#307 Interruptus – Quotes

Added by Lena

Kyle: Hold on. Isn’t this guy like an alien killer?
Isabel: Look, I get one honeymoon, all right? He’s not gonna ruin it!
Kyle: Isabel, I’m all for denial as a way of life, but you can’t just run away from this.

Michael: How does Isabel’s former alien lover crash her wedding and we don’t know about it?

Jesse: Well, let’s get checked in and, uh, slip into something a little more… Married?

Jesse: What about you? Is there anyone special in your life? Maybe we could all hook up and go out for dinner one night.
Kivar: That’d be difficult, Jesse.

Maria: You guys, I really– I wouldn’t worry about this. Look at it from Mr. Evans’ point of view. His son is practically a hardened criminal. Suddenly daughter gets married. He’s trying to get a grip on his new world order.
Kyle: Suppose he discovers the interstellar love triangle and the alien hit squad winging its way to honeymoon central?

Max: Hi.
Michael: We’re here to kill your boyfriend.

Isabel: Honey, would you be a fantastic husband and go down to the bar and get me one of those, um… Fruity, pineappley umbrella drinks?

Michael: You’re gonna ride his handlebars all the way back to Antar, aren’t you?

Isabel: Listen to me for a second. Don’t say anything. Just… Let me get this out. I’m not who you think I am. I’m from another planet.
Jesse: You mean, like, men are from Mars, women are from Venus?

Isabel: We’re all aliens. Our ship crashed in Roswell over 50 years ago. It wasn’t a hoax. It was a government cover-up. We’re hybrids. Alien-human DNA. We crawled out of our secret… Pod chamber about 12 years ago into the desert. And nobody knows. Not even our parents.
Jesse: This is some weird family practical joke, right?

Kivar: Don’t make her kill ya again. It would feel redundant.
Max: She wouldn’t.
Kivar: She did before.
Michael: No, she didn’t. I remember something. You led Kivar into the city with his men, but he convinced you that he wanted peace. He said he wasn’t gonna kill anybody, that he was there to call a truce. And once you helped him gain access, he killed all of us. You didn’t kill us, Isabel. He did. He betrayed you.

Denny: How’d I get in California?
Michael: I don’t know. Maybe you were kidnapped by aliens or something.

Michael: Let’s go scuba diving.
MAX: Are you serious?
Michael: When else? You gotta seize the moment, Maxwell.

Max: I’ve gotta get back home.
Michael: There’ll be plenty of time for your intense brooding moments with Liz later.

Mr. Parker: So, Philip, what do you wanna do about it?
Mr. Evans: Keep my eyes open, and, uh… Ask you to do the same.
Mr. Parker: Ok. What are we looking for?
Mr. Evans: I don’t know. I just hope I recognize it when I see it.

Jesse: Wow
Isabel: Are you okay?
Jesse: I’ve got only 3 words for you … That was different.

Quote of the Week:

Max: In our other life, Kivar was our enemy. He was trying to take over my throne. Isabel fell in love with him and helped him overtake us. It was a bloodbath. We were all killed, including Isabel. Our genetic material was mixed with human DNA, and then we were sent here.
Kyle: Nothing’s ever simple with you people, is it?