
Roswellians: Decorate your Twitter page!

What do you think about a new Roswell Twitter background for your Twitter page? Show your support for the latest Movie Campaign or just spread the Roswell Love on Twitter. If you have any wishes for further backgrounds, just let us know.

Roswell fans from all over the world are asked to continue tweeting about the show ensuring that the hash tags #Roswell and #roswellmovie are included somewhere in your posts.

Please join us in a Roswell Twitter challenge with the goal to get #Roswell #roswellmovie trending. We still need to pick a date and time, but we’ll let you know. If we can make Roswell a trending topic it will help draw attention to the show and gain new fans.

Please sign the Roswell Petition for a movie, if you haven’t done so already.

Add the graphic to your Twitter page

Please chose your favorite Twitter background and save the picture on your desktop. Then head on over to Login and click on Settings in the main menu on top of your Twitter page.

Now, you can upload the new background picture. Click on Design and scroll down. With a click on Change background image add the path to the Roswell background on your desktop.

Change the colors of your Twitter page now. Click on Change design colors and click on the first color box for the background. Now, add the color #000000 (black) into the field and continue with the other color boxes. As link color you can add a dark orange #bf6f13.

Save the changes and enjoy your new background.

Related News:
RoswellMovieCampaign on YouTube, April 23, 2011
Everyone is talking about Roswell, April 19th, 2011
Happy #FollowFriday Roswellians, April 8th, 2011
Can we please have a Roswell Movie?, April 5th, 2011
April Fools Day is one of the best holidays…, April 3rd, 2011
“Good bye” Roswell Fan Project, January 14th, 2010