
Roswell Fans Push for Renewal

Thanks to Fehrocious for this!

This appeared today on Sci-fi Wire:

Roswell Fans Push For Renewal

Fans of The WB’s teen alien series Roswell are taking their “Save Roswell” campaign to a new level, with a full-page advertisement in the Hollywood trade paper Variety on April 10. The fans, who have incorporated as Alien Blast, will pay $2,500 for the ad, the first of two planned to encourage The WB to renew the freshman series.

The ad will say, “We would like to thank The WB for the hottest show on television. We are looking forward to next season!” Such fan action is not unprecedented: Last year, fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer took out a Variety ad to protest The WB’s decision to delay two controversial episodes. Earlier, fans of The Sentinel took out their own ad, which is credited with prolonging that series’ life on UPN.

As part of their campaign, Roswell fans have mailed more than 3,000 mini-bottles of Tabasco sauce to WB executives. (The alien heroes of Roswell show a peculiar taste for the spicy sauce.) Organizers say they have also received about $5,000 in donations. “Support has been received from all over the world, including France, England, Australia, Puerto Rico, Canada and of course, the U.S.,” said Kristi Bergman, co-founder of the fan movement.

On April 10, The WB is moving Roswell to Mondays at 9:00 p.m. from its current home on Wednesday nights in order to boost its lackluster ratings. A decision on renewing the show won’t come until May.