to deal with everything is a little overdue if you ask me. And I agree that she really should avoid careers that deal with wood. I really do like Majandra Delfino ‘s performance in situations like this. She puts a lot of heart into them. I just had to smile at her oogling the basketball players. She’s not exclusive to anyone yet!

Apparently, the Us / Them aspect of Isabel I talked about in “Balance” only goes to a point. She doesn’t include anyone in her family as one of “Them.” Around everyone else, and even Max to an extent, she keeps up a huge wall. There was one problem I saw with the fact that she wanted to tell her mother the truth: why haven’t she and Max had this conversation before? In all the time they’ve known they were aliens, the idea of telling their parents never occurred to them? Yes, in “River Dog” Isabel said she hated lying to her mom. But I felt that Max should have had a line asking why they were having this conversation again. It would have been a perfect piece for continuity’ s sake and make it look like this has been something they have dealt with in the past even in events we have never seen.

This episode also begins the main problem between Max and Isabel. In season two, I’ve read a lot that says Isabel and Max are at odds because she doesn’t like Max “being the boss.” Here, Isabel makes several statements about how she doesn’t like him speaking for her or being the final word. Before this episode, Isabel seems to just quietly let Max do as he will. Now she is becoming vocal about it.

There have been several times in the show so far that I simply roll my eyes at Liz and the things she does and says. One of the main dislikes I have about her is the way Shiri Appleby seems to struggle to spit out her dialogue. Often I want to reach into the screen and smack her upside the head and scream “Just say it!” While she does show this some in this episode, I clapped my hands when she told Max exactly what he really is: controlling. I LIKED that scene.

And Max is definitely controlling. Since day one, he has attempted to be the master of every situation he has been involved in. In this episode, Isabel calls him on it and he doesn’t understand why she is angry. Then Liz directly points it out to him and he reacts angrily to her for the first time. As I said earlier, this part of Max’s personality is going to cause major problems in season two. In fact, because of Liz’s statements, I can easily accept statements in season two where Brody tells Max why his kingdom failed. Specifically, Brody says he was trying to do too much at once. Given Max’s behavior here, I can definitely accept that. Max has a need to do everything himself and can’t trust anyone else doing it for him. The bad part about this is that he won’t admit it and when someone points it out, he reacts with anger. He should take Liz’s advice about trusting others. This is Max’s major weakness.

Max and Liz both display this next trait. Max constantly issues out orders saying and doing so with the intent that they are final. When someone stands up to him saying he’s not the “be all, end all” of things, he will then agree with them but still feels his word is the end of it. Liz does something similar. She tells Kyle she doesn’t feel guilty about his injury and when Kyle confronts her, she finally admits it. What is with the double talk from these two?

How about good ‘ole Sheriff Valenti? The guy is good. Instead of making any kind of direct statements to Diane, he subtlety shows her things like the pamphlet and the file on the Crashdown incident and lets her draw her own conclusions. It makes it easy to dislike him because it shows how manipulative he his.

Once again, we see that Kyle is unwilling or unable to let Liz go. He says “Hey” to her in the hallway at school right in front of Max and then is able to get her to admit she feels guilty about his injury and seems to enjoy doing it. While he is smitten with Liz, he respects her feelings and doesn’ t just barge back into her life. Kudos to him for that one.

Once again, the creators give us an episode without a date (don’t you hate it when that happens?) The next episode “Into the Woods” also has no date. It’s maddening I tell you! In any event, this episode appears to last six days (or five depending on a couple of things.) Actually, about five days and a few hours but let’s keep it simple. Day one begins in the evening with the fire. Day two is the basketball game. Because of the costume change, I felt day three involved Liz delivering the cake to Kyle and ending with Isabel and Max’s chat by the power plant (If that is what it is.) Day four begins with Isabel talking to her mom about the orphanage. She has her school books with her. It ends that night as Max watches the bird video and leaves. Day five begins at the quarry with Max, Michael and Isabel and ends when Max gets his “controlling” speech from Liz. The episode ends as Max talks to his mother and then we have the scene at the quarry with Isabel and Max on day six.

I really have a problem with the fire. Diane knocks over a bottle of vegetable oil. It covers the stove, hits the burner and bursts into flames. First, vegetable oil is not that flammable. It will burn but it has to be at a very high temperature. If it was that volatile, then every time we used it in restaurants I’ve worked at to cook fries and chicken would have been disastrous. The fryers I’ve used usually heat up anywhere from 200 to 350 degrees. All the oil did was bubble a little as the air trapped under it was heated. The grill where steaks and meats were cooked was of a higher temperature and if oil was sprayed on it, the flames would indeed flare up (note that I said sprayed and not POURED in great quantities as we see here.) Somehow, I don’t think that the Evan’s stove is capable of those kinds of high temperatures. However, since I’m unwilling to pour a bottle of Wesson on my stove and hold a thermometer over it, I don’t have any scientific proof that what we see is or is not possible with this type of oil. It just seems strange to me. If anyone does know, feel free to relate your story.

Early in the episode, Max says Isabel told him about ten times that he should have left Liz. I don’t recall Isabel ever telling Max that directly. She has said they should be careful. Personally, I think Max will just listen to any excuse given to him so he doesn’t have to admit to his own insecurities when it comes to Liz.

Part of the reason I don’t understand Michael’s reactions in this episode can be seen clearly in one scene. At school, Michael indicates Maria and Liz and refers to them as “Frick and Frack.” I’m pretty sure they heard him say this. When Liz and Maria come over to Max’s locker, Michael looks confused when Maria says “Yeah, whatever” to him and walks away. Well, what did you expect Michael?

Diane Evan’s remote makes an audible “Click!” when she is using it. I’ve yet to encounter a VCR or TV remote that “clicks” that loud. I’m sure there are some out there that do. It just appears exaggerated to the extreme here.

There are a few things to note about the basketball game. After Maria makes her “Boys, boys” comment, a quick shot of the player with “10” on his shirt shows him coming to a stop with the ball in his hands. Watch him closely. He stops and slides forward a few inches and gives an audible squeak. He just traveled! But the refs do not call it. (For those unfamiliar with the term, “traveling” in basketball happens when the person with the ball moves without dribbling. Once you plant your feet and stop dribbling, any steps or movement by your pivot foot is a violation. That includes you sliding on the floor. Some refs will let this go. Others will not.)

The next thing is rather unavoidable and pretty funny once you see it. As Kyle is passed the ball before he’s distracted by Liz, look at the floor. Kyle is waaay out of bounds! The white line of the court is to the right of the screen. To the left, is a thick green line at the edge of the bleachers. But the ref doesn’t call it and he dribbles by Liz and is knocked down by the other player (who is also out of bounds, by the way.) Unfortunately, in order for both Shiri Appleby and Nick Wechsler to be in the shot, the director had to move them closer together and couldn’t keep it inside the limits of the court. However, when we see Kyle fall down, he is once again back inside the court limits as the white line on the floor shows.

Isabel and her friends come to the game and Alex clears the bench so they can sit down. Isabel tells Max she needs to talk to him and they get up and leave. Look at Alex. He’s got one of those “Where are you going?” looks on his face before turning his attention back to the game. Considering he just scooted a bunch of people out of the way, I can understand.

Dialogue says that Kyle broke his ankle so why does he grab his thigh after he falls? I’ve sprained my ankle twice and I didn’t grab my leg either time.

When reading Kate Ancel’s review at, she says that both the Evan’s and the Valenti’s living rooms look different from previous episodes. She is correct. In “Morning After,” there is a fireplace on the left wall in the Evan’s living room. In this episode, that wall is now a window. They also must have bought new furniture and gotten rid of a couch. There were two in “Morning After.” In this episode, there’s just one. The furniture that is seen here is a different color. The Valenti’s house is a little harder to pin down because every time we have seen it, it’s been quite dark. One thing is for certain though. The door Liz uses is not the front door. The door seen in “Pilot” and “Missing” is not the same as the one we see here. If you look closely, you’ll see that the door does not lead outside. It looks to go into another part of the house because the background does not look outdoorsy. Just where is Liz going?

Does anyone else find it strange that Michael just walks into Maria’s shop class? Can you really do that in this school? (Given the strangeness that goes on with missing class and such, I’ll say “YES!”)

Did anyone else grit their teeth at Maria as she tells Michael how they “saved his ass” outloud in a room that echoes as you speak? Maria, Sssssssssssssssh!!

In the scene where Max is painting the ceiling, why isn’t there any plastic on the floor to catch dropping paint? Their footsteps are normal sounding. Does he expect to just wave his hand over them later to clean up?

During the discussion with his mom as he paints the ceiling, he tells her it’s late and asks why she isn’t asleep. Then Isabel comes in to interrupt them and she and Max then head out in the jeep to have a little chat. Did they sneak out or does their mom let them go out at any hour of their choosing?

After seeing this episode about nine times, I was really getting sick of the same song by the Counting Crows played throughout this episode. By the way, Isabel tells Max that he only listens to the Counting Crows when he is really upset. Max is upset a lot in season two but he doesn’t listen to the Counting Crows anymore (thank goodness!)

This one may have been intentional. As Max is listening to music in his room, he hears the TV in the other room over the music. Diane must really be cranking up the sound out there. Could it be to get Max’s attention?

After Diane turns off the tape, she says Max touched the bird and “it came to life.” I don’t believe the bird was dead. It just had a broken wing and she even said so on the tape. I think she misspoke (or the writers simply goofed.)

This episode proves that healing a bird is easier then healing a human for Max. In “Pilot” and “Destiny”, Max seems to be having a difficult time as he healed both Liz and Kyle (he seems to have an even harder time healing Kyle then he does Liz though.) In this episode, young Max picks up an injured bird and heals it and doesn’t even flinch.

Signs on Roswell always add a nifty touch to the episodes they appear in. As Michael is leaning on the wall waiting for Maria towards the end of the episode, a poster on the wall says “Today, I will commit one selfless act of kindness. Will you?” Something Michael just did.

When I initially saw the ending scene with Max and Isabel, I thought they experienced flying arm syndrome with the way their hands kept moving around from shot to shot. After repeated viewings, I find this to be in error. In fact, the director used multiple cameras to film the scene simultaneously and then switched between cameras for different angles. All their arm movements work out as the shots change. Kudos to the detail on that!

#112 Into The Woods – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

Off we go “Into the Woods.”

The last episode “Toy House” was the first parent show. This is the second parent show but it’s a little one sided. Only the fathers are seen here and the mothers are mentioned only in passing mostly from Maria. While this is ok, it raised a few questions for me. Where was Liz’s mom during all of this? And shouldn’t there have been a line from Maria saying that her dad had taken off so casual fans who hadn’t seen “285 South” would be filled in?

I found this episode a little slow and not quite as good as “Toy House.” In that episode, the parental interaction was an important part of the plot. Here, it seems to be just a convenience.

I frowned on Max in this episode. This stems from his actions in “Balance.” In this episode he asks Liz if things between them will always be like they are now. They are quite strained at the moment. Liz says she thought that this was what he wanted. Max tells her that he only wanted them to slow down not come to a halt. Oh really? That’s not how he came across in “Balance.” To me, Max came off extremely insecure and unwilling to further their relationship. If Max wanted to slow down, he should have said he wanted to slow down. And for those of you that say Max’s line about taking a step back was just that, let me just say that according to dialogue in this episode, he hasn’t seen or spoken to Liz in a couple of days. Max dumped Liz. Plain and simple. If this is Max’s idea of taking a step back, he must take some humongous strides when he walks.

I also do not understand why Max let Liz’s father win the poker game. Personally, I would have written the scene differently. I would have let Mr. Parker say his line about Max having some kind of power over the others and put down his full house. I then would have Max put down his cards unaltered, smile at him and say “Yes.” It would have been a really nice touch and given the two characters an even better bonding moment then what we saw here.

Liz makes a valiant stand here. Instead of being somewhat cowardly and hiding from Max, when he confronts her at the campground, she faces up to him. I’m hard on her character from time to time but in the last few episodes, Liz really has been putting her foot down. The only complaint I have is that once again, she reminds Max that he made her a part of everything. Now I can look at it in two ways: Max is either trying to forget what he did back in September or Liz is trying to blackmail Max into letting her take part in everything he does. It is an inevitable fact between them but the way she keeps bringing it up seems to make Max uncomfortable and rightly so.

Maria really plays the “sticking out like a sore thumb” part in this episode quite well. She’s definitely the comic relief. While I could appreciate a friend helping me out as she did for Liz in this episode, her outright lie about the dates with the college guys really came back to bite the both of them in the rear end. Oopsie, Maria. I also kept wondering just where Maria gets all the medicines she has. First Cyprus seed oil and now “ackaphasia” and goldseal (I can’t spell it so if anyone knows, let me know. Echenatia I THINK. I don’t know.) We found out in “Independence Day” that Maria gets her new age medicines from her mother’s shop.

We get a chance to visit with everyone’s dad including Michael’s stepdad Hank. He really is a jerk. When I first heard Michael’s theory that River Dog was their dad, I gave the TV a thumbs down. I know Michael is quick to jump to conclusions but this theory was way out in left field. I think this was too extreme even for Michael and probably one of the worst things in the show character wise so far. I’m glad they didn’t continue with it.

One other thing about Michael was the look on his face as Maria revealed the college dates story. Michael didn’t believe her for a second. Apparently, Michael can already read Maria like a book.

Isabel is developing “Max syndrome” towards Alex. In “Heatwave”, Isabel was surprised to learn Alex liked her. She follows up with this by asking Alex to the party. I believe she did this with a duel purpose. The first was to find out what Alex said to Valenti but she was genially disappointed when Alex thought this was her only purpose. She was happy to spend time with him. In this episode, she still shows that. But when Alex brings up the possibility of them having another date, she immediately throws up her walls and tells him that it cannot happen. Of course, I’m more lenient on Isabel with this then I would be with Max because she has never let anyone inside.

I don’t understand Alex’s reactions here. In his dream, he tells Isabel how he understands why she is so distant and that she can trust him. I’ve no doubt Alex knows and believes this. But when he runs into Isabel’s walls, he acts like he can’t understand why she is trying to keep him at a distance. It may be an “Alex quirk” but it is a little odd.

I think this episode finally showed Sheriff Valenti that he is becoming exactly like his father. He was painfully shown himself in his son Kyle’s place and is finally able to let himself admit that perhaps his dad was right. We actually get more into this relationship in “The Convention.” And why was Agent Stevens calling the Sheriff? When the deputy asked if the Sheriff was going to return his call, I thought “Huh?” I don’t think Stevens would want the Sheriff involved on any level. Also, the Sheriff corners off four square miles of Frasier Woods. I wonder what legal trickery he used to make that work. Otherwise, the owner of the UFO Center (who STILL has not been given a name as of yet) could sue for unlawful arrest.

This was the first really good copy of the show on tape for me. From this point on, they are all perfect copies.

Folks at the Crashdown are not very health conscious. In “Heatwave”, we saw Maria sweeping the floor in bare feet. In “Toy House”, we see Liz piling scoop after scoop of coffee grinds into the filter and then she shoves it into its slot sending the overfill all over the coffee maker. If the burners were on, she’s lucky they didn’t catch fire. This episode is the worst example of all. At the beginning, we see Liz sneeze into her hands and then walks out front to begin work. I can promise you that if I ever eat at the Crashdown, Liz Parker will not be serving my food!! She does this not once, but twice. After buying meds from Maria, she sneezes and wipes her nose on her hands before heading upstairs. Will someone tell her to wash her hands!!

There are many strange things in the universe. This episode features one of them. Maria is wearing an aqua bra to increase her bust size. In doing so, she gets a good deal of male attention and tells Liz she actually has gotten three guy’s phone numbers since second period. There have been many occasions where I have overheard girls saying how insulted they felt that during the entire time they were out with a guy that he kept staring at their chests. Yet here, Maria is actually encouraging it. So I’m confused. Do you women want us to stare at your chest or not? (Let’s do try to stay on topic here but I could not resist posing this question.) Just in case you are wondering the same thing, Maria was doing it to make herself feel better because of the way Michael has been treating her lately. That and make Michael jealous.

Liz’s dad says he isn’t used to the whole privacy thing when he walks in on Liz in her underwear. Well, there would be less chance of that if he would knock before entering his daughter’s room. And yes, the door was open but still, I trust I have made my point.

As Liz looks in her mirror to brush her hair, look at the upper left portion of the screen and you can see the playback monitors reflected in the glass!

Hank must not have any taste buds. Can you imagine putting beer on Cornflakes?

As Michael sits down to “dinner”, he puts a bottle of tobasco sauce on the table. I’m pretty sure the liquid in the bottle is clear! Is tobasco sauce not red? (Beer, tobasco sauce, Cornflakes. Michael should carry a bottle of Pepto Bismal!)

For reference purposes, Kyle says he is 16 here. We also now have both of Max’s parent’s names. They are Diane and Phillip Evans. However, their dad must have had plastic surgery because he looks quite different from when he appeared in “Morning After.” (I don’t deal in reality here folks!)

In “Blood Brothers” I took exception to the fact that Max and Liz could leave school like they did. I used the example that in my high school we had what was called a “closed campus” meaning once you arrived, you couldn’t leave until school was out because they are responsible for your well being during school hours. In this episode, Kyle had third period free and leaves campus to visit his dad. Roswell High is a very weird school.

Of course, there are no dates given in this episode making it difficult to find out how to fit it into the timeline. I’m going to have to wait until I get another date before I can fit this episode and “Balance” into the time frame. This episode lasts six days. The first day is the “dry lightning” in Fraiser Woods. Day two is the debut of the aqua bra and ends after Michael runs into River Dog the first time. Day three begins with Kyle playing hooky to buy a new tent and Alex has to cancel his date with Isabel. I have to believe that this day is a Friday because the camp out is supposed to last the weekend. Now here is where it gets a bit fuzzy. Liz tells Maria that the bus leaves at five. She doesn’t specify A.M. or P.M. However, when we look at the skyline as everyone boards the bus, it looks to be early evening. Now even with daylight savings time the sun can not be that high in the sky at 5 A.M. so the only explanation is that the bus to the campground is leaving on Friday night, 5 P.M. The search takes place that night. We next see Sheriff Valenti visiting his father. Since I do not believe that Valenti up and left Kyle by himself at the campground, he stayed the entire weekend and went to see his father on Monday. So we don’t see anything of day five. It skips right to day six. I say six days because Kyle says he will see him on Monday so the bus probably returned Sunday night. I’m willing to accept this episode lasting five days with Valenti going to his dad on Sunday evening if when we finally are given another date, six days won’t fit into the timeline. (NOW do you see why not having dates in the episodes is such a maddening experience? The creators are playing with our minds!)

Even though the FCC has lightened up a bit on the use of colorful language on TV, I’m surprised the WB actually let this one slip by. As Alex rambles about Isabel at the Crashdown, he suddenly gets the idea that the whole thing is joke and says “you bastards” to Liz and Maria. Whoops! It goes by quickly but that is definitely what he says.

When we first see Max and Isabel’s dad as they prepare to board the bus, look at the do rag on Isabel’s head. Does the “Aunt Jemima” look just not work for her?

I cannot help but burst out laughing no matter how many times I see Maria in her fuzzy booty things. I realize Maria is not exactly what we call “woodsy” but her wardrobe and accessory choices here are absolutely ridiculous. Does she not own any kind of sensible shoes for this kind of situation? Maria strikes me as the type to have a wide variety of shoes in her closet. Maria brings her guitar case. Now I’ve seen all of the season one episodes. I do not recall being given any indication that Maria plays the guitar (note that I said in season one.) I’m not saying she doesn’t but as of “Destiny”, I’ve not seen her play an instrument (she won’t actually play one until season three’s “Behind the Music.”) I originally thought this was the only piece of luggage that Maria bring. Under Cover Angel 68 reminded me that she is wearing a purple backpack. Hopefully, she has more sensible clothing in it then what she was wearing. Maybe she has one of KISS’s old outfits in there.

The name “Kalinoski” makes another appearance in the show. The camp organizer reads the name off his list as people board the bus. The first two episodes the name was announced in were “285 South” and “Heatwave.”

Does anyone else find it strange that River Dog just opens the door to Michael’s trailer in the middle of the night? Hank doesn’t strike me as the type to leave his door unlocked. And unless Michael is sleeping in the living room, his trailer gets a redesign between now and “Independence Day.” In that episode, we see that Michael’s bedroom door opens into the kitchen. Here, the background behind River Dog is of the trailer park.

According to “Kate Ancel” it’s the third house for Hank and Michael. Kate says “For such a deadbeat, Hank sure manages to move himself and Michael around a lot. This was the third home we’ve seen them living in. The first was a house in the pilot episode and the second was a completely different trailer in ‘The Morning After’. They are moving up a little though, because this one actually has a covered patio.” She’s right about the trailer being different from the one seen in “Morning After” but we didn’t see Michael’s house in “Pilot.” The first time we saw where Michael lived was in “Morning After.”

Great line this episode.

“I am now wearing an ice bra.” -Maria as they hike through the woods. Transcripts of this episode done with closed captioning have Maria saying “You’re not wearing an ice bra.” (I think the spoken line is funnier.)

Hiking through the woods, Maria says she’s freezing (hence the great line above.) When I heard this, I said “Why don’t you zip up the giant, fluffy coat you’re wearing Maria?”

When Michael heals River Dog (something we never see Michael do again for the rest of the series… until “Who Died and Made You King?” of course) he gets an “hallucination” (see my review of “Four Square” about this.) Does this mean he and River Dog are now connected? The ramifications of this are just too darn scary to consider!

The woods are sure brightly lit. Of course, it wouldn’t do for us to stare at a black screen with a bunch of voices for half an hour.

When Valenti is first shown visiting his father, we see him leaning up against the door watching him. A doctor comes up and says “Can I help you?” Wait a minute. This is a mental hospital. Was Valenti able to just waltz in without first checking in at the front desk? This would certainly explain why alien stories are so rampant in Roswell. All of the crazy folks get out long enough to tell the populace strange abduction stories before someone notices they are missing and goes out to pick them up. And it’s easy to do too because there’s no one watching the front door!

Valenti Sr. is upset because his pears are slippery. No wonder. The guy is eating them with a spoon. Use a fork dude!

As the Sheriff approaches his father, a chair magically appears on the right side of the screen conveniently for the Sheriff to sit down in. I’ll say this. The staff might not be good at the front door but their chair service is top notch.

Next is “The Convention.” I’m going to love that episode.

#113 The Convention – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

“The Convention.” Or “UFO Convention.” I’ve seen both to name this episode.

Now THIS is a good episode!! This episode lays the groundwork for the appearance of Nasedo. Of course, with the information I have picked up here, more and more and I am not liking Nasedo.

There isn’t a whole lot of character development here but everyone does get a chance to participate.

One thing I am happy that the creators have done with Valenti is to not make him such a black and white character. He’s in the middle and tends to lean towards one side or the other depending on the circumstances. But when it comes right down to it, he does do the right thing by shooting Hubble at the end of the show. Strangely missing was Kyle in this episode. He wasn’t essential to the plot but after the way we were left seeing him and his father part company in “Into the Woods”, his absence was felt.

The entire convention gave the gang a chance to learn a little more about themselves. Or at least that’s what they were trying to do. I’m not sure what it was they could have learned more about unless the UFO Center had added new exhibits specifically for this function. Max pretty much summed it up for Michael about there not being any “real guys” and it was merely a freak show. I agreed with him when I heard good ole Zenaplox from the planet Zetagon say he’d arrived to destroy us. (I imagine that actor’s appearance sealed his future in Hollywood…with him on the outside of it!)

Kate Ancel described Liz as a “good heart” in this episode and I must agree. The fact that she even bothered being kind to Jennifer is proof of that. It was interesting that the creators decided to bring these two back instead of leaving them as they were in “Pilot.” (This way of cleaning up loose ends seems to disappear in season two.) The look on Larry’s face as he hugged Jennifer after telling her he wanted to settle down makes me believe there’s an opening for them to return at some point. However, given the solemn turn to the show with season two, I find this highly unlikely. Cancellation did too.

I really enjoyed the bit in the Crashdown when all the women ganged up on Alex. He really did open a huge can of worms by asking his question. But the really funny part about it is how he asked. Alex says “Hey listen, let me ask you guys a question…” I KNOW that this is just a phrase but everyone around him is NOT a guy. It’s just a little thing I laugh at whenever I see this episode.

Alex also really needs to gather up a little more courage around Isabel. When he comes to her house to give her the stargazing book, she is touched by the gift and it shows. She also was amused that it took him twenty minutes to finally get up the guts to come in and give it to her. But when Alex brings up the suggestion that they could both put it to good use with another “date”, she immediately throws up her walls and tells him that his “obsession” cannot continue. Isabel obviously did not like having to say this to him but instead of staying to talk to her about it, he simply gives in and leaves. This only made Isabel feel even worse. I’ll say this for Isabel. She’s consistant. All the advice she has given Max about Liz is the same stuff she uses on herself.

I think I will nominate the ending scene with Max and Valenti as one of Jason Behr’s best performances in the show so far. He finally lost his temper with Valenti when the Sheriff’s actions put him in danger. “Here I am!” he yells. But I think that the line “Would you treat your son this way?” was really what finally made Valenti give in and send the two away. Not just the kids were looking for answers in this episode. Valenti was as well.

I will once again bring up Isabel’s line of “Pick a side” from “Pilot” and apply it towards Michael here. He says he must remain alone but then goes out of his way to help out Maria’s mother in that “wrestling match.” Maria is quite right when she asks why she bothers with Michael. But the irony here is she still wants to be with him. It’s his attitude that’s keeping them apart. Michael also took a huge risk giving Larry his case of the “itchies.” Here we are in a room full of UFO spooks and he walks up to the guy who is the center of attention and puts his hand on the guy’s shoulder. For that room of “experts” to have missed the glow in his hand is nothing short of incredible. You were darn lucky Michael! It’s that kind of rash thinking that will get you killed or captured.

While he is the villian in this episode, I doubt anyone could help but feel sympathy for Hubble. It’s not exactly easy to continue living your life after suffering the loss he’s felt and what makes it worse for him is that there is no closure to his wife’s death. Nasedo is still out there (I have no doubt in my mind that it was Nasedo who killed Sheila Hubble.) But his obsession at finding that closure has driven him over the edge. He had already killed one innocent because of his rage. After he did that, there was no going back for him.

One last thing before I get to my usual dissections. I thought the use of Jonathon Frakes was overdone. I’ve met the guy at Star Trek conventions and he is no where near as obnoxious as he is portrayed here. I realize the guy is one of the show’s executive producers but I do not think that the UFO Center actually pulls in the kind of money it would take to afford an appearance by him. And I thought mentions of Patrick Stewart and William Shatner were a bit silly. This little place could afford Shatner? This is the same guy that charges fans close to $100 for just an autograph at conventions! I could almost hear Dot Warner of the Animaniacs saying “Oh I get it! It’s a whole Star Trek gag.”

Once again, the creators play with our minds and don’t give us any dates in the episode. However, they do let us know exactly how long this episode lasts with the caption stills, three days. The final round table discussion was to take place on Sunday. This episode began on a Friday.

The UFO Center guy is FINALLY given a name in this episode: Milton.

Great line this episode: “Save me. Save me. I’m a human trapped in an alien body.” -Max in his costume. I chose this line for two reasons. First, it’s hilarious and two, this is one of the few times in the entire run of the show that we have seen Max Evans tell a joke. (I really feel for actor Jason Behr having to wear that head. It had to be extremely hot.)

The Café has a new waitress. You can see her behind Liz in the opening Crashdown scene as Liz serves good ole Zetaplox his meal. She has dark hair. I do not recall seeing her at the employee meeting shown in “Monsters.” It’s about time Liz’s father started hiring!

The Café also now has outside seating. I do believe this is a first. Sure would have come in handy in prior episodes when we have seen the Café literally jam packed with business.

At the start of day two, Frakes goes to put his handprints in cement and accidentally falls into the cement up to his elbows. My, that’s a deep hole. Was it really necessary to dig a foot and a half deep hole just for someone’s handprints? The really odd part is that Frakes pushes his own arms into the cement as if he was trying to find the bottom. Me, I put my hands in cement, I keep my center of gravity back so I don’t get my clothes dirty. Another funny part is that when Frakes is helped up by Milton and Max, he waves and flings a large chunk of wet cement off to the left. The creators froze the picture at this point to add in the caption. I wonder who got splattered.

According to the information Max pulls up on a computer, Everett Hubble was born on November 14, 1947 (Ooooooooh. The year of the crash!) and he was a witness to the silo murder in 1972. He was 25 at that time. He then disappeared for thirty years making him fifty-five in this episode. It’s not a nit. Just noting this for reference purposes.

When Ernie hangs up on Amy de Luca’s cell phone, we hear a dial tone. Cell phones my gentle readers do not have a dial tone when you are hung up on. You hear a fast busy signal followed by silence.

The living room in the Valenti household gets a snooker table added to it in this episode. It could have been there the last time we saw their home in “Toy House” but it would have been hidden by the couch Kyle was sitting on.

When being interviewed by Frakes at the round table discussion, Larry says that he was sitting in the Crashdown on “September 17” when Liz was shot. Something’s wrong with that. According to “Pilot”, Liz says she was shot on September 18 where “five days ago I died.” Her journal entry was September 24 to begin that episode. Larry must have been flustered by being in the presence of “Number one.”

Does the Department of Motor Vehicles really keep registration records for 1970 on file in their computers? I also wonder about that date on the car’s license plate. Was that the expiration date of the tag? Because if it was, the Hubble’s were driving around with expired plates. Dialogue in this episode says that almost a day after his wife’s death, Hubble and Valenti senior tracked and caught the drifter seen leaving the scene of the crime. That murder took place in 1972. It’s possible the number was the year the tag was initially issued. I don’t know that for certain since I have never seen a license plate from that long ago. Anyone know?

As the Sheriff looks up the registration on Hubble’s car, his computer tells him the following:
Sheila Hubble
477 Skyhawk Road
Bitter Lake
New Mexico

There are a few things to point out about this address. First, Bitter Lake, New Mexico does exist. It is to the north of Roswell on highway 285 and is actually a wildlife refuge. The zip code is incorrect however. Zip codes for New Mexico are 88201, 88202, or 88203. Zip codes have changed over the years but a zip code in the 20000 area would put it on the west side of the country. For example, California is in the 90000 range and the number gets smaller as you head west.

As Max drives Hubble to his home, the shot of the road is not going at the same speed as the shots of Max and Hubble inside the jeep show. The road shots look to have been filmed in a car going about forty or fifty miles per hour. Max looks to be going only ten or twenty. Max doesn’t bother to even turn on his wind force field. And why should he? He’s not in any kind of hurry so why worry about your hair? Hubble certainly doesn’t worry about his hair!

When Hubble says the line “But you know that don’tcha?” to Max, he is looking right at Max. When the shot changes and Max says “Sir?” Hubble is looking forward. He’s fast for an old guy.

I have to say that I thought that the instrumentals were done quite well in this episode. None of them were repetitive as done in previous episodes like “Toy House.”

Towards the end of the episode, we see Jennifer cleaning tables in a partial Crashdown outfit. I ask again, can anyone who wants to work in the Crashdown do so? Did Jennifer fill out an application or a W2? For that matter, did Liz even pay her?

My, time sure does fly in Roswell, New Mexico. As Hubble and Max pull into the abandoned Pepper building, there’s still some daylight left. You can see blue sky. We cut back to the Crashdown with Larry and Jennifer and we still see daylight. When we head back to Max and Hubble, it’s completely dark.

Where the heck did Michael come from in the final scene? He wasn’t in Max’s jeep (unless he was riding under it) and we don’t see him in Valenti’s truck. Valenti drives up without him. He is suddenly just there. Clark Kent in disguise maybe?

I’m not sure if we are to believe that Hubble died here or Valenti just wounded him. It’s hard to tell but he could have been shot in the shoulder or in the stomach. In any case, he gets shot and doesn’t appear to bleed. Regardless of what we see, the shot must have been fatal because in “Crazy”, Topolsky asks the Sheriff if he really thought he could kill Everett Hubble and not raise a red flag.

#114 Blind Date – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

“What’s so great about normal?” – Max to Liz.

Rarely are truer words then these spoken.

This is without a doubt my favorite episode of season one. It really is telling of the entire series and my hat is off to writer Thania St. James. It’s delightful how she could give the audience and the cast exactly what they all want but somewhat frustrating that when it is all over, everything is right back to normal. Does this sound familiar? When you wake up tonight after you have dreamed, ask yourself that question again.

I really did enjoy the uninhibited Max we got to see. Roswell would be a much different show if this Max Evans existed. It’s a pity that he had to get drunk in order for use to see this. If you want to describe Max as being not in his right mind in this episode, go right ahead. Many times I have heard people say that the real person comes out when someone is drunk. I’ve always countered this with the mind being affected by a chemical influence and it doesn’t function normally. I’ve seen normally gentle people after drinking become even more subdued but I’ve also seen the same type of person become a wild party animal. If you want to find your true self, don’t look for it in a bottle of Jack Daniels. You may not like what you find.

In Max’s case, I see it a little differently. Max Evans is very serious. The consequences of his actions and the actions of those around him weigh very heavily on him. Even things they may do in the future seem to cross his mind. He needs to have control on matters he is involved in and when it appears that he cannot maintain a hold on things, he is sullen and withdrawn trying to not appear weak. Put a “little bit” of alcohol in him and the Max Liz Parker dreams about is released: A Max that doesn’t care about consequences and throws caution to the wind. He flags down the news van and turns to beam proudly at Liz. That to me just screamed “I want the world to know I love you Liz.” Then he kisses her in front of the crowd at the concert and it sends the same message. I like this Max better then the real one.

The big let down in this episode was at the end when Max sobers up. Reality creeps back in as the alcohol goes away but what also goes away is the memory of it all. The dream is over. So there will be nothing for Max to look back on and say “I did that. I could do it again.” No. We are left with the same brooding and sullen Max who is more interested in consequences then magic. And it’s that trait that keeps him away from Liz. Pardon me but there is something seriously screwed up about that. Responsibility is a pain the ass.

But who is more hurt here? I say Liz. She lived it. She experienced it and for a moment allowed herself to believe it but even she was realistic enough to ask Max what happened tomorrow when he went back to normal. Sadly, that very thing happened. The old adage of “Enjoy it while it lasts” seems to be how Liz is destined to live life.

A part of Max seems to be rubbing off on Maria. When the opportunity to sing in a band offers itself to her, she jumps on it. The problem is she goes in wanting control. “This is my band.” I don’t blame Alex for being a little snide with her. Were it not for peacekeeper Liz, there could have been a real problem. Just what was Maria’s thinking behind that? And in a VERY deep story hole, I don’t believe we ever hear anything of the talent scouts that came to see the concert again. Did they not like what they saw? That is, until season three but there is no indication as to whether the scout seen then is connected at all to the talent scouts seen in this episode.

There was nothing really noteworthy for Alex here except that we learn of Colin Hank’s musical talents.

I think the battle lines between Max and Michael have finally been drawn. After not being shown the cave drawings in “Balance”, it began. Here, it’s solidified. Michael is finally tired of Max’s brooding and is going off to find answers on his own whether Max approves or participates. It’s telling how before starting that Michael goes to Isabel for her help. While his relationship with Max can best be described as “aggressive cooperation”, he and Isabel are closer. He does appear to trust her a lot more. At least she has always been there for him unlike anyone else in his life. Michael desperately wants to find a father figure in Nasedo and his despair at the end when Nasedo didn’t appear was a real let down for him. Again, it was good that Isabel was there with him. It wasn’t something that he should have had to do alone.

If ever there was a balancing character here, it was Isabel. She actually defended Michael at the Crashdown at the beginning of the show. But it was very interesting that she didn’t do it while Michael was there instead waiting for Micheal to leave before she said something. I immediately saw this as Isabel not wanting to come directly between Max and Michael.

See? I told you Kyle wasn’t such a bad guy. He’s actually quite charming in this episode. He was given a lot of great lines too. Let me say again that it is actually a downer that the only way we can see the characters really having fun is because they are drunk. But never-the-less, what a night about town eh? Would it be too much to ask to see Kyle and Max actually be friends? Of course, the REAL Max wouldn’t allow it because he can’t remember any of the night’s actions. But Kyle, ooooh, imagine the fun he could have at Max’s expense the next day with “Hey Evans, I want a rematch on that race to the mailbox.”

This episode lasts three days. With no journal entries, there’s no way at first to fit it into the timeline. The first day, Liz wins the contest. The second day begins with Liz incognito at school and has her interview on the radio. The third night is the date and the concert.

