Two movies of Jason at Berlinale
“D-War” with Jason Behr and Amanda Brooks aired today on this years opening day of the german filmfestival Berlinale. The movie by director Hyung-rae Shim will be shown on sunday, February 11 on 9.30 a.m. a second time at CineStar.
Besides the fantasy movie “D-War”, another project of Jason is going to premiere in Germany. The horror film “Skinwalkers” will be introduced, too.
So, 11.02.2007, 09:30 a.m., CineStar 3Skinwalkers
Mo, 12.02.2007, 15:05 p.m, dffb-Kino
Mi, 14.02.2007, 10:00 a.m., Marriott 3
The festival opened today and it ends on February 18, 2007.