
Soap Star likes Roswell

Thanks to my friend Ang for this :)

I was going over a chat transcript that Kristina Cisco who plays Abigail on
As The World Turns did on April 30th and she mentioned Roswell in the chat.

What are your favorite television shows?

Terri: I love Sex & the City and I can’t wait for the next season, and I’m
into The Sopranos lately. And I always seem to get sucked into VH1 Behind
the Music, no matter who it’s about because I love that show. And the same
thing with Inside the Actor’s Studio. It’s so interesting to see what people
have gone through in their life both personally and professionally.
Kristina: I agree with Terri, Inside the Actors Studio on Bravo. Nobody
takes the same road. I also keep the E! Channel on all day. My guilty
pleasures are the WB Shows, Roswell and Popular. I’m taping Roswell at this
very moment.