Has anyone else noticed that the FBI has mysteriously vanished lately? In fact, we don’t see hide nor hair from them until after “Sexual Healing.” Maybe they are too busy chewing out Topolsky and crew on their incompetence (they sure do deserve it.)

There was a lot for me to comment on directly about Max in general in this episode.

The first is that Max thinks finding Nasedo is a mistake because he’s a proven killer in Max’s eyes. And we learn that he is just that. The part I dislike about it is that come “Destiny” this little murder thing doesn’t bother Max anymore. In fact, he sends the murdering alien off to possibly do even more murders under the guise of Agent Pierce. (If you haven’t figured it out by now, I do not hold any great love for Nasedo.)

As Max was torturing himself watching Mr. Shallow (now THERE’S a telling name if I ever heard one) kiss Liz at the restaurant, I just nodded and said “That’s right Max. You just watch and feel bad because you had a chance with her and you blew it because of your own insecurities.” Something Max points out to himself when he draws the heart on Liz’s balcony.

Did you say “I’m crushing your head” when Max showed Kyle how much he drank?

Just where DID Max go after he rounded the corner during the dash to the mailbox? For that matter, how did he get up on the roof where Kyle found him later? I almost added this to the Powers List (a list of the alien power for each character that will be posted later) for Max. However, I explain the second one by seeing how Max got down. He slid down a drainage pipe. It’s reasonable to assume that he climbed up it as well. As for his little disappearing act, I’m not sure. I didn’t chalk this up to invisibility or super speed because if Max could do either of these things, we would have seen them again or before now….wouldn’t we? Since I’ve seen all sorts of folks from James Bond to Batman perform this little stunt, I didn’t add it. But it still begs the question of just where Max went.

It’s very hard to tell because Liz’s date is in the way but during the pan around the table at their dinner, there’s a menu board to the left of the screen. I’m not sure but the letters across the top of the board appears to say “Chez Pierre” the same place Alex and Isabel have dinner at before Prom in “Heart of Mine” according to the prom info at Can anyone confirm this?

In the opener, Liz is mopping the floor and wearing orange gloves in all of the close up shots. As soon as the camera pulls back, Liz’s gloves disappear. After the DJ comes into the Café, her gloves magically reappear. (I love this stuff!)

The Crashdown Café is heard on the radio and everyone but Liz reacts. She must take her mopping seriously.

Great lines this episode.

“I pity the fool that radio station fixes her up with.” -Kyle doing his Mr. T impression.

“Hey, I’m just happy to be nominated…and I think I’m gonna puke.” -Kyle “accepting” his claim to fame at the concert.

Michael makes the statement that the 4th alien is not a killer. I know that Micheal wants to believe that but the evidence we’ve seen so far suggest that he is exactly that. It only makes Michael’s disappointment all the more heartbreaking when he realizes the truth in “The White Room.”

I gave Maria’s wardrobe choices in “Into the Woods” a hard time but I really am going off on her choice of footwear in this episode. Just what in the hell are those things on her feet as she arrives for the band’s audition? Those have to be the ugliest things I have ever seen in my entire life!

As Maria tells Liz she needs to go out front and get some phone numbers from the mass of guys who have come to see her, look behind her on the wall. There’s a new sign that says “Wash those hands.” Where was that sign in “Into the Woods” when Liz was sneezing on her hands and still going out front to work? Maybe Liz’s dad is giving her a subtle hint about the health code.

Does Michael believe in doors? He always comes to someone’s window. Is he afraid of Max and Isabel’s parents?

The picture of Alex, Liz, and Maria that Max changes first appears in Liz’s room as she is primping in the mirror getting ready for her date. The first time we see it, it is sitting on top of her radio. When Max changes it later on, it has jumped off of her radio to sit by itself on the desk. And I’m not real sure but a lamp seems to move as well. It sits next to the desk so the picture is more illuminated.

Where are Liz’s parents!? Their daughter wins a blind date in a radio contest. A date that turns out to be a college sophomore! From what I can tell, Liz is also a sophomore…in high school. This isn’t something that if I was a parent I would allow and given the way her father was in “Into the Woods”, I don’t think Mr. Parker would either. Actually, I think that with this and the above nit, I know where they are. They are coming into Liz’s room while she’s gone and rearranging the furniture and then hiding in the closet to giggle at the confusion they cause (Ok, ok, I’m just having fun here.)

You are going to have to really crank the audio to hear this one but it is defiantly there. As Kyle and his friends yell at Max, one of them screams “Come on down Behr!”

Trying to get Liz’s date to kiss her, the DJ tells her to give her that first kiss “just like we practiced!” I am NOT even going to comment on that!!!! No way!! I can’t hear you. La, la, la, la, la.

Max takes one sip of alcohol and he immediately gets drunk. According to Pierce in “The White Room” everything about Max’s physical body is 100% human. Only his blood is different. Now given that information, it doesn’t seem possible that Max should become inebriated so quickly. Several people wrote to remind me that Max is a hybrid, neither human nor alien. So if his body can more quickly absorb ethanol, it’s quite possible for him to get drunk that fast since the body’s mucus membranes are what do the absorbing. As there are mucus membranes lining the stomach, that makes sense.

Now jump forward to season three’s “A Tale of Two Parties.” When Michael gets drunk, he totally zonks out and starts sparking electricity through his hands. Compared to Michael’s reaction, what happens to Max is mild. This can probably be explained by the fact that Michael drank much more then Max did. Max just had “a little bit.”

And speaking of this quick drunkenness, Kyle takes it all in stride and doesn’t find it weird at all. Yes, he’s drunk too but he seems aware enough of the world to notice some things.

Mr. Shallow says that he and Liz ought to be safe at the Crashdown because it’s the last place the radio people would look for them at. He must not live in Roswell or he would know that just about everything happens there. Shootings, acts of passion, strokes. You name it. It happens there.

Maria is extremely nervous before the concert and tries to calm herself with breathing techniques and is totally out of shape as she walks on stage (in more sensible shoes I might add.) Does this not seem like a good time to sniff some cypress seed oil?

Director Keith Samples sure had a thing for extreme closeups of Shiri Appleby’s face in this episode. There are times that the camera is so close that it almost looks like you are viewing her through the peephole of a door.

It’s a nice touch but I wouldn’t be doing my duty if I didn’t point out that there is nothing inside a parking meter that will combust and spark as we see them do here. Unless there’s some wacko running around Roswell sticking sparklers in meters all over town and Max happened to see him doing it. (I know. It’s magic bay-bay!) I added this and the other things in this scene to the Powers List labeling it with the “molecular structure manipulation” excuse.

Majandra Delfino has a lovely singing voice but there is a noticeable difference in her voice during her song. Maria sings the first verse of Phil Collins’s “Hold On” with a slightly weak voice. The second verse is much stronger sounding. This is probably due to her nerves but those with excellent pitch like myself can tell. All in all, she really does have talent.

Disappointed that Nasedo didn’t show up, Michael asks Isabel to cover the burn marks in the grass. They do so because they don’t want someone walking up and finding the symbol. But when Nasedo shows up to reignite the flame, he walks off and leaves it burning for someone to find!! This is extremely foolish for someone who is supposed to be protecting the young aliens.

Next up is “Independence Day.” Stay tuned.

#115 Independance Day – Review

Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

I like this episode but after getting built up from “Blind Date”, this episode sent me into a downward motion especially if you watch them back to back. “Yeah, they kissed! Drat! He doesn’t remember! Maria sings! Yeaaaah. Michael got beat up by his foster father? Thpppt!” (It’s not all rosy in Roswell. That’s for sure.)

When I learned the premise behind this episode from it’s description, I wondered just how Max was going to deal with this because of his controlling nature and the strained relationship he and Michael have. Michael is someone Max cannot control because of who Michael is so this was a “fish out of water” type situation for Max. While Isabel was trying her best to help Michael, Max mostly sat by quietly and observed. He knows what to expect from Michael in most situations and just accepts that. Isabel is always the one who has wanted to have Michael closer. But when Michael made the decision to leave, it wasn’t Isabel who went to him to try to stop him. It was Max! He didn’t order Michael to stay. Instead he tried to tell Michael that the thing he has wanted the most, he has always had with him and Isabel: a family. It took a little while for this to sink in but it worked and Michael stayed in Roswell. However, Max’s opinion on Nasedo hasn’t changed. Max believes Nasedo is a killer. Michael sees him as a father figure. This fact is going to keep the two at odds because Max is in no rush to find him while it’s the only thing that drives Michael forward. In a few episodes, we are going to see this progress. The complaint I have about Max here is that Michael asks him not to tell anyone about his black eye. Max then tells Isabel. It’s difficult for Michael to trust Max when he does things like this. Isabel had a right to know but Max should have handled it differently for Michael’s sake.

Isabel is a little confusing in this episode. At first, she wants only to help Michael in any way she can. When she can’t convince him to do it himself, she takes it upon herself to get him help even answering for him to her parents. Before he leaves the house, she begs him to not to leave and to get help. I also believe that it was Isabel’s idea to go to the trailer to check on Michael. She was the most concerned so it makes sense. Finally having had enough of Michael’s attempts to blame everyone, she then does a complete 180 and tells him to run because that’s all he’s good at. Jeez, Isabel. That was harsh and a bit uncalled for. In fact, I’ll bet you that Isabel’s outburst was what convinced Michael to leave in the first place.

We knew Michael’s life was hard but this is the first time we get to really see it. I wonder if it would have been more effective if we had actually seen Hank getting rough with Michael. Dumping a load of dirty clothes on him didn’t really tell me that Hank was the physical type. On the plus side, I can see where Michael gets the idea that he is worthless. Hank isn’t someone I would describe as encouraging. But does Hank come off a physical bully? Not really. I mean Michael is a head taller then Hank. Alcohol must make you brave. Were I directing this scene, I would have shown Hank about to hit Michael again only to have Isabel and Max walk in at that moment to stop it. The scene could then continue as we saw it. We don’t HAVE to see Hank being an abuser but it would have gotten it across more.

I read this one in the Chadd’s section of the message board and it’s a beauty! How did Hank become a foster parent? He’s single (strike one!), lives in a small, shoddy trailer (Stee-rike two!) and is also an alcoholic (Heeeeeee’s outta there folks!) No social worker in their right mind would give a six year old to someone like him. Was there a Mrs. Hank around at some time or another? Also, don’t said social workers drop in from time to time on foster parents to make sure the child is living in a proper environment?

I did wondered why Michael hadn’t used his powers before since he said Hank has hit him before. Michael answered this for me saying that Hank wasn’t much of a home but it was all he had.

Was Michael really going to leave without saying goodbye to Maria? This after she went against her better judgement when he was hurting and took him in? Come on Michael. That is not fair.

Round one does go to Max when he told Michael that without Hank to blame anymore, Michael was now responsible for his own actions. He could no longer blame all of his life’s problems on his step dad. This and his line about Michael having a family was really good on Max’s part. I wish he would do that sort of reasoning more often instead of pouting about things like he does.

There really isn’t much to say about Liz here. I know Maria is just trying to help but her attempts to put a stop to the “iningpay” are not working. Just like she can’t resist Michael, Liz can’t resist Max because it’s what she wants. It must be that protective friend instinct.

I echoed Liz’s statement about “What happened to saying no?” when Maria let Michael in. Still it was nice that she could put aside whatever issues she was having to comfort him. Maria won several points with me by telling Michael he didn’t have to tell her what was wrong. It was hard enough for Michael to come to Maria in his fragile state and she made no demands of him. But just so you know, Maria did tell Michael “no.” In fact, she told him “no” ten times! (I don’t write the dialogue. I just nitpick it!!) Maybe Maria can get her money back on that herbal aid because it obviously doesn’t work.

I must be missing out being a guy because this mother / daughter relationship appears quite deep. Maria and her mother are able to talk about her mother’s past failures with men. What I found interesting was that Maria was almost chastising Amy for it. Yes, she was expressing her own displeasure about Michael in her words but she came off really judgmental with her mom. Again, it must be a mother / daughter thing.

I thought the look on Maria’s face as the sheriff came into the kitchen with his clothes all ruffled was absolutely priceless. She almost looked like she was ready to barf!

According to Isabel, her father, Phillip Evans, is a lawyer. Good thing. He sure comes in handy in season three’s “Busted.”

Hey, who would have thought the sheriff was a hornball? Valenti was set back a little when Amy told him that his job kept coming between them. Is it just me or does it seem that one person in the couples we see on the show always seems to have some sort of hang up about the relationship? Max and Liz aren’t together because Max has trouble with commitment. Isabel and Alex aren’t together because Isabel won’t let her defenses down to let him in. Maria and Michael aren’t together because Michael is uncomfortable at letting her in and it makes him feel “human” which he doesn’t want to be. And Amy Deluca is hesitant to get with Valenti in this episode saying she couldn’t lose her focus on Maria and that the sheriff was a “distraction” to that. It’s almost as if the writers don’t believe in problem free relationships.

The Max and Liz needing-to-talk-but-then-not-talking bit is getting old. Really old. But fret not! We get to put an end to that with the next episode…for a while anyway.

This episode lasts three days. The first day begins at school where we learn of the black eye. It ends with Michael going to Maria’s where he wakes up to begin day two. Day two ends with Michael leaving town. Day three begins with Michael making breakfast and asking Mr. Evans how he can live on his own. Day three and the episode ends with Nasedo / Hank burying the real Hank. Of course, we have no dates here so just where it fits into the timeline is a mystery. But that will change come “Sexual Healing” (but not by much!)

Citrus and Vine brings up a very good point about the time frame. It obviously takes much, much, longer then just a day to go through the legal proceeding to become emancipated. At this point, Michael does not have a job nor does he have a place to live (or at least, he hasn’t move IN yet.) There is clearly a lapse of time between the beginning of day three and the end of the episode.

Maria says that her “grief relief” herbs are used by vets to calm wild animals. In other words, Maria is giving Liz a sedative. That’s hilarious.

In yet another example of the school administration’s incompetence, while trying to talk to Michael in the bathroom, the bell rings. Since we had just seen everyone walking around the hallways, I’m sure that meant class was starting. This makes them both late to class. Then we see them in Max’s jeep out by the railroad tracks. Now it’s possible that this is all taking place after school and we didn’t get to see leave. Then again, they could have just left school. It’s not like anyone stops the students from doing that.

The bruise under Michael’s eye changes shape and shrinks in size at the railroad tracks from the bruise we see in the school bathroom.

Of course, the big question here is why can’t Michael heal his bruise? After all in “Into the Woods” he healed River Dog’s broken ankle, a more serious injury. Michael says he tried to do it but wasn’t successful. I guess we can write Michael’s healing River Dog off as a fluke because we never see him do it again.

I’ve seen a lot of people being critical of Max’s healing powers. Some have expressed dissatisfaction that while healing Michael’s black eye, Max does so with ease yet when healing Liz and Kyle’s gunshot wounds, he appears to be straining considerably. I would argue that healing a bruise or cut is one thing. Healing a bullet wound is quite another. If you were brought into a hospital with a cut at the same time as a shooting victim, who would get priority? So far, the creators have been very good at this type of power display.

At the Café, Amy says that her last two outings with the sheriff didn’t make it past dessert because work called him. Their first date was in “Heatwave” when they went to the Chinese / Mexican place. When was the second? It must have happened when we weren’t looking.

Amy says that when she makes a pie, she expects it to be eaten. Valenti says that if she makes it, he will eat it. He doesn’t! Maria and Liz find a partly eaten pie when they interrupt Amy and the sheriff. Yes, I am being technical here but that’s my job!

Ooooookay. Picture this: you’re a mother of a teenage daughter. You invite a gentlemen over and things start to become a bit “hanky panky.” It’s late. You know you’re daughter comes home around a certain time each night. Am I to believe that Amy and the sheriff’s hormones were running so rampant that they didn’t hear Maria and Liz come in the back door? Just love numbed I guess.

Speaking of the time Maria and Liz come home, Maria says it’s 10:30pm. This raises the question of what time does the Café close? 9pm? 10pm?

As Isabel and Max follow Michael as he leaves the Crashdown, look down the street and you’ll see a palm tree in the background. Are there palm trees in New Mexico? I know there are palm trees in Covina, California where the show is filmed but in New Mexico? (It’s great when you don’t have to deal in reality )

When Phillip Evans asks Michael what his step dad does, Isabel speaks up and says he works in marketing. Marketing? According to the Sheriff later in the show, Hank works “at the plant.” Could you see Hank of all people working in marketing? “Hi can I interest you in…….well screw you too! You’re just like that lazy good for nothing kid who never does my wash!” Where did Isabel come up with that one?

The little things in Roswell are the things I enjoy the most. Granted, a lot of the stuff I do is picayune but I should take a moment to commend the creators when they get some things right. The Monopoly game seen in this episode is one example of it. But of course, I did find a couple of things wrong with the scene at the same time (you knew I would) so they didn’t get it exactly correct. To prove a few of these, I whipped out my handy dandy original Monopoly board game.

    • As the scene begins, Isabel says “As long as I’m back on Park Place, I think I’ll buy a hotel.” You don’t have to land on a property you own to buy a hotel. You can do it at any time during your turn no matter what property you are currently sitting on.
    • When buying the hotel, Isabel picks up two slips of paper money, a yellow one and a blue one and hands them to her dad. The blue one is definitely a $50 bill. The yellow one could be a $100 or a $500 (the $500 bill in the game is a darker color of yellow then the $100 but the exact shade is hard to see on my tape.) If it’s a $500 bill, Isabel should have received some change since hotels only cost $200 and she’s paying $550. If it was a $100, she was short $50.
    • Getting her hotel, Isabel just puts it in place. She doesn’t give back the four houses that would have had to have been on Park Place (you must have four houses on a property before you can buy a hotel.) In fact, I don’t think there were any houses there to begin with!
    • Isabel places her hotel on the board suggesting that Park Place is on the side of the board facing Michael. When Michael moves, from the clicks of his piece on the board, he moves nine to twelve spaces. There is a slight pause after the eighth click and before the ninth and final click so he could have just silently counted the last two or three. In either case, where he lands, he lands on Atlantic Avenue, which is right in front of him. This makes Isabel’s placement of the hotel incorrect. If Atlantic Avenue, the first yellow property, is facing Michael, that would mean Park Place would be in the corner by Mr. Evans. The two blue properties are in the same corner as the “GO” space.
    • I’m really not sure about this one but it looks to me like Michael rolls three individual dices. There are only two used in Monopoly. Anyone else see this?
    • Landing on Atlantic Avenue with four houses on it does indeed cost you $975. Score one for accuracy.
    • Isabel attempts to loan Michael money when he can’t pay the rent. She only gives him one piece of paper (gee, hope it was a $500 otherwise Isabel’s a cheapskate.) Her dad stops her saying that you can only get a loan from the bank. This is also correct.
    • Michael doesn’t appear to have any property cards in front of him. At first I thought they were on the edge of the table to Michael’s right as there is a blur of color there. But it looks like a towel of some kind. I could be wrong though.
    • See the glass that sits in front of Isabel on the table? I thought I was going to enjoy seeing another example of the rising and falling levels of liquids on TV but you know what, after repeated and careful viewing, the water level in the glass doesn’t change once during the entire scene! The funny part about that is that Isabel takes a drink of it and it still stays the same height. Maybe she just sipped it.

    In “Morning After” Diane and Phillip come into the house and say hello to Michael. The impression I got was that Michael was a regular visitor. But in this episode, Diane says that this is the first time they’ve met Michael. As I said in “Morning After” maybe Diane has a really bad memory. Of course, since Phillip didn’t object to his wife’s statements, he must have a bad memory too. (Of course, we COULD say that the Phillip Evans seen here isn’t the same Phillip Evans seen in “Morning After” so we shouldn’t expect him to know Michael but eh, why do that?) I’ve been told that Diane was actually referring to Hank here. That ruins my nit.

    There is a lovely bit of symbolism for me in the scene where Michael leaves the Evan’s home. On the porch, Michael moves into the doorway and a soft dark light shines on him. Isabel walks up and a bright light shines on her. Michael is trying to distance himself from everyone (“to hide in the dark” so to speak.) Isabel is standing in the light. A “beacon of light” beckoning him to come back. Michael leaves and Isabel moves out of the light towards the door putting herself “in the dark” unsure what to do to help him. Max then walks onto the porch with the bright light shining on him to explain to Isabel what she needs to do. “Lighting the way” for her. Cool huh? I don’t know if the director intended it that way but it is a nice theory.

    When I first heard Michael say that it was Max and Isabel’s fault that he couldn’t go back to Hank’s place, I agreed with him. If they hadn’t shown up, Hank wouldn’t have pulled a gun forcing Michael to use his powers. In a way, I still think this is true but it is just another example of Michael putting the blame for his actions on Hank. I really don’t think that Hank would have shot Michael for not doing the wash.

    This episode is the first time we see it raining in Roswell. But the rain behaves rather weird. During the beginning of the episode, it’s quite dry with barely a cloud in the sky (as the street scene with the mysterious palm tree shows.) Max and Isabel come to Michael’s house and Max’s windshield is wet. It’s not raining at that point. As Michael goes to Maria, we see that it is raining quite hard. But in the morning, the sun’s out and all appears dry again. I suppose this is all possible. Mother Nature is rather fickle but that doesn’t explain why Max’s windshield is wet. When we saw Michael walk into the trailer, it’s not raining. Did they take the jeep through the car wash and have Isabel wave her hand and dry them out?

    Michael gets rained on a lot waiting for Maria to let him in. At the rate it was falling, he would have been soaked to the bone rather quickly. But once inside, he takes off his outer shirt to show that only the front part of his gray shirt underneath is wet. The only other part of him that is wet is his hair. His jeans are dry. Good thing too. Maria has him take off his wet shirt. What would have happened if his pants were just as wet? Mmm hmmm. You just ponder that one amongst yourselves.

    Great lines this episode:

    “Maria! Kitchen! Now!” -Amy DeLuca when she finds Michael in Maria’s bed. I love those types of orders.

    “I know that one. I’ve used that one!” -Amy DeLuca when Maria tells her she didn’t sleep with Michael, they just slept. Yes folks! The curse your parents put on you with the statement “I hope your kids act exactly like you do” works!!!

    When Amy asks why that sort of thing is ok for Maria but not for her, Maria spits out the excuse “I’m 16.” Oh, thppppppppppppppt!! Try again Maria!

    Because the year is never mentioned in Roswell, I will refer to the original air date of this episode of 2/16/2000 to set the year when determining Maria’s age. As of the second season episode “Baby, it’s you”, Maria should be 17 with that info. But that can’t be right because that would make her 15 with the date of September 19, 1999 we figured up in “Pilot.” All of the jobs I have had required you to be at least 16 before you could work there. Plus, Maria was driving in “Pilot.” The webpage for the Department of Motor Vehicles in New Mexico doesn’t directly say what the minimum age you must be in order to have a driver’s license is but in Missouri, you must be at least 16. Somehow, Maria’s age is messed up (I’m told Isabel’s age is something of a debate as well in the second season episode “Surprise” and how she is able to graduate early in “Heart of Mine.”) If anyone knows when Maria’s birthday is, it would really help if you’d pass that along to me so we could clear up this age problem. In “A Roswell Christmas Carol” Maria says she is 17 so she really is 16 in this episode.

    Has anyone noticed how perfectly combed Maria’s hair looks as she is sitting in the kitchen? She was just pulled out of bed by an irate mother! I don’t think she would have waited for Maria to comb her hair. But then there are some people who can wake up looking radiant no matter how much they toss or turn.

    The instrumental that first appeared in “Toy House” is heard in this episode after Maria gets a talkin’ to by her mother. At least the creators only used it once in this episode. They used it more then four times in “Toy House.”

    Liz is shown using her telescope inside her bedroom. The light behind Liz would render the telescope useless. Bright lights interfere with the lenses. There was a similar problem seen with the microscope nurse Helen used in “Blood Brothers.”

    Liz’s bedroom window also gets a wavy glass design upgrade. The window was last seen in “Blind Date” and was quite clearly smooth glass. Maybe it’s for suspenseful romantic scenes in future episodes so Liz can ask “Who is that rapping, rapping at my chamber window?”

    Was Liz so awestruck by the constellation she was looking at that she didn’t hear Max climbing the fire escape and walking across the roof to her window?

    This one is sort of unavoidable but the inside of the truck that Michael and the “non-believer” ride in is very well lit for a truck on a dark highway.

    When I first saw Michael cooking breakfast, I wondered how he had gotten into the house. Did he use his powers to unlock the door or climb in an open window? We know he just hates using the front door.

    In case you don’t know, the judge is series creator Jason Katims’s father, Robert Katims. He is a real judge. And as a real judge, I must question him granting emancipation to a minor who has no visible means to support himself aka no job, doesn’t show up for school that often, and has a rather sketchy reputation. Hank may have set up some sort of trust for him but I doubt it.

    Nasedo / Hank tells the sheriff that he is “hitching up the trailer” and is leaving town. Given that the only car we’ve seen belonging to Hank is the station wagon Nasedo / Hank drives, I doubt it could pull that giant trailer. I think that would require a large flatbed diesel truck and some “WIDE LOAD” signs. But then, we don’t see Nasedo actually do this so who knows what happened.

    Also, the Sheriff asks Hank / Nasedo about the gunshot but fails to ask about the “inhuman” screams that witnesses reported. The Sheriff made it a point to tell Michael about that. I would have liked to see Nasedo try to lie about that one.

    Now that Nasedo has appeared, it’s time to discuss my hatred for this alien. I’ll do this on a per episode basis for the moment.

    Let’s look at this guy. First off, Nasedo obviously has no respect for life, at least not for human life. So far in the series, that we know of, Nasedo has killed five people. We know this from the photos Hubble showed Valenti in “The Convention.” There we saw a photo of an unidentified man, a police officer in his car, and Hubble’s wife. In “River Dog”, River Dog says Nasedo killed Atherton. Max suggests this was because Atherton was going to expose him. In this episode, we learn that he killed Hank. Examine these individually.

    In future episodes, we will learn that Nasedo was captured by the military shortly after the Roswell crash in 1947. At some point, he escapes. We know that he takes Tess with him but it appears his ultimate goal is to get away. Now gentle readers, people who are trying to escape from something do not intentionally want to leave a trail for those they are escaping from to follow yet this is exactly what Nasedo does when he burns the silver handprint onto those he kills. Why did he kill the unidentified man in Hubble’s photos? We don’t know. Why did he kill the police officer? He could have been following him. But why in the world did Nasedo kill Hubble’s wife? There was no reason (Hubble suggests that Nasedo was trying to steal the car.) She presented no danger to him. If she saw him, he could have simply changed his appearance. But not only did he kill her, he dragged her out of her car to do it. Hubble’s photo shows his wife laying on the ground in front of the car. When Hubble went inside the old restaurant for matches, he left his wife in the passenger seat. So why did Nasedo kill her? And let me remind you that in the process, Nasedo killed her unborn daughter as well. These are the actions of a psychotic maniac not a protector to the royal family of Antar. Surely Max’s race doesn’t condone this kind of violence.

    Sheriff Valenti tells Michael what witnesses said about the events at Michael’s house after he left. Specifically, the Sheriff says they heard “Screaming, crying, tortured sounds like an animal. Almost inhuman.” You know what that says to me? That says that Nasedo tortured Hank to death. I’ll admit Hank is no saint but did he deserve to die? Some might say yes for the way he treated Michael but I wouldn’t agree with that and I certainly don’t agree that he should have been tortured to death! What is it with Nasedo? Does he get some kind of sick pleasure doing this? (He appears to enjoy playing the little game of “follow the line of corpses” in “Max to the Max.”) While the sheriff tells Nasedo / Hank that he doesn’t have to sign anything, I really wonder if that is true. What happens if the IRS or the division of child social services suddenly does need Hank’s signature? The sheriff will say he left for Santa Cruz. So someone looks him up and they can’t find him. A little more checking determines that Hank’s trailer is not in Santa Cruz (I doubt Nasedo really did tow it there opting to abandon it somewhere instead.) So what happens now? Hank is reported missing. Someone’s going to ask Michael if he knows anything. Perhaps Valenti becomes suspicious again and hauls him in for questioning. The point is that killing Hank raises several questions, all of which lead directly back to Michael.

    And look at how Nasedo is being seen by those he is supposed to protect. Isabel says they know nothing about him other then that he is a potential killer in “Pilot.” In this episode and the previous three, Max learns that Nasedo really is a killer and is hesitant to find him for that reason. Only Michael appears eager to seek him out. And in probably the worst example, when Tess finally appears, she is so like Nasedo having grown up knowing only him, she is seen as one not to be trusted. When she reveals the truth of who they are to the others, she rebels against him at first. Unfortunantly, she never follows through with those feelings.

    The purpose of the Royal Four being on Earth is to hide them so that one day they can return to Antar and save their people from the rule of Khivar. By acting in the manner he has done, Nasedo has caused more harm then he has done good for the Royals. Nasedo uses the defense that all he does is for the Four. Nothing else matters. For a bodyguard, that’s a good philosophy but Nasedo has gone completely over the edge. At this point in the series, he is a serious bane. Sure enough, it turns out that I was right to doubt Nasedo. He may be protecting them but he’s also setting them up to be betrayed. Bane indeed.

    #116 Sexual Healing – Review

    Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

    Don’t get this review wrong. This was a good episode in that all relationships were furthered a bit. But it left a lot for me that I felt was unanswered. The show has a really bad habit of doing this sort of thing for me.

    Many times when I watch the show to add to the Powers List, I often say “Now how did they do that?” Watching the scenes with the flashes and the glowing light in Liz’s skin made me say that again. I asked myself several questions about the flashes and such.

    “How can Liz have memories of the Crash if she wasn’t on it (or WAS SHE?)?” Did she get them from Max? Wasn’t he in an incubation pod during the crash? I doubt he was able to look out a window.

    “Did Max pass those memories off to Liz when he healed her in “Pilot” and their activities just reawakened them?” This seems reasonable. Ava said Liz was changed in “Max in the City” (an episode I had not seen when I originally wrote this review.) It’s possible this change has made Liz more susceptible to some sort of psychic power and her heightened state of arousal was allowing her to open her mind to Max and more freely “see” things. Of course, I’ve no evidence to support that theory. Another theory is that Liz was seeing things in Max’s mind just as he was seeing things in hers (her fantasy in the shower for example.) That may explain the things Max was getting but not what Liz was seeing. Max was in an incubation pod and wouldn’t have those images in his memory.

    “How could Liz have the first person view of the person who buried the Orb?” This question puzzled me the most. From what little I have gathered, supposedly, the person who buried the Orb was Nasedo as he escaped the military installation he was taken to. She couldn’t have gotten that from Max. At this time, he was growing in an incubation pod. I thought the second season episode “Summer of ’47” would answer this question. It doesn’t. It more supports my theory that Nasedo was the one who buried the Orb but why would Max have a memory from Nasedo? For that matter,why would Liz have it?

    “Why was the hickey glowing?” Does Max’s saliva have some sort of phosphorescent property we aren’t aware of? The hickey also turned into what looked like a burn that Max was able to heal. Along those same lines, what was the glowing line Max traced across Liz’s arm?

    “Why are Max and Liz the only one getting visions?” This one was easily answered. Neither Michael nor Isabel have healed or otherwise connected with any one in the manner Liz and Max have. The fact that there is probably a small part of Max’s essence in Liz, a side effect of the healing and the explanation for Liz’s changes, is what makes the visions appear for them. We will learn in “Departure” that the reason Maria isn’t getting any flashes is because Michael is preventing her from seeing them. So it appears that Max was just totally opening himself up to Liz and she was doing the same.

    The creators are consistent with the visions. Max does not see what Liz sees and vice versa. They have to tell each other about them. It made for an interesting moment between them when Liz learned that Max had seen her fantasy (wouldn’t you have liked to have been Max in that scene and for you ladies, wouldn’t you have liked to have been Liz?)

    “Was Michael lying about the red shoes he saw as well as Maria’s dog?” The creators did not explain this and I found that unsatisfactory. Since Michael doesn’t seem the type to just make up something like that, just where did he learn it? Did he talk to Amy DeLuca when we weren’t looking or was he really seeing these things? Given that we have seen Michael get flashes in the past, I think it is possible he was indeed seeing something. For instance, with the key to Atherton’s house, I once heard the power explained this way: “Events cling to objects and it is possible to concentrate and hear those memories.” It was referred to as “psychomotry.” Whether it is a real phenomenon is another matter. I guess the creators wanted to limit the vision effect for just Max and Liz. In season two’s “Departure”, Michael tells Maria they weren’t having flashes because he was not opening up enough to let her see them. While Michael might not have been open to Maria, she could very well have been open enough to him to let him see things. Of course, the creators didn’t see fit to show us these flashes so who knows. This means Michael was able to see Maria’s thoughts and Michael admits that Maria was open to him when they kissed. This is different from the way Max and Liz experience their visions.

    Ok, character time. The episode accomplished something for Roswell as a whole: it made the fans happy. Finally, Max and Liz were going to be together. No more “iningpay”, no more awkward looks in the hallways at school or at the Café. They were without a doubt, a couple. Personally, I felt the sexual tension was being forced a little bit and suddenly people had forgotten why they wanted to be together or why they weren’t together in the first place. So I feel safe in saying that everyone walked away after this episode feeling that things were finally looking up in Roswell. Of course, in just one episode, another obstacle is going to be thrown into the mix: Tess is on her way.

    Kissing scenes are always difficult to do on screen. A lot of it has to do with the chemistry between the actors. If there is mutual attraction there, the scenes can be handled with a bit of ease. It’s not easy to summon up the passion when you have a director and producers yelling “More passion, breathe harder.” Jason Behr and Shiri Appleby appeared to be enjoying themselves. If they weren’t, they really are good actors.

    I was hard on Liz in the beginning because I always felt like she was struggling to say her lines. At times, it was almost as if she had a stutter. In this episode, there is a drastic change. No longer does Liz appear to be having a hard time saying things. Her speech was fluid and thought out. She has found the path and is walking it with ease. I like that. One of the other especially nice touches was her facial expressions. Liz was teasing Max with her eyes and how she would walk close to him as if to say “Come and get me big boy.” And when Max did, she totally threw herself to him. I think this was a sign that Liz was finally truly happy with herself and Max. That’s why what happens in the next few episodes is all the more crushing for her.

    One of the things I do not understand is the hostility between Liz and her mom. I know that from the few times we’ve seen the two of them together, they aren’t exactly open to each other but we never have been given any kind of real explanation as to just why that is. This is a big hole that really needs some clarifying. But I don’t think we ever find out. And through all of this, we only see Liz’s father once at the end of the episode. It’s almost like the Parkers are too busy doing other things to play their parent roles (like hiding in the closet. See my review of “Blind Date” for more on that. Also see my review of “Leaving Normal” for a possible explanation of the tension between Liz and her mom. Season three attempts to explain this somewhat but only as far as to show the tension between Liz and her dad. The reason behind why Liz and her mom are not so close isn’t really explained that well.)

    I thought it was interesting that Max was playing the submissive here. In all of their encounters, it was Liz who would come up on tip-toe to kiss him, or tell him to take off his shirt, or tell him to lie down. The cautious approach is normally one the girl takes. That is a refreshing change of pace.

    However, clearly Max was torn between things like he usually is. He’s very interested in Liz. He’s very interested in the images they are both seeing but at the same time, his old insecurities are still speaking to him. He doesn’t want to hurt Liz or make a mistake. Even if I didn’t know what would happen between him and Liz, the line he said in “Heatwave” about the two of them being together wasn’t meant to be always rings through my mind when I see them together. But I also remember Grandma Parker in “Leaving Normal” saying that they wouldn’t be soulmates if it wasn’t difficult. That’s sort of an omen for things to come, wouldn’t you say?

    Scrolling back through the old messages on various message boards, I saw that a lot of people thought Max touching Liz’s hand in class, and her subsequent reaction to it, were over the top. I have read and been told that in the right frame of mind, a simple touch can be just as powerful as a hard, passion-filled kiss. Although I will agree that being in a school classroom wouldn’t necessarily provoke the needed frame of mind.

    There are times when I think Maria asks too much of Michael. After they start “exploring” to find their own images, Maria decides to fake one. I don’t really have to get into how devastating faking something important to a loved one is and it’s even worse when they find out. Maria told Liz she did it for an ego trip for Michael. I think that it was very unfair to Michael for her to do that. She knows how important finding clues to his home planet is to him (or maybe she doesn’t. We have never seen Michael directly state that to her.) Of course, when Maria finally does fess up, Michael is upset and Maria is almost surprised. Well, what did you expect Maria? You were lying to him!! She then wants him to talk to her. Asking an angry person to talk to you is not always the best thing to do, especially with someone as rash as Michael. Then later, Maria asks Michael not to be cold or mean to her. Easy for you to say Maria. Michael was the one being honest here. Also, Maria’s wardrobe is improving though she did look like a go-go dancer in her outfit at the football field.

