#105 Missing – Music

Compiled by Yvonne, Added and updated by Lena, Revised by Leonard


Maria asks Alex about the missing journal.

TV: Stereophonics – Pick A Part That’s New
Album: Performance and Cocktails (1999)
Music: Spotify | AppleYouTube
Web: www.stereophonics.com

DVD/Streaming: removed


Crashdown: Michael continues drawing, Isabel complaining, Max reading Atherton’s book, Kyle comes up to Max and tells him that he’s onto him.

TV: Filter – Take A Picture
Album: Hard Rock (1999)
Music: Spotify | Apple | YouTube
Web: www.officialfilter.com

DVD/Streaming: The Waking Hours – Almost Nearly There
Album: The Good Way (2003)
Music: Spotify | Apple | YouTube

Art room

Michael in the art room, busy at work on drawing his “vision”.

TV: Beck – Novacane
Album: Odelay (1996)
Music: Spotify | AppleYouTube

DVD/Streaming: Goldo – All I Really Want
Album: ?
Music: YouTube

It’s Back

Michael confesses to Liz that he stole her journal.

TV: Creed – Torn
Album: My Own Prison (1997)
Music: Spotify | Apple | YouTube
Web: Facebook

DVD/Streaming: Instrumental

Save Behind The Wall

Liz finishes writing in her journal and hides it in the wall.

TV: Counting Crows – Colorblind
Album: This Desert Life (1999)
Music: Spotify | Apple | YouTube
Web: www.countingcrows.com

DVD/Streaming: Glen Phillips – Darkest Hour
Album: Abulum (2001)
Music: Spotify | Apple | YouTube