
Vasquez Rocks‬ #RememberRoswell

Brendan’s “Night Shift”‬ co-star Eoin Macken is currently filming at a pretty familiar location… Vasquez Rocks‬.

This made us #RememberRoswell.

The rock formations have been used as a setting for key scenes on “Roswell”. The pod chamber as well as the Granilith are located there and many location shots were made in this ara.

Did you know that you can own the Vasquez Rocks‬ as a mini sculpture, too?

Roswell 10/2/00 recently discovered a great website and she shared it with us on Twitter. She wrote “You can buy the Pod Chamber aka Vasquez Rocks in the form of a mini sculpture! #RememberRoswell

That’s pretty cool. Learn more by visiting this website:

BTW, did you know that John Doe’s (Mr. Parker on Roswell) used the infamous rocks in his album artwork in 2011, as well. Read more in the archive: John Doe Released A New Album – Roswell Mentioning

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