    Has Michael mellowed out or what? Instead of being withdrawn, Michael appears to be relaxed and trying to enjoy his new found freedom. He is even joking around with Max. Of course, he’s still new at it when he offends Max with his remarks towards Liz. Even though Maria hurt him when she said that she had lied about the visions, Michael didn’t abandon her in a rage. He even seemed to warm up to her a little more then normal when she came to his apartment. Living on his own has definitely helped him.

    I felt bad for Alex here. He gets a chance to kiss the girl he wants after being turned down the day before (in spectacular fashion I might add) and the first experience in the morning after he wakes up is the same girl on his front porch saying it’s ok to kiss her as casually as she might take a step. I don’t understand Isabel’s approach to that but I’m sure that Alex was wide awake after that kiss. According to behind the scenes footage, Colin Hanks added some levity to this scene by saying “Dad, you better not eat my corn flakes!” as Isabel walked down the sidewalk.

    Other then the kiss, there is nothing really noteworthy about Isabel in this episode. At least she tried to lighten up a little.

    Finally! We are once again given a date for an episode though at first it didn’t help much in determining a fit into the timeline. The show opens with the caption of “February 2000.” The last date we were given was in December 2 in “Heatwave.” Then Liz Parker came through and gave the date “February 20” during the voice over in the girl’s locker room scene. Thank you Liz!!

    This episode lasts three days. The first day is the make out session at the Café. Day two begins at school and ends with Liz and Max finding the Orb in the desert. Day three begins with Nasedo (in the form we saw him change into in “Independence Day”) finding the wayward two.

    The opening caption does have a few interesting points. There is a Lincoln County in New Mexico. It’s to the west of Roswell on highway 380. Roswell itself is in Chavas County. So Transmission Tower 31 is in Lincoln County two miles from the crashsite. We can’t pinpoint that though because the crashsite itself is the Vasquez Rocks in California. Also, according to my atlas, there is no Highway 42 in New Mexico.

    Great Lines this episode:

    “Well, I have orders from my planet to take over the Earth.” -Max to Liz. One of the few jokes he tells in the entire series.

    “No.” -Liz to her teacher if she has anything she’d like to share with the class.

    “Go for it Maxwell. For the good of mankind you lucky, undeserving dog.” -Michael letting Max use his new place for an encounter with Liz.

    So now Michael has his own place. Just how is he paying for this? Did he get a job when we weren’t looking? I don’t think the Evan’s are paying his rent. We don’t see him working at the Crashdown as a cook until “Crazy.” Who paid his deposit?

    Watch closely for this one as it goes by fast. As the camera angles change around during Max and Liz’s first kisses in the opener, Jason Behr’s hair goes from being neatly combed, to ruffled, to neatly combed again. Must be a new power Max is working on called the “Always look cool” power.

    There is an audio edit on my tape after the opening credits. Liz and Maria are talking and it looks like Maria says “You guys didn’t go beat off?” to Liz. I’m surprised the WB let that one slip by too (see my review of “Into the Woods” for a similar situation.) The audio edit makes it sound like Maria says “You guys didn’t go beyond?” My copy was made from a Canadian broadcast and I know that censors in Canada are strict so the edit does make sense.

    Science teachers on this show have oddly written dialogue. There’s one in this episode that just makes me laugh. The science teacher says “Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon. Created in a millisecond after the Big Bang.” Now I am not up to speed on my Big Bang theory so anyone who is in the know can help me on this one but I don’t believe that the Big Bang actually created those particles. The guy also says that these particles are “The basis for all life forms in the universe, present and unaccounted for.” The guy also says that these particles are “The basis for all life forms in the universe, present and unaccounted for.” I originally said that water and oxygen are the basis of life. Reader Loni Lodwig wrote to point out my error. Carbon is the basis for all life that we know of as this is what our DNA is based on (the thing that reminded me of this was the Ilia-probe in “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” referring to all the humans as “carbon units.”) I meant to say that water and oxygen are the basis for supporting life, which is why probes sent to Mars are always looking for water. Hydrogen by itself is not needed but when combined with oxygen (H20), you get water. So while technically correct, the teacher’s line is still worded awfully weird.

    The guy then says something that made me sit up and say “What?!?” Specifically, he says “Today we are going to combine hydrogen, liquid oxygen… ” At this point, the music fills in to drown out the rest of the statement while Max touches Liz’s hand. Obtaining hydrogen is simple enough. You can buy it in large gas canisters though I think you need a special chemical license for it. But the really strange part is that he is saying they are going to use liquid oxygen. Oxygen in the air is in it’s gaseous state. Air is made mostly of oxygen and nitrogen. To get nitrogen gas changed to a liquid, it must be cooled to minus 321 degrees Fahrenheit, which is minus 196 degrees Celsius. Oxygen turns into a liquid at a slightly higher temperature, minus 183 degrees Celsius. To get these gases down to such low temperatures, the air is compressed and cooled. When it is allowed to expand again, the temperature drops even further. By repeating this process many times, the air is eventually cooled to minus 312 degrees Fahrenheit. The liquid formed is a combination of oxygen and nitrogen. To separate the oxygen, the liquid is warmed just enough for the nitrogen to turn back into a gas – leaving only the liquid oxygen. I do not think that this is the sort of thing that a high school science lab would have access to!

    I’m really not sure just what Liz and Max did to get them detention. Unless Liz was being loud again which she didn’t appear to be. Even stranger is that the teacher gives them detention for misbehaving together and then while they are actually in detention, heads off to leave them by themselves. Strange punishment.

    The faculty of Roswell High School has suddenly decided to wake up and Max and Liz become the scapegoats. They are both found making out in the eraser room (not to worry though. They still have the janitor’s closet!) and then the principal says that they also cut two academic classes. What has taken the staff so long to realize this? Check any of my past reviews and you’ll find that cutting class and even leaving campus happens all the time. But the principal singles out Max and Liz? Of course, a few moments later, the faculty once again demonstrates that they have no control over the students when Maria and Michael are shown kissing in the eraser room. They seem to forget about it for the rest of the season too because Maria and Michael are going to interrupt Alex and Isabel in there in “Four Square.”

    During Liz’s flashbacks, she sees a red giant star which she later asks our favorite science teacher about. While the home planet of the Four has never been mentioned in the show itself (until season three’s “Busted”), tells us that the Four’s home planet is called “Antar.” Oddly enough, there is a red giant star called “Antares.” It’s the brightest star in the scorpius constellation and has a slight orange color to it. It’s color is what gives it it’s name which means “Rival of Mars.” It’s about 520 light years from Earth and 230 times bigger then our sun. Antares is in it’s last stages of life. The star’s nuclear furnace has consumed its original hydrogen fuel, and is now “burning” heavier helium. As the star switched fuels, its outer layers puffed up like a balloon. Antares will someday consume its helium, converting it to heavier elements like carbon and oxygen, which will in turn continue to feed the star’s nuclear fires. Eventually though, Antares will no longer be able to use the elements in its core. The star will explode in a supernova outshining even the Moon in Earth’s sky. All that will remain of Antares will be a crushed corpse: either a neutron star – a ball so dense that a teaspoon of its matter would weigh millions of tons – or a black hole – an object with such powerful gravity that not even light could escape from it. Given this information, it sounds like the planet Antar is in mortal danger, doesn’t it? Thanks to “Mia of the Wild Sirens” for help on this.

    Eating hot pizza, Isabel burns her mouth. There is some weirdness involved in this scene. First, the tobasco sauce Isabel uses appears to be a darker red color then any other tobasco seen in an episode. I thought maybe it was real tobasco sauce which would help actress Katherine Heigl with some realism in the scene. After taking a bite, Isabel waves her hands and says “Hot!” and reaches forward to grab her water bottle but suddenly stops and pulls her hand back. Now if I burn my mouth, I drink water! There are two explanations for this oddity. 1) The tobasco was indeed real tobasco and Katherine Heigl didn’t know that. Or 2) Watch her head. As she reaches for the water bottle, she turns her head slightly to the right to see Alex approaching. Suddenly deciding to play the damsel in distress, Isabel forgoes drinking the water to get Alex’s attention. Nice bit huh?

    So is Antar in the Whirlwind Galaxy? I wonder if the red giant that is supposed to exist there is close to it. (Yep! See above!)

    The final scenes take place at the Vasquez Rocks in Los Angeles County Park. You can see the famous stones in the background of the desert scenes where Liz and Max find the Orb. They find the object by Transmission Tower 31, which the caption says is two miles from the crashsite. We find out in a few episodes that the pod chamber is inside the Rocks. So either the crashsite itself was somewhere else or the opening caption is incorrect. The Rocks don’t appear to be two miles away.

    Just in case anyone is interested, the Metallica poster on the wall in Michael’s apartment is one of the promotional posters for Metallica’s “S & M” concert (it means “Symphonic Metallica” as the album was recorded with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.)

    I’m not sure about this one but after watching it several times, I think it’s safe to say that as Maria drives Liz home, she appears to be going in circles. The lights and signs in the background repeat.

    Liz’s fire escape ladder has moved. It is now directly opposite Liz’s bedroom window on the roof. Just one episode ago, it was to the right of the window. The odd thing is that both of the ladder location’s open on the same street scene it always has. Now that is freaky folks.

    #117 Crazy – Review

    Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

    It’s time to get “Crazy.”

    This episode generated a lot of excitement for me. I became interested in Roswell for one reason. I was suffering from what I call “de Ravin withdrawal.” Towards the end of the year 2000, the ill-written Beastmaster episode “White Tiger” aired. It was the last for my favorite character on the show, the demon Curupira, played by Emilie de Ravin. I was extremely unhappy with the way she was written out of the show and because I had no idea at the time where the actress went, I was a little depressed. When I heard she was appearing on the WB’s Roswell, I decided to check it out. “Crazy” is her first appearance on the show and she came in with a bang. I was extremely excited to see her again (in fact, I met one of my neighbors when the Aresenio Hall whooping I was doing bugged them. :D .)

    I was familiar with the events in every episode of season two that had aired at the time so I knew what kind of impact Tess was going to make and was well prepared for it. I knew she was a big wedge in the relationship of Max and Liz. I felt myself being a little bit biased though. I was rooting for Tess because of the actress who played her. There are a huge host of fans who hate the blond bombshell just because she was breaking up their favorite character’s relationship. With the airing of “Departure”, we know Tess’s true intentions. As I watch her first appearance, I can’t help but look at her not as the person who was just trying to fit in with the others, but as the serpent in the Garden of Eden. I find it difficult to look at her now and say she’s being sincere. However, to be fair, I reviewed the show as a fan who was seeing her for the first time and was able to look beyond my bias (somewhat. I still love Emilie de Ravin and probably would have enjoyed her performance even if she had pulled a gun on someone.)

    Max and Liz spent the majority of this episode love numbed. It sure does seem like Max has gotten over whatever obstacles that were keeping him from being with Liz. He’s quick to lean down to kiss her as they approach each other. There is only one instance where Max left Liz’s side when they were together and that’s when he confronted Michael at the end of the episode. Even Isabel’s sarcastic comment to him about blabbing their secret to Liz didn’t appear to phase him. It may have hurt him a little inside but outwardly, there wasn’t much of a reaction. I was fully behind Max when he faced off against Michael in the woods. Max said that this time, Michael being Michael was no excuse. He’s got that right.

    Great laughter came from me in the scene at Senor Chow’s when Max kicked Michael to tell him to go after Maria when she left the table. That had to hurt.

    Apparently, there was nothing to come from the meeting with Max and Liz’s parents at the end of “Sexual Healing.” They are still together and there was no word of anyone being grounded or punished in any way. If we could all be so lucky.

    There were still some leftovers from Shiri Appleby’s performance in “Sexual Healing.” In the scenes where she would walk up to Max, she would still have this wide-eyed loving look. She was still teasing Max with her eyes. And if you want to keep focusing on her eyes, I’ll mention that she was on the verge of tears everytime she shared a scene with Topolsky. After a number of viewings, I finally understood why she was about to cry. Topolsky was telling her that the possibility of losing Max could happen again. For someone who had finally obtained what she desired, I think the tears are justified.

    I can only define Maria as a big yo-yo in this episode. Maria is jealous of the relationship Liz and Max have. That’s painfully obvious. The fact that her relationship with Michael is not like her best friend’s leaves her feeling empty. The first time she goes through this is in the show opener when she watches Liz and Max greet each other. And I can’t help but mention Isabel’s reaction to it either. How would you feel if you were watching your brother suck face? More on that in a moment. Michael then makes a good attempt to snap her out of her brood by mentioning his empty apartment. And it worked! Maria turns her frown upside down.

    I think that at this point in their relationship, Maria is looking for more then the physical stuff and that’s to be expected. But she and Michael aren’t quite on the same page just yet. Michael has just come out from under the thumb of Hank. He has his own place and newfound freedom. For most of this episode, he is a little self-involved. That is also to be expected. Instead of allowing him time for some self discovery, Maria is almost demanding that he give her more. Michael realizes this and goes to Max trying to learn how. At least he is trying! Instead of accepting his gift of the shampoo (and conditioner!) Maria chides him saying he shouldn’t have bought the generic kind. I thought this was a little harsh but I could understand her point. Michael was rude to pass the bill off on her and his table manners were a bit piggish. Then again, I doubt Hank was one to make sure the forks were clean in the house. The “self discovery” type of behavior I’ve referred to about Michael really comes into focus in season three. Maria reacts to it exactly the same way then as she does now.

    The yo-yo effect comes into play in several other scenes. First, she tells Michael that she will no longer accept just the physical from him. So Michael suggests that they double date with Liz and Max. She accepts though she would have preferred they do something alone. As she leaves the table during the date, she tells Michael about all the things he has done wrong and tells him what she would like to have instead. She wants the emotion from him. Later in the show at the rock quarry, Michael makes an attempt to do just that. Maria stops him saying she knows how he feels. At this point, I sat up and said “What!?” Michael was about to make a heartfelt confession and instead of encouraging him to tell her how he feels, Maria stops him knowing how difficult it is for him. Maaa-ria!! You were about to have your wish. Why did you stop him? I know she was making it easy for him but when you really want to hear someone say something to you, you encourage them gently. You don’t cut them off. I think she was just happy that he was making the attempt.

    In another yo-yo moment, Maria refuses to let Michael go to meet Topolsky alone. She blackmails him into letting her go by telling him she’ll report her car stolen. (I think Michael could have avoided all of this by ASKING Maria if he could borrow her car instead of going through her locker to get her keys. But then she wouldn’t have demanded to go with him. It’s an unavoidable plot point but I digress…) On the way there, Maria gets scared and tells Michael to let her out of the car. There was no way in heck that Michael would have done that. When he refuses, she starts blaming him saying he has no right to put her in danger. Now that’s not fair! She demanded that she come with him. If she didn’t want to be in danger, she should have stayed at the Crashdown. Yes, I realize she went with him because she was worried about him but to throw that back in Michael’s face wasn’t right. Of course, he wasn’t right either to have gone against the decision they all made to meet with Topolsky! I think this scene was a peak point for all the frustrations involving Michael. Maria finally could no longer take Michael’s brushing her off and Max could no longer take his rash actions. An action that cost them one of the most important links to who they are: the orb.

    Michael did put this all to a head though when he asked Maria why she stayed with him if he was such a loser. Ah, ha! That dropped some reality on Maria’s head.

    One other thing about Michael here. He tells Liz at his apartment at the beginning of the episode that her judgement of Topolsky can’t be trusted. Oh yeah Michael? Did you forget that you were the first person Liz came to when she saw that Topolsky was carrying your school records in “Morning After”? She was suspicious of Topolsky from the start. Back off son!

    I wish we could have gotten into more detail on the “debriefing” Topolsky told the sheriff about. It would have put a little more fear in us about Agent Pierce. However, because I feel that the first attempt by the FBI to learn about the aliens was full of things worthy of a Three Stooges episode, I can’t sympathize with her too much. This is her last appearance in the show. A friend of mine remarked that it was too bad too because she had nice legs (Of course, I pointed out to him that in this episode she wore pants but he’s not as nitpicky as I am.) I miss Julie Benz. This was one of her best performances on the show.

    Now we come to the best part: Tess. We can’t discuss Tess without talking about Alex and Isabel because they are her first targets. When we first see Tess, she walks into the scene and sees Isabel and takes a moment’s pause preparing to approach her. She then walks right up to her and begins talking to Isabel basically ignoring Alex. As they talk, Isabel also seems to forget that Alex is sitting with them as well, too interested in the new girl’s sudden similarities to herself. I read that some people thought this was a mind warp on Tess’s part. I disagree. Tess knew exactly what she was doing here. Later at the Crashdown, Tess does the same thing putting Alex off and isolating Isabel.

    This is a brilliant strategy on Tess’s part. If there is a weak link in the group, it’s Isabel. She’s been the most resistant to her past then either Max or Michael. She’s also the only one who does not have an involved relationship. Yes, she and Alex like each other, but any time Alex has attempted to move their relationship forward, Isabel stops him cold. I’m sure that Nasedo has briefed Tess on everyone so she knows their strengths and their weaknesses. Could Tess have begun with anyone else? No.
    When she comes into the room at Max’s house, both men give her a cold shoulder especially Michael. Isabel angrily tells him he’s being rude. There isn’t even the slightest chance that Tess would have had much success going to Micheal because he wouldn’t have trusted her at all. Max falls silent and doesn’t speak again until Tess leaves the room. Two things occurred to me about him here. First, he was shutting down to keep out a stranger. And second, he may have been overcome a little by the beautiful girl who had just walked into the room. Max is actually Tess’s second target. I don’t believe there was any kind of mind warp involved here either because of Tess’s reaction. This is first time she has met the man that Nasedo has told her all her life she is going to be with. The look on her face borders on nervousness and delight. If there is any genuine attraction for Max in her, it was really peaked in this scene when she not only was finally seeing him face to face but hearing what a gentlemen he is as well. Yes, the deal Nasedo made with Khivar has her destiny set but why can’t she actually enjoy it at the same time?

    The problem with all of this is how quickly Isabel accepted Tess. I am guessing that she was feeling a bit lonely now that both Max and Michael are occupied so she eagerly accepted Tess in. Just another example of how manipulative Tess was being to her. Tess said she hated how all the guys wanted to jump her bones and how all the girls were wondering if she wanted to jump their boyfriend’s bones. Then she looks at Isabel and says “But you must get that a lot.” When I first heard that, I thought Isabel would get angry saying “Who the hell do you think you are!?” but she doesn’t! She agrees as if she gets it all the time! It’s not something we have seen so I don’t know if Isabel goes through this or not.

    Starting with this episode, the pictures of the opening credits change. The ending shot of Liz running out into the hall after Max at school in “Pilot” is replaced with the aerial shot of the gang at the rock quarry in this episode. It stays for the remainder of season one. It makes for a nice change. I saw it as saying that the story has broadened out to include all of them and not just anyone in particular.

    There are no calendar dates to be seen in this episode. I am really getting annoyed with that. In any event, the episode appears to be three days long.

    This is also the first episode where we see Michael working as a cook at the Café. I still want to know where he got the money for his apartment. When you first move into an apartment, most landlords want a security deposit and first and last month’s rent. I don’t think the Evan’s offered up the dough.

    The Café is a dream job. Apparently, just like school in this town, you can leave at any time you want! Liz leaves early in the opener to go to a movie with Max. Then Maria and Michael tell Isabel they are going to close early. Where the heck is Mr. Parker? Would he really allow his employees to take off any time their hormones tell them to? And does he also really let his waitresses decide when to close the Café? For someone who’s sole income is his restaurant, I’m sure that wouldn’t be allowed.

    Wasn’t it pretty sucky of Liz to have made plans to go see a movie with Max earlier that night but wait until the last minute to tell Maria about it and leave her hanging by herself at work? Then again, Maria did say she was going to close early moments later. Think there was another reason besides wanting to make out with Michael for that?

    I thought the reaction of Max and Liz when Topolsky knocked on the jeep window was way too mild. They should have been scared out of their wits. Instead, they act like it’s no big deal. (They must have read the script )

    At Michael’s apartment, they tell the story of Topolsky’s appearance and Max says “No one says “alien” and no one mentions this in public.” Sound advice Max. Too bad NO ONE has followed this advice in any episode prior to this (or after it of course.) It could have saved them a lot of trouble. Just ask Alex! Uh, well…maybe Alex isn’t the best person to ask in this regard.

    Senor Chows. That’s the name of the mexican restaurant everyone eats at or goes to in this episode. Sounds like a mix of Mexican and Chinese doesn’t it? Does that sound familiar? Think back to “Heatwave” where we saw Valenti and Amy De Luca having dinner. That place had Chinese décor and the bartender was wearing a sombero. Sounds similar to me. But they don’t appear to be the same place. The restaurant seen here is darker with a heavy red coloring and it doesn’t have the same layout. The place seen is “Heatwave” was more brightly lit. I’m sure they aren’t the same restaurants. Still, it does have some odd similarities.

    During her first talk with Isabel, Tess mentions that most guys just want fifteen minutes alone with her in the janitor’s closet. Is the janitor’s closet some kind of world-wide place for teens to make out? My school must have been the exception to the rule. The janitor’s didn’t have a closet. They had a small room where they kept all of their supplies. It didn’t have a door and it’s usually where the janitors hung out during school hours. There was always someone in there. Isabel says that they have an eraser room. Roswell high also has a janitor’s closet. Gee, this school is doubly lucky!

    I loved that when Michael drank out of the orange juice carton, Max handed him a glass. Lovely little touch.

    When flowers are delivered to Liz, we see some nuns sitting at the counter in the Café. I don’t think I have ever in my life seen nuns eating out! (There is a small congregation of nuns where I live that founded a local hospital. They don’t hang out at McDonalds!)

    Yuck! What a hideous wig Topolsky was wearing when she met with Liz at Senor Chows. I guess when you’re trying to hide out, make yourself look ugly.

    In the same scene, Topolsky tells Liz they can’t be seen together. Is that why she had them meet in a PUBLIC place??

    In a strange bit of oddness, look behind Maria in the first scene at the rock quarry and you’ll see a tall column of rocks that someone had set up. What the heck is that for?

    It’s time to nitpick addresses again. There are two in this episode that appear for Agent Stevens on Valenti’s rolodeck. They are:

    Stevens, John (Special Agent) FBI
    106 Hudson Avenue NW #3865
    Washington, D.C. 20001
    (202) 555-0107

    Stevens, John (Special Agent)
    6025 Murray Lane
    Alexandria, VA 222313
    (703) 555-0165

    First of all, there is no Hudson Avenue in Washington D.C. according to my atlas. But the rest of the address is correct. Washington’s area code is 202 and one of the area’s zip codes is 20001.

    The second address has it’s own problems. According to his driver’s license in “Pilot”, Max lives on Newton Avenue (I can’t read the numbers.) Max says his address is “6025 Murray Lane” in “The White Room” but his license says otherwise. Does this mean that Stevens lives at the same house that Max does? There is no Murray Lane in Alexandria but there IS a Hudson Avenue! Also, the zip code has one too many numbers. The zip codes for Alexandria, Virginia are anywhere from 22301 to 22336. The area code in the phone number is correct though. There are two for that city. The other is 571.

    When Liz comes to the window asking about her chili dog order, Michael gives her an order of onion rings to bribe the customer with. As a cook, I don’t believe he has the right to just give out free food like that. That cuts into Mr. Parker’s profits! Unless he is also a manager, then he could. Someone has to be. We haven’t seen Mr. Parker in the Café during business hours at all!

    The sheriff comes up to Max at the UFO Center and starts talking to him. While they chat, Max hands out masks to people who walk by him. During a shot facing Max, an elderly gentlemen walks right by and Max doesn’t offer him a mask.

    Speaking of masks, they are quite unusual. If you look carefully, you’ll see that the masks don’t have any eye holes cut in them! (I can see it now. “Save me. Save me… OW!”)

    When Tess approaches Isabel at the Café and interrupts her and Alex, it looks like she walks into the scene from the back. Where did she come from? Did she come in the back door? It’s possible she could have come in the front door, walked all the way around the tables and walked back to the booth Isabel and Alex were sitting at but why would she?

    One other thing to note about the above scene. The look on Tess’s face and the fact that she called Alex “Al” tells me that she has no concerns whatsoever for the humans. In a few episodes, we are going to learn that this is exactly the case as she attempts to separate the aliens from their human friends.

    When Topolsky walks out of the back room in Michael’s apartment, the flashlight is up and aimed directly at Michael. When the shot changes to show her holding the orb, the flashlight is suddenly aimed directly at the orb. Must be those FBI reflexes.

    Let’s turn our attention to some of Topolsky’s statements. She tells us that there is an alien hunter deep inside the FBI and that even the President is on a need-to-know basis with him. The hunter answers to no one. I’ll avoid any kind of political arguments on that except to say that it is entirely possible. But I still stand by the statement I made in my review of “Pilot” that it is a branch of the Air Force that investigates aliens, not the FBI though they can assist if asked (See my review of “Max to the Max” for proof of this theory.) She tells the sheriff that Pierce killed Agent Stevens as an example to them all. That sounds like the Pierce we will meet in a few episodes. Topolsky tells Liz about a list and that everyone’s name is on it including Valenti. I found this interesting because even though everyone is suspect, Pierce only captures Max in “Max to the Max” and seems to forget about the rest of them.

    I suppose we can chalk this up to Nasedo’s charade but he tells the sheriff and Max and Company that “we” traced Topolsky’s whereabouts through her use of her credit card. If this is true, it’s just another example of the ineptitude she exhibits. Topolsky is obviously afraid she is being followed and fears being caught so why would she use something as easily traced as her own credit card? Why not pick some poor dope’s pocket and use THEIR credit card? (Or better yet, use untraceable cash!)

    As scared as Topolsky is, why doesn’t she carry a gun? If anything, she could pick one up at the Sheriff’s house from the collection in his living room that we saw in “Missing”? (See? I told you that could be trouble!)

    As a part of Dr. Margolin / Nasedo’s story, he mentions a medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland. There is in fact a huge medical facility in Bethesda. It’s called the Bethesda Naval Hospital and it’s a military hospital. That’s very interesting. A quick phone call could confirm the doctor’s story. I wonder if the Sheriff did that. And if he did, I wonder just how Nasedo could have set that up. I doubt Agent Pierce would have used the facility to “debrief” Topolsky and the others. That’s a little too public. If the Sheriff did call and confirm it, it makes Nasedo look like he has connections in high places. (Since we know he was had made a deal with Khivar, that is a frightening prospect, isn’t it?)

    And what was with all the secret meetings? If Topolsky is so dead set on giving the gang the second orb, why doesn’t she follow them to the rock quarry for example? I can understand why she would try to single out Michael. He’s the one the most obsessed with returning home (I have to wonder just how she would know that however.) The reason for the meetings is so that the gang won’t make it to the one at Buckley Point and she can get captured secretly by the FBI. Gotta love that plot trickery!

    The FBI drives up to Topolsky and voice inside thanks her for “leading him to them.” Don’t they already know where the aliens are? Their names are on a list after all.

    Now it’s time to kill a blooper I’ve read about. (I know. I’m stunned too.) One of the bloopers I’d seen for this episode is that Tess asks Isabel not to forget the extra sugar in the scene at the Evan’s home. After snapping at Max, she then leaves the room and doesn’t have the sugar. If you watch carefully, Isabel goes to the table and picks something up before leaving. That was the sugar.

    Going after Michael, Max says there is only one road to Buckley Point. The Sheriff must have already been at Buckley Point. He drives into the scene coming away from Buckley Point on the only road to Buckley Point. Dr. Margolin / Nasedo drives up the road the same way as Max and Company came going to Buckley Point. What was the Sheriff doing up there? Searching for Topolsky? This whole thing begs the question of just how the Sheriff and Nasedo knew that Michael was meeting Topolsky at Buckley Point since the arrangement was made in Michael’s apartment and only Michael and Topolsky were there. Hmm. I think someone needs to sweep Michael’s apartment for listening devices. (There was a camera found there in “Tess, Lies, and Videotape.”)

    I think Nasedo’s words about the group being safe were true words. After all, he has to keep Max alive until he can impregnate Tess right?

    The orb must be related to a Mexican jumping bean. It is much closer to the tree when the Sheriff found it then it was when Michael dropped it. And the Sheriff must have really good eyes to have seen the dark colored orb symbol-down on the dark ground at night.

    Nasedo is pretty selective about how he changes shape. This is the second time we have seen him do it. The first time was in “Independence Day” after he buried Hank and the only thing that changed about him was his face. But this time, it’s different. Inside the car, we see the face of Dr. Margolin melt away into a new face. Note that Nasedo still wears the dark clothing he had on as the doctor including the black gloves on his hands. As soon as the change is done, we see Nasedo get out of the car and suddenly his clothing has changed into the outdoorsy type. Remember, we didn’t see the clothing change. Only Nasedo’s face! Maybe he has super speed too (the envy of every person in a department store fitting room!)

    What’s with Nasedo’s Tic Tac fixation? Does he get really bad breath when he changes forms? (I think this is a joke on the creators part. In the 70’s, comedian Bill Cosby had a very popular joke about aliens abducting people in the south and introducing the candy “Chicklets” to humans. “They come down outta the sky and um, gave us some, uh, Chicklets.”) Some have suggested that this is the Dupes protector and given him the alias “Tic Tac.” However, with all due respect, I’ve not seen anything to suggest that there are two shapeshifters in Roswell but I don’t discount the theory. Turns out that I am right. Langley, the second shapeshifter, is in L.A. We learn about him in season three. From what I’ve seen of Langley, he doesn’t seem that interested in protecting the Royal Four. Nor does he seem too inclined to leave L.A. to visit Roswell, New Mexico.

    Michael and Maria don’t appear to notice Max as they are making out on Michael’s couch until they are standing right next to them. They didn’t hear them open the door or close it? Just love numbed I guess. Or MAYBE Max and Liz saw them and deciding to be sneaky, crept into the room quietly. It seems a little out of character for Max however.

    During their make out session, Maria has her shirt unbuttoned. When she notices Max, she and Michael sit up and there’s a pan around the room. When the camera comes back to Maria, her shirt is buttoned up. There is time for her to button it but she’d have to be quick. If that’s the case, it’s quite understandable.

    In my review of “Heatwave”, I mentioned that Michael appears to be consciously avoiding touching Maria’s chest when that is usually one of the first things a guy will reach for. Michael seems to be getting riskier because he doesn’t have any problem venturing upwards during their session on couch. Hey, way to go Michael.

    The stage is now set for the Dark Times of season two and we still have several season one episodes to go. I’m excited!! “Tess, Lies, and Videotape” is next! Oh boy!

    #118 Tess, Lies and Videotape – Review

    Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

    In the immortal words of Sherlock Holmes “The game is afoot.”

    After I watched this episode, I walked away feeling I had just watched a very creepy episode. All the smiles and eerie looks from Tess and Ed Harding aka Nasedo were unsettling and reminded me of the evil witch who lived in the candy house. She would lure you in with sweets and then proceed to eat you.

    The thing that stood out to me the most in this episode (besides learning that Tess is the fourth alien) is that the group went to spy on Tess without Max. Up until now, Max has always been involved in what the group did. But here, they leave him completely out. I don’t think that they even bothered to tell Max their plans either. Since it was mostly Michael’s idea, that makes sense. A little bit of revenge for all the times Max has gone off to do something and then not informed Michael about it. Touché’.

    We all know now why Max kissed Tess. He was drawn to her from his feelings for her from the past. I wasn’t able to accept Max’s explanation to Liz about why he kissed Tess though. I really believe there was more he could have said or done to drive home the fact that he didn’t know why he did what he did. Instead of confessing his uncertainty, he tells Liz that Tess was waiting for him as if to say it’s all Tess’s fault. This doesn’t phase Liz and she doesn’t accept it. What really broke Liz’s heart here was Max telling her he had a flash from Tess. That suddenly made Liz feel like she was no longer special and was probably the worst thing Max could have said to her.

    I realize I may not measure up to the great leader that is Max but if I were suddenly seeing visions of a new girl and did even half of the things Max did with Tess and then was back in reality like nothing had happened, I would certainly not write it off as a simple day dream. I know Max told Michael that they were disturbing but come on. These events were something that was beyond anything Max has experienced before in his life. He should have been much more concerned about them. And even though his attempt to confide in Michael failed, why doesn’t he give Isabel a try? Max’s need for control gets him into trouble every time.

    During the opener, Max realizes that he is staring at Tess and immediately grabs Liz and heads to the back room to kiss her. Talk about your guilty conscious. It’s a good thing Liz didn’t realize what was happening or she probably would have been insulted.

    This episode is the first one where Liz’s world begins to crumble around her. For the past couple of episodes, she has been living life on a high having everything. With Tess putting her plan into action, the most important thing to her is starting to slip away. It’s very telling of Liz when she says that her eyes tell her Max is cheating on her but her heart tells her it’s not. I don’t think Liz is able to blindly follow her heart. She tempers herself with her intellect. I couldn’t help but hear grandma Parker’s voice during the scene on her roof with Maria saying it wouldn’t be a soulmate if it weren’t difficult. Max tells her to have faith in him. She clearly does even if it’s hard to do so.

    Because I knew Ed Harding was Nasedo, there’s a little scene in this episode where Liz should have been more scared then she knew. When Liz broke the statue, Tess comes into the room and immediately is afraid of her “father’s” reaction. I thought for sure that Mr. Harding was going to strike Liz or, as we know Nasedo is want to do, kill her! In fact, I’m surprised that he didn’t do anything! Nasedo thinks it’s more fun to play with Liz’s mind and invite her to dinner. This had to have surprised Tess but being a master at her trade, she falls right into line. If Liz had known the truth, I’ll bet her dark hair would now have a white streak in it (making her perfect for the part of Rogue in the next X-Men movie!!)

    At the end of the episode, Liz tells Max that she doesn’t know if there will ever be enough explanation for Max kissing Tess. I wonder if after all the explanation in season two that Liz got enough of an answer. There is one other very important line in this episode. When Liz confronts Tess at her home, Tess says that what happened between her and Max will never happen again. Liz says that she wishes she could believe that. She doesn’t trust Tess at all and her concerns are quite warranted.

    I’ll admit that I was slow to notice this but Liz’s wardrobe has gone from bright, colorful outfits to the same dark colors Max always wears since they began dating. Max himself no longer wears straight black. He now wears softer shades of gray though he could still disappear in the blackness of a dark alley (that probably could have helped him in “Leaving Normal” when he was attacked by Kyle’s friends, dontcha think?)

    I’m starting to find the “I can do no wrong” trait that Michael exhibits to be extremely annoying. When the Sheriff leaves the Café, Michael is immediately paranoid that Valenti knows something and points out that he has the orb. Max fires back that he has the orb because Michael went against the decision they all made in “Crazy” which allowed Valenti to find it. Michael comes back with “Oh so it’s all my fault.” Yes! It IS all your fault Michael. Your continued reckless behavior keeps proving that you can’t be trusted. Max was exactly right when he told Michael in “Independence Day” that without Hank, Michael didn’t have anyone to blame his bad behavior on anymore. But that sure isn’t stopping him from trying!

    Michael tells Max that he was someone he had respect for. After the punch in “Crazy” and Max confessing that he kissed Tess, Michael says he doesn’t know Max anymore. How about that? Michael is defending Liz! I do believe that this is the first indication that Michael likes Liz (aside from the statement he made to Liz in “Missing” after reading her diary.) Maria really is rubbing off on him. At the beginning of the season, I would not have thought this possible from Michael because he kept himself on one side with Max and Isabel and everyone else on the other. But despite all the good in this, Michael is awfully quick to push Max off his pedestal. Max tried to talk to him about his odd feelings for Tess and Michael just dismissed it as Max living his life by his “power source.” That’s a bit unfair though it’s right up Michael’s alley. I guess getting punched out by your friend makes you think less of them.

    What’s very important about Michael in this episode is that he pursues a course of action on his own. One that is very effective too. Somehow he even convinces Isabel to take part in it without her telling Max. Just what did Max do to make Isabel leave him out? Was she as annoyed at Max’s infidelity too? It’s a dark day in Roswell when Isabel leaves you high and dry. The whole idea to use the camera to spy on the Hardings was all Michael’s baby. I’m told that in season two, Michael and Max sort of switch roles as Michael comes into his own. That’s good to hear because it began in this episode.

    Maria needs to work on Michael a little bit more. After all the moving forward in their relationship Michael has done in the last couple of episodes, he takes a step backward by not telling Maria what he is doing. And that line he tells Maria about the camera having a wide angle lens? Why not just smack her upside the head? They both probably would have had the same effect on her. It’s almost like Maria is delivering ultimatums to Michael when she is trying to get him to tell her things. I personally don’t mind a friendly reminder now and then but really.

