
May Teen People Roswell Info – Spoiler

Thanks to MyrnaLynne for sending this in!

There is a bunch of Roswell related stuff in the May Teen People which has Jennifer Lopez on the cover.

Not only does May 2000 TeenPeople have the full page, 2-page Michael and Maria LEVI ad pictures (thoughtfully with ads on the back so you can tear them right out!) on pp 34-35, but lots of little Roswell stuff sprinkled throughout the issue:

Page 66 **SPOILERS** [nice Max with hands on Liz’s face pic also]

Tube: The Big Tease – wondering how your favorite TV series will end the season? Just look into our crystal ball for all the detals:

Roswell (The WB) – ONE OF US: In a two-part finale, Max, Isabel, and Michael discover the identity of the fourth alien–and it’s no stranger. Meanwhile, Sheriff Valenti digs up the proof he’s been searching for. The question is: Will he still be out to expose the “Czechoslovakians”? INTERSPECIES COUPLING: Tess continues to come between Max and Liz, and an unexpected obstacle forces Michael to make a choice about his future with Maria.

** ** end of spoiler** ARGH!! [There was a Buffy spoiler too]

Page 65 2 pix of Brendan Fehr

Day to Night Look: Brendan Fehr
Day: Brendan sports a boy-next-door look in casual basics.
[Wool hat, jersey, and jeans mode] Night: Formal wear isn’t alien to Brendan, who’s suited for a red-carpet event
[Nice dark suit and silky light tie, but doing weird hand motions! LOL]

Back Page: Quote from Jason Behr (with NO picture! What WERE they thinking?)

Roswell star Jason Behr, when asked if he thinks there’s life on other planets –
“They say it’s mathematically impossible. But then, you know, I’ve never really been good at math.”

[Let’s hear it for us math-impaired and alien-believers!] :)

Same page, “Question of the Month: What’s Your Nickname?”

Majandra Delfino (Roswell): “There are so many. I have Mo, Mojo, Cool Mo D. Usually, Mo and Mojo are the ones I go by. I found out [friends] call Madonna Mo too, so I was excited about that.”


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