Tina’s B+T Package ROCKS

Roswell Easter Egg

Follow Tina on Twitter: @Winnie21

When and how did you find out about B+T?
I joined the Bring Roswell Back group many months ago and joined the B&T campaign the second it was brought to our attention via the group and Majandra and Brendan’s Twitter posts!!

From which country in the world did you join the campaign?

Favorite Tweets:
These are a couple of favorite tweets of my own.  I took great care in the tweets that I posted in order to show how much this campaign meant to me.  Roswell and anything that has to do with it is very important to me and I will do whatever I can to help make sure it lives on… in any way possible.

One more thing…. Mr. Fehr was the first person to like my tweet about the package I sent to Netflix… that was a super huge thrill for me and makes this must that more worth while!!!!

Favorite Tweets

Package Photo

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