    It was nice to see Liz and Maria just sit and talk about their lives again. We haven’t seen that since the ice cream session in “Heatwave.”

    There are only a few things about Isabel to mention. She still sees Tess as a friend of hers and is thoroughly annoyed at Max and Michael for investigating her. But the odd part of it is that while she objects, she doesn’t stop them from doing anything. I think there might be just a bit of the wall she reserves for Alex showing up for Tess here as well. This makes sense because Tess is really going to make Isabel feel uncomfortable in “Four Square” so why wouldn’t she have some lingering doubt? I wish I knew that for certain. I don’t like thinking that Isabel would so blindly let in a stranger as she appeared to do in “Crazy.” There was a nice comforting moment between her and Alex in this episode as she leans on his shoulder at the warehouse. I think Alex is wearing down the Great Wall of Isabel.

    This is the first indication we get that Alex is an electronics enthusiast. Before now, all we saw him playing with was a guitar. I’m glad the creators actually wrote an episode that gave Alex a role within the gang instead of having him appear to be the odd man out. Even Tess appears to lighten up about him. In “Crazy”, her attitude towards him was absolutely cold. In this one, she is tickled pink how Alex is so smitten with Isabel. She even teases Isabel about it. Of course, with Tess, she probably sees it as humorous. Like the way royalty would laugh at a peasant.

    One last thing about Alex, his parents must be rich. He has some really nice electronic equipment. More on that later.

    The mindwarps have begun! Tess begins to put her plans into action here and directs them towards her second target, Max. She used Isabel to get in the door to get close to him. Now she turns up the heat…literally. I couldn’t help but see a hint of my little green demoness’s mischievness in Emilie de Ravin’s performance. Curupira was always one to play with those around her. Tess does too. It was very hard to determine just who’s side Tess was on here (She tells Nasedo in “Max to the Max” that Max, Michael and Isabel are her people, not Nasedo.) Tess was the perfect partner for her “dad” Ed Harding. Nasedo has no social skills what so ever so Tess’s ability to lighten the situation is a perfect balance. It really was easy not to trust her in this episode. There was a lot to worry about behind that smile.

    An article in FHM Magazine, Emilie de Ravin said her power was called “thought transference.” That’s cool but I’ll continue to refer to this power “mindwarping.” It IS after all, my review.

    Wasn’t it interesting that Tess told Max their kiss was his mistake? No doubt she was posturing in front of Liz. What would she have said if Liz wasn’t standing there? She’d probably try for another hot kiss or worse! (or better, depending on what kind of Tess / Max fan you are.)

    There are two mindwarps in this episode. The first one takes place at the Café while Max gives Liz guilty kisses. Watch closely as Max gets a flash during the kiss and you’ll see Tess’s smiling face flash for a few seconds. The second one is, of course, in science class.

    Just when I think I have Valenti figured out, he goes in another direction. Trying to find answers, Valenti goes to Max and tells him of the death of Topolsky and how Dr. Margolin has no idea who he is. Valenti knows that things are way over his head so he tries to earn Max’s trust by returning the orb. While this doesn’t garner him any trust, his actions plus the interest in Tess on the gang’s part does throw them off of him enough to follow them with the camera. See? Valenti wants it to appear that he is trustworthy and just when you think he’s not so bad, we see him spying on them. Gotta love those lawmen. Knowing his name is on Pierce’s list also has him a bit afraid for his own safety and even trusting those he investigates is a risk he is willing to take to get some answers.

    How about that Ed Harding huh? “If I told you, I’d have to kill you”? Think that’s what Nasedo would have done to someone if he had told them his real job, protecting the Royal Four? I do. I mentioned in the bit above that Liz was lucky Nasedo didn’t hit Liz for breaking the statue. But he didn’t have to. His expressions and tone of voice were more intimidating then any slap could have been. His offer of dinner to Liz was a surprise to both ladies. The little Q and A session during dinner was what made Nasedo decide to kidnap Liz in “Max to the Max” for his little trip. The sarcasm just oozed out of him. Ugh. He’s a despicable being!

    Lookie! Kyle is back! Where the heck has he been all this time? Was he glued to the tube watching basketball? Maybe he was resting that bum ankle of his (see “Toy House.”)

    There are no journal entries or dates in this episode. I really do miss Liz’s journal. It sort of made the story of Roswell appear that we were watching her life story unfold before us. In any event, this episode appears to roughly cover five days. Day one starts in the evening at the Café with the first mindwarp on Max. Day two features the second one in science class. The Sheriff going to Max at the UFO Center to tell him of Topolsky’s death takes place in day three. The Sheriff says the fire was “last night.” This probably took place in the evening because later Max goes to the Café to talk to Liz and it’s dark outside. Day three also features the ill-fated kiss and finding the camera in Michael’s apartment. Day four has them discussing the camera and Maria and Liz having their heart to heart. Day five features Alex playing the part of Q explaining the camera and Liz’s dinner at the Harding home and the discovery of the fourth alien to end the episode. The last episodes of the season run back to back with the next one taking up immediately where the other left off. Sure would have appreciated a calendar date in there somewhere! (We’ll get one later.)

    I’ve always wondered this but never thought to comment on it before now. In the opener, we see Michael leaning in the window that separates the bar from the kitchen. Take note of the heat lamps shining directly on him. Those things have to be hot but we’ve seen him, Liz, and Maria showing no discomfort at having conversations under them. At least Michael keeps his hair from bursting into flames by wearing that rag on his head.

    Just how many teenagers do you know who drink coffee? Add Max Evans to that list. He asks Liz to give him a refill. Maybe there’s another reason why Max was up so late painting the ceiling in “Toy House.”

    The Sheriff comes in and asks Liz for his “usual.” He wants his thermos filled. He must come to get his “usual” when we aren’t looking because I don’t recall ever seeing him come to get some coffee in any prior episode. I’ve seen him come in for a Coke and to have breakfast in “Monsters” but that’s it. Well, he did come in to hit on Amy De Luca but that doesn’t count.

    It’s hard to tell because of how close the camera was to the actors, but I don’t think the Sheriff paid for his coffee. He hands Liz his thermos. She fills it and hands it back and the Sheriff leaves. It’s possible he slipped her a couple of bucks below the camera’s view. Then again, we’ve never seen Max and Company pay for anything they’ve eaten so why not Valenti too? Liz must make everything “on the house.”

    There’s a new waitress working at the Crashdown. You can see her behind Liz as the Sheriff comes for his “usual.” She’s working at the register and is wearing a sweater. It’s hard to tell what her hair color is because of the light shining overhead but I don’t recall seeing anyone matching her description working in the Café prior to this episode.

    There’s another waitress working in the Café in this episode as well. I have seen this girl before. She has dark hair and is also standing behind Liz in the above scene. But there’s something very odd about her. After the Sheriff leaves, Michael walks into the scene expressing his paranoia. Look to the right. You can just barely see the lady at the register behind Liz. She is by herself. The shot changes to Max telling Michael the Sheriff doesn’t know anything. Back to Michael again saying the Sheriff has the orb. The lady at the register is still back there by herself. The shot goes back to Max saying that it’s Michael’s fault the Sheriff has the orb. The shot goes back to Michael trying to pass off the blame. Now look at the register lady. The dark haired waitress suddenly appears out of nowhere!! We don’t see her walking around Max or behind Michael prior to this shot. I suspect a fifth alien!

    The gang are speaking in normal voices during the entire exchange above. Do they not realize there is a man sitting at a table right behind Max? Not to mention the other two waitresses working with them. What happened to Max’s order of no one talking about things in public in “Crazy”?

    It’s time to pick on that silly ‘ole Roswell science teacher again (I love this guy!) The “Bill Nye wanna-be” says this interesting line: “Combustibility: When two or more chemical elements become easily aroused culminating in oxidation and eventual burning.” Despite the fact that this entire scene was written with sexual overtones, let’s take a look at his statement. First, my dictionary defines combustibility as “1. capable of combustion” and “2. easily excited.” In science, it refers to the ability of something to explode. There’s no “arousal” involved. Gasoline doesn’t get horny when you drop a match on it. It just burns!

    “Mr. Nye” says the mixing of two “combustible” elements results in “oxidation and eventually burning.” Well…ok. On the surface, this sounds a bit convoluted but according to a few people I’ve spoken to, it’s essentially correct.

    The Bunsen burners seen in class are way too high for ones not in use. In my chemistry class, unless the burner was being actively used to heat something, the flame was to be out and the gas off. These burners are just sitting there all aflame. It’s no surprise that Max’s shirt caught on fire.

    What made Max’s burner flare up? Did he accidentally hit the gas or did someone use their powers to increase it’s flame? I suppose Max could have done it subconsciously in that manner. I’m not sure so I didn’t add it to the Powers List.

    Our favorite science teacher also has Max move down to become Tess’s lab partner. What about Liz? This leaves her without a lab partner now. Does the teacher have something against Liz? We never do learn whether or not Max’s move was just for the day or permanent.

    I really must question the dress code of Roswell High. Take for example Tess’s outfit in science class. If she were to take off her light sweater, she would be walking around in a small one piece top that is wide open in the back, doesn’t cover the shoulders and with just one pull of a string, the world could get quite a view. I think there is a strapless bikini type thing underneath it because the shirt stays firmly in place during all of the “hot alien foreplay.” But still. Do you think you could wear something like that to school and get away with it? I know I wouldn’t.

    Tess must have some odd perceptions of Alex. During the mindwarp in science class, reaction shots of Alex show him to be smiling and laughing in his seat enjoying the show. Tess must think he is of the late night HBO viewer sect.

    During the scene in the girl’s bathroom, Maria has her posterior in the sink. During the shots in the guy’s restroom with Max and Michael, we see the rather large faucets on the sinks. From the way Maria is sitting on the basin, she should be extremely uncomfortable with the faucet poking into her back. But she’s just fine. Do you know why? It’s because the sink she’s sitting in doesn’t have a faucet! Look closely and you’ll see it has disappeared.

    If you’re going to refer to aliens as “Czechoslovakians”, why then say that they aren’t human in the same sentence? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of calling them “Czechoslovakians” in the first place? Granted, this is Maria we are talking about.

    At the Sheriff’s house, we see Kyle watching basketball on TV channel 3. Note the large red “3” on the TV set. The Sheriff changes the channel to the news report on “14 News.” There’s an icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen that says “14 News” with the 14 superimposed on the word “news.” Note that the TV still has a red “3” on it. The Sheriff then changes back to the basketball game. The TV still says “3.” Actually, there is an explanation for this. If you have cable TV, you put your TV on one channel, usually three or four, and change your viewing channel on the cable decoder box. The box’s number display will change but the TV’s will stay the same. But we don’t see a box on the set. Maybe it’s under the TV.

    The reporter identifies herself as “Thania St. John.” Does that sound familiar? It should. It’s also the name of one of Roswell’s producers. A coincidence? I’ll let you decide.

    The icon says “14 News.” So why does Miss St. John have a large “8” on her microphone?

    There’s a nice little hidden bit in the scene where Valenti tells Max of Topolsky’s death. Max finishes a display that says “Trust No One.” Trust is what that scene is all about. I also wonder if this wasn’t a nod by the creators to the “X-Files.”

    Does anyone else find it strange that Michael can just walk into the student transcripts room? I guess if it was locked, Michael could have used his powers to unlock it but we can’t tell if that’s what happened (though it seems likely.) At my school, student transcripts were in a vault and no student was permitted in there.

    I’m assuming that Michael went to Tess’s house after school. Or maybe he didn’t. It’s not like the school staff stops you from leaving whenever you want.

    Roswell continues it’s strange weather patterns. As Michael goes to Tess’s house, the gutters are running full and it’s raining with an overcast sky. In the scene immediately after this at the Crashdown, the sun is shining.

    What were the military guys doing at Ed Harding’s empty house? Was it some kind of security sweep? Isabel suggests that they might have been there because of Ed’s job. If that’s the case, Nasedo has really pulled the wool over the government’s eyes. Here’s a guy the military captured and imprisoned for three years for study and when he escapes, he manages to get a job working for the same group! (This information comes from “The White Room.”) It’s perfect for him. He now has access to all sorts of government information. He’s a crafty little shapeshifter, isn’t he?

    Wouldn’t a guy in army fatigues with an M16 standing on the front porch of an empty house make you suspicious? Perhaps suspicious enough to call 911? Why were those guys checking out the house anyway? The military doesn’t use armed soldiers to check houses of low-level CIVILIAN government employees.

    Michael tells the gang that he saw “two men with briefcases and suits.” We are only able to see two of the three men who get out of the humvee, a man in a gray trench coat and the man in army fatigues. We never do get to see the third man that well so it’s possible he was carrying a briefcase. The man in the gray trench coat isn’t carrying anything.

    Tess may be evil but she is a great host. She is quick to offer any visitors to her home something to drink. Both Isabel and Liz are treated to her hospitality. It’s not an error but it’s nice to know there are some polite snakes in the grass.

    I guess Max was depressed and punishing himself because I can’t think of any other reason that he would be out walking in the rain. He arrives at the Café to talk to Liz drenched. Maybe he should work on a “keeping dry” power. Perhaps he could learn one from Michael (see “Independence Day.”)

    After Max walks by Tess’s broken down car, Tess pops into the scene just as drenched Max is. She says she is waiting for help. Why isn’t she waiting for help inside the car out of the rain even if she is purposely there to meet Max? Was she depressed too? I’m sure Tess used her power to damage the vehicle but since I didn’t see her do it, I didn’t add this to the Powers List.

    In the scene where Max tells Michael about kissing Tess, Michael is eating cereal with a bottle of tobasco (an interesting choice. I would have used milk.) The tobasco is a very light color of red. Almost as if it’s not really tobasco sauce (hmmmm. Imagine that?) On the other hand, the bottle of tobasco on top of Michael’s refrigerator is a very dark shade of red.

    I also must note here that in season two, Tess exhibits the same tendency to use tobasco sauce on her food just like the other aliens. The creators are careful not to have a bottle of tobasco on the table at the dinner with Liz so we don’t get any early hints that Tess is an alien. It’s a minor point but a very important one!

    Now let’s discuss Alex’s electronics interest. Max says that the little camera would wipe out the Roswell PD’s budget for the entire year. We learn in “Four Square” that the camera is FBI special issue. It’s safe to assume it very expensive and highly sophisticated. Yet small town high school student Alex Whitman has equipment that will allow him to use the camera. Does that seem right? Wouldn’t the FBI be a little more careful to use equipment that us normal folks can’t use? I’d like to think so but given the way the FBI behaves on this show…

    One last equipment mention. Alex uses a flat screen monitor to hook the camera receiver up to at the warehouse. The picture plays on both the monitor and the receiver. The monitor looks like an LCD (liquid crystal display) and it shows a remarkably smooth picture for such an item. It’s been my experience that full motion, full screen movies on LCD monitors tend to blur a little bit as things on them move. There’s another odd thing about this set up. While the image is on both screens, everyone decides to crowd around each other to watch the tiny display in the receiver rather then watch the larger image on the monitor. I think I would have watched the larger picture myself rather then strain my eyes on the tiny screen in the receiver.

    In another delightful little bit, in the scene where Alex shows them the camera and the receiver, Michael and Maria have one of their discussions. As they talk, Alex turns the camera to face the person who is speaking at the time. Once you see it, it’s pretty funny. It’s like Alex is watching a tennis ball go back and forth in a tennis match.

    When Isabel picks up the box of photos, Tess immediately tells her to put it down. If she is so afraid of someone seeing the pictures, why does she leave it out for Liz to find later? Why didn’t she take it upstairs? (Because we have to keep the plot moving forward. That’s why.)

    Great line this episode.

    “Passing the mashed potatoes.” -Alex to Isabel as they come to rescue Liz. They are all expecting something horrible and instead, Alex acknowledges something ordinary.

    One of the odd things about the show is that we never have actually seen anyone eat the food they have in front of them. Even Nasedo is not immune to this little quirk. Before I get into this, Nasedo and Tess are really good cooks. The meal of fried chicken and mashed potatoes look delicious. Ok, back on topic. Questioning Liz, Nasedo picks up a piece of fried chicken and holds it in his hands. We get a shot of Liz and then we come back to Nasedo. The skin is torn off his chicken and he’s holding it like before. There is time for him to remove it between shots. What’s interesting is that Nasedo is acting like he hasn’t moved. He asks Liz another question and we head back to Liz for her answer. When we come back to Nasedo, several bites have been taken out of the chicken. Again, there is time for him to have eaten it but he is still posed as if he hadn’t moved. It’s almost as if Nasedo asks a question, quickly ravishes his food and then takes a normal pose so it looks like he hasn’t moved at all. That’s pretty funny if you think about it. Of course, I wouldn’t be consistent if I didn’t say that neither Liz nor Tess eat anything off of their plates. The most Tess does is drink some water.

    The shot goes by too fast for me to see and I don’t have the proper software to blow up the screencap I have, but according to Kate Ancel, Tess’s transcript says she was born in Omaha, Nebraska and the last school she attended was in Chicago. I wish I could read the other things that are on that transcript. I’ll bet the information on it is ripe for nitpicking!

    Michael has a new front door to his apartment. In previous episodes, Michael’s door has a single peephole on it. In this episode, the door has four panes of wavy glass. Michael must also be trying to save on his electric bill because all the scenes in his apartment are very dark. Then again, when you belong to a group who can create light in their hands and light candles at the snap of a finger, do you really need to bother to turn on the lights?

    This episode loses some time during dinner at the Hardings. As Liz calls Max pretending he’s her mom, the sunlight is pouring through the windows behind her. When Alex and the rest of the group come to the house, it’s night. Surely the group didn’t take that long to get to Tess’s house. I don’t think that little camera has that far of a range so I doubt that the abandoned warehouse was too far away. Doesn’t make much sense does it?

    If you watch the ending scene in the warehouse, the camera pans over Michael and Maria asleep on the couch. When the camera does a far shot of everyone, Michael’s eyes are wide open. One shot later, Michael’s eyes are closed again. Must be some kind of weird alien REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement for you non-sleep professors.)

    Next, “Four Square.” Until then.

    #119 Four Square – Review

    Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

    “You are who you choose to be. Just like you’re with who you choose to be with.” -Liz to Max.

    “The circle is now complete.” -Darth Vader to Obi Wan Kenobi in “Star Wars Episode IV.” It’s not Roswell but it is exactly how I see this episode.

    “You can be who you choose to be. It’s an act of discipline sometimes but it can be done.” – From the movie “The Bodyguard” starring Kevin Costner.

    Those were the three lines that came into my head after I finished watching this episode. I put a lot of extra time into this review because this episode, unlike any other episode in season one (aside from “Destiny”) brings everything full circle. The Royal Four are finally reunited. From this point forward, the game is now set and the mystery will really start to unfold.

    We can’t discuss this episode unless we start with Tess. Tess holds all the answers for everyone but the method she uses to reveal the truth to everyone really doesn’t make much sense to me. She is fleeting about how she tells people things. Why the big mystery? Why does she sneak around dropping hints and clues to everyone? In the next episode, we are going to see her defiantly tell Nasedo that Max and Company are her family, not Nasedo. She is just like the others and is probably looking for companionship from those she can relate to. Why not tell them everything? The answer is of course, we still have three more episodes to go this season and if all the secrets came out in this one, there’d be nothing left to finish the season with. But since I don’t deal in reality, I disregard that theory. J And then there’s the deal Nasedo made with Khivar, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    There is one other possibility. By letting Max and Company know what she tells them at the rate that she wants them to know it, it makes her important. In this manner they would come to depend on her. Clever. If she really is rebelling against Nasedo, then the only reason she is doing this is to further manipulate Max.

    Tess is pretty sneaky. To get Max to follow her, she starts flirting with Kyle. And it works. This immediately perks everyone’s interest. Poor Kyle. Everyone uses him for something. She then leads Max and Liz to the library so that he will see the destiny book. The book really peaked my interest. I hope that at some point in the future, the creators will scan this book for us and post it at or make copies of it for us to buy. The pictures and things within deserve further study. Probably won’t happen now. As of this writing, the site no longer exists. Now the show’s been canceled. We’ll never know!

    Tess also reawakens the memory of Puhlman Ranch in Michael. She makes the four square symbol on Michael’s window. He has the flash (or in Michael’s case, a “hallucination) and then she leaves Michael to discover it’s meaning. From this, I surmise that the four square symbol has a double meaning. On the map, it marks the spot for the crash site. It also stands for the pairings of the four for mating purposes. Tess (Ava) with Max (Zan) and Michael (Rath) with Isabel (Vilondra.) That’s what Ava’s collage at suggests anyway. In “Meet the Dupes”, the “rejects” also use it for a tattoo on their arms.

    Now the infamous scene in the kitchen with Isabel. I’ve seen people remark about the sexual tension in this scene. I really have to chalk this up to the male hormone and wishful thinking on said male hormones because to be quite honest, I don’t see this scene in that way at all. I can understand why people would think that but I do not. I see it as Tess making Isabel feel uncomfortable so that she would go to Max. She wanted to get them talking about things and make them curious about the dreams and symbols knowing that eventually, they would come to her for answers. And it worked! Immediately after this odd experience, Isabel went straight to Max to talk about it.

    The scene with Tess and Liz in the restroom was really good. I loved how Tess showed us that the gang’s usual sneaking around isn’t going to work on her. Of course, it does have it’s own oddness which I’ll touch on later.

    We now know that the Four were engineered but I’m a little confused about something. Max says all the odd things started when Tess showed up. At the same time, the V constellation came into shape. So all of the dreams and Isabel’s strange feelings come from what? The stars? Or did they come from the fact that the Four are now together and their energies are awakening the memories within them? Personally, I’m going with that second theory. Star constellations don’t affect your mind unless of course, you believe in astrology. I’ve never been one to believe that the stars make you do something. They might make you choose to go in a certain direction because of their interpretation but that’s about it. (I’ll leave it at that since any further insight would probably give me a headache.)

    Tess is usually a calm and collected individual. She’s isn’t like Michael who is rash and has wild mood swings. However, Tess’s blubbering at the end of this episode as she awakens the memory of the pod chamber in Max didn’t seem real to me. Why is she on the verge of tears and suddenly appear to be afraid of Max? Also, Max tells her that he believes she is Nasedo. Instead of flat out saying “I’m not Nasedo” she just says that isn’t who she is. She continues to come off as mysterious. I frowned during all of this. I felt she should have said more to clear things up if not for Max, then for us. She knows who Nasedo is. The instant Max said “Shapeshift” Tess should have said “No, that’s not me. That’s my dad!” But that would have ruined the beginning of the next episode. I also was unhappy that the book wasn’t explained. As the episode ended, I said “The book! What about the book they made a big deal about?” Fortunately, that’s the first thing they go into in “Max to the Max” but it must have been maddening having to wait a whole week for it.

    At this point, I want Michael and Max to just slug it out. The two keep dancing around that fine line and I just don’t understand why, in typical male fashion, they don’t just resort to fisticuffs. Michael has already said he doesn’t know Max anymore (he said this in “Tess, Lies, and Videotape”) and in this episode, they both hold back information from each other. They both are clearly tired of the others behavior; Michael hates Max’s constant need to control and parent him and Max is tired of Michael’s rash behavior and his unwillingness to follow orders. Let’s take a look at what they both hide.

    In the past, every time Max has learned something, he doesn’t tell Michael about it. Max believes that Michael will just impulsively go off and cause problems, which is exactly what Michael usually does. In this episode, Max is thoroughly ticked about Michael’s actions in “Blind Date” with the cave map and the library. SO! How do YOU like it Max? Doesn’t feel very good does it? Of course, what does Max do? He learns about book at the library and when Michael asks what they found out, Max says “Nothing.” Why does Max keep doing that to Michael? Does he think that Michael is going to storm off to Tess’s house to steal the book? That thought had actually crossed my mind. However, I don’t think Tess would have left the book just lying around and would have simply mindwarped Michael and made him leave if he’d come looking for it. She wanted to reveal the truth to Max first and on HER terms.

    When discussing the situation at the carousel with everyone, Max says that Nasedo is a killer and looks directly at Michael expecting some sort of argument. Michael remains silent. When Max learns that Michael and Isabel have left a message for Nasedo, he is angry that they have led the killer to them. “Discovery on our terms” is how Max wants it. Michael still seems to think that Nasedo has the answers they are all looking for. We find out soon enough that Nasedo doesn’t have much to say to them.

    Max spends the majority of this episode in the dark. He doesn’t know why he is drawn to Tess. He is surprised to learn that Michael and Isabel have gone behind his back to contact Nasedo. I for one am glad that the mushy kisses from Max and Liz were toned down. It was starting to become sort of distracting.

    Liz approaches everything in her life as some sort of science project. She analyzes all the facts and forms a plan. It’s that simple for her. However, when it concerns Max, it’s not that easy. Anything that reminds Liz that Max is not a normal human scares her. She finally admits that to Max in this episode. This to me is a sign that Liz is starting to think seriously about her relationship with Max. They’ve gotten beyond the physical and now she’s wondering if they really can be a couple. I also thought it was interesting that she no longer is holding anything against Max for kissing Tess. She understands that Max didn’t do it because he wanted to. He really wasn’t cheating on her. She came to that decision pretty quickly. This episode picks up exactly where “Tess, Lies, and Videotape” leaves off. There’s maybe a half a day between learning that Tess is the fourth alien to the scene at the Café where Liz tells Max it’s not his fault. At the end of the last episode, Liz told Max she didn’t think there would ever be enough explanation for kissing Tess. I think the truth was all the explanation Liz needed. Even though Liz told Max she wasn’t jealous of Tess, she really is. There is no shame in that though. Feeling jealous is just one way to know that you care about someone. It’s when it goes to extremes that it becomes dangerous.

    Maria has really changed. It’s hard to believe that this is the same girl who ran screaming from Liz’s house when she learned that Max is an alien in “Pilot.” However, in this episode, she is a bit out of character in a small way. When Michael comes to her to talk about their relationship, she is very sarcastic to him with comments like “Are you ok?” Given the intense emotion she displayed in “Crazy” about Michael’s lack of caring for her, I would think Maria would be jumping into his arms. Isn’t this what she wanted? I guess we should just run it all through the “Maria filter” for it to make sense.

    Isn’t it also interesting that while the alien aspect worries Liz, Maria is totally oblivious to it? Michael being an alien doesn’t really worry Maria.

    I think the sheriff has driven it home to the gang that he is watching them. I don’t understand why Nasedo turned the camera into the sheriff. Just what did he think Valenti could accomplish? The sheriff is almost begging the gang to tell him the truth. I think the anxiety of being on the FBI’s list is starting to become quite a burden to him.

    The scene in the kitchen where Max and Michael argue is the turning point in the series for Isabel. Finally tired of their bickering, she explodes on both of them saying that she is a part of this too. Katherine Heigl really does a good job in portraying the confusion and fear Isabel is feeling through out this episode. There was one point where I thought Isabel was going to fully embrace her alien side. When Tess asks Isabel if she is aware of the signals that she’s been getting. Isabel nods her head and says “No.” Yes, she NODDED and said “no.” She then snaps out of it and shakes her head no while saying “No!” again. Tess brought out a side of Isabel she previously had refused to acknowledge and the feeling was so scary, Isabel threw up a wall to block it out.

    It was weird to find out that Michael and Isabel are supposed to be together. There’s nothing in the series so far that has suggested to me that Isabel and Michael think of each other in a romantic way. The most I’ve ever seen is a couple of times when we’ve caught Michael staring at Isabel’s chest. One was in “Morning After” and the other was in “River Dog.” It’s been sort of a brother / sister kind of thing between the two so the first time I saw Michael kiss Isabel in the dream sequence, I went “eeeeeew.” But it was a shocker to see Michael with the baby. Isabel was correct when she said she had never seen Michael that happy. I agree. I haven’t seen him react like that at all. Not even with Maria!

    Pregnant from a dream? Oh, give me a break. How Isabel would even come to that conclusion is beyond me. I’m glad Tess cleared up that foolish notion in “Max to the Max.”

    It was great to see Kyle again. He has been AWOL for too long. I do so love the humorous lines the writer’s give him. He’s still not afraid to express his bitterness to Liz about their break up.

    I did laugh pretty hard at the fish out of water situation Isabel put Alex into in the janitor’s closet. I don’t think Alex was prepared for Isabel to come on to him so strongly. He kept backing up into the corner as she got close to him. I think Alex is a nice balance for Isabel and she really needs that from someone who isn’t in her immediate family which may have been part of the reason she was so willing let Tess in. Isabel has kept pretty much everything in her life bottled up behind her walls. She couldn’t ask for a better confidant. He would have been a better fit then Jessie whom she marries in season three.

    Speaking of the incident in the janitor’s closet, were Maria and Alex just too love numbed to see the uncomfortable looks Michael and Isabel were exchanging? In “Tess, Lies, and Videotape”, Max pulled Liz into the back and gave her guilty kisses when he caught himself staring at Tess. Isabel and Michael sort of do the same thing here.

    In the next episode, we are going to see the book show the pairings of the Four. The Antarians who wrote it obviously did not take the human factor into the equation. Michael’s attraction to Maria and Isabel’s attraction to Alex have thrown a damper into their great plan. I think that if the Antarians had really wanted things to turn out as they planned them in the book, they would have isolated the Four. Then again, tell a bunch of teenagers “You WILL do it this way” and see how successful you are.

    All in all, this is an incredibly powerful episode even if it did leave me saying “But, what about this?” over and over.

    No dates start this episode but it picks up right where “Tess, Lies, and Videotape” left off. The next episode will pick up where this episode ended. In this one, this episode lasts roughly three days. There is one date given later in the episode. It’s on the star chart program on the computer Liz uses. Max tells her to look for today’s date. It’s 5/27/2000. This is on day two.

    In the opening, Liz follows Tess into the restroom. Liz comes in and looks around and the camera pans with her as she looks under the stall doors. Liz turns around in a complete circle and we do not Tess in the restroom. Liz finishes her turn and suddenly, there’s Tess! Just where was she? The camera showed us the small area and she clearly was not in there. Either Tess was in one of the stalls standing on a toilet lid or she mindwarped Liz to make herself invisible.

    Speaking of that restroom, it is identical to the men’s restroom seen in “Tess, Lies, and Videotape” including the poster on the back wall. Nope. Not gonna touch it. Not me. Noooooo way!

    As Nasedo talks to the sheriff about the tiny camera, shots outside the Sheriff’s office window show leaves from a tree blowing in the wind. When we got an outside view of the window when Michael broke into the Sheriff’s office in “Morning After” we see there is a set of bars on a gate over the window. The office is on the second floor and opens into an alley. There were no trees within sight in that alley. So unless there’s someone running around Roswell with a bottle of Acme Quick Grow, those leaves should not be there.

    One of the Sheriff’s photos is of Nasedo shaking hands with Liz with Max standing next to her in front of the closed doors to the Harding’s house. The photos come from the Sheriff’s camera recon at the end of “Tess, Lies, and Videotape.” However, I do not know where this photo came from because we never saw Ed Harding step outside the house. When he bid Liz and Max goodbye, Ed Harding was standing inside an open doorway. The sheriff must have some kind of psychic camera.

    The FBI tomfoolery continues. This time, an agent spying on the gang is seen with an umbrella as the gang talk at the carousel after the opening credits. He is in plain view and clearly watching them. You know, the guy who was behind the grassy knoll is smarter then the FBI. At least he was trying to hide! (I realize the episode never states that this guy is FBI but what else could he be?)

    The weather continues it’s odd behavior. When the show starts, we see that it is raining at Tess’s house. After stalking Tess in the restroom at school, the episode picks up at the carousel. There’s a large puddle on the ground to go along with the rain seen in the previous episode. In all camera shots facing the carousel, the sky is dark and cloudy. Once Liz and Max walk off the carousel, we see the sun is shining behind them. When we go back to shots of Michael still standing on the carousel, the sky is dark and cloudy with no sun. It actually is possible that the clouds are doing this. It just looks funny considering the freaky weather we’ve seen in the past couple of episodes.

    At the Café, Liz says “She’s an alien Max.” What happened to Max’s rule of “No one says alien or talks about this in public” he made in “Crazy”? Even if he hadn’t said that rule, there’s a guy sitting two seats away at the counter behind Liz. Sheesh!

    Going over the transcript Isabel retrieves, Liz reads off Tess’s class schedule. She says “Science Lab third period, hallway between fourth and fifth, and PE.” I have a screen capture of the class schedule Isabel pulls up on the computer. I don’t know how to post pictures and shrink them down or I’d post it for you. But according to the computer, Tess has Home EC fourth period, lunch between fourth and fifth period, Algebra fifth period, and creative writing sixth period. Do they call lunch in Roswell High “hallway”? I’ve never heard of that one. It’s also noteworthy that Tess doesn’t have seventh period. My high school had seven hours worth classes with a half an hour for lunch.

    During the creepy scene with Tess and Isabel, Tess quickly arranges some sugar cubes into the four square pattern. A far away shot of the cubes between Isabel and Tess has the upper left cube off center from the ones around it. Once we get a full close shot of the cubes, they’ve all been aligned next to each other perfectly.

    There are a few leftovers from “Heatwave” in this episode. As Michael comes down a set of stairs at school to talk to Maria, there’s a young couple flirting quite openly on the steps. When everyone was making out in “Heatwave,” they could do so and not garner any attention but when Michael and Maria kiss in this episode, everyone is watching. Even the teachers are watching. Embarrassed at the attention they are getting, Maria and Michael head over to the janitor’s closet and interrupt Alex and Isabel. Remember, there were teachers watching all of this. They watched them walk to the janitor’s closet! Do they really allow students to go in there? How come Alex and Isabel didn’t get in trouble like Liz and Max did in “Sexual Healing”? In that episode, Liz and Max’s mothers were called in to the principal’s office.

    Speaking of the attention the kiss got, there is one girl who was a bit impatient waiting for it. Look in between Maria and Michael as they talk and you’ll eventually see a girl with dark hair, a dark jacket, and a book bag. She keeps glancing at Michael and Maria waiting for them to kiss. When they finally do kiss, she gives them one last glance and then heads off. Nasedo maybe?

    Alex takes Isabel home where she goes to her bedroom to take a nap. There are a few things about this scene I noticed. First, Colin Hanks adds a nice touch to his character by constantly looking around the room. This is the first time Alex has seen Isabel’s room so this is a natural reaction for him. Nice one Colin.

    Prior to entering Isabel’s bedroom, Alex says that he can have a Galaxy Melt at any time because he knows the cook. The cook is Michael. Is he still giving out free food? He gave away a free order of Saturn Rings to an impatient customer in “Crazy.” I wonder how the Crashdown makes any money with it’s employees just giving food away.

    As Isabel lies down, the camera moves around and we get a quick shot of her bare feet. They are quite dirty! The soles of her feet are almost black. Diane Evans needs to clean her house!

    Alex also makes an unusual statement here. He says “You’re the one who said that you couldn’t sleep last night. Maybe you’re the one who’s hungry.” Excuse me? I don’t think Isabel is hungry Alex. I think she is TIRED! Since when does being sleepy make you want to raid the fridge?

    Isabel also falls asleep incredibly fast. As soon as her head hits the pillows, she’s out. Wow. Quite a time saver.

    Ok. Let’s take a look at Isabel’s dreams. Keep in mind that freaky things can happen in a dream so we have to take these nits with a grain of salt.

    During Isabel’s second dream, she makes out with Michael at the crash site above the map symbols. When we see her and Michael getting hot and heavy, they are way up at the top on the very edge of an outcropping of rock. Does that sound like a good place to be making out? A little dangerous don’t you think?

    Also, during the first dream, Isabel wore pink slippers with her long, dark dress. In the first part of the second dream as Isabel looks at the map symbols on the ground, she is still wearing her slippers. When she is laying on the ground with Michael, her feet are bare.

    One of the in-flashes as Isabel and Michael kiss is of Max’s cheek cells that Liz looked at under a microscope in “Pilot.” Why are they thinking about Max’s cheek cells? Making out with Isabel would certainly not make me think of her brother. Nor his cheek cells for that matter.

    After her first dream, Isabel woke up with a small scream. After the second dream, she calmly opens her eyes and doesn’t even sit up. When she has her third dream where she envisions the baby, Isabel sits up quickly with another small scream. Maybe dreaming about making out on a rock face made her cautious about sitting up too fast.

    In Kate Ancel’s review of this episode, she listed a set inconsistency. She said that before Kyle came into the Café, shots of Maria showed a dessert freezer directly behind her. When Maria asks Liz if she listened to Kyle’s warnings about Max, there are two shelves with colored glasses directly behind Maria. Earlier in the episode as Liz told Max she was scared of Tess, you can see the dessert freezer between them. The shelves of glasses are directly to the right of the freezer. This isn’t an inconsistency with the set per say. Maria just decided to take a hop to the camera’s right for some reason between lines.

