#315 Who Died And Made You King? – Music

Compiled by Yvonne, Added and updated by Lena, Revised by Leonard

In the back room of the Crashdown

Max and Liz talk in the Crashdown back room. Jeff says hi to Max and leaves.

TV: Jimmy Eat World – The Middle
Album: Self-Titled (formerly known as Bleed American) (2001)
Music: Spotify | Apple

DVD/Streaming: Actionslacks – My Favorite Man
Album: Full Upright Position (2003)
Music: Spotify | Apple

Mini golf

Max and Liz playing mini golf

TV: Stereolab – Nought More Terrific Than Man
Album: Sound-Dust (2001)
Music: Spotify | Apple

DVD/Streaming: Microsillon – Fly Away
Album: Some Flavoured Pearls (2003)
Music: Spotify | Apple

Michael is power tripping

Michael power trips about being king and kicks Maria out of the car.

TV: Tricky – Evolution Revolution Love
Album: Blowback (2001)
Music: Spotify | Apple

DVD/Streaming: Celldweller – Switchback
Album: Celldweller (2003)
Music: Spotify | Apple

Jesse and Isabel dispose of Agent Burns’ body

Michael asks Max if he can get some sleep; Isabel and Jesse dispose of Agent Burns’ body in the junkyard; Isabel and Jesse come home, she melts the gun and suggests they leave Roswell.

TV: South – Paint The Silence
Album: From Here On In (2001)
Fun-Fact: This song is on The O.C. compilation “Music From The O.C. Mix 1” (2004). Colin Hanks guest-starred on the show.
Music: Spotify | Apple

DVD/Streaming: Zach Ziskin – Falling to Pieces
Album: Real As The Memory (2003)
Music: Spotify | Apple