Roswell Mini-Reunion & Something Is Brewing
“Unconfirmed reports of vandalized brick walls, blinking light posts, multiple car alarms and sparkling parking meters in the immediate vicinity of this bar…”, commented Leonard on our Facebook post about the photo Brendan Fehr shared some hours ago with his former “Roswell” cast members Majandra Delfino, Nick Wechsler and Jason Behr.
He’s refering to the season one episode “Blind Date” in which Max shows an alien incompatibility to alcohol or let’s say he gets super-drunk super-fast and we also remember Michael’s reaction to beer in “A Tale of two parties”, when both fictional characters might have been a little fuzzy, too…
A mini Roswell reunion took place recently
At first, fans got to see an all blurry photo and he tweeted along “Me & the stragglers… ”. Three hours and thousands fan theories later, he finally revealed the sharp version of the photo asking: “Is it the 18 years that made things a little fuzzy or the vodka/tequila/mescal/sake? Doesn’t really matter…”.
The new photo seems to be taken on the same day like the “Something’s brewing & it ain’t coffee.” photo that was released a week ago and which Majandra captured the photo “Schemers”, when she added it to her Instagram. “OG’s ” was the description Brendan used on Twitter.
Our fingers are crossed that some tea is brewing… BTW, our #RoswellRealTimeRewatch continues on February 9th at 5 PM EDT with “Blind Date”, when we are live tweeting this episode. Join us and please make sure to add #WhatsSoGreatAboutNormal to all your episode related posts.
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Me & the stragglers…
— Brendan Fehr (@unrealfehr) February 7, 2018
— Brendan Fehr (@unrealfehr) January 31, 2018