    Great Line this episode.

    “What a knock out, huh? Can’t beat a blonde! Oh, sorry.” -Kyle when Liz mentions Tess. He just had to remind Liz about their break up.

    Tess dresses really provocatively for a date at the library doesn’t she? I wonder what she would have worn if Kyle had taken her to a monster truck rally.

    As Kyle and Tess move towards the back wall of the library to retrieve the destiny book, Kyle refers to the books as the “ancient languages” section. The books look like encyclopedias to me.

    Trying to get something going, Kyle suggest that he and Tess start “speaking the most ancient language known to man.” So does Kyle want Tess to start speaking Latin or are they going to start grunting like cavemen? (Yes, yes. I know, I know. I just couldn’t resist.)

    Where did Tess get the ladder she climbs? When we see a shot of them walking down the aisle away from the camera, there’s no ladder to be seen. There isn’t enough time for them to have retrieved a ladder when we cut away to see Max climbing the bookshelves. Maybe they are in a haunted library.

    Michael tells Max that the Puhlman Ranch was taken over by the government in 1947 and that they had wiped it’s name off the maps. If that’s true, why do we see a sign hanging on the barbed wire fence that says “Puhlman Ranch” when Max and Tess drove there? “Say what soldier? This isn’t Puhlman Ranch? Then what’s that sign there, hmm? Huh? Hmmm?”

    Everybody goes to Max’s window. Even Tess! Not that I’m complaining, mind you. I can only hope that Emilie de Ravin would come to my window. Ahem! Pardon me.

    Why does Max have flashes but Michael has “hallucinations?” No wonder these two argue so much.

    Thinking Tess is the shapeshifter Nasedo, Max asks her about the murders. Specifically, he demands she explain the death of “William Atherton, the man who wrote the alien book.” Who’s William Atherton? Is he related to James Atherton, the man who lived in the geodesic dome we saw in “285 South” and “River Dog” and author of the alien book “Among Us”?

    Growing frustrated with Tess, Max hauls her up by her jacket and throws her to the ground. He then forces her head down by putting his hand on her head flat against her ear. Max screams at her to shapeshift and show him how she really looks. Considering he has his hand over one of her ears and the other pressed against the ground, do you think she heard him? Perhaps Jason Behr was trying to keep from hurting Miss de Ravin’s ears when he shouted at her by covering her ear with his hand.

    The child actor who plays young Max in the pod chamber is not the same one who appears in the flashbacks of “Pilot.” Also, the girl who plays Isabel looks to be the same one but in this episode, the young Isabel’s hair is hanging off her shoulders. The young Isabel in the flashes Max shared with Liz all show her with short hair barely to the end of her neck. Maybe even at a young age, Isabel was fashion conscious and went to get a hair cut so she would look good when the Evan’s found them.

    In “Balance”, Max tells Liz that his first memory of Michael is when he appeared to them on a bolder in the desert. This episode shows that the first time Max saw Michael was in the pod chamber. I guess we can say that what he saw in the desert was the first time he REMEMBERED seeing Michael until Tess reawakened the memory of the pod chamber within him.

    Ok. Let’s take a quick look at the pod chamber sequence. We’ll touch on this a little more when I review “Max to the Max” and we see it again.

    When young Max first breaks through the pod casing, his hand is covered in a gel and it pours out of the hole. This makes sense. When we see Tess in her pod, she’s suspended in a liquid. It’s safe to assume they all were. When Max pokes his head out of the pod, no more liquid pours out. It must have evaporated instantly when it came into contact with the air. Otherwise, there would have been a lot more to spill out if the pod was filled with the stuff.

    The kids are all covered in the gel from the pods. But when the Evan’s found them in the desert according to Max’s connection with Liz in “Pilot”, they were clean and dry.

    I don’t think this is ever explained in any episode in season one or season two but why didn’t Tess awaken in her pod at the same time the others did? The entire flow of the show might have gone completely different if Tess had grown up with them.

    The outer covering of the pods appears to be a membrane of some kind. It’s not solid and gives easily as young Max pushes against it. But when young Max wipes his hand across the pod containing the young Tess, it’s as firm as glass. The moisture on the outside even streaks like glass. Maybe the membrane is solid until the occupant inside is ready to emerge.

    The flash of the pod chamber is only about two or three minutes long. When we come back to reality, the sky quickly changes from night to day suggesting a long period of time has elapsed. Why? Did it really take that long for Max to relive these memories? It shouldn’t have unless…the whole experience was a mind warp by Tess. I doubt it but you never know.

    Up until now, for anyone to get a flash, they had to be touching the person or object they get the flash from. Max tells Liz in “Pilot” he has to touch her to share memories with her. When Max gets the flash about the pod chamber from Tess, he is laying on her (Yup, I’d say that qualifies!) but when the memory is over, Max is no longer touching Tess and they are both standing at least half an arm’s length apart from each other. I guess once the connection started, it played out until it was over. But could you really be seeing a flash through your mind and manage to stand up during it? I guess it’s possible but it would have to be disorienting. But that doesn’t explain how Michael got his flash when Tess came to his window. Tess didn’t touch him nor was Michael touching the symbol she breathed on the window.

    #120 Max To The Max – Review

    Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

    So, how many of you still like Nasedo after threatening to kill Liz if she lost her worth to him? Before I jump into this, when I am referring to Nasedo in the form of Max, I’ll call him “Nasedo / Max.”

    Yes, that Nasedo is one evil guy. If you have read any of my past reviews where I’ve mentioned our shape-changing friend, you’ll know that I don’t particularly care for him. He has no value for life except for the lives of the Four and has demonstrated this on a number of occasions. He tells Tess that if he has to kill people, he will. I may not particularly care for his morals but this really does make him the perfect protector. He reminds me a lot of the character Anya in the “Star Trek: The Next Generation” episode “The Dauphin.” In that show, Anya was Salia’s protector. At one point in the episode, Anya encounters a crewmember in sickbay who has an infectious disease and Anya demands the patient be killed to keep Salia safe. That is something that would be right up Nasedo’s alley. Still, there are a lot of instances where Nasedo himself actually puts the Royals in danger with his actions.

    My congratulations go out to Jason Behr in this episode for the dual role he played. My favorite moments in his performance as Nasedo were in the car as he told Liz what he had in store for her. My absolute favorite moment was at the amusement park where he tells Liz to pick a shell. When Liz hesitates, Nasedo tells her to pick one again in a much sterner and louder voice. And it was done so casually! He then sums up the premise of the entire episode with the line “Don’t believe everything you see.”

    Max Evans is one confused young man (alien.) Max must have control in everything and when something happens that reminds him he is a victim of the unknown just like the rest of us, he gets angry. However, in this episode, Max just confuses the heck out of me.

    Max risks their secret by healing Liz. He says he did it because “It was you” referring to Liz. Now he defends himself whenever someone brings this up but if someone else does anything that he believes will expose them, he speaks up. It’s almost like he believes the rules apply to everyone but himself. Now who does this remind you of? It reminds me a lot of Michael and how he has reacted in the past. Do you think that is why Max and Michael are at odds so much? They see a piece of themselves in each other!

    Ok, let’s get to the confusing part. In “Tess, Lies, and Videotape”, Max goes to Michael and tries to talk to him about Tess. Michael blows him off and Max gets physical, demanding that Michael listen to him. Now jump forward to this episode. Isabel mentions the baby and Max, who hasn’t been told this little secret, reacts with what I would describe as calmness. Now just hold on a second. Michael has just implied that he and Max’s sister have had sex and Max just takes it all in stride? No way! Given Max’s past behavior, he should have grabbed Michael and hauled him into the air by his collar and shouted at him. Yes, I KNOW that Michael and Isabel didn’t do anything but Max doesn’t know that. All he knows is that there is a baby!

    In another confusing moment, Michael says that they were designed. Max responds with “That’s impossible Michael.” Oh yeah Max? So is healing someone with a touch or making parking meters shoot sparks but we’ve seen it happen. Just why is Max so quick to dismiss the truth? That’s something I would expect from Isabel, not Max.

    Yet another confusing moment. Michael wants to talk to Tess. He believes she can explain things to them (and sure enough, she can and does!) but Max says they can’t just go asking her things. Why not Max? Is that not why you went with Tess to the crashsite yourself, to find some answers? Or do you just have a problem with Michael talking to Tess? I guess that’s it because he says he will talk to her. Isabel says Max told them not to trust Tess. Max says “Who said anything about trust?” Isabel, completely frustrated at this point, asks “What are you saying?” Yeah! No kidding. What IS Max saying? Why doesn’t Max just say “I’ll get all the answers because I’m a control freak”? That is how he is coming off in this scene.

    Oh yes, more confusion. Max wants to go rescue Liz. When Isabel says they all must agree to it, Max says “Since when?” Since “Crazy” and the meeting at the rock quarry Max! Michael then says that there are rules. Max fires back that the rules didn’t seem to apply to him and reminds him of going to meet Topolsky despite their decision not to. Michael counters saying that there have always been rules and they still apply. Yeah? Maybe only if there’s something that you want to do, eh Michael? (Is anyone starting to get dizzy from the odd dialogue yet?) In all fairness, Max is probably not thinking straight because his true love is in danger but he knows all the things Michael is telling him so that’s why I mentioned this.

    I think in this and the last episode, we are seeing a side of Michael that not even Maria gets at this point in the show. He is compassionate towards Isabel and her situation. He wants to help her. He hugs her with no hesitation. With Maria, there is still a bit of space between them that keeps them from being totally together. Did anyone notice that Michael and Max are a bit calmer then they were in “Tess, Lies, and Videotape”? They are both finding the truth of what they are and that common bond brings them beyond their petty rivalry for control or at the very least, makes Michael set it aside to deal with the more important issues.

    I think there was a small bit of disappointment in Michael that there wasn’t a baby. The happiness that a perspective child would have brought to his life was very compelling to him. To have that taken from him was sad for him but at the same time, he was relieved Isabel was ok. I can’t wait to see if Michael reacts the same way should a similar situation come up between him and Maria!

    Did you notice that when Liz broke down realizing Max had been captured that Michael moved to comfort her? I hearby christen this Michael the “new and improved Michael.”

    When faced with the truth, Isabel runs from her alien side. After a few seconds inside the pod chamber, she bolts out the door back into the daylight. But she doesn’t totally reject it. She thumbs through the destiny book looking at each page even when Max and Michael start talking about the baby. And yes, she was relieved that she wasn’t pregnant (who wasn’t?) After the opening scenes however, Isabel becomes strangely quiet until Nasedo kidnaps Liz. But she has been through quite an ordeal so that’s understandable. Isabel says that before they go after her, the must all agree. She is no longer drawing the line between the humans and the aliens (in this situation that is.) I think Alex might have had an influence or two here.

    Speaking of Alex, did he win over the audience when talking to Isabel in the Café? Despite believing she and Michael were future parents, despite that this meant she was cheating on him, he is supportive. Now who wouldn’t kill for a boy / girlfriend like that? I also loved how Alex was to Michael. Michael makes sarcastic remarks to Max about going to Valenti and Alex brings him down to earth saying that’s not what Max meant. I love it!

    Overhearing Isabel and Michael’s conversation about the baby was devastating to Maria. I’m glad that she calmly approached Michael to talk about it instead of demanding answers in typical Maria fashion. She told Michael that he should not have referred to their relationship as “stupid” if he didn’t mean it and I was right behind her on it. When Michael came to break the news to her that there was no baby, he did so as casually as one might say hello. Maria isn’t one to just accept it and say “Oh, that’s great” and move on. Not after spending the past several episodes trying to make Michael talk to her about anything and everything.

    Also, where did Maria go after telling the Sheriff their false kidnapping story? She isn’t with the rest of the group when they set off to rescue Liz. This is not Maria’s style. She would have wanted to personally help her friend.

    In my opinion, this is first episode where the result of Max’s healing affects Liz. What do I mean? I’m talking about the changes Ava mentions in “Max in the City.” Her powers! Yes, Liz has powers. She even admits herself to Nasedo that Max “changed her.”

    Ok, specifically, when Liz kisses Nasedo / Max, she gets black and white flashes. It tells her that the person she believes is Max is not Max. When Liz was getting flashes, I thought it was because of Max but now, it appears to be that it’s also Liz’s doing too. Of course, the smart alec in me sees great use of this power when facing future shapeshifters. All Liz has to do is kiss them, get a flash, and tell whether they are who they really claim to be! (I’m joking, I’m joking.)

    The only other really notable things about Liz in this episode is how she was teasing who she thought was Max about pulling over for a kiss. Sure enough, Nasedo / Max pulled over! (Well, well, well, Nasedo’s a boy dog!) The other thing was her break down at the end of the episode. Her worst fear has now come true! But Liz, the trooper she is, is not going to let that get her down as we will soon see.

    After all the sneaking around in the last two episodes, Tess suddenly becomes less of a troublemaker. Even when Michael grabbed her and threw her into the jeep as they headed off to rescue Liz, she didn’t put up much of a fight. I cannot help but mention that while talking to Max about her life with Nasedo, she seemed to be coming off very heartfelt and honest. No doubt she has lived a very lonely life with the shapeshifter. I think Tess was getting excited at the talk about mating. She was almost devouring Max with her eyes during that talk. Before we move on, take a moment to look at the first shot of Tess during the flashback with her and Max in this talk. Tess looks straight at the camera with an intense look on her face. A look I describe as a look of warning. Then she kisses him. At that very moment, I believe Tess told herself that Max belonged to her.

    We all know what Tess does in season two. But right now, in this episode, Tess is openly defiant to Nasedo. What’s odd is that in “Tess, Lies, and Videotape”, Tess was downright spooky and appeared to be the perfect partner to Nasedo. In this episode, Tess expresses her disgust at Nasedo having learned from Max that he has killed many times since they’ve been together. A fact that Nasedo apparently kept her in the dark about. Angered that she’s been paired with a killer, Tess starts to leave the pod chamber. Nasedo, taken aback by Tess’s actions reminds her they have been together a very long time and if he must kill to protect them, he will. Tess finds fear in his voice and Nasedo admits that Pierce is very close to finding them. This explains why Nasedo was so angry at Tess for bringing the kids to the pod chamber. At first, I couldn’t understand why Nasedo was so upset and thought he was angry that the kids had learned the truth. Tess had taken a huge risk bringing them to the pod chamber and Nasedo was slapping her down for it.

    How many people thought that Agent Pierce was really struggling not to fill the Sheriff full of holes when told to clean the coffee pot and wash the truck? Of course, the nitpicker in me immediately says the Sheriff doesn’t drive a truck. He drives an SUV!! (Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick.)

    The date of 5/27/2000 that Liz gave us in the last episode helps immensely in figuring out the timeline. Believe it or not, it works perfectly to finish out the season because most schools end on or around May 31st for summer break. Liz goes to Florida for the summer after “Destiny.” Works out perfectly. There are no dates in this episode but it doesn’t appear to last more then one day. The show opens right where “Tess, Lies, and Videotape” leaves off and ends that night at the amusement park with Max’s capture by the FBI.

    Tired of wondering whether the FBI really did pursue aliens and UFO’s and the like, I finally broke down and called the Bureau, getting a phone number from the local police station. It took a few tries but I was finally directed to a representative that answered a few of my questions. When I asked my first questions, she responded with “You’re writing a book, aren’t you?” (heheheh) When I asked if the FBI really did investigate aliens, she said that they did not but I could ask the Department of Defense! (Phil Farrand got a similar answer for his book “The Nitpicker’s Guide to X-Philes.”) So there you have it! Why is the FBI investigating the aliens?

    The FBI tomfoolery continues. As Nasedo drops a coin into a parking meter, he notices a man watching him and heads off to lure the guy to him. You have to watch carefully because the camera moves over him quickly but this guy is wearing the typical black suit and standing right beside a car with his arms folded on his chest looking right at Nasedo. That’s really covert, isn’t it? In short order, Nasedo kills him when the FBI guy, who is supposed to be amongst the best and brightest in law enforcement, foolishly follows him into an alley.

    In “Destiny”, Pierce tells Max that the former heads of the FBI special unit all died when their internal organs reached a temperature of 180 degrees. I’m sure that is how Nasedo kills the FBI man in this episode. Here’s one of the problems I have with Nasedo. Can he not use any other method to kill people? Is he physically weak? If he isn’t, he could simply snap people’s necks or strangle them. That way, their deaths could appear to be from a mugging or a serial killer. Or better yet, he could shoot them! Getting his hands on a cache of weapons shouldn’t be a problem for someone who can take any form he wishes! Instead, he uses a method that immediately identifies the killing as done by an extraterrestrial power. Is this some kind of shapeshifter ego? He kills someone and wants everyone to know about it? What kind of protector puts those he is supposed to protect in danger by leaving evidence of their existence all over the world? Smart Nasedo. Real smart.

    And speaking of the 180 degrees, why are their no external signs of such a thing? (Aside from the silver handprint that is.) That would surely cause bleeding of some sort but none of the bodies seen prior to this episode show any evidence of this. Yes, the photos are all in black and white but blood would be visible on a black and white photo. On my tape, it appears that the agent Nasedo kills in this episode gets a skin discoloration in his face and neck. At least that is something.

    In the destiny book, we see pictures of what the kids will look like at various stages in life. One of the grown up photos shows Tess’s curly locks. Emilie de Ravin’s hair is normally straight but is naturally curly on the ends. Apparently, the Antarians who engineered the Four are control freaks themselves. They’ve genetically programmed Tess to style her hair in a particular manner. Now that’s attention to detail folks!

    The flash between Max and Tess has Tess wearing a very noticeable silver watch. It’s not a nit really but Michael and Isabel weren’t wearing any jewelry during their dreams in “Four Square.” I just thought it was a weird time to be wearing a watch.

    A number of towns and highways are mentioned in this episode. Deputy Fisher (AKA that darn Pierce) says his father was a sheriff in the town of Las Vegas, New Mexico. There is a Las Vegas in the state. It is north of Roswell. Just take 285 North to Interstate 40, take a left to highway 84 and turn right. (Just in case you want to travel there someday.) Nasedo / Max says he left a present for Pierce on “Highway 380 to Hondo by mile marker 67.” There is also a Hondo in New Mexico. It’s west of Roswell on highway 380. Kudos to the creators for their accuracy on this! As for the infamous mile marker 67, the sign turns up in season two’s “Departure” inside Kyle’s house. Since Kyle wasn’t involved in this episode, I wonder why he has that sign. Does he collect morbid things?

    So who was working at the Café when the gang leaves to rescue Liz? We get a full pan of the Café in the conversations before they leave and we see that Maria is the ONLY waitress working! Liz was just going to start her shift when Nasedo / Max kidnapped her. Who’s taking customer orders, the cook? There was another cook working that day because Michael appears to have the day off. The Crashdown must do some monster business when it’s staffed because I can’t imagine how they stay open when their employees leave whenever they want to.

    Great line this episode:

    “And tell ’em what? There’s two Max’s? The good one’s right here but please help us catch his evil twin!” -Michael wondering what they will tell the Sheriff.

    Nasedo / Max is really moving in the car he uses. To date, I’ve not seen anyone in Roswell drive that fast! The background is zipping along as he calls the FBI to tell them about his surprise. Nasedo must also project a wind force field when he drives similar to the one Max uses in past episodes. While driving, neither Nasedo / Max’s or Liz’s hair is blown by the wind.

    Along the same lines, Max fails to use his wind force field when driving the jeep. Tess’s hair is flying about so strongly, she has to hold it in her hand to keep it from flying into her face. Then again, maybe he’s doing it on purpose because he believes that Tess knows more about Nasedo taking Liz then she’s admitting. Yeah, that’s right! Cross Max Evans and he will ruin your hairdo! (Don’t believe me? He would have made Mr. Shallow a blonde in “Blind Date” if Liz hadn’t stopped him.)

    I’m not sure this one is really what you can call a mistake because Mother Nature is fickle but I wouldn’t doing my job if I didn’t mention this. Nasedo / Max puts his hand on the gas pump and it begins to smoke. It puffs out enough smoke to partial hide him in the white stuff. The wind blows the smoke back towards the main building. He gets back in the car and a far shot as he pulls away from the pump shows very little smoke coming out and it’s now being blown back towards the car to the left of the screen away from the main building.

    That tiny little gas station has an incredibly sophisticated surveillance system to produce the picture of Nasedo / Max that is faxed to the sheriff’s station.

    As the Sheriff takes off to investigate the explosion at the gas station, we watch him pull away in his “truck.” Then Max & Co. come screeching around the corner and the jeep comes up on two wheels! I wonder if the production staff had a little chat with Jason Behr about his driving skills. The jeep could have easily tipped over and injured everyone in it! (Yes, I know he was supposed to be going fast but there’s fast, and then there’s almost-tipping-over fast.) I do believe this is the fastest we’ve ever seen Max Evans drive (see my review of “The Convention” for an example.)

    I want Katherine Heigl in the car with me when I get pulled over for speeding! All she had to do was bat her eyelashes and say they were sorry and Deputy Fisher decides against giving them a ticket! I know a few girls who admit that this tactic does indeed work!

    There’s a very strong white light in this scene whenever the camera’s view is behind Deputy Fisher. Whenever the view is from the jeep facing Fisher, there is no light. Where doth this light cometh?

    Arriving at mile marker 67, the FBI agent tells the Sheriff to leave. Valenti tells him that this is his county and he has jurisdiction. I did a little looking and Valenti’s statement is correct. Sheriff’s control the county they are elected to. In this case, anything that has to do with law enforcement and investigation in Chavas County, New Mexico (which includes the city of Roswell) is under Valenti’s control. The FBI may take control if the head federal officer on the scene exercises his right to do so. Realistically, if the Sheriff reports that his authority is being ignored, there will be an investigation (unless there is a government cover up.) According to the Bureau’s representative, matters of “national security” are controlled by the CIA not the FBI. Actually, the Bureau told me that this “national security” stuff is open to interpretation. It actually depends on the circumstances of the incident which determines what agency responds to it. For instance, if a Federal building is taken over by men with guns and they take hostages, the FBI has control. If someone threatens the President, that’s a job for the secret service. If someone is threatening to bomb Washington, it’s the CIA’s job to find out who, what, and when and stop it. But it really doesn’t matter because once he sees the really nifty “Batsignal”, Valenti leaves the scene!

    The big question is that if the FBI didn’t want anyone to intrude on the scene, why didn’t they quickly remove the body and leave instead of going to all the trouble to rope it off with yellow tape? There have been enough of these types of murders in the past that they should know what to look for.

    As Max & Co. drive upon the scene at the mile marker, Tess panics and tells Max the men there are members of the special unit and not to stop. She tells him to “Just go!” So what does Max do? He SLOWS down as he drives by the scene before finally speeding off. Then to make matters worse, he stops a ways down the road to watch! We see the Sheriff speed by him heading towards the “Batsignal” in the sky. Stupid Max. REALLY stupid.

    Nasedo / Max gets Max’s hair exactly right. Star Trek’s “Deep Space Nine’s” Odo would be proud.

    Nasedo tells Liz that his only concern is the Four. That’s the only thing he cares about. When the real Max comes to the house of mirrors, Nasedo tells him to leave. Shortly thereafter, the FBI nabs Max! So what does Nasedo do? Instead of luring the FBI away from Max or bursting through a few mirrors to save him and burn a couple more agents, he grabs Liz and runs out of the mirror house! Does that seem right? Liz’s kisses must have done more to Nasedo then he admits.

    Watch the scene as Liz and Nasedo / Max get on board the bus. Outside the bus, Nasedo / Max gets on first with Liz following close behind. When we switch to the bus’s interior, Liz comes up the stairs first with Nasedo / Max behind her! Whoops.

    Did Nasedo lose his bottle of Tic Tacs? Perhaps when he took the form of Max, he inherited Max’s excellent dental hygiene. We never see the breath mints again.

    I can’t find one instance in the mirror house where the camera appears in the mirrors. Kudos to the creators!

    “They have Max!” Next, “The White Room.”

    #121 The White Room – Review

    Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

    This episode gives us the most information about the gang as far as what they are then any other in season one. The only other episode that even comes close is “Destiny.” We’ll get to that episode and the information therein in it’s review.

    This episode was especially good for two reasons. One, it was written by Jason Katims and Thania St. John (I guess she got tired of being a reporter (see my review of “Tess, Lies, and Videotape” for more on that.)) This is good because Katims knows exactly how his characters should act so his insight in a script always makes for a good episode. The second thing about this episode that’s important is that it’s directed by Jonathon Frakes aka Commander Riker. This episode deals with torture and bizarre images in Isabel’s dreamwalks of Max. Frakes was the perfect choice for an episode of this nature because he had directed a show of a similar nature before. It was the “Star Trek: The Next Generation” episode “Frame of Mind.” In that episode, Riker experiences hallucinations of being captured and held in a prison on the planet Tilonus IV. It’s all part of his mind fighting back against an alien device designed to extract information from him. It was a really good episode and watching “The White Room” made me think of that past accomplishment. Both are terrific TV episodes.

    There wasn’t much for Max in the way of character development. He spends every second of this episode scared out of his mind. Max refuses to admit to Pierce anything until Pierce changes tactics and threatens Liz’s life. At this, Max’s emotions explode and he is willing to do anything to keep Liz safe. Jason Behr’s performance in the torture scenes was incredible.

    Liz however is living her worst nightmare. Her beloved Max is captured and may possibly die. This is probably the most alone Liz has felt in her life. The scene in the Café where the others all go to someone for comfort leaves her feeling isolated. After a few seconds of this, Liz turns to Tess demanding to know where Nasedo is. Liz is also the one to go to Valenti for help. In my opinion, Liz is the only member of the cast who could do this. She does it saying that Max wanted to trust the Sheriff and that was a good enough reason for her to trust him as well. She went through her own torture session waiting until four o’clock and then she finally could no longer wait. Good thing she didn’t either because without Valenti’s timely arrival, both Max AND Michael might have been captured.

    There’s nothing really significant about Maria and Alex here. Maria does take things rather calmly and that doesn’t seem quite like her. Especially when you watch tense situations she’s gone through in past episodes (all without her much needed Cyprus seed oil too!) I guess she was just trying to be strong for Liz’s sake. My favorite Maria moment in this episode is as the aliens head out to go to the base, Maria tells Michael “Come back to me.”

    Katherine Heigl does an excellent job of walking the fine line between desperate and hysterical. It’s clear Isabel doesn’t trust Nasedo. She also doesn’t appear to trust Tess anymore either. She does so out of necessity. However, just before Nasedo tells them about his plan, Isabel expresses her concerns saying it’s possible Nasedo and Tess are working for Pierce. I realize Isabel is panicking here but that statement is more far fetched then Michael believing River Dog is their father in “Into the Woods.” I guess this is one of those statements that needed to be run through a “Maria filter” because by itself, I couldn’t and wouldn’t accept that as true.

    Finally Michael meets the being he sees as his teacher and father. Everything Nasedo is and does is overwhelming to him as he tries to take it all in. He’s put Nasedo up on a pedestal and has not let anyone bring him down from it in his mind. Because of the situation, Nasedo is unable to give him the answers he is looking for. But Nasedo does finally fall off of his pedestal when he kills Agent Matthews in front of Michael. Michael finally realizes the truth that Nasedo is a killer. The “killing is wrong” moral that he has grown up with tells him just how evil his “father” is. If Michael’s relationship with Nasedo had been given a chance to be furthered, he would have never seen Nasedo in the same light again.

    To the rescue comes Tess. First and foremost, she tells the humans that they are “a liability.” I don’t believe this is a “Us and Them” type of thing. Not at this point in the series. I think it was just her telling the truth. There was nothing Liz, Maria, and Alex could do but the aliens, however unadvanced as they are with their powers, are better equipped to save Max. There was nothing malicious about that. Just the truth.

    But despite being helpful in saving Max, Tess can’t resist playing. When Isabel asks her what her role will be, Tess creates the mindwarp that an agent has picked her up and carried her off. Isabel is already shaking and about to crack from the strain of waiting and is made even worse by seeing that. Once the mindwarp is over, Tess has a playful smile her face, proud of what she has accomplished. It was not the time for that! I’ve no idea what she was trying to accomplish there.

    Revealing this power to Isabel has her come to the conclusion that this is why Max had all the thoughts about her. I will agree with this to a point. All the images Max had of Tess like the kiss in “Tess, Lies, and Videotape” (the one in the Café where Max was kissing Liz, not the one in the rain) and “Max to the Max” was this power. But was Max feeling drawn to Tess the same mindwarping? I say no. In “Destiny” we learn that Tess (Ava) was Zan’s (Max’s) bride. We even learn that Max was genuinely attracted to her in her past life as Ava. Brody’s memories from Larek of the first time Zan saw Ava prove this in the episode “Off the Menu.” So while Max may not specifically remember her from the past, he KNOWS she was a very important part of it and this is where the feelings of being drawn to her come from. Max himself admits he doesn’t know why. Max being drawn to her is not itself a mindwarp. In my opinion, the mindwarp excuse is used far too much to explain things people don’t like or don’t understand. Most of the time, the answer is right there but it’s not always easy to see.

    Nasedo is the creepy hero here. Nasedo sums up his character with the line “Humans are weak, which doesn’t bother me.” Humans are beneath him so of course, killing them means nothing. He knows everything about the Four including their powers. It sure would have been nice to have him around before now, wouldn’t it?

    I’ve seen statements about Nasedo saying he doesn’t have emotions. Some claim his line of “Emotions are a weakness” is proof of that. I disagree. Have you ever heard the phrase “Control your emotions or they will control you”? If you’re frantically angry or afraid, you aren’t thinking clearly. You have to stay calm to be in control. This is what Nasedo means. He’s trying to make Michael calm down so he can focus on the task at hand. Nasedo does have emotions but his focus buries them making him appear to be a cold, emotionless being. In fact, he’s just well disciplined.

    There’s no date in this episode. The last date we were given was 5/27/2000 in “Four Square.” This episode picks up probably no more then a couple of hours from the events in “Max to the Max.” The time this episode covers appears to be no more then twenty four hours. Michael, Isabel, and Tess go straight to the base after learning where it is. Shortly before 4 P.M., Liz goes to Valenti and he drives to the base to help rescue Max. The episode ends with them still in the building. When “Destiny” begins, it will immediately pick up at that point and it’s dark outside making it no more then mid-evening.

    In “Pilot”, Valenti pulls Max over and asks to see his drivers license. As I said in my review of “Crazy”, the numbers on his license are hard to see but I can make out “Newton Avenue” as Max’s street address. In the same episode, we learn that “6025 Murray Lane” is Agent John Steven’s home address from the Sheriff’s rolodex. In this episode, Max says his name and gives his address as “6025 Murray Lane.” No wonder Pierce decides to proceed the hard way. He knows Max is lying from the very beginning because Pierce knew that wasn’t Max’s real address.

    Deciding to go the hard way, people come in and put Max on a table and one of them takes a syringe to draw some of his blood. If you will look carefully at the shot of the needle filling with blood, you’ll see that the needle misses Max’s vein. His vein is right beside the needle’s point of entry. Missed it by that much! You can still draw blood that way but it would be painfully slow. Then again, maybe that was the point.

    When Tess brings up the idea of using their abilities to save Max, Alex asks Isabel about her ability to dreamwalk. When did Isabel tell Alex about that power? Was it when she told him the truth about herself in “Balance”? It must have happened when we weren’t looking because in that episode, Isabel only told him about the ability to manipulate molecular structure and then turned ketchup into mustard (or made it yellow.)

    Let’s go over the facts about the bodies of the Royals we learn in this episode. Since they were all made the same way, the things Pierce said about Max applies to all of the Hybrids including the Dupes (except for Nasedo and the others like him of course.)

    From X-rays, Pierce finds that Max’s skeletal structure is 100% human. He goes on to say that his organs and pulmonary and circulatory systems are also 100% human. From this, we can assume that all his other bodily systems are human as well. Nasedo tells Michael that their brains are also human and so are his powers. They can do everything the human mind is capable of. They are just thousands of years more advanced then mankind’s minds are now. Many times in science fictions stories, this little bit has popped up. There is a part of our brains in the frontal lobe that has mystified scientists in what it does. It doesn’t appear to be a part of memory or control any bodily processes. The movie “The Lawnmower Man” and the movie “The Shadow” propose the theory that this area of the brain does indeed have a use. It is the source of unlimited power. Once tapped, humans are capable of most anything. But we have long forgotten how to tap into that part of our minds. A human brain thousands of years into the future may know how to access this part of the brain. So if that is where the Four’s powers come from, sci-fi wise, it makes perfect sense.

    Now here’s where it gets tricky. Pierce shows Max a slide of his blood cells and says they are completely not human. First of all, the picture is the same picture of Max’s cheek cells that Liz looked at under a microscope in “Pilot.” The reason they were green was because she put a drop of green dye in them. It’s possible that dye was used in this instance as well. However, in humans, if you were to look at a blood cell and a cell from your cheek under a microscope, you can clearly tell a difference. Red blood cells do not look the same as a skin cell. So according to the picture in this episode, Max has one type of cell for both his skin and his blood. Since he is a genetically engineered being, it’s possible but biologically “iffy.” Unless Max is really a plant, then it works just fine! (Plants have only one type of cell throughout their structure.)

    Of course, if there is no dye and the cells shown really are green, you have to wonder why Max’s blood is red. Of course, our blood is different colors too. Enriched with oxygen, blood is a bright red. When the red blood cells give up their oxygen, it turns blue. When we cut ourselves, it looks red because the oxygen in the air is soaked up into it. Maybe Max’s green blood cells turn red in the presence of oxygen.

    One last thing. During the Hybrid Chronicles in season two, Larek tells Max that the gandarium is the bridge that joins human DNA with alien DNA. Without it, the two biologies will not interact with each other. So did Pierce’s analysis of Max not turn up the gandarium in his body? Either Pierce didn’t go that far into it or the substance itself is untraceable.

    To make this simple, let’s just go with this: Max and the others are human in every way except for their blood cells.

    Here’s three more deaths by Nasedo. All were heads of the FBI special unit. All the towns mentioned are real towns.

    Delta, Colorado 1962. Agent Lewis killed.
    Union City, Tennessee 1967. Agent Del Beonko killed.
    May 2, 1999. Agent Daniel Summers, the man Pierce got his job from, killed.

    Pierce doesn’t mention any in between 1967 and 1999 but there had to be others in there somewhere. You have to wonder what it was about the job that made people want to take it. “We’re offering you a job agent. All the other heads of this unit have been killed. But don’t worry. You’ll be ok.” Odd job security. Season two’s “Skin and Bones” has Congresswoman Whitaker speak about another murder in 1972 so there must have been many more murders then the ones Pierce mentions.

    Pierce says that there were four aliens captured in the crash in 1947. Two were dead and two were alive. One of these was held in captivity for three years and the other one escaped. Nasedo tells Michael that he knows the base intimately because he escaped from it once before. So Nasedo was the one who escaped first (the enhanced features of the Roswell soundtrack confirms this.) Shows a lot of comradeship on his part leaving and abandoning his fellow alien, doesn’t it?)

    In season two’s “Summer of ’47” we will see for the first time that there are two aliens. Hal Carver comes upon them in the room with the pods. He tells the aliens to “save them” referring to the pods. The little white guys must have been captured after getting both sets of pods to safety. Nasedo escapes and the last one stays captive in the white room for three years. We aren’t told about this little guy’s fate but the Dupes refer to their protector in “Max in the City.” Tess says that Nasedo has never left her alone so the Dupes protector wouldn’t have been Nasedo. We learn about this alien’s fate in season three.

    Views from outside the white room show two way mirrors. From inside the room, there is no indication that there is any kind of mirror. The walls all look like set tiles. When Nasedo uses his power to break the mirrors, we see that it was painted to look like tiles. Why wasn’t there any indication of this from the outside? No lines, no nothing. I’ve never seen that kind of two way mirror.

    Isabel identifies the symbol Max showed her on the floor of the base as a floor tile at “Eagle Rock base” in the UFO Center display. There are several military bases in New Mexico but none of them have ever been called Eagle Rock. There’s Cannon Air Force Base and many others. When we finally get some shots of the outside and inside of the base, it appears to be a hospital. There are signs pointing towards “radiology” and “blood lab” that look like the signs you’d see in a hospital. Would it have been too hard to say that it’s an abandoned hospital and not a military base? Again, the episode “Summer of ’47” tells us there is a military base thirty miles from the crash site. It’s never named specifically however in the episode. Perhaps that is “Eagle Rock.”

