Dubbing Differences

In many countries voice actors are providing their voices for movies and television in other foreign language versions. The dubbed versions are well made and very true to the original.

But sometimes this causes certain variations in the translation of the show. Jokes are often adapted or there are name changes due to understanding or there are differences because of the uneven length of the languages.

Sometimes small errors have slipped in or there are other mistakes or differences between the original and a dubbed version, too.

Please help us and let us know, what you discovered.

#101 Pilot

No teasing in Spanish

Original Version:
MARIA: Oh, and Max Evans is staring at you again.
LIZ: No way. Maria, that is so in your imagination.
LIZ: Max Evans? This? No, un uh..it’s not…
MARIA: And with those cheeks! Preciosita tan linda!

German Translation:
MARIA: Oh, und Max Evans starrt Dich schon wieder an.
LIZ: Niemals. Maria, das hast Du Dir nur eingebildet. Max Evans? Und das hier? Nein.
MARIA: Ohh.. was stimmt mit Deinem Kinn denn nun wieder nicht? Du süßes kleines Schäfchen.

Differences: In this scene Maria teases Liz in Spanish: Preciosita tan linda!. In the German version Maria asks Liz “Ohh.. what’s wrong with your cheek?” and she adds “You cute little lamp.”

Faster Out Of Prison

In the german translation of the show, Mr. and Mrs. Evans would have Max out of prison in half an hour according to the translation.

Original Version:
VALENTI: No, your parents would have you out in an hour. Let me tell you something. I’m gonna find out what the truth is. You can count on it. You’re a real smart guy Max. Well, so am I.

German Translation:
VALENTI: Nein. Deine Eltern haben Dich in einer halben Stunde wieder draußen. Aber ich werde Dir was sagen. Ich werde die Wahrheit herausfinden. Darauf kannst Du Dich verlassen. Du bist ein ganz Schlauer, Max. Aber das bin ich auch.

#210 A Roswell Christmas Carol

Isabel’s nickname the Christmas Nazi is not used in Germany. She simply is ‘the Weihnachtsschreck‘. This means she’s the Christmas Nightmare.