
Article About Nick From Suosikki Magazine N:o 6/01

Thanks to Mikko for this :)

From: Suosikki 6/01 Text: Marika Saastamoinen Pics: MTV3

Nick Wechsler: Seriously Funny Man

When you ask which person is the most funniest of all? from casts and filming group of Roswell you will get just one answer from all of them:
– Nick Wechsler

At Roswell Nick`s character is Kyle Valenti. Nick is a great comedian. Nick can make everyone to feel easy at the filming days and he help others to manage long days at work – by the power of laught

– Nick is a craziest guy on earth. Sometime I think is he totally insane? I can`t image which part of the brain he finds out all those things has Brendan Fehr joked.
– I do not put fart pillow under anybody or something like that. I just try to get people to laught and usually I do not even manage to get them laught. At most times they just laught how stupid I am and not to my jokes. Then I go mope alone in my camping trailer… Nick has said at faithful for his style.
At he`s days of childhood Nick leaned to gain attention to himself by entertaining others. At the side of laughing for himself there goes hard self criticism and perspicacity on his own skills.
– I am never satisfied to my acting. When I am acting I really hate myself. I do my best every time, but I still have lot to learn

At The City Of Stars

After school Nick moved to Hollywood. Competition on showbussiness with other talented and good looked actors started. Before the big opportunity Nick did work in: post office, record store and video rental store. He has said afterwards that the first year at Los Angeles was hard and lonely.
Nick first big role was on TV-serie called “Team Knight Rider”
– Everyone who has seen the serie know it was not so good, but some of the viewers liked it and I did have fun doing it. It did look fine on papers when I have some experience on TV- series.
Playing of popular serie did grow Nick`s self – confidence
– And the more bad movies I did see, the more I started to think that I could do that thing better! You are a better actor if you have self-confidence. I know many bad actors who are rude. Rudeness helps them to success better. They do not believe they can fail. They do not give a room for it.
After a couple of small movie roles Nick encourages to try to get a part from Roswell. hard-working youngster learned words for four different roles.
– At the beginnig I tried to get part of Alex, which Colin Hanks did get. Then I did get phone call and they told me to try again – this time role of sheriff`s son. The more I advanced on elimination, the more uncertain did I get: They do not hire me. How could I get the role? I am just a ordinary guy from New Mexico.
Nick could not be more wrong…

“I Am Fearing Crazy Fans”

Hollywood has made Nick more carefully. Countyboy has learned at the ways of big city and has get us to that when you are a famous you have be carefully with some fortune hunters and cheaters.
– Fortunately I have never meet that kind of crazy person which mixes me with my character. I am fearing it. I try to be nice to my fans. I shake hands, hug and give autographs to them even it feels kind of odd when people ask them: what?? Do you really want my autograph??
Nick character on Roswell hampers the life of aliens. Kyle Valenti is Liz ex-boyfriend, who in he`s jealousy get`s in the line of fire with Max. The relationship between Nick and Kyle is conflicting. Nick has said that he likes Kyle and he can identify with his character but sometimes criticism get on the air:
– Sometimes Kyle is a real jerk. He is long angry ja too much black and white. I am looking foward to develope Kyle. I want to make him more real. But it is up to writers. I think the best thing about Kyle is that he is absolutely good looking guy, Nick jokes.

” I Want To Have Searious Roles”

Like other Roswell casts, Nick has not get on Hollywood celebsrally. At his freetime he practise volleyball, walks on the beach and enjoys to spend time on home.
Nick follows X-files. In someday he would like to meet David Duchovny who plays Fox Mulder at X-files.
– Someday I would like to be a guess star in X-files. But I do not ask my agent to get me a part in it. I want to earn it.
Nick thinks that you can get a better actor only with hard working and continous developing
– When I meet my old friends at Albuquerque they says: And you did go to Hollywood to party, Mister Hollywood! That is not true. I am in Los Angeles because I want to act. I want serious parts in movies, but I fear to death that I stuck on the role of school boy.