    When the episode begins, Tess is still wearing the dress and blouse she was last seen wearing at the end of “Max to the Max.” After Isabel dreamwalks Max the first time, they all head to the UFO Center and Tess has changed clothes to a shirt, jacket, and pants combo. Isabel contacted Max in Liz’s room which is right above the Café. The UFO Center is directly across the street from the Café. So before going to the UFO Center, Tess apparently went home and changed clothes. What bad timing. I suppose she could be wearing some of Liz’s clothes but I REALLY doubt it. When they arrive at the base, Isabel has changed clothes as well. It appears that she changed clothes after leaving the UFO Center but BEFORE driving to the base. Now her outfit change makes sense. With Tess, it appears that she made everyone wait for her while she changed clothes yet Isabel waits until they go to leave. Would it have been too much for them both to get new outfits at the same time and then meet up with Michael to go to the base?

    One last comment on apparel. When they first enter the base, walking down the lighted tunnel, you can see that Isabel and Tess are wearing some shoes with monster heels. Now I understand that big heeled shoes like that are the rage but wouldn’t a more sensible pair of shoes be called for? Maybe a pair of sneakers or some running shoes? This type of thing calls for quick, stealthy movements. Why slow yourself down by wearing a pair of shoes that will definitely hinder you? We know Isabel owns a pair of running shoes because she takes up jogging in season two. What about Tess?

    We don’t get any indication to suggest what time it is when they go to the UFO Center but given the circumstances from “Max to the Max”, it would be mid or late evening. What times does the UFO Center close or is it open at all hours? It’s possible one of them used their powers to unlock the door but we didn’t see that so I wonder how they got in.

    Ok, time to look at Pierce’s torture of Max. After Max refuses to answer any of his questions, Pierce calls in some people and pumps Max full of chemicals. We don’t get told what kind but it’s possible they used sodium penathol (truth serum.) Pierce has no idea how Max will react to any kind of drug. We know that one sip of alcohol makes Max drunk immediately. We saw this in “Blind Date.” For all Pierce knows, simple aspirin could kill Max but instead of taking the time to test what these chemicals will do to Max by using tissue samples first, Pierce lets his people dope Max up. Considering Max’s value to Pierce, does that seem right? Now you might argue that Pierce does know what the chemicals do because they might have been used on the captured alien in the 1940’s. No, no, no! That alien is not the same as Max. Max is a hybrid. The chemicals may not affect the two beings in the same way. It just doesn’t seem right to me to want to damage your prize by doing something that might kill him. And yes, I know Pierce threatened to kill Max many times but I think that was just to get him to talk. He didn’t intend to really kill Max. At least, not at first.

    Pierce’s next tactic is to physically torture Max. He drops him in cold ice water and then electrocutes him. Pierce then gives up on this approach and tries to emotionally torture Max by threatening Michael and Isabel. He finally gets some cooperation when he threatens to kill Liz. Not that I approve of Pierce’s methods but it seems to me that this would be the best way to go. Once he realized that Max was more afraid of what could happen to the others then he was himself, Pierce should have followed through with his threat and picked up EVERYONE and torture them to get Max to talk. Instead, he seems content to keep Max. What was he going to do? Torture Max until he died and then pick up Isabel or Michael? Pierce is going about this the wrong way.

    After flushing the chemicals out of Max’s system, Pierce tortures Max with electricity. When we see him getting dunked into the tank, they have taken away his shirt. After that is done, they must have given Max his shirt back because when Pierce decides to torture Max by promising to hurt his friends, Max is wearing a shirt. Why’d Pierce give him his shirt back?

    Coming to his senses, Max jumps at Pierce and corners him against the wall. Pierce tells him to not even try to use his abilities because they’ve injected him with a neuroinhibiter that prevents it. So why doesn’t Max just kick his ass? Yes, there are agents on the other side of the door but why not try it?

    This is important to note. Isabel thinks the man under the sheet is Max. Tess says that she would have felt it if something had happened to Max. From this, I would think she means that if he had died, she would have felt it. At the moment, Max is being tortured. If Tess could get feelings from Max, she should be able to feel the fear he is experiencing.

    I realize that the base / hospital is supposed to appear abandoned but it’s unbelievable that Pierce didn’t tighten security now that Max was on the premises. Michael and the others enter the base with apparent ease through the tunnel. Not to mention Nasedo getting in as far as the security door. No roving patrols? No snipers in look out on the roof? (I swear. EVERYONE in the FBI is a moron!!) Of course, if they couldn’t get in, it would have been a short show.

    As Nasedo / Agent comes into the morgue, Michael attempts to use his powers on him. Papers blow around, lights fall from the ceiling, a freezer door opens and the entire room shakes. Did no one else in the building feel the tremors or was it just confined to that room? Something like that should have brought the entire building on alert! However, maybe it was just the camera shaking because everyone is standing upright with no difficulties. I’ll bet the cameraman was hoping this take was done in one shot (“Dang it Frakes. That kid’s powers are making me seasick!”)

    When talking about the security door, Isabel says she can open it. Nasedo says no. He says the door is made of depleted uranium which contains heavy atoms that they can’t manipulate. Uranium is a highly radioactive but naturally occurring element on Earth. It makes sense that Four cannot manipulate it. Uranium has a half-life of about 247,000 years. In other words, it takes that long for HALF of it to wear down. There are methods one can use to shorten that timespan and make the uranium inert (non-radioactive.) When uranium decays, it turns into lead. That’s right. Plain, old, simple lead. Why didn’t Nasedo just say the door was made of lead? (Because it’s more COOL to call it uranium, that’s why!) The metal might be uranium but what about the glass? Nasedo could smash it, take the form of a mouse or something (assuming he can actually do that. He may only be allowed to change his appearance and not become another type of being), walk through the bars, hide, turn back into an agent and vio-la! He’s inside! That’s assuming it IS glass and not some kind of thick plastic.

    After Nasedo knocks Michael to the floor, listen to Emilie de Ravin say “It’s you!” and you can hear her Australian accent. Has Tess been to Australia and picked up this little quirk? (snicker, snicker)

    Nasedo gives Michael a map of the base and tells him to scan it into his brain. This power is forgotten because no one practices or exhibits it in any other episode. Too bad too because it sounds like a handy power to have. This is another prime example of how Nasedo’s absence has hurt the Four power-wise. Without someone to train them, they probably never will be able to tap into their full potential. And that’s quite a shame considering Nasedo’s statements to Michael that he can do anything he sets his mind to.

    Trying to inspire Michael to quickly learn how to change his fingerprints so they can open the security door, Nasedo tells him if he doesn’t, he’ll use the hand of the agent coming down the hall “and you know how I’ll get it.” By this, Nasedo means he’ll cut the guy’s hand off. This presents the inherent flaw to the door’s security. Nasedo cannot open it because while he can match a man’s fingerprints, he cannot change his skeletal structure. So the FBI put an x-ray scanner on the door as well. So by himself, Nasedo can’t open the door. But if he really wanted to get in, he could simply cut off an agents hand and use it to get inside. It sounds gruesome but it seems like something that is right up Nasedo’s alley. I’m surprised he doesn’t carry around a lucky agent’s hand (as opposed to a lucky rabbit’s foot.)

    Showing Michael how to change his fingerprints, he holds up the dead agent’s hand and straightens it’s finger. This isn’t possible. When a person dies, a process called “rigor mortis” sets in. It’s a complex chemical process inside the body but to make a long story short, the body stiffens in place (hence the term “stiff” to refer to a dead body.) The time it takes for rigor mortis to set in depends on the temperature. At colder temperatures, it takes longer. If the temperature is warm, it will happen quickly. Normally, it takes about three hours for rigor mortis to set in. In the warm temperatures of New Mexico, it would take anywhere from three to eight hours for it to happen. The dead agent seen here is the one Nasedo killed in “Max to the Max.” That was more then twenty four hours ago in show time! That body should have been as stiff as a board. That means his arm wouldn’t bend at the shoulder or the elbow and unless his finger was already pointing straight, impossible to move! The arm and the rest of the back of the agent’s body would also have been black and blue from all the blood collecting in the back due to gravity (Boy, am I pointing out all the sick stuff or what?) Update: According to someone who works in forensics, rigor mortis eventually wears off. Just as it takes longer to set in with colder temperatures, the warmer it is, the sooner it wears off. Also, the body would have begun to smell VERY badly!!

    Michael shows some amazing intestinal fortitude to be holding a dead man’s hand in his. Not once does he grimace or feel like he’s going to be ill. He’s probably seen it on TV and refuses to let it bother him.

    Nasedo appears to be very confused at Michael’s reaction to his killing of Agent Matthews. He doesn’t understand why Michael is so against killing. Michael tells him that Nasedo doesn’t appear to care. Damn right!!!! (Ok, it’s not a nit. Just me backing Michael on a very important detail about our shapeshifting friend.)

    Speaking of poor dead agent Matthews, Nasedo kills him and then leaves his body on the floor of the morgue for the two agents to find later. Nasedo killed him saying he couldn’t take a chance of running into the person he was changing into in the hallway. So why didn’t he toss the body into one of the giant freezers? The door to one of them is still wide open. Why increase the chance of discovery by leaving proof of yourself for others to find? I’ll tell you why! Because Nasedo does that ALL THE TIME!! As evidence, the silver handprint on the bodies of those he kills. The guy WANTS to get caught I tell ya!

    After changing Michael’s clothes into a suit, Nasedo hands him a comb. Where did he have that comb? Did he have it in his pocket or did he manipulate something he always carries into a comb? It seems unlikely that a being who can alter his shape would carry something to fix his hair when a simple wave of the hand would work just fine. Not that Nasedo has a lot of hair to worry about in the form he always takes anyway.

    Other then what I’ve mentioned, I didn’t see anything else wrong with this episode. Kudos to the creators!

    #122 Destiny – Review

    Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

    “It has begun.”

    The season one finale was a very good ending to a superb first run. It kept you on the edge of your seat and wondering how it was going to turn out. It has a little bit of everything. It has sacrifice, it has suspense, a little action, a little sadness, a little understanding, and a small bit of pain.

    It’s unfortunate that the torture Max endured in “The White Room” didn’t seem to adversely affect him and after one night’s sleep, Max is seemingly back to normal. I guess we could chalk this up to his mind not being able to be so easily broken but it sure looked like he was having difficulty when posturing for Pierce that he would make the Orbs work. In season two, there is little reference to this episode except for one mention in “Skin and Bones.” For us humans, traumatic events can stay with us for some time. I guess it helps to have a little alien DNA at times.

    I’m sure everyone who is a Max and Liz fan felt a rush of passion when Max and Liz said they loved each other. It only made the end of the show even more heartbreaking.

    Even if I hadn’t known otherwise, it was clear even in “Pilot” that Max was the leader of the group. Both Isabel and Michael seemed to accept that when Nasedo let them know who was their leader. It was Max who was surprised about it. I don’t really know why though. I guess Max is one of those types of leaders who has the ability to lead, but not the desire to do so unless circumstances require him to. There’s an example of this in this episode. As everyone muddles about at the abandoned silver mine unsure of what to do, Max comes in and immediately takes charge. He says they won’t run and that they will stand and fight. Everyone agrees and even Michael goes along with it without a word of protest. In fact, Max and Michael put their differences aside and work as a unit for the first time. I like that. Michael is the type of follower who feels it’s his duty to point out alternatives but when Max makes a decision, it’s his duty to carry it out no matter what. That’s exactly how it should be.

    The only complaint I have about Max in this episode was that I was wanting to see a bit more rage in him when he was talking to Pierce in the UFO Center. He didn’t have to hurt Pierce but I would have liked to see Jason Behr gritting his teeth or looking at him with a fierce look in his eyes. This was the man who had tortured him.

    You know, at the beginning of season one, it was really hard for me to get behind Liz. She seemed so unsure and quirky about everything that I really didn’t care for her that much. After “Leaving Normal” and “Toy House”, I changed my mind and found she was really someone I could get behind and empathize with. When she would say or do something, I was able to say “Yeah, that’s right” with regard to Max and how he couldn’t seem to commit. But Liz did something in this episode that really made me shake my head. After fleeing the base and eluding the FBI, Max and Liz hide inside an old bus for the night. After getting a flash from Max about the torture he endured that day, Liz takes a moment to comfort him and then decides she wants to talk to him about their relationship. Slow down girl. Max could have died and all you want to do is talk about destiny and your relationship? No, no, no, NO! What Liz should have done was spend the night comforting him. I’m sure that an “I’m sorry about what has happened to you” would still have led to Max telling her he loved her. She should have left all the destiny stuff for another time. That’s just my opinion of course. Max didn’t seem to have a problem with any of it.

    I thought Liz letting Max go was probably one of the most noble things I’ve ever seen anyone do. Max had no intention of following through on what was planned for him and Liz felt that the only way for him to do so was to remove herself from the picture. As we learn from season two’s “Skin and Bones” Liz left for Florida for the summer and barely spoke to Max before she went. Can you imagine the head and heartache Max went through for three months?

    Looking again at season two’s “Skin and Bones”, we learn that Isabel has once again put up her walls to keep Alex out. In this episode, she leans back against him when he comes up behind her at the silver mine. At the UFO Center, Alex tells her he knows she must rescue Nasedo alone. He then hugs and kisses her and she responds in kind. It appears from this and her statements in “Four Square” about being ready for a relationship that she was ready. Why all of a sudden did she change her mind? The only excuse Isabel uses is the one she has always used. She can’t think of being with anyone because of everything. Boy, Madam Vivian hit the nail on the head in “End of the World” saying Alex’s relationship with Isabel would never work. Apparently, Isabel is too scared to commit. A failing she must have learned from Max. I wonder what happened between this episode and “Skin and Bones” to make Isabel change her mind.

    Isabel’s heart probably leapt into her throat when the mom’o’gram played. This feeling is revisited in season’s two “Surprise.”

    Even for the most hardened soldier, to take another’s life is not an easy task. In Ray Liota’s movie “No Escape”, his character Robbins is such a soldier. Setting out on a mission, a prisoner named Casey follows him and is angry when Robbins won’t let him come along. Robbins asks Casey if he has ever killed a man. Casey finally admits he hasn’t. Robbins tells him that he must kill without mercy, without hesitation. “Once you can do that, you can never go back,” Robbins says. “You’re lucky you can’t do it.”

    This is what Michael feels after he kills Pierce. Michael wanted to kill Pierce. It’s one thing to want to kill someone. It’s quite another to actually do it. This wasn’t something that Max could help Michael with. It was totally beyond his experience. Michael still feels this pain in season two and I’m glad that creators didn’t just drop it.

    Did you see the look of shock and realization on Maria’s face when Michael told her he couldn’t be with her because he loved her too much? Maria wasn’t prepared for that at all. And this powerful scene is how we leave Maria in season one.

    In my review of “The White Room” I said that Tess wasn’t really drawing a line between the humans and the aliens calling them liabilities as they tried to rescue Max. In this episode, Tess is clearly doing just that. She makes a big fuss about Michael leaving Nasedo behind. I was waiting for Michael to say that he told them too. Nasedo did say that after all. Then while they are at the silver mine, she says they should all go to the pod chamber and leave the humans behind because Pierce doesn’t want them. More on that in a minute. She knows full well that Max and Liz care about each other and instead of respecting that, tells Isabel in “Four Square” that she feels drawn to Max. Then after the mom’o’gram ends, she immediately tries to kiss Max directly in front of Liz! I chuckled a little bit how Max put her in her place during this and went to Liz. The look on Tess’s face was clearly one of a woman scorned. Did she really think Max was going to kiss her back? It’s not gonna work that way Tess ‘ole girl.

    Tess made a quiet zinger to Liz in this episode. Liz asks Tess if she can really make people see things that aren’t there. Tess says it’s easier to do that then “to make someone see things that are right in front of her eyes.” (Emphasis mine.) Liz then looks down as if to say “message received.”

    I really did like how the creators kept us guessing about Valenti. Finally learning the truth from Max, he is elated and at the same time sad because his father had been right all this time and he never believed him. I also felt a shock when Valenti started shooting at Pierce in the UFO Center. I knew Kyle was hiding behind the displays and I think the Sheriff realized something was very wrong on his last shot. It’s a testament to Valenti’s character when after Max heals Kyle that he says he will be there for them. Now they have a very important ally.

    We will see more of Kyle’s mistrust for Max and Company in season two. We get a small hint of it here where he threatens to kill Max if his father is in danger. Kyle being healed by him will also give him a few nightmares…literally. When we head into season three, there’s really no trace of Kyle’s aversion to the aliens and even seems to respect Max for saving his life.

    One of the interesting things about the mom’o’gram is she says she has taken a human form so they can understand her. Apparently, on Antar, they have another form. If the remaining Royals ever do return home, I wonder how things will look to them. Maybe they will have to give up their physical bodies. I’ll bet those episodes are going to be expensive to visually produce.

    In season two’s “Ask Not”, Brody says that on May 14th, his little beeper device went off. As this episode ends, we see these devices going off in several different places. So the date for this episode is May 14th, 2000. Looking at a calendar, that was a Sunday. Since the last episodes of season one were right after one another date wise, it will be easy to fit them into the timeline.

    As the episode begins, we see a large sign on the fence that says “Eagle Rock Military Base. Medical Research Facility. Property of the U.S. Department of the Army.” The first thing wrong with this is that I have never seen a sign saying something is property of the “Department of the Army.” It’s always said “Property of U.S. Army.” I suppose that this is technically correct but I’ve always heard the Army was a branch of the U.S. military and not a department. Maybe someone out there can clarify that for me.

    The sign also answers one of my suspicions I stated in my review of “The White Room.” I wondered why it was called a military base when it looked like a military hospital. The sign says it is a hospital.

    The other odd thing about this sign is that Eagle Rock is supposed to be an ABANDONED military base. Maria said the government closed it down “years ago” in “The White Room.” Since Pierce is using this ABANDONED military base secretly, why would he want to leave a big sign up announcing the place to the world? Kind of like the sign hanging on the fence that said “Puhlman Ranch” in “Four Square” when the military supposedly took it over in 1947 because of the crash. Why would they leave the signs hanging on the fence in both cases? Michael said the government wiped Puhlman Ranch off the map. If they wiped it off the map, does it seem likely they would leave the signs up? (Of course, maybe the idiocy of the FBI began with the army!)

    The sheriff says there is a silver mine “in Galitas off horseshoe road” (This comes from the transcript at because it’s hard to make out exactly what Valenti says on my tape.) I don’t know if the Sheriff is referring to a town called Galitas because if he is, he’s mistaken. There is no “Galitas” in New Mexico. The closest thing to it is the Gallinas River which is by Las Vegas, New Mexico north of Roswell at least a hundred miles away. I’m told there is also a small town in Lincoln county called Gallinas so it’s possible that is what the Sheriff is talking about. It’s close to the town of Coronas. “Horseshoe Road” must be local slang for a farm road because there is no such road on my map of New Mexico. For the past few episodes, the creators had been pretty good about real locations in the show. This blurb and one I’ll mention later killed it for them. However, they do make references to Hondo, which is a real city in New Mexico west of Roswell.

    The first time I saw Isabel hand Max some clothes as they prepared to escape the base, I thought she must have been a Girl Scout to be so prepared. Apparently, she knew he needed them from seeing how he was dressed when she dreamwalked him in “The White Room.” Way to go sis!

    I thought it was a real boneheaded move to drop Max into Maria’s car and then leave him by himself with Liz. The two of them all by themselves? Does that seem right? Max isn’t exactly in any condition to be left with just one person to help him. And why did they bring Maria’s car? The Jetta wasn’t exactly built for speed. Then again, neither is the jeep (or perhaps it’s just the way everyone drives it. You’ll remember that in past reviews, I’ve noted that no one seems to drive faster then 15 mph.) The Sheriff’s SUV would have been a better escape vehicle and it could hold all of them. Of course, if they did do this, Liz and Max wouldn’t have spent the night in the old bus and had their heart to heart and so on and so on.

    Speaking of the cars, Max and Liz get into Maria’s Jetta. Alex, Isabel, Tess, Maria, and Michael get into the jeep. And the Sheriff? He gets into his truck all…by…himself. Now what’s wrong with that picture? The Sheriff makes a big showing about wanting the kids to trust him and when they do, he abandons them? Right.

    Max and Liz abandon Maria’s car after the FBI shoot out the back window. I’ll bet Maria REALLY appreciated that. I wonder how she explained the broken window to her mom. “Typical teenage day mom. Kidnapping, conspiracy, Uzi’s.” I guess after all the stuff at the pod chamber at the end of the episode that someone went back and fetched the car.

    As Max and Liz run down the road to the bridge’s edge, look at the agent behind them just trotting along. What is he doing? Hoping Max and Liz will tire from running and drop to the pavement so he can catch them and not break a sweat? Oh, and let’s not forget these agents have guns. Really big guns! No one bothers to fire a warning shot or even yell “Freeze!”? (They’re all morons I tell ya. Morons!)

    Looking over the bridge’s edge, we see a shot of the water below. Max and Liz jump in and we hear a splash. Then immediately after, the agents look over the side and we see the water below. There is no disturbance in the water where Max and Liz jumped in just seconds before. I guess Max is using his “keep the water still” power. The creators just used the exact same piece of footage for the water each time. I guess they didn’t want the actors to catch a cold.

    After the opening credits, we see Max and Liz running through a little stream. The odd thing is that the only part of them that is wet is their pants. That can’t be right unless the water under the bridge they just jumped off was only waist deep. If that was the case, then jumping off that bridge probably hurt. Maybe Max is using his “Always stay dry” power.

    As Tess fumes about them having left Nasedo at the base, Michael says “We’re not leaving anyone behind anymore.” That’s a funny thing for Michael to say considering he had just left Nasedo behind.

    Somebody is using a wind forcefield in the jeep. Nobody’s hair is moving! Of course, Michael might not be driving very fast. It’s not like anyone ever drives over 15 mph in the jeep. (I personally think this is why the jeep broke down twice in “Monsters.” Isabel was trying to drive fast and the jeep, not used to being taxed so hard, blew it’s radiator.) In Michael’s defense, we have no idea just how fast he really is going because we can’t see the background. It’s just straight black. As if it’s only a black backdrop. Hmmmm.

    There is a shot in the opening credits where we see Max and Liz running from a vehicle’s lights in the darkness. There isn’t any episode where this comes from exactly but there is a scene in this episode where Max and Liz run from the FBI humvee. It’s not possible that the bit came from this episode because when it was added for “Morning After”, this episode had not been filmed yet. Perhaps it’s just a nice touch by the creators.

    Trying to get everyone to go back to the pod chamber, Tess says that Pierce “doesn’t want the rest of you.” Does that mean Nasedo was lieing when he told Liz in “Max to the Max” that Pierce wanted to study her because he knew what Max did to her or did Tess not know that?

    We couldn’t end the season without the FBI still acting like dumdum’s could we? They sure don’t disappoint here. There’s an FBI agent sitting as plan as day in a dark van outside the Café and he’s wearing the ever-visible black suit too. And if that wasn’t obvious enough, when Michael and Isabel walk past him, he gets out of the van and follows them with all the subtlety of fingernails on a chalkboard. We then see a second agent guarding Kyle. That’s it? Two agents? That wasn’t very smart of Pierce. When Max escaped, Pierce should have mobilized every agent he had and sent them in mass to Roswell and picked up everyone involved with Max. Of course, if he had, it would have been a short show and probably the end of the series.

    s I said above, the last few episodes were back to back time wise. Did Max’s parents or for that matter, ANYONE’S parents not have any concern about where their children were all weekend? I suppose Liz, Alex, and Maria could have checked in as they waited at the Crashdown in “The White Room” but what about Isabel? Don’t you think Phillip and Diane Evans would want to know where their children were?

    As Tess mindwarps the FBI agents, she shows them an image of Pierce. He is wearing a sling. How did Tess know that Pierce was wearing a sling? I realize that Valenti could have told them that he shot Pierce but she didn’t know he was wearing a sling on his arm. Not unless she climbed up the wall and looked into Valenti’s office window when we weren’t looking she wouldn’t.

    Let’s take a look more closely at these two mindwarps. Tess mindwarps both agents at once. The agent sitting outside the Café is Agent Bellows. He is following Isabel and Michael and suddenly, Pierce is right in front of him. Bellows must be used to this kind of behavior from his superior because he takes it all in stride.

    The agent guarding Kyle is Agent Samuels. When Tess mindwarps him, he hears Pierce talking to him from the back porch. A porch with a big wall and some giant cactuses growing on it. Where was Pierce supposed to be standing? Did Tess have him appear to be hiding behind a cactus?

    I’ll say this about Max. If you torture the guy, don’t piss him off later. Max lays out Agent Samuels with one punch. Then again, maybe Max is using his “punch like Superman” power.

    Pierce tells the Sheriff that he shot him six inches from his heart. Six inches is about as long as your index finger. That’s a pretty serious wound but all Pierce has is his arm in a sling and never shows any signs that he is feeling any pain. Pierce is either very lucky or a real tough guy.

    Setting Pierce up, the Sheriff tells Pierce the gang is taking out his agents one by one. The Sheriff suggests Pierce get them on the radio. Pierce attempts to do so and no one answers. Now we know why Samuels isn’t answering. Max kicked his butt and shoved him into the closet. But why didn’t Agent Bellows respond? He got in his van and drove off. Did he drive out of radio range? That doesn’t seem like a very good design for FBI special issue equipment.

    s anyone else wondering where the heck Milton has run off too? We haven’t seen him since “The Convention.”

    Valenti speaks about a friend in the district attorney’s office. In a nice bit of continuity, we see that Valenti does indeed have a lawyer friend during the Hybrid Chronicles in season two.

    Wanting to find where Nasedo was taken, the gang decides to have Isabel dreamwalk Pierce. Isabel says she has never dreamwalked anyone who wasn’t asleep. I immediately knew this was incorrect because she did it to Max three times in the last episode and Tess agreed with me saying the same thing. Isabel then tries to cover this by saying that Max was drugged and didn’t fight her when she tried to get into his mind. Given Nasedo’s statements that they can do anything the human mind is capable of, I don’t understand why Isabel wouldn’t think she could read a mind that was awake. It’s almost as if she is afraid to try. Tess then tells her that even if she can get in, even a little, she’ll get the answers she wants. And wa-la, she does.

    In the reading, Isabel sees Pierce telling his men to take Nasedo’s body to a helicopter at “Jefford’s Airstrip outside Hobson.” There is neither a Hobson nor a Jefford’s Airstrip in New Mexico. And apparently, the agents knew that because when Max and Company go to get the shapeshifter, they’re out in the desert somewhere with no airstrip to be seen. Not that a “helo” needs an airstrip to land anyway.

    As Kyle sneaks into the UFO Center, we see Pierce sitting in a chair struggling to free himself. Throughout the scene as Kyle unties him, someone keeps changing the slides in the projector. Who’s doing that? I thought Max was doing it as he acted like he had the control in his hand when he was repeating Pierce’s words to him. But Max isn’t in the scene. He’s off behind the displays talking to Valenti and Michael. Is he back there pushing the button or is the projector set on automatic?

    Speaking of Max, Michael, and Valenti, before Pierce pulls a gun, it looks like they were leaving. They weren’t really going to leave him in the UFO Center by himself were they? Knowing Pierce the way I do, I would keep him under constant surveillance!

    There are several things about Max’s healing of Kyle that really deserves some scrutiny. First of all, there’s a light shining on Max’s hand. There was no light shining on Max’s hand when he healed Liz in “Pilot.” There’s also a light that flashes through Kyle’s body specifically in his face. Liz didn’t do that either. But probably the most important thing is that not only does Max heal the wound, he also cleans the blood off of Kyle’s shirt! Boy, that would have come in handy when he healed Liz! If he had done that, maybe this entire series of events could have been avoided in the first place! Then again, maybe Max is using his “Dry clean as you heal” power.

    Why didn’t Tess go along with the group to rescue Nasedo? After all her fussing and fuming about leaving Nasedo behind at Eagle Rock, she stayed behind with the humans? Oh, I doubt that.

    In the Pod chamber, the gang uses four stones to heal Nasedo. What happened to the fifth stone? There were five in “Balance.” Was it an extra in case someone loses one?

    Max decides to have Nasedo impersonate Pierce to destroy the FBI special unit from within. Nasedo agrees and shapeshifts into Pierce. I hope that he picks up an arm sling since the last time the agents that are waiting in Hondo saw Pierce, he was wearing a sling on his left arm.

    I’ve mentioned this in the past but since it happens here, I’ll mention it again. Max is the one who is strongly against finding Nasedo because in his mind, Nasedo is a killer. However, Max seems to forget all about this aspect of the shapeshifter because he sends him out disguised as Pierce. Max doesn’t order Nasedo not to kill anyone until “Skin and Bones” which takes place more then three months after the events in this episode.

    When the Orbs activate and play the mom’o’gram, the Pod chamber lights up and begin to blink on and off. Once the message ends, the lights shut off. Keep the image of the chamber alive in your mind because when we return to it in “Ask Not”, we’re going to see a vastly different pod chamber with all sorts of lights and a much larger area!

    In case you were unaware, the actress who appears as the mom’o’gram is executive producer Jonathon Frakes’s wife.

    The creators have always done a very good job with music selections. There has only been two occasions where I’ve frowned at the music in season one. The first was the constant use of the same song by the Counting Crows in “Toy House.” It really began to gnaw at me after about the third viewing. The other occasion where I question a music selection is in this episode. The use of Dido’s “Here With Me” makes an excellent theme song for the show but when the creators opt to use it when Liz runs from Max at the end of the show, it felt wrong to me. It was meant to be a nice touch and if the episode had ended with it, it would have indeed been something special. Instead, it doesn’t quite work. Why, you ask? Because after Liz leaves the scene, the music changes as we see the devices held by the Skins lighting up. The music change from the soft beat of Dido’s song to the beatless score is not seamless and really breaks the mood. We go from the sadness of seeing Liz run from her true love to the danger of the Four’s enemies. Were I selecting the music, I would have used one piece of music that starts out sad and slowly fades into the beeping of the small devices. I’m happy to report however that in season two, these two incidents do not repeat themselves.

    This is rather tacky to mention given the mood of the final scene but as Liz runs away from Max, you can see her underwear along her waistline. That girl needs to wear a belt. Then again, maybe Max is using his “show me your unmentionables” power.

    The man who says “It has begun” to end the episode is, according to my friend Tara Moe, Backstreet Boy “Sweet” Howie Dorough. Is this Nicolas’s little secret? Are his soldiers all members of boy bands? You know, I’m not as afraid of the Skins as I used to be. Who’s going to be afraid N’SYNC?

    #201 Skin and Bones – Review

    Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

    “The Dark Times” have begun. In my humble opinion, this was a great way to start the season. Jason Katims really outdid himself with this episode. If I ever meet him, this episode will definitely be on my discussion list.

    Just about everyone has undergone some changes over the summer. The first thing I noticed about the cast in general is their hair. Everyone’s hair either changes style, gets longer or shorter, or thicker. Maria especially. Her head has been quite busy (in the season three episode “So I Married An Alien”, we learn that her hair had a bit of help courtesy of Isabel’s powers.) Isabel’s looks about the same. Max’s hair seems a bit thinner. Michael loses the spike look. Liz’s hair is thicker then it was in season one (and the most improved of everyone if you ask me) and Tess has added some length and de-emphasized her curls somewhat. I’ll mention other things after the character reviews.

    The opening recap with Max in a psychiatrist’s office was a good way to start things off. If Maria is right and he has been “ining-pay” all summer, he must be miserable indeed. (I love that line of pig Latin from “Into the Woods.” It’s so reusable.) I feel sorry for everyone he’s been around all of this time because he’s probably been sucking all the happiness out of life. But not only has Max been brooding for three months, it appears he and Michael have been arguing all summer over what the next step is. Unfortunately, there really isn’t much that could have been done, which Michael admits to Valenti. I guess these two just fight for lack of anything else to do. Katims said in an online chat that they fight because of “testosterone.” That will do it too.

    When Max asks Maria about Liz, she tells him that Liz “blew him off” before leaving for Florida. Was Maria trying to hurt Max’s feelings here? Liz did not “blow him off.” She honorably, yet unwillingly, walked away from Max because he was refusing to accept his destiny i.e. be with his former wife, Tess. I don’t believe that Liz would have told Maria to tell Max that either. Liz isn’t that cruel.

    It would have been nice to see some of the bonding that occurred between Max and Maria over the summer. I’ll bet that would have been an entertaining episode.

    I’m not sure I understand Liz’s reaction here. It seems that Liz believes Max actually has feelings for Tess and is staying away to make it easier for him. Where did she get that from? Max told Tess no in “Destiny” after hearing the mom-o-gram and went straight to Liz. He told her at the beginning of that episode that he loved her. Max even tells her again in this episode that he doesn’t have any feelings for Tess. (That’s another scene I would have liked to see. Max telling Tess how he feels and where things stand between them.) Liz is clearly not comfortable with having to keep Max away. She’s not a hindrance to him. She’s the girl he loves! While walking away from Max was noble, her reactions to him in this episode don’t make a lot of sense in some places.

    I also thought Liz’s line of “I’m not a dork. I just love science” was unnecessary. Max knows Liz is an aspiring scientist. That’s the one thing about the whole episode that is just not in character for Liz Parker and that’s odd on Katim’s part as he knows the character better then anyone. I think maybe it would have worked better if Liz said “Max, remember Mr. Seligmen talking about the new accelerator last year?” It’s just…odd. I also don’t remember Mr. Wanna-be Bill Nye, the science guy saying anything about a particle accelerator in season one so it must have happened when we weren’t looking (Don’tcha hate it when that happens?)

    Along with her usual sedatives and vitamins, Maria must have started taking obnoxious pills. Even though I found her exchanges hilarious, some of them are a bit over the top. I’ve already mentioned her comment to Max about Liz blowing him off but how about her comment to Michael about ex-cons being great in bed? It was definitely an attention getting statement if that is what she was trying to do but man. She wasn’t really propositioning him was she? It’s strange that she can’t take her own advice. She is going through the same thing with Michael that Max is experiencing with Liz. Maybe her own sufferings have fried her neurons. I did like that once she realized the joking wasn’t going to work, she honestly told Michael that she missed him.

    What the heck happened between Alex and Isabel? The last time we saw these two, they were a couple. Not a rock solid couple but Isabel appeared to have dropped her walls around Alex. Now, after watching one government broadcast, Isabel gets scared and tells Alex they can’t have a relationship. Gee, and I thought Max had commitment issues last season. His sister has now picked up the trait. This is very unfair to Alex who has been nothing but supportive to her. To make matters worse, in comes Grant Sorenson and Isabel starts making goo-goo eyes with him right in front of Alex. Apparently Isabel doesn’t mind having a guy in her life as long as the guy has no emotional attachments. That’s so unfair.

    Speaking of this Sorenson guy, how old is he? Diane Evans asks the same question in “Surprise.” Apparently Isabel doesn’t mind having a guy in her life as long as the guy has no emotional attachments AND is much older then she is. Again, this is unfair. Isabel is only 17 in this episode. For someone of Grant’s age to be interested in Isabel worries me and it certainly isn’t legal. Isabel must only like older men. In season three, she marries a man eight years her senior. I do feel a bit sorry for Isabel because Grant is killed in “How the Other Half Lives” but that’s what happens when alien parasite crystal queens take over your body. Someone is certainly going to tell me that age isn’t an issue in love but when you have crystals growing in your chest, age is the last thing to worry about. Just to let you know, in this episode, the gandarium queen has not possessed Grant’s body yet.

    When Nasedo plays the part, he really plays the part. So he’s been having “relations” with Congresswoman Whitaker. Let’s take ourselves a little looksey at this. Whitaker is a Skin. At the moment, all Skins are peeling and shedding. Nasedo sees a piece of the husk laying on the ground at the end of the episode and recognizes it for what it is. So during all of his “diddling”, he didn’t notice any loose skin? Michael finds some on Courtney in “End of the World” with one touch. I think Nasedo may have been too distracted by his session of hot alien sex to be fully aware of things. The other thing about this is even more important. In “Wipeout”, Courtney explains the “plug” that all Skins have in their lower back. If opened or hit too hard, the Skin dies as they cannot survive in our atmosphere. Do you think that if a hand went over that spot that the Skin would not react to that? In Whitaker’s diary that was posted on, she talks about realizing that Pierce in season two is a shapeshifter. She also doesn’t understand how Nasedo didn’t know she was a skin. Perhaps taking the form of an FBI agent inherited him the moron aspect of the FBI which is so prevalent in this show.

    I guess it was just a matter of timing but after Max asks Nasedo about cadmium X, the shapeshifter says he must kill everyone with that information. Liz is the first person to express real objection to this course of action. When I first watched this scene, I was annoyed that Max didn’t immediately say no. Then I started thinking about all the killings that Nasedo did in season one and the ease that Max showed in letting him go to Washington. Max does this after spending several episodes telling Michael that the shapeshifter was a murderer. Max doesn’t like that Nasedo kills. You’d think that hearing that the shapeshifter wants to kill again would force Max to say something in protest immediately. Instead, Liz beats him to it. Once Liz expresses her disapproval, Max orders Nasedo not to kill. This is a prime example of how Max and Liz compliment each other’s characters. They think along the same lines but Liz appears to “be faster on the draw” then Max.

    There is a nice touch that the actor playing Pierce does in this episode. As Nasedo / Pierce enters the Café, a tourist recognizes him and tries to get his autograph. Nasedo tells him to move and then raises his hand as if to kill him. He then stops himself and runs into the restroom. That was one lucky tourist.

    When Max hesitates to take action, Nasedo gets lippy calling Max a pacifist. Max then turns and puts him in his place ordering him not to kill anyone. Nasedo pauses for a moment as if to argue and then submits to Max’s authority. (I wonder what Nasedo was thinking at that moment. “How dare you tell me what to do you snippety little prince. I’ll show you when we go home and our enemies shoot your ass while my Tessy raises your child.” Hey, it could happen.) In season three’s “Control”, we learn that the shapeshifters are required to obey any commands Max gives them as it is encoded in their DNA. This puts Nasedo’s backing down to Max into a whole new light. Too bad Max didn’t try ordering the guy around before now.

    One last Nasedo moment. Nasedo asks Max how he and Tess are getting along. In “Departure” Tess will reveal that Nasedo made a deal with the man who usurped the throne from Max, Kivar. The deal was for Tess to return home with Max’s child which would give Kivar an even greater claim to the throne and the others would be executed. Presumably, she would be allowed to live (though I suspect Kivar would not be willing to take any chances and slay her after the birth.) This information puts Nasedo’s comments into a whole new light. He was checking out the progress of his deal! There is no other reason why Nasedo would even care about whether or not the two aliens were getting along. His job is to make sure they are safe until they can return home. I will explore this a lot more when I review “Departure.”

    My favorite moment in this episode is the look on Sheriff Valenti’s face as Nasedo says he must kill everyone with information on cadmium X. It’s a look that says “What in the world have I gotten myself in to?” I also loved the frustration he went through as his “eager beaver” deputy kept doing his job to perfection. He couldn’t stop Hanson from doing his duty without raising suspicion and actually letting him do his job would raise even more suspicions.

    I thought it was nice of Tess to spend time with Michael to help him develop his powers. I believe Tess offered to help him with them because Michael isn’t one to ask for help. He’s only asked for help twice before (it was in “Independence Day” and “Crazy” for you trivia lovers.) There is another reason for this. In season one, Tess attempted to get into the group by concentrating on it’s weakest link, Isabel. Once she got in, she moved to her next target, Michael. Michael is the only one in the group that wants to explore his alien side so by helping him with his powers, she hopes to gain his trust (as best as she can. Michael isn’t that trusting to start with.) Her next target is of course, Max. She’s good, isn’t she?

    It’s obvious Michael doesn’t enjoy keeping Maria away from him anymore then she hates being away from him. With Courtney giving Michael the eye, the story between them is going to become a lot of fun as we watch them both move closer together again.

    One of the great things I love about Michael in this episode is that Katims didn’t just drop the fact that Michael had killed Pierce in “Destiny.” It could have been very easy for the aftermath of this to be forgotten but he actually took the time to let Michael reflect on his actions. This could also be an explanation as to why Michael has been arguing with Max all summer. He’s trying to hide his feelings by taking his anger out on Max. He tells Valenti that he doesn’t know what to do next and that he’s been busting Max’s chops when he doesn’t know any more then he knows. When Isabel kills Whitaker in “Surprise”, the creators don’t do the same with her character which is unfortunate. Isabel is not as strong as Michael is and the repercussions would have been more devastating to her.

    The awkward look Tess gives Max and he comes to Michael’s apartment is noteworthy. Despite everything that Tess is and will be, rejection is never easy for anyone to handle. She is silent during the entire exchange between Michael and Max refusing to take anyone’s side. But once Max needs her to get into the university to change Pierce’s bones, Tess is right there willing to help. Deep down, I think Tess wants to love Max and she’s willing to go slowly to see if she can make him love her back. As we will see, Tess’s definition of said emotion is a bit distorted.

    We aren’t given any dates in this episode. The only thing we know is that the Monday after these events is when school begins. The day and night transitions suggest this episode covers a period of five days. The next episode “Ask Not” will take place immediately after this episode ends. Once I review that episode, I should be able to get a bit more information for a timeline. The only other real time mention is Max saying he hasn’t heard from Nasedo in three months.

    At the start of the episode as Max sits in the psychiatrist’s office, the camera slowly zooms in tight on Max’s face. This is the first time I’ve noticed that Max has a pierced ear. When have we ever seen Max wearing an earring? I know actor Jason Behr does but I’m not dealing in reality here.

    Can you name the episodes that all of the flashbacks appeared in as Max tells the doc his story? I can! They are:

    The pod chamber scenes come from “Four Square.”
    The scene of the kids walking in the desert and fading into their older versions is from “Balance.”
    The shot of Michael behind the tree is from “Morning After.”
    Isabel changing the ketchup to mustard (or from red to yellow) is from “Balance.”
    Shots of Valenti and Max at the Crashdown festival and Liz being shot and healed are from “Pilot.”
    The gang having a meeting at the quarry is seen in “Crazy.”
    Tess walking towards the camera is when she first approached Isabel is also from “Crazy.”
    Nasedo morphing out of the wall next to Tess is from “Max to the Max.”
    Nasedo changing from the appearance of an agent into Ed Harding is from “The White Room.”
    Liz and Max running away from the red humvee appeared in “Destiny.”
    Pierce and the hooded doctors grabbing Max was in “The White Room.”
    Nasedo morphing into Pierce came from “Destiny.”
    The video of Tess putting the statue back together was at the end of “Tess, Lies, and Videotape.”
    Michael killing Pierce happened in “Destiny.”
    The Sheriff, Michael, and Max burning and burying Pierce’s body is new footage.

    One of the major changes for season two are the title credits. They are completely redone and much better then season one’s title credits. It’s also one of the reasons why I chose to subtitle season two “The Dark Times.” There are a lot of dark colors in the images. I do however have one complaint about them. There is a brief shot of Max erecting his force field. This piece of footage comes from the episode “Ask Not” where he stops Isabel and Michael in the UFO Center as they prepare to confront Brody. Fans who were watching this episode for the first time more then likely saw this and sat up saying “What was that!?” I think it would have been a good idea for the creators to wait until after airing “Ask Not” to put that piece of footage in the opening credits. It would have been a nice surprise for us to suddenly see Max using this power in the actual episode instead of in the credits.

    One of the other major changes was Emilie de Ravin’s name moving to the main credits. In her season one appearances, her name appeared in the opening credits as a co-star.

    The episode begins with the gang watching a congressional subcommittee hearing exposing the FBI special unit. I do not believe this is something that would be airing on national television. It would be an incredible embarrassment to the government and our system of checks and balances. The main spokesmen says that the special unit spent an unauthorized $17 million dollars. That’s not something our elected officials would want to admit to the voters. People lose their jobs like that.

    The special unit spent $17 million dollars? Is that all? The unit has probably been around since the late 1950’s or early 1960’s after the crash in 1947 and Nasedo escaping the white room. Surely this unit, which even the President is on a need-to-know basis with, has spent much, much more then $17 million dollars in it’s lifetime.

    Just what is that blow up green alien doll doing on the podium next to Nasedo / Pierce? Was this evidence of some kind? Or did Nasedo bring it in saying that the special unit created the item and sold it for extra money to buy more cameras? Eek! Does that mean the entire town of Roswell is just a government money maker? Oh, the horror! (I’m just kidding.)

    When the committee decides to disband the special unit, Congresswoman Whitaker opposes. The entire purpose of this committee is to expose and disband a unit of the FBI that is made specifically to hunt down and capture aliens. The public at large would not stand to have their tax dollars spent on such a project. By opposing the vote to disband, Whitaker would be putting her career in serious jeopardy! Since she is no doubt using her position to further the Skins search for the Royal Four (She is a skin you know) would this be a wise move? I wonder what Nicolas would have to say about that.

    As season two contains many references to science in the area of physics, I decided to contact a few scientists to help me with the facts that I myself am not familiar with. I’m happy to give credit where credit is due to two people in particular. The first is to Bruce C. Hyman who is a research assistant for the Radiation Effects Facility, Cyclotron Institute at Texas A&M University. My second shout out goes to Robert Hull, the project manager for the Particle Astrophysics Lab (PAL) at New Mexico State University. Both men were kind enough to answer my questions and help as best they could. Mr. Hull gets extra credit because he has actually been to the city of Roswell and gave me some really interesting facts about the town and the state in general to pass along. He’s also a fan of the show and that’s quite a bonus! You both have my heartfelt gratitude. Several members of the message board also helped with a few items. Special mention goes out to “FBI Guy” who pointed me in the right direction. Thanks to everyone who contributed!

    In case you are wondering, there really is an element on Earth called cadmium. It’s commonly found in batteries in the form of nickel-cadmium. It’s naturally occurring and is an impurity removed from the element zinc. It is also highly toxic. There is no such thing as “cadmium X” however (as if you didn’t know .) Robert Hull told me that there is a joke amongst his colleagues on what to say if anyone ever contacts the lab and asks about cadmium X. He says it’s amazing the amount of scientific theories in sci-fi shows and movies that the general populace believe are scientifically found. He joked that he gets asked a lot why we don’t have a functional matter / antimatter drive yet (the engine that enables starships on Star Trek to travel faster then light.)

    In “The White Room”, Pierce reads off a short list of people killed by Nasedo to Max. The dates of the murders are 1962, 1967, and 1999. In my review, I asked if there were any murders between 1967 and 1999. I was sure that there had to be more murders then the ones Pierce mentioned. According to Whitaker in this episode, there was indeed. There was a murder in 1972. I’m willing to bet that there were many, many more murders by the despicable shapeshifter.

    Maria orders everyone out of the back room so she can change but Max hesitates a moment wanting to ask about Liz. Maria calls Max “girlfriend.” Girlfriend? As in she’s a girl and Max is her friend or the generic meaning? Max isn’t anyone’s girlfriend. He’s a guy! Just one more of those statements you have to run through the “Maria filter” to understand.

    If Maria doesn’t want anyone to “see the bod”, why doesn’t she step into the bathroom and change clothes? Certainly that’s safer then changing in the back room of the Café with it’s swinging door that could give anyone a pleasant view of “the bod.” She could even run upstairs to the Parker’s apartment or is that off limits? I wouldn’t think it would be for Maria.

    While I was annoyed that Isabel had thrown up her walls around Alex, I loved how Alex reminded Isabel he was still there by forcibly introducing himself to Grant. This is the second time he’s had to do that around her. The first time was when Tess met Isabel in “Crazy.”

    This next one is one of those unavoidable plot points. Watching the excavation, Michael hears something and runs after it. After he falls, he finds a shedded piece of skin shaped like a hand. When he picks it up, it turns to dust. Why does the skin wait to be picked up before it turns to dust? In “Harvest”, we learn that the husks have been genetically altered to look like human skin. In “Wipeout”, Michael tells Courtney that her new husk “feels real.” We humans shed our skin too. Dead skin cells come off of you every day. If you are sunburned, as the skin heals, the outer layers will peal off and eventually, they will fall to pieces as the moisture dries up but this takes several days to happen. There are other examples like the one seen here. There’s one in “Ask Not” and in “Wipeout.” The husks probably are similar to human skin in some respects. The unavoidable plot point is that if the shedded skins didn’t wait to turn to dust until they were picked up, Michael wouldn’t find it and Nasedo wouldn’t be alerted to the Skin’s presence.

    There is one exception to this little “turn to dust” bit. When Maria picks up a piece of Courtney’s skin in “Harvest”, it doesn’t immediately turn to dust. Maria is able to hold it and drop it without it evaporating.

    Seeing Liz for the first time in this episode, Max leaves Isabel’s side and runs to her. Isabel stands in place and rolls her eyes. Take note of the wall to the left of the screen and the wooden windows. The shot changes to a far shot of Max running down the sidewalk towards Liz. See the windows on the left? They are exactly the same as the ones Isabel was standing next to. It’s a safe bet that Max only jogged about ten feet or so. The funny thing is, and you have to look very carefully to see this, if you look behind Max, you’ll see that Isabel has disappeared! I seriously doubt she could run in that leather skirt and there isn’t time for her to have moved out of the camera’s view. Maybe she’s working on a new super speed power. (I love this stuff.)

    Does anyone find it believable that a member of Congress would set up a field office in the city of Roswell? This isn’t a knock against the town but according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Roswell in 1990 was only 44,654. In the year 2000, the population for Chavas County, which the town of Roswell is in, was 61,382. The population for the entire state in 2000 was 1,819,046. Compared to some of the larger cities in the state, Roswell holds barely 5 – 7% of the state’s total population. Perhaps this is like a small branch of a main office that is located in a larger city. Of course, the real reason Whitaker is there is to find the Royal Four but her choice of office locations would surely make her constituents scratch their heads.

    Maria isn’t the only one with odd dialogue. Deputy Hanson says Michael “Came in peaceably.” Peaceably? I think that the rules of grammar would have him say “He came in peacefully.” But that’s ok. Just run him through the “Maria filter” and it’s A.O.K.

    Max tells Michael that Nasedo told them not to call him unless it was an emergency. This must have happened shortly after the events in “Destiny” because in that episode, we saw Nasedo change into the form of Pierce and leave for Hondo where Tess had sent the other agents via a mindwarp. Perhaps shortly after he left the pod chamber, Nasedo phoned them to tell them not to call.

    Where did Michael get Nasedo’s phone number? I seriously doubt Max would have given it to him. Was he listed in the yellow pages under “Mean ‘ole shapeshifters?”

    This episode gives us the impression that Pierce kept in regular contact with Whitaker. She has their phone conversations on tape. It makes you wonder why Pierce didn’t report in to her that he had captured Max at the end of “Max to the Max.” There are several hours between that and the beginning of “The White Room.” You’d think that something that important would be reported immediately. But why is Whitaker recording her conversations with Pierce in the first place? Does she not trust him? We’ll see Whitaker recording conversations in “Surprise” as well but in that episode, it was a necessary plot point to alert Liz to her eavesdropping. In this episode, it’s odd behavior yet it is explained in Whitaker’s diary. She is monitoring Pierce because he isn’t very forthcoming with information as she would like.

    The Sheriff tells Michael that he found him and two of his buddies being rowdy out by the old Clovis Highway as a cover story for the knife Hanson found. There is a town called Clovis in New Mexico. It’s northeast of Roswell on highway 70 right by the Texas border. It’s also home to Cannon Air Force Base. According to my maps, there is no “Clovis highway” in New Mexico. Unless it’s another local description like the one the Sheriff makes about “horseshoe road” in “Destiny.”

    Nasedo / Pierce comes to the Café looking for the “little pod people.” Let’s see. Pierce was head of a special unit within the FBI that without authorization spent (read that, “stole”) $17 million dollars of the government’s money. Don’t you think he would have been arrested and thrown in jail? It’s possible Nasedo could have taken another form to escape and then reverted back to Agent Pierce upon returning to Roswell but that’s kind of risky. What if some tourist recognizes him? Oops! That happened, didn’t it?

    Isabel must dress to make a fashion statement rather then dress for the weather. To visit Grant out at his dig site, Isabel wears her long leather skirt with leather top. She’s wearing that to go out into the desert? Wouldn’t that give her an extreme case of the vapors from the heat?

    Trying to throw Whitaker off the trail, Valenti says that they don’t even know if the bones they found are human. DUUUH!!! What else COULD they be? Do those look like tuna fish bones to you?

    Whitaker decides to take over the case involving the skeleton because she doesn’t want “a county sheriff” working on it. She says it is now a matter of federal interest. Now I might be mistaken but I don’t think a member of Congress can do that. They are not law enforcement officials. However, I do believe they have the power to call in the FBI and the FBI can take over a criminal investigation if they so choose. In his own county, the Sheriff has jurisdiction in almost any type of criminal investigation. I’m not sure Whitaker can just take him off the case like she does. I also wonder just what kind of interest the federal government would have in an old skeleton.

    Just what justification does Whitaker have to place Michael under arrest? Does she have a motive? Does she have probable cause? What about physical evidence? Yes, she has does have the little pocket knife with Michael’s fingerprints but if you ask me, that is not enough to justify arresting him. Bringing him in for questioning, yes. Arresting him, no!

    Max and Liz seem to have this unusual quirk about them when they are looking for something. In “Missing”, Max and Liz went to Valenti’s house to search Kyle’s room for Liz’s missing diary. They turn on one tiny lamp in Kyle’s room as they search. They do the exact same thing in this episode. While searching for some clue as to where Whitaker has taken the bones, the only light in the small office is the desk lamp. In “Missing”, I can understand why they didn’t want a lot of lights on. The Valenti household was supposed to be empty. But in this case, it makes no sense. Liz works in the office. Having the lights on wouldn’t seem out of place while she was there. Maybe they were trying to hide the fact that Max was in there too. Kind of weird how these two constantly work in the dark, don’t you think?

    Max says that the residual effect of Michael using his powers on Pierce left an “isotope of cadmium” on them. I put a lot of thought and study into this statement and I can’t decide whether this is correct or not. I think it would be easier to say that when the aliens use their powers to kill someone, the element named “cadmium X” is left on the body and leave calling it an “isotope” out of it entirely.

    Hot alien sex must happen very fast. It’s either that or the episode loses some time. The amount of time from the point that Nasedo / Pierce picks up Whitaker at her office until the time Nasedo grabs Max and pulls him into the alley is roughly four minutes. I do believe that Nasedo was going to distract Madam Congresswoman by “diddling” her again. Did he really only devote four minutes to that task? I know some women who would find that horrendously insulting and even less satisfying.

    After Nasedo grabs Max, the young king tells him that the bones will be delivered to Las Cruces “tomorrow morning.” How does Max know that? Liz didn’t tell him that when she suggested that bones were being taken there. Did they search more when we weren’t looking and come across that information? For all Max knows, the bones could BE there already but of course, they haven’t been. I sense a little plot trickery.

    Now we come to part of the episode that prompted me to contact Mr. Hull and Mr. Hyman. The particle accelerator! In order to make this simple, I won’t go into the science too deeply so you may put away your headache medicine.

    Liz says that the particle accelerator is at the “Las Cruces University.” Mr. Hull tells me that the college where he works is not called the Las Cruces University and there is no college with that name. It’s actually the “New Mexico State University” that is located in the town of Las Cruces. I wonder why the name change.

    The sign on the wall of the building that holds the accelerator says “Coleman BLDG, Particle Research Facility, U.S. Department of Energy.” According to Mr. Hull, there is no such building by that name at New Mexico State University or at the Los Alamos labs OR at the labs in San Dia. So where the heck did Max and company go??

    Mr. Hull tells me that his astrophysics lab does not have a cyclotron nor does any other department on the New Mexico State campus. Hull’s group does not do work that requires such a device. They use helium balloons to do atmospheric measurements in the upper layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. Just in case you don’t know, the terms “cyclotron” and “particle accelerator” mean basically the same thing.

    The guard outside the Coleman building (wherever that is) is not very good at his job. He’s supposed to keep people who don’t belong there away. So what does he do? He leaves his post to help a pretty girl find her way. But then, do you really blame him?

    I’d have to say that the possibility of a cell phone working inside a building that houses a particle accelerator is just about zero. The shielding in the walls and the magnetic fields from the accelerator would interfere with the signal. Maybe Max is working on that “enhance the ability of a cell phone” power.

    Now for the cyclotron itself seen in this episode. It’s a fairly large device that contains a long twisting corridor that Max can walk upright in. Bruce Hyman tells me that most newer particle accelerators built today are called “synchrotrons” and are huge in comparison to a cyclotron. For example, the cyclotron Mr. Hyman uses fits into a single building and the diameter of the inside is approximately 62 inches (1.6 meters.) A synchrotron on the other hand, can be large enough to cover several acres. From the outside, I don’t think what we see in this episode qualifies as a synchrotron. Also, accelerators of any type do not have a long curvy corridor running through them. The bottom line is that Max should not have been able to climb inside it unless he used his powers to shrink himself down to about ten inches high.

    In order to accelerate charged particles, a very low vacuum must be created. This is necessary because charged particles won’t travel very far through the air. Before I continue, allow me to mention an idea a member of the message board brought up. Max is a hybrid and thus, may not react the same way to things as a normal human would. So let me tell you first what would happen to you and me inside an accelerator. First of all, there would be no air to breathe in the vacuum so you would quickly suffocate. Second, our bodies are normally equalized to atmospheric pressure. A person inside the accelerator would experience what Mr. Hyman described as “a great out-gassing.” In other words, your body would swell up like a balloon until you exploded! I don’t believe even putting yourself inside a pressure tank would save you. In “The White Room”, Pierce told Max that everything about him from his organs to his skeleton were completely human. His blood is the only thing that isn’t. It is possible Max is using his powers to keep from being smeared all over the inside of the accelerator because otherwise, he’d be toe jam.

    And then, of course, there is the radiation. Mr. Hyman tells me that the highest concentration of radiation exists in the cyclotron itself. While the exposure might not be immediately lethal, it would probably be AT LEAST 1000 times the recommended allowable yearly dose. I don’t have an exact figure but it would be enough to deaden your skin and make you very, very ill. “FBI Guy” said that this would make it very unlikely he could get Tess pregnant. Any human exposed to such amounts of radiation would be sick every day for the rest of his or her life. This is called “radiation poisoning.” Again, it’s possible Max was using his powers to keep him safe. I doubt anything else could save the parts of him that are human. It IS possible to work inside an accelerator but you would have to be wearing a radiation suit and you certainly couldn’t be inside it while the thing was turned on! Remember the yellow stickers on your TV that tell you to unplug the set before servicing it? Those stickers are correct!

    All three men said that there is a magnetic field inside the accelerator. Max’s disruption of the field as he stepped into it would instantly alert those monitoring the device of his presence. Tess’s mindwarp probably took care of this aspect of it. This magnetic field also presents another danger (as if the radiation and the lack of air and the high pressure aren’t enough.) When the scientists activate the particle flow (the pretty pink stuff that knocks Max on his butt), the electrons would be moving slightly under the speed of light (a little under 186,000 miles per second.) The flow would act like a magnet and if Max had any kind of metal on his person, such as a coin, a pocket knife, a tooth filling, even the buttons on his pants, they would be ripped off and put into a lethal trajectory. It would be like being shot. Again, it’s possible Max is using his powers to prevent this. I think the creators should have given us some indication that this was indeed what Max was doing because otherwise, our dear, sweet Max Evans would be a red stain on the inside of the accelerator.

    One of the scientists on the show says that they carbon dated the skeleton. You can carbon date items inside a cyclotron. When adding to season two’s Powers List, I made sure to say that not only did Max remove the cadmium X from the bones, he also aged them forty-two years.

    The scientists also say that the fused rib cage is probably from the nuclear testing done in the 1950’s. This is a reasonable theory because there were indeed nuclear tests done in Los Alamos from 1958 to 1961. They were hydronuclear tests to be exact. And yes, radiation can mutate organic structures in such a way.

    I wonder why the scientists went to all the trouble of arranging Pierce’s bones into skeleton form just to run them through the cyclotron. Seems kind of tedious if you ask me.

    I wonder if Maria closed the Crashdown early so they could have their traditional before-school party. She did it so she could make out with Michael in “Crazy.” Why not here too?

    Maria may be apologizing because she didn’t realize Courtney was still in the back but if you ask me, she probably doesn’t need to. Courtney is a Skin. She was probably hiding in the back to listening to every word.

    I think this episode finally establishes that no one, and I mean no one, has any intention of using the door’s on the Evan’s house. Even Nasedo goes to Max’s window. I say they should just remove the window and put a door there. Then again, that might keep people out of Max’s room since no one uses the doors.

    All I have to say about this episode is “She-bang!” Good work. Coming up next, “Ask Not.”

    #202 Ask Not! – Review

    Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

    Theeeeey’re heeeeeere. And paranoia runs rampant in Roswell.

    This was Ronald D. Moore’s first script with the show and it was pretty good. It’s interesting that Moore decided to use JFK to help Max with his dilemma. Now I’m not totally familiar with the Cuban missile crisis. I only recall bits and pieces of it from history class but if I was writing this episode, I would have used Harry S. Truman and the decision to drop the bomb on Hiroshima. Perhaps Moore was trying to draw a parallel between Max and JFK. They both seemed to take their time making a decision. I think there have been other world leaders with similar decisions that could have been used and surely ones that could have kept Maria from making her snide comments. More on that in a little bit.

    I know Max doesn’t think of himself as a rock solid leader but it’s weird that he struggles with it so much. In “Destiny”, when no one knew what to do, Max stepped up and took control. Everyone bowed to his direction including Michael. Here, Max is struggling to come to a decision about Brody. I surmised that the reason for his delays were because Max may have to kill the guy. Instead of going to a trusted teacher for “anonymous” advice, he goes to Maria. Maria? Maria has never been portrayed as someone you would go to for advice. But here, Maria is spouting advice that would make Counselor Troi from Star Trek proud. There are some things about Maria that have really changed over the course of the summer. The nice thing about Maria here is she is absolutely confident that Michael wants her even though he is trying to avoid her. What’s even funnier is that she is exactly right! Michael couldn’t help but look at her during the dancing at the party though he was trying not to. Give it up Spaceboy.

    In her musings, Joan Pickering said she thought Maria hitting Max with the book was over the top. I didn’t think so. Maria has always seemed the type to do stuff like that. She can always find a humorous comment in a serious moment. I think this is why she and Liz are such good friends. Liz is always so down to earth and planning things out while Maria just takes things as they come. Maria may seem like she is being mean to Max when offering him advice but you have to keep in mind that Maria is not exactly being objective. Max is or was dating her best friend. She has Liz’s best interests at heart because she knows Liz loves Max. So when Liz gets her feelings hurt by seeing Max walking with Tess, Maria is not going to let Max, who is also her friend, get away with it without a few zingers. Maria wants both of her friends to be happy which is why she spends a lot of this episode trying to patch things up between them. Who hates “ingpay” more then Maria De Luca? Of course, she should take some of her own advice. She’s still pining for Michael! I do feel the need to say that once season three begins, the playful supportive side of Maria disappears and she becomes a brooding, confused person. I miss the season two Maria.

    Now that Max knows he is the leader, I think he rather enjoys telling Michael “That’s an order.” Now he thinks he has more reason then ever to be in control of Michael. Of course, Michael isn’t one to just let someone order him to do something and simply obey. The only time Michael has sat back and followed Max unquestionably is during “Destiny” when NO ONE knew what to do. Michael may seem like he is frustrated with Max but he’s really not. The thing he hates is that Max doesn’t make his decisions fast enough. I’m willing to bet that if Max would give Michael something to do, he wouldn’t be so difficult. Michael is coming into his own though. When Max came to the Crashdown to tell them of Nasedo’s death, Max is in no condition to make any decisions so Michael steps in to take charge. That is perfect behavior for someone who is second in command. There is one more important thing about Michael to mention. While Michael may grouse Max about not leading, when Max does make a decision, Michael follows it. Coming into the UFO Center, Michael is dead set on killing Brody. Max stops him and Isabel to handle the situation himself. All Michael does is ask what will happen if Brody kills him. He holds back and lets Max handle it alone.

    I do believe this is the first time Isabel has expressed her own position so concrete. Isabel is tired of living in fear of her life and their enemies and says “enough is enough” and takes Michael’s side about Brody. Before this, Isabel refused to really take a side but once Michael was injured, Isabel didn’t hold back. I think perhaps Michael being hurt reminded her too much of the fear she felt when Max was held in the white room and she refused to ever let that happen again. To her, Brody raised more questions then he gave answers. I don’t think this was out of character for her. She still continues to be the “referee” for Max and Michael here as well.

    Did you notice that Isabel paid almost little or no mind to Alex in this episode? Alex definitely had his eyes on her as she danced. Alex’s look was one that said “Why Isabel, why?”

    Admittedly, not everyone was happy about Tess showing up but I think this is the first episode where people might have started to think differently about her. The exchanges between her and Kyle were hilarious and really sort of played off how the two acted in the library during “Four Square.” Tess was teasing him in that episode and she was teasing him in this one too. I believed her reactions of fear about being alone now that Nasedo was dead. She always thought that the deal Nasedo made with Kivar would be carried out with him. Now, if she is going to do anything, she is going to be doing it alone.

    There is a nice little touch that Jason Behr added to the scene with her as the two characters walked to Tess’s house. Tess tells Max about their past; a past where he loved her. She then reaches up to touch his cheek and if you listen to Max’s breathing, he gets a little excited as if remembering the feelings her touch was associated with. After a second or two of this, Max takes her hand away and says he doesn’t remember that life.

    At this point, I don’t think Tess has really made a decision on what she will do as far as Nasedo’s deal goes. She isn’t really pursuing Max in this episode. In just about every instance, Max goes to her. She does reaffirm her belief that Max should be the only one in command. When Michael tries to take control of the situation in the Café, Tess objects saying he is not in charge. Max was clearly not in charge though nor was he capable of doing so either. If the situation had not been what it was, I’m sure Michael would have given this little remark more scrutiny.

    Other then how Isabel ignores him, there is little else for Alex in this episode.

    Liz, for lack of a better way to say it, is just depressed. She does seem to be enjoying her new job however. Liz enjoys organization. She’s not to the extreme that Max is with it but this makes her feel important and allows her to focus on something else besides her grief. Yes, she is still in love with Max but the fact that Tess is in his presence almost every time she sees him won’t let her forget what happened between them. Even though Whitaker had an alterior motive for getting her to talk about Max and Tess, it was good therapy for her to finally say that she hated the blonde vixen. There is another example of this in the episode. Maria is trying to get Liz to dance. Liz doesn’t want to and Tess comes over to sit by her. Both she and Maria look at each other and Liz, eager to get away from Tess, relents and begins to dance. There’s another little tidbit on this segment. Maria seems like she is giving Liz a hard time about Max. Maria had seen them outside at the end of “Skin and Bones” and made Liz smile asking her about having a flash. I don’t think Maria was giving Liz a hard time here. She was trying to make her friend smile. It was a party after all!

    One more Tess / Liz moment. After Max tells them Nasedo is dead, Liz notices the scrape on Max’s cheek. She tries to comfort him which is all she can do. Tess goes one step further and reaches up and heals him. Liz looks on in shock because Tess can do something for Max that she cannot do. Yet!

    I will discuss Whitaker and the things she has done in this episode in my review of “Surprise.”

    I was already aware that Courtney was a Skin long before I saw this episode but I liked the cliffhanger the creators left us with to end the episode. Moore did a nice little hidden thing with the script too. Courtney asks Michael how he feels about “piercings’ (get it? Pierce? As in Agent Pierce.) Michael says he is not into pain. Pain was what Pierce all about to Max in “The White Room.” Of course, it’s also a sexual barb on Courtney’s part. One that Maria was none too happy about.

    I wonder if the Sheriff thought he had picked up the wrong kid when Kyle started spouting his Buddha talk. As Tess said, where did Kyle pick up Buddha? Did he go into a local bookstore and see a pretty book cover? You know, if Kyle were really serious about this, he’d shave his head, give away all his earthly possessions, and start wearing orange and yellow robes. I doubt that even in Roswell anyone would notice. Yeah, right. On a nicer note, it was kind of Kyle to give up his room for Tess. These two are going to provide some really humorous moments in season two. I also add that at this point in the series, Kyle definitely doesn’t appear to see Tess as his sister. When “End of the World” rolls around, the word “sister” is not anywhere near the word I would use to describe the two.

    As I said, the episode appears to last five days. It begins I’d say not more then an hour or so after the events of “Skin and Bones.” After the scene in the pod chamber, the action starts on Monday morning and ends on Friday night. I’m afraid I must wait until I get the date Liz uses in her journal entry in “Heart of Mine” before I can add it to the timeline (I add to it one episode at a time.)

    Isabel is using her powers to make the CD’s play music. The last time she did this was in “Pilot” and in that episode, she held the CD in her hand. Here, she has them sitting out on the table and can walk away from them and they will still play. There are a few other things to mention about these CDs. As I said in “Pilot”, unless the energy Isabel is using on the CD’s is spinning, the only music they will be hearing is the music on the sector of the CD the energy is passing through. CDs play music as they spin similar to the way phonographic records spin under the needle placed on them. The CDs use a laser instead of a needle.

    Isabel also makes the CDs sound scratchy like DJs do with blank phonographic records. It’s not possible to make this sound with a CD. Unless of course, you have alien powers and can make it possible.

    It’s awfully risky of Isabel to be using her powers like this. Was she doing that when Courtney was still in the back during the last episode? I couldn’t tell. In this episode, Max bursts into the Café and the door is unlocked. Someone could have walked in and seen the glowing CDs on the table. However, with some blocking, Isabel could get away with this as the CD player is sitting on the same table. Using Isabel’s powers on the CDs must make them sound better then the CD player would which is probably why she is doing this. In “Monsters”, Isabel used her powers to make Maria’s car stereo sound much better then it originally had sounded.

    Ok, picture this: you’ve got a young male teenager with no shirt running down the streets and across the road. His hands are covered in blood and he has a bloody handprint on his chest. Does that strike anyone else as very suspicious? I know I’d be calling 9-1-1.

    Nasedo must have incredibly thick blood. Max works up a good sweat running down the streets yet the handprint remains on his chest. It doesn’t drip. There’s a saying that goes “Blood is thicker then water.” Maybe in Nasedo’s case, it’s even more so.

    It’s very difficult to tell whether or not a stunt double was used for Jason Behr during the scene where he crashed into the table. The creators were careful to use angles which hid the actor’s face. My instincts tell me that for insurance reasons, Behr didn’t do this himself. Whoever this guy is, he looks a lot like the young king.

    The pod chamber is completely different from when it was last seen “Destiny.” It’s now a large room with a strong light source from behind the pods themselves. There are also more lights on the walls and it has a raised plate for them to lay Nasedo’s body on. None of these things beside the pods were seen in season one. It’s possible they were there all along but we just couldn’t see them in the darkness. Max must have found the light switch.

    The gang have to go back to Max’s room to get Nasedo’s body. This makes Isabel upset. I don’t know what’s she’s harping at. Max should be just as upset that she’s using her powers to play CD’s in an unlocked Café! But anyway, Max isn’t wearing a shirt for the first part of this episode. When they get to the pod chamber, he has a black shirt on. Since they had to go back for Nasedo’s body, it is possible he grabbed one at that time.

    There is also a very nice bit of consistency here. A close up of Max’s hand holding the healing stone reveals that they are still stained with Nasedo’s blood. If you watch carefully, his hands stay stained even when he was running down the street. It was very easy to make a mistake during all of this but the creators did a nice job staying consistent. Excellent. The only thing I have to say about it is that Max lands flat on his hands as he stumbles into the Crashdown yet when we see his hands in the pod chamber, his palms are still covered in blood. Maybe you have to use soap with rocks in it to remove alien bloodstains.

    Does the Crashdown have a strobe light on the ceiling? From the way the light pattern moves across the walls, it appears there is one just in front of the door. Did someone bring one or has it always been there? It’s possible someone is using their powers to make this happen. Max did in “Blind Date.” In all fairness though, the camera’s view never really shows us the top of the Café.

    Use of the healing stones is not considered a power as far as I am concerned. If I added this to the Power’s List, I’d have to add Maria and Alex as well since they both were part of the healing of Michael in “Balance.” And River Dog said he used one to heal Nasedo after he became sick from the fumes in the sweat tent.

    Nasedo’s race must make burial easy as their bodies turn to dust when they die. It’s a good thing it didn’t happen while it was laying in Max’s room. I’d hate to be the one to have to clean up that mess. Then again, with the way Diane Evans maintains her house…(see my comments in “Four Square.”)

    I’m not sure about this but I believe that the janitor’s closet, which was last seen in “Four Square” gets a door label. As Max moves to open it, you can see “Storage closet” on the front. The two names are interchangeable but the creators referred to this room as “the janitor’s closet” all the time in season one.

    So Milton sold the UFO Center, huh? Are you kidding me? Brody must have offered him a good chunk of his $300 million dollars because I can’t believe Milton would actually sell his life’s work. The cast seems to have a trouble believing it too. I guess the creators felt it would be easier to just introduce a new character then to recast Milton. In a way, I’m glad they did because I like Desmond Askew. His accent is just so cool. When I first saw him, I wondered why Milton had sold his Center to Yahoo Serious.

    While I can begrungedly accept Milton being bought out, just where did he go? The show never says.

    During the scene as Kyle waits for the Sheriff to come pick him up, look at the sign behind Kyle. It has a list of cities and times. The city Albuquerque is spelled “Alburquerque.” There is an extra “R” in the name. Oopsie. This is a little hidden spot by the creators. Nick Wechsler, who plays the part of Kyle, is from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Thanks to Gooniegirl for pointing this one out.

    I’m not really sure what this next one is. As Max comes upon Tess sitting on the park bench, Tess is looking up at the stars. While Max watches, she contorts her face as if she had just sat in some gum. When the shot changes and Max sits beside her, she resumes her normal appearance.

    On the front porch of Ed Harding’s house, Max hears something break and opens the front door to go inside. The door was unlocked!? Are you kidding me? I seriously doubt Nasedo was the type to leave his front door unlocked.

    The fact that they went back to the Harding house raises a very big question: how will they explain the disappearance of Ed Harding? He’s supposed to be Tess’s father and I assume he owns the house. If a Skin had not broken into the house, were they simply going to let Tess live there by herself? What would she do when people came looking for her dad? Just take a message?

    The Skins must be very desperate indeed to find the granolith because they keep “leaving bits and pieces of themselves all over England.” By that I mean they are dropping pieces of their husks left and right. Whoever broke into Tess’s house left a piece on the bushes in the backyard. Of course, if this didn’t happen, Max wouldn’t be tipped off to their enemy’s presence and may have written off the intrusion as a simple burglary and left Tess at the house instead of entrusting her safety with the Sheriff. Depending on what kind of Tess fan you are, that may or may not have been a bad idea.

    Was Max going to knock on the Sheriff’s door or was he going to stand on the front porch all night?

    I absolutely loved the look on Emilie de Ravin’s face as the Sheriff pulled open the door with his gun in hand. She really does have some of the best facial expressions.

    Think back to when you were in school and your first day of classes each year. The majority of your teachers made you sit in an assigned seat if just to help them learn your name if nothing else. Apparently, the teacher Max learns about JFK from doesn’t have his students in assigned seats. During the first scene in Max’s class, we see that there is a girl with blonde hair sitting directly behind Max. Directly behind her is a guy with dark hair. Catty corner to Max in the aisle next to the window is a dark haired girl in a very short skirt. Directly behind her is another dark haired girl who has her hair in braids. She is the last person in that row. Behind her, is the back wall. During the second classroom scene where the teacher talks about day four of the crisis, new people show up. In the seat where the dark haired girl in the very short skirt was sitting is now a dark haired guy in a purple shirt. Behind him is a blonde haired girl and behind her is another blonde girl and they don’t look like the same ones seen in the previous classroom scene. Behind Max, there is now a girl with dark, short hair. There is no longer someone two seats back from Max as that desk is either empty or gone altogether. I thought this game of musical chairs was weird because for the most part, humans are habit forming in a classroom choosing to stay in the same seat whether they are assigned or not. Everything really is different in Roswell High.

    In “Blind Date” Max gets drunk after just one sip of alcohol. In this episode, Whitaker, who is a Skin, can down almost an entire bottle of what looks like bourbon and be A.O.K. It probably has to do with Max’s hybrid body, which I got into in that episode’s review.

    In Whitaker’s diary at, Whitaker says that the Skins first years on Earth had them drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. There no indication that Whitaker smokes at all but as we will see in “Surprise”, Courtney does. Kind of sends a mixed message that the kids smoke but the adults don’t. Maybe Whitaker decided that smoking just wasn’t for her.

    Great line this episode: “Tess? What is that? I hate her already.” – Whitaker in her “drunken” stupor to Liz. Poor Tess. She just can’t get a break from anyone, can she?

    Kyle comes into his room and sees Tess laying around in his jersey. He then begins to complain about that and the fact that she is in his room (why he is doing that is so beyond me. I sure as heck wouldn’t mind even if it meant being slagged by her deathray eyes. I’m immune to being slagged!) Tess then acts like she is going to take the jersey off and when Kyle objects (What is this guy’s problem?) she tells him he is uptight about nudity for a guy who reads “Jugs.” From this, I surmise that Tess is supposed to be naked except for the jersey. However, as Tess gets up from the bed, you can see the black shorts she is wearing under the shirt. Maybe she means she isn’t wearing anything on her upper body.

    During my first viewing of this episode, when I saw the device Brody had go off as Michael drew near, I, like Alex at the end of the episode, wondered why it didn’t go off when Max was near it in the computer room. According to “Off the Menu”, Brody had to twist the device and turn it on before it would send out the pulse. Brody must have turned it on prior to walking into Michael’s view and once Michael got too close, the device sensed him and sent out it’s pulse. Brody probably doesn’t want to run down the battery and keeps it turned off most of the time.

    Michael is softening up. In “285 South”, Michael broke into the UFO Center coming down the vents from the roof. In this episode, he walks in through the back door.

    I’m surprised Max didn’t immediately recognize that the symbols on the outside of Brody’s device were in the exact same script as the text in the destiny book. A few of them are taken directly from it’s pages. This from a guy who memorized the cave drawings seen in “River Dog” and put them down on paper as we saw in “Four Square.”

    After Maria tells Max that she saw him and the tramp…excuse me…Tess together the previous night, Max coughs up the lame answer of “It’s a long story.” Oh bull! He can do better then that. How hard would it be to say he was walking her home because she was distraught over the death of the being that had raised her? And I thought Liz was a bad liar.

    As I said in my review of “Skin and Bones”, the footage of Max putting up his green force field in the opening credits come from this episode. However, the creators edited what actually appeared in the episode itself. In the credits, as Max creates the field, he looks down at his hand as if he is amazed at what he has done. In the actual episode, Max puts up his hand and creates the force field and the shot changes to a view of Isabel and Michael from behind him. This edit makes it look like Max is intent on stopping his fellow Royals instead of appearing surprised at his new power. I approve.

    Brody tells Max that his abduction was seven years ago on the Massachusetts Turnpike. He was driving along and then abducted and taken to a room where they did…whatever. Two days later, he was in West Virginia and cancer free. All well and good until you look at the beginning of “Off the Menu” where Brody is shown viewing his first abduction on a virtual reality program. In that episode, Brody says he was in his living room when he was first abducted.

    I know they didn’t have time but I think it would have been interesting to hear what abduction story Max gave Brody.

    As Liz walks into the Café, we get a shot of Tess using her straw in her drink. Either Tess is not sucking on the straw or she is using her powers to keep the glass full. The level of liquid in the glass doesn’t change throughout the shot. Maybe she’s just making a show for Liz.

    The Skins must make females everywhere mad with jealousy. When Courtney tears off the dead skin from her face, it leaves the makeup she is wearing behind. When we see the removed face, it’s pale and clean. Now I know for a fact that Courtney is wearing lipstick and eyeshadow in this scene. She would have put it on over the layer of skin she had just peeled off but that doesn’t appear to be the case. So in other words, the husks come makeup equipped. I guess Courtney wasn’t kidding when she told Maria that she had been a babe for fifty years in “Harvest.” Never having to apply your makeup is a nice perk. However, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t say that Courtney’s husk inside it’s maturation chamber in “Harvest” looked pretty sans makeup to me. I think the creators are playing with our minds again.

    #301 Busted! – Review

    Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

    (Just to let you all know, season three is a work in progress as far as the nitpicking goes. I’m working on season two at the same time and all of the reviews will be updated as I write them. Especially if another episode explains or expounds upon nits seen in other ones.)

    What the heck??

    That’s really all I had to say about the beginning of the third season. “Busted” marks the first show on the UPN network. It was a chance to start fresh and many fans held high hopes that a return to the show’s roots was going to take place.

    If you ask me, it failed almost from the get go.

    Of all the characters, only Michael and Maria seem unchanged from last season. Let’s look at everyone individually.

    What the hell happened to Max? Instead of appearing as his old compassionate, concerned, leadership burdened self, the Max we see in this episode is an absolute, total, jerk! I’ve always been a bit frustrated with Max with how he can never seem to make up his mind about things (telling Liz he can’t be with her then “inning-pay” for her throughout season two) or how he learns something and then decides not to tell the others (the main reason he and Michael are always at odds) and how he tries to boss everyone around. But none of that is evident. It’s almost as if Tess permanently warped his brain when she slept with him. I never thought I’d see Max do the things he does in this episode.

    When Liz brought Max the article on the diamond, he says that he would never be able to live with himself if something happened to her. Oh. Is that why Max moved out of the Evans’s home after all of this? You jerk Max.

    This entire situation doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in Max’s leadership abilities. This “King of Antar” thinks that the best way to find his ship and return home is to commit armed robbery and bring in the person he cares the most about in his life into it with him? I don’t buy it. Up until now for Max, it’s been to proceed carefully, weigh the options, formulate a plan, and then act. At the same time, stay hidden and don’t draw attention to yourself because attention is what gets you put into the white room. While Max does put together a plan, he acts on it almost without thinking about the consequences. That is certainly not the Max I’ve known for two seasons.

    Even when trying to get back together with Liz, Max is a jerk. When Liz brings up Tess and the fact that Max slept with her, Max tries to joke about it saying “So you’re still holding onto that?” Excuse me Maxwell? That’s not exactly something you can just forget about. Especially since Tess became pregnant! I don’t know what the most appropriate word for Max is here but “jerk” works just fine with me. But I’m not done yet! Max makes it worse for himself by saying that mating with Tess was just “Something I had to find out about and now I’m over it.” Oh yeah. That’s the best way to convince someone to get back together with you. Admit that you slept with someone just for the experience and then forget about it. By the way, referring to it as “mating” makes Max sound like he was filming some kind of National Geographic special on procreation.

    In that scene, Max is the epitome of all the anti-male comments I’ve heard girls make. I honestly do not understand what Katims was trying to accomplish with the dialogue in this scene. Did he want us to hate Max? It sure worked if this was his goal.

    Was there no other way to find the ship? Was this the best that he could think of? If I’m an Antarian, I’d stick with Khivar as ruler. Just off the top of my head, I came up with a few alternate plans. Put the whammy on the clerk before going inside. Max could use his powers to fling the guy into the wall so hard that he falls unconscious then he and Liz could have their run of the store. How about this one? Max knows that there is something behind the wall and possibly the staircase. Why not go behind the store and use your powers to move the dirt and enter the storage facility through the roof? That way, you never have to go INSIDE. Max could even make sure that it’s done quietly so the clerk is not even disturbed and then hide all evidence of him being there before leaving. Better yet, hire Jessie from “Mutant X” to phase through the wall and find out what’s in there. The point is there has to be another way to check the place out rather then robbing it. But let’s pretend for a moment that this was the ONLY way. Couldn’t Max have done just a little bit more to insure Liz’s safety? Why not use his powers to change her hair color? Isabel can do that one and I think Max can too. He was going to turn Mr. Shallow’s hair blonde in “Blind Date.” Perhaps change Liz’s voice. If you can’t live with yourself if something happens to her, you take great pains to make damn sure nothing DOES happen. The final part is that you make sure no one else is around. Joey was sitting in his car watching them and he wasn’t exactly hidden either.

    I also have a big problem with Liz and the gun. Watching the scene at the car where she played with the sights disturbed me. Was this not the same girl who was shot in the first episode of the show? I think Liz should have been very leery of the gun whether it was loaded or not. The fact that she was playing with it just didn’t seem right at all.

    My, my, my. Liz recovered quickly, didn’t she? I don’t have a lot of information to determine how much time has past since the events in “Departure”, but when I last saw these two, they weren’t quite on the best of terms. Max had broken her heart and she found herself making out with Maria’s cousin Sean to get over the pain. The look on her face as Max hugged her after the Granolith took off with Tess wasn’t a very loving look. Max has a lot to answer for because of what he has done to Liz. Stuff that isn’t so easily forgiven I might add. Yet Liz is smiling as she reminds him of all these things during their talk on the dock. Yes, Liz does want Max back into her life. She does love him but were they really able to reconcile these things in just one conversation? That seems very rushed. I think it would have made for a very powerful episode had they opened the season with the two discussing these very things rather then what we were given here.

    There is one part about Liz’s character that comes out in this episode that I really must mention. Liz comes upon Max as he is going through Tess’s belongings. He is exploring his alien side again. Liz is disappointed by this because she was hoping it could be normal between them now. Seeing that this will never be the case, she simply accepts it and helps Max in his quest. Liz really does have some admirable qualities and it’s just one of the ways she tells Max that she loves him. As if being thrown in the slammer twice in her lifetime isn’t enough (the first was in “Heatwave” in case you forgot.)

    There isn’t much to say about Maria here other then she is very upset at Max for what he has gotten her best friend into. Any anger she feels is certainly justified. Once again though, she gets a new hairstyle for the season. I like this one. It’s not as long as the one she had in season two but it does suit her.

    There isn’t really much to say about Michael either. He had finally found a home on Earth with Maria at the end of the last season so the fact that he took very lightly the news about the ship didn’t seem that much of a big deal to me. I couldn’t help but laugh that the creators made a big deal in this episode of pointing that he was in danger of not graduating though. When was the last time that school figured into the equation? About mid-season two, it appeared that the fact that the kids even went to school was more of an annoyance to the writers then important. Another thing I noticed about Michael was that he resisted the urge to use his powers on “the man” (he’s not named just yet but it’s Joey.) The last time someone pointed a gun at Michael, he tried to zap him (see “Off the Menu.”)

    Since I’m not sure about the date in this episode, I’m not exactly sure how I feel about Isabel sucking face with Jessie. Alex, the one she decided was the man for her, has just died and here she is with this new guy. Some people get over their grief quickly. For others, it takes a bit of time. Just something about seeing Isabel with this guy didn’t settle very well with me at first. I decided at the time that I would give Jessie a chance. I’ve read that some dislike the fact that Jessie is at least eight years older then Isabel. Some girls prefer that. Others do not. I do have to wonder why Jessie is dating someone that young especially when it’s his boss’s daughter that he is doing barely legal things with.

    We saw a lot of Amy Deluca in season two but she mysteriously disappears this season. There’s no mention whatsoever of where she has gone to. Maria briefly brings her up in “Graduation.” Perhaps she was abducted.

    There’s nothing like opening the season with a nit! There is a city called Salina in Utah. It’s 562 miles (904 kilometers or 488 nautical miles) away from Roswell. A good five to six hour drive at that (you can now understand why Maria is so upset at having to drive there.) It’s a small town that has a population of less then four thousand. However, that’s where the accuracy ends. Joey phones in the convenience store’s location to the police saying it is on highway 65. There is no highway 65 anywhere near Salina, Utah. There are highways 256, 89, and 50 as well as state highway 24 and Interstate 70 but not a 65. Whether or not there is a Sam’s Quick Stop in the city is debatable.

    But to be fair, the creators do name the hotel everyone stays in as the “Sevier County Motor Inn.” Salina, Utah is indeed in Sevier county.

    This episode does something a bit different. The “previously on Roswell” segment is after the opener. Upon first seeing it, it was very strange and made me think it was some sort of editing error.

    I don’t think I can entirely accept that Max used his power to make lights appear on the dock and in the trees. It is more likely that he strung the lights through the branches and on the dock and then turned them on using his powers. To do otherwise is going a little over the top especially since he and Liz were out there for a while and risked being seen all illuminated.

    As they talk, Liz says she has broken twelve of her mother’s rules about Max. This implies that Liz talks to her mom. Since when? The last two times I saw Liz and her mom talk was in “Leaving Normal” and in “Heatwave.” Neither time did the two appear to have a close relationship. This must have happened between now and “Departure” when we weren’t looking.

    Max misses the point of “skinny dipping.” It involves you swimming without a swimsuit and that means no boxers and no socks. And who swims in their socks anyway? Max is so weird. Of course the real reason is that the show is rated PG but I don’t deal in reality.

    I want to know who’s sending all these visions to Max. In “Four Aliens and a Baby” we find out that Max’s son is fully human. Since when can mere humans send messages across the vastness of space? When we see the little guy, he doesn’t look able to manipulate any kind of alien equipment so who is signaling Max? Is Tess doing it? To be fair, there’s nothing to indicate that Max’s son does not have this ability but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t ask. Plus, what exactly is it about said contact that causes Max to kneel over in pain? That is never explained to my satisfaction.

    Max, Isabel, and Michael seem quite confident that the little room they discuss the ship in isn’t bugged or otherwise being monitored as they openly discuss it together. Ordinarily, Isabel would be freaking out talking about things like this in public. But then, that’s never stopped anyone before even though Max made the rule against doing so back in “Crazy.”

    In this same scene, Max asks his second in command to retrieve the key so that he and Liz will not be linked to another crime, namely grand larceny! Darn good idea Max. It might have also helped if you hadn’t used your real names during the whole thing!

    This episode also has the very first mention of the Royal’s home planet’s name, Antar. It had only previously been mentioned on the now defunct I’m told that many fans were less then enthusiastic about the name. I rather like it since it can date back in a way to “Heatwave.” See my review of that episode for details. But where did they learn this name? Was it in the translation of the Destiny book? That was never fully read on any show but it seems the only likely place it would have come from.

    In a slight nod to UPN for picking up the show, Liz tries on a WWF hat when she and Max enter the Quick Stop the first time. UPN also carries WWF Smackdown which is one of the network’s highest rated shows. (No emails saying it’s not “WWF” anymore. I know that and I think “WWE” sounds too much like I am calling for a pig.)

    Agent Burns appears for the first time here as well. I believe that he doesn’t show up again until “Crash.” He pales in comparison to Pierce if you ask me.

    Max says that in searching the UFO Center (which also mysteriously disappears this season) he found five places in Utah that are government storage facilities. He even has a list! Ooooooh, goodie. Let’s look at that list. This is how Max had it written on the sheet of paper he had. Let’s do one at a time.

    “1. OF2-14 5743 Highway 23

    Salina, Utah”

    The “OF2-14” thing is probably some sort of top secret government serial number (I’m just playing along.) There is no highway 23 in Utah though. At least, not on my atlas there isn’t.

    “2. GF2-15 897 Rosewood Ave

    Filmor, Utah”

    There is no city in Utah with the name of “Filmor.” Nor is there one called “Filmore.” For this and the next one too, you can’t find a street address without having a name so whether or not these addresses really exist or not isn’t possible.

    “3. GF2-16 5518 Timer Oaks Drive

    Filmor, Utah”

    Again, no Filmor.

    “4. GF2-17”

    The address on this one is so badly marked over that I cannot read it. Not on TV at any rate. If I had a hardcopy of it, I could probably make it out.

    “5. GR2-18 453 Highway 65

    Salina, Utah”

    Once again, there is no highway 65 in Utah. It would have been very easy for the creators to put a different highway number on paper then the one Joey called into the cops but they didn’t so kudos on staying accurate even if it is geographically incorrect.

    Sometimes the best way to hide something is to hide it in plain sight. However, in the case of the space ship, I’m not sure if it was the best choice. Something that sensitive should be at Area 51 constantly under guard. Plus, I want to know how they got the thing in and out of the storage facility. The ship wouldn’t exactly fit in a tractor trailer. Does it fold in half or did the driver tell everyone he was delivering the new “Pie in the Sky” sign?

    Where did Max get the new car? The guy doesn’t have a job. Well, we haven’t seen him working at the UFO Center since it has disappeared so where did he get the money to buy it? Or did he buy it? Given the trend Max is on, grand theft auto seems right up his alley.

    Why is the Quick Stop closed? Police investigations on armed robberies don’t normally shut down convenience stores unless something really bad like a murder happens in them. One might argue that they closed the store to search for more evidence to convict Liz but I really doubt there was much to find. They already got Liz’s hair.

    Phillip Evans seems to think that he can get the kids off scot-free. I’m no lawyer but I think Max and Liz shouldn’t have gotten off so easily. They may not have found the gun, and they may or may not think the store clerk is a total whack, and this may have been the two’s first offense but there is one indisputable fact that would have stuck to them like glue: the first police car on the scene would have seen two figures running out of the store and jump into a car. The officer then chased that car and never once let it out of his sight. That same car was stopped by the same officer. Now it doesn’t matter whether or not the officer could identify the two in the car, he chased both of them out of the store. If there was no one else in the store, the police got their robbers! Liz and Max are going to jail and being the best students at Roswell high won’t save them.

    There is one thing they could for sure pin on Max though. As Max runs out of the store, he snatches a bag of chips off the counter rack. Anyone who searched the car would have found them. They could have charged Max with shoplifting as well.

    I also don’t know what kind of evidence they really think they have against Liz. If the bit I mentioned above is not used, the only thing the judge has to hold over Liz is that she fits the description and sounds like the girl who robbed the story. He also has a few of Liz’s hairs. I’m not sure that would stand up in court. A good lawyer could argue that the hairs are there because she and Max went in to buy Lucky Charms (part of this balanced breakfast!) As for the description, I’ll bet the lawyer could find ten to twenty women who could match Liz’s description. Sending the case to criminal court seems like a waste of time. If the judge really did want to lay the law down to impress his voters, he could have given the both of them a suspended sentence and community service at home.

    When Max and Liz are finally pulled over, Max is hauled out of the car and thrown to the ground. Liz fairs better and is gently pulled out by her arm and told to face the car. Liz must have gotten the nice cop.

    I thought the mention of the chemical tetryl was a nice touch. Tetryl is an odorless, yellowish powder that was used during World War I and II by the U.S. to make explosives. It is no longer manufactured and it is all sitting in government storage facilities as the Department of Defense destroys it. So it is possible that you could find it in government storage bunkers like the one seen here. I’m not sure what kind of damage Phillip Evans could have done by letting it be publicly known that on federally owned land mind you, there was a supply of tetryl. To date, there is no medical test to detect tetryl nor has there been any studies to determine whether it causes cancer or not. Even if it was made public, all the government would have to do is say that there was a supply there awaiting destruction but it has been destroyed per governmental order. Somehow, the fear of the news of it getting out is enough to make Agent Burns drop the charges on Liz. If it were dioxin, I could see it being something to worry about. Not tetryl.

    You know, if Burns was serious about that line of Phillip and Max being lucky to walk away alive, you wonder why he didn’t bring a few more agents with him, shoot the Evans boys and make them disappear. Especially if Burns is still with the FBI’s special unit which he claims to be in “Four Aliens and a Baby.” He could have done it and no one been the wiser about the Evans’s fate. Well, maybe. We all know how good the FBI is on this show.

    Max is so bent out of shape at the end of this episode that he forgets to turn on his wind force field as he drives in his car. It’s understandable though. He’s had a rough day.

    #302 Michael, The Guys And The Great Snapple Caper – Review

    Written by Chad Evans (Nitpickius Roswellian)

    Yep, this is a Michael episode all right.

    I am a bit puzzled about him though. Towards the end of season two, Michael appeared to have gotten his life together and was walking the straight and narrow. In fact, as leaders go, it appeared that Michael and Max were switching roles. Max was distracted by all of his “diddling” so to speak and Michael was becoming responsible and beginning to master his powers. This episode shows that change doesn’t happen as fast as one might think.

    This episode has the feel of season one so much that I would have expected to see it there. It would fit perfectly at some point after the events of “Independence Day.” You’d just have to change the Max / Liz stuff a bit.

    As I said before, Michael has gone back to his roots. He can’t pay his electric bill. He replaces the TV he blew up in “The End of the World” with a really expensive entertainment center. And to top things off, he’s still going out to dinner with Maria and having her pick up the check (I wonder what his rent payment each month is. On a side note, why does Maria still go to dinner with him when she is the one who always pays? You’d think she’d know better by now. Is there anything else to do in Roswell besides eat?) When season two ended, I just felt Michael had shaped up. He was even trying to get his school situation straightened out in “Busted.” However, to be fair, he did do the right thing for everyone in the end so he hasn’t totally lost it.

    One thing I don’t understand is how Michael refused to admit that he was responsible for everything. His actions got the entire security staff fired (though I agree with him that firing the whole shift was a little extreme.) In trying to ignore the obvious in a conversation with Max, Michael says it’s not his fault that Steve “married someone and then knocked her up before he could get a decent job.” Aye-yai, Michael! I suppose it’s a good thing that he sees marrying Maria “a little bit down the road” huh? Michael says everything he can to avoid saying it was his fault. It’s both amusing and disturbing. But it’s all Michael!!

    While I sympathize with Max and the heartbreak he and Liz are feeling by not being able to see each other, I am not totally on his side. Mr. Parker hit the nail on the head when he asked Max to tell him that Liz being with him doesn’t put her life in danger. Max couldn’t answer. I brought this point up in “Busted” but it bears repeating here. If you say that you can’t live with yourself if something happens to your girlfriend, then you make damn sure that nothing does happen! Perhaps if Max had thought things through last episode, maybe he wouldn’t have had to face the wrath of a father, both his own and Liz’s. I’m sorry Max but you made your own bed. You can lie in it.

    I’ve nothing really to expound upon with Liz other then to say that I think she’s over that whole thing with Tess. I’ve also very few things to say about Maria. I will say that this is one of the last couple of episodes in season three where I actually liked her. Season three is a growing session for Maria and her decisions in life are going to kind of suck the laughter out of her character. But that’s ok because Kyle is going to step in and fill the void.

    Kyle actually is going to take over two other character’s aspects: Maria’s humor and the comfort and supportiveness of Alex. When Alex died, Isabel lost a confidant and someone she could talk to. Kyle is going to become that person for her. We find out for sure how Kyle feels about Isabel in “A Tale of Two Parties” but I’m kind of surprised the creators didn’t explore this before now. I think Kyle has always had feelings for Isabel but never bothered to act on it. But as of right now, Alex is still not totally out of Isabel’s life. Not yet.

    I’m really trying to be kind when it concerns Jim Valenti. I know that his life was all about his job and when that was taken away from him, he lost his focus. Since there’s absolutely no way to determine just how much time has past since Valenti was fired, it has to have been at least four months (the three months covered in “Busted” and last episodes of season two which surely covered a month’s time.) You know who could have helped him get through all of this? Someone who mysteriously disappears this season. Where the heck did Amy De Luca go? She was trying to get Jim out of the house last season and if she had continued that, I’ll bet that Valenti would not be as much of a dead beat as he is in this episode. The truth is that Diane Farr was appearing on another show at the time but as I have said before, I don’t deal in reality. (Wink, wink.) I’m a little surprised that Valenti has let it go on as long as he has. He’s always been seen as a true father figure and the danger of him losing his mortgage surely had to have been a warning sign for him and his son.

    Oh, and I just have to comment on this. The Kit Shickers? Who thought of that name? Was that the best the band (creators) could think of? How about “Jim Valenti and the Outlaws?” At least that would have been somewhat amusing.

    As I said, I’m not sure about the time that has passed between “Busted” and “Departure” but I’m also not sure about the time between this episode and “Busted.” My best guess is that it couldn’t have been more then a few days. I don’t think Max would have spent too long living out of his car. His clothes also appear clean and he doesn’t have as much stubble on his face as he did in “Busted.” The clothes and shaving part could have been handled with a simple wave of the hand (Ah, could we all be so lucky) so who knows. It’s times like this when I really miss Liz’s journal entries.

    At the beginning of this episode, Michael is upset that the power company has shut off his electricity. This is supported by him using candles and kerosene lanterns for lighting. If his power is shut off, then why does the light in his refrigerator come on when he opens it allowing Maria to see the case of stolen Snapple? Does the little gnome that lives in the fridge that turns on the light when you open the door also ride a bike to generate power for that light?

    For clarity’s sake, I’ll identify the security guards so everyone will know whom I’m talking about when I mention their names. Fly is the guy Michael calls “Chico.” Monk is the one who wears glasses, Steve is the married guy, and the last one’s name is George. Much thanks to whoever wrote the transcript of this episode because I was a little lost figuring out everyone’s name.

    During one of the goofing off segments, Fly is shown smoking a cigar. What? No fire alarm? Even the places that make medicines adhere to the standards of a hospital and that includes the “no smoking in the building” rule.

    Carl tells the night shift that “several cases of Peach Snapple” were stolen from the break room. “Several” usually means more then one. But Michael only returns one case. Either he drank the others or Carl was exaggerating.

    I also wonder how Carl explained to his superiors what evidence he had that convinced him to fire everyone. All he had was a lid to a bottle. Just one lid! I think one would need a little more then that to fire an entire shift. Another odd thing about the firing is that the Wheelers hired Michael because they wanted to watch him believing him to be the “healing alien.” This comes from the episode “Panacea.” I wonder how they felt about Carl firing him.

    The only flavor of Snapple that is mentioned is “Peach Snapple.” When I think of peach flavored drinks, I usually expect it to be pink or clear. All the Snapple Michael has is a very dark color and they all have the word “Diet” on the lids. I thought this was a simple mistake but it’s not. After a little trip to, I discovered that the only flavor of Peach that Snapple has is “Diet Peach Tea.” So the creators got the flavor correct. Nice attention to detail.

    I simply can’t help from snickering whenever I see Liz’s spikey hairdo she is sporting when Max animates the paintings on the Crashdown wall. It’s just so funky looking.

    It’s time to have fun with liquids again. During Kyle’s meal and chat with Isabel, the soda level in Kyle’s glass stays about half full. By the end of the conversation, the level of soda has jumped to three-fourths full without more soda being added. If I’m going to point out this nit, I must point out that the pink stuff Kyle pours for himself at the beginning of the episode when he comes home stays at the same level throughout the scene. Though Kyle does take a drink of it (oooooh, they almost got it.)

    I have to laugh at this one but it is easily explained. Michael sneaks into Meta-Chem intending to return the stolen Snapple. The funny part is that he gets inside in broad daylight carrying the stuff and no one sees him. I used to work for a pharmaceutical distribution company and just about every door to an area was electronically locked. Of course, Michael’s powers make this point moot but it’s strange that no one saw him. The fact that janitors are in the building suggests Michael entered the building after business hours, which would make things a bit easier.

    I understand that Carl is head of security and that he has the master key to any room and the access to turn off the video camera. However, that does not explain why he has thumbprint access to the medical cabinets. There’s no reason for a security guard to have clearance for that. I suppose it’s possible that Carl gave himself the access. He most likely would have the ability to do that but does everyone at Meta-Chem trust him that well? He must have covered his tracks quite well.

    Carl steals a sample from the medical cabinet and then inserts his security card into a slot to open the sample delivery door. Again, that’s not something a security guard should have access for but he probably arranged that. Carl places the sample on the panel, removes his card and walks away. A janitor then puts his security card into the slot on the opposite side of the door and removes the sample. Wait a minute. The sample door was already open. All the janitor had to do was reach in and pick up the sample. The card wasn’t to close the sample door because it remained open even after the sample was removed. What did the janitor insert his card for? This happens twice. Once when Michael first observes Carl’s theft and again when he captures him on camera.

    With Michael watching, Carl takes a bite of his burrito and then tosses it into a trash can. Look behind Carl and you’ll see two steel containers marked “Nitrogen.” While all sorts of chemicals are used to manufacture medicines, I honestly don’t know if nitrogen is one of them. The reason I ask is because at room temperature, nitrogen exists as a gas and is mostly inert. To be used in liquid form, it must be extremely cold (-346 degrees Fahrenheit or -210 Celsius) and is stored in pressurized cryogenic stainless steel vessels called dewars. I’ve never seen one but it’s possible that is what those containers behind Carl are. To see a drum full of the stuff just sitting around is a little abnormal even in a chemical lab. It is frequently used to keep things cold but it’s done so under controlled conditions. Like liquid oxygen, (see “Sexual Healing”) nitrogen in liquid form is cold enough to deaden your skin on contact.

    Monk creates a continuity error. While the guys are all gathered at Michael’s house, Monk is sitting on a stool fiddling with a bottle. The first time we see Monk, he puts the lid on the bottle and sits it on the counter beside him. We switch to a shot of Michael and then go back to the wide shot of the guys playing table hockey. Now Monk has the bottle in his hands again and has the lid off the bottle. For the rest of the scene, Monk acts like he is trying to screw the lid back on the bottle but can’t quite get it back into place. He’s probably too excited about screwing Carl to be able to screw on a lid.

    Fly tells Michael not to call him “Chico” because coming from him, it just doesn’t sound right. Of course, Mr. Rebel Alien continues to call him that.

    This happens in movies and television all the time but I ask the same question every time I see it happening. Are air ducts really made to support the weight of a full-grown man? I guess it just wouldn’t do to always have our heroes come crashing down out of them after just one step.

    I think the VCRs at Meta-Chem are psychic. When Michael first sticks the camera out of the vent, we see Carl walk along the window and stop at the cabinet to open it. We then switch to a shot of Monk putting a tape into the VCR. Notice the TV screens behind him. They are all snow. Once the videotape sets into place, the TV’s click on and we see Carl walking by the windows and stopping at the cabinet again. How did the VCR capture these images if it had already taken place BEFORE the VCR turned on? Camera delay perhaps?

    As the ceiling begins to collapse, Michael is kneeling down on all fours. When the ceiling collapses, the stunt man falls as if he was lying on his back in the duct. The only way this would have happened is if Michael suddenly turned over just before he fell. I don’t think there was time for that.

    When Michael falls, he stands up directly in the spot where he fell. After Carl pulls a gun on him, he uses his powers to pull the ceiling down on top of him. This pulls another section of the ceiling down on him as well. Keep in mind that Michael never took a step so there should be nothing but a hole where he originally fell. There shouldn’t be any tiles left to fall on him.

    Back in “Missing”, I made a big deal about the Valenti household not being locked. I figured that the FBI guy who was searching the house simply forgot to re-lock it when he broke in. But Kyle walked in the house and didn’t react like the front door being unlocked was a big deal. I thought that was strange because there is a collection of guns hanging on the wall by the door (which aren’t there in this episode mind you.) I’m told that there are some places in the U.S. where people leave their doors unlocked. It’s just natural since crime isn’t that rampant where they live. As absurd as I find that, I know that the businesses in these areas are still said to lock their doors after hours. Apparently, the Crashdown doesn’t follow that rule. Max asks Liz to meet him at midnight. Let’s be gracious and say that they spent two hours paragliding. That makes their return time to the Café at 2am and they stride right in the unlocked front door and neither seems to find that strange. Of course, they’re both love-numbed so they probably aren’t paying attention. It’s also possible that Mr. Parker deliberately left the door unlocked for them. It just seems awfully weird for a place that has the cash register right by the door to leave their door unlocked.

    Max wants Liz to sneak out to meet him. Presumably, they don’t want Mr. Parker to find out that Liz is doing this so they would most likely want to be careful. I guess they were just too love-numbed to realize that when you’re trying to be sneaky, you don’t want to enter a building at the door that has a tinkling little bell on it. “Missing” shows us that there is a back door that leads straight into the Parker’s upstairs apartment in the alleyway out back. Why not use that door?

    Speaking of sneaky, Mr. Parker is no slouch in that department either. It’s a little hard to tell because of the camera angle but I didn’t see him sitting on the stool at the end of the bar by the register when Liz and Max came in. If he was there, they totally missed him the entire time they were in the Café (Boy, being love-numbed sure makes you stupid.) In the same light, the long shots as Liz walks away from Max don’t show Mr. Parker sitting there either! So either he’s a former Navy Seal and an expert in concealment or he was hunched down under the counter or sitting on the floor behind the register. Then when Max turns around, he pops up onto the stool. He also brings the drink he had with him because it’s not on the counter until he speaks to Max. Kinda makes you go “Hmm” doesn’t it?

    Mr. Parker demands that Max tell him where he and Liz went. Max says they went to the desert. No, Max. You went to a dam. You went to the desert in “Sexual Healing.” Me thinks you got your episodes mixed up. You might say “Maybe the dam is IN the desert.” Well, maybe. But that’s not what Max said. Hey, I didn’t write the dialogue! (Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick!)

    Speaking of this dam the love birds paraglide off of, I want to know where that thing is. In New Mexico, water is scarce. Robert Hull tells me that rivers in the state are what many would consider a “creek.” Several of them are so small that they do not appear on maps (like the ones I have. More detailed maps will show you everything.) The closest river that is large enough to appear on my aerial map is the Pecos River, which also has the Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge park just east of the town. There is a dam of sorts there which forms a lake but it’s not large enough to paraglide off of…unless of course you can make wind with your hand. It’s amazing the lengths the creators use to place things in Roswell that simply are not there! (Like palm trees! See “Independence Day.”)

    Back to the unlocked door bit. When Mr. Parker goes upstairs, he leaves the Café doors unlocked. He must think Max will do it for him. See? He really does like Max after all.

    A great quote this episode:

    “Welcome to my world.” -Michael after Steve tells him he is a crazy bastard for breaking into Meta